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Thirteen patients with metastatic breast carcinoma were given injections of 50-1593 micrograms of 131I-monoclonal antibody (MAb) B6.2 immunoglobulin G and F(ab')2 for pharmacokinetic evaluation and radioimmunoimaging. Blood clearance of the 131I-MAb-B6.2 was biphasic. The mean half-times (t 1/2 alpha, t 1/2 beta) for the immunoglobulin G were 3.5 +/- 1.7 and 20.9 +/- 11.0 h, respectively. The t 1/2 alpha for the F(ab')2 was 1.7 +/- 1.3 h, and the t 1/2 beta was 31.0 +/- 5.7 h. The percentage of protein bound 131I for the immunoglobulin G and for the F(ab')2 at 72 h was 73.7 +/- 11.4% and 58.2 +/- 14.5%, respectively. In vitro reactivity of MAb B6.2 with granulocytes isolated from normal subjects and patients was demonstrated by cytofluorometric and radioimmunoassays. MAb B6.2 was shown to bind with normal cross-reacting antigen, a cell surface antigen known to be expressed on normal human granulocytes. Reactivity with normal cross-reacting antigen on granulocytes is consistent with the skeletal images obtained during immunoscintigraphy of all 13 patients. A specific tumor image was observed in one patient. No toxicity was encountered. In spite of extensive preclinical data suggesting that 131I-MAb B6.2 would be a useful agent for radioimmunoimaging, the clinical utility of this reagent is probably limited because of the reactivity with granulocytes.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated, using in vitro assays, a high degree of selective binding of monoclonal antibody (MAb) B72.3 for carcinomas of the colon, ovary, and breast versus normal adult tissues using in vitro assays. We report here a demonstration of selective tumor localization in colorectal cancer patients of i.v. administered 131I-labeled MAb B72.3 immunoglobulin G prior to surgery. Radiolocalization indices (RI) were obtained by direct analyses of biopsy materials (i.e., cpm of 131I-labeled MAb per g of tumor versus cpm per g of normal tissues). Using as a "positive" localization, RI of 3 times greater than normal tissue (i.e., RI greater than 3.0), tumor lesions in various sites from 17 of 20 patients scored positive. In eight of these patients, all tumor lesions demonstrated RIs of greater than 3, while in five patients RIs of some lesions were greater than 10 and as high as 30 to 46. Seventy % (99 of 142) of tumor lesions showed RIs of greater than 3, while only 12 of 210 histologically confirmed normal tissues examined showed RIs of greater than 3. These tissues, moreover, were either adjacent to tumor or draining tumor masses, or, as in the case of two patients, apparently due to high levels of circulating immune complexes that were deposited in the spleen. Positive gamma scans (confirmed at surgery) were observed in 14 of 27 patients. An isotype-identical control immunoglobulin G was coinjected and showed RIs considerably lower than that of B72.3. No toxicity or adverse reaction was observed with either MAb. These studies are among the most comprehensive to date concerning the definition of the actual delivery of radiolabeled MAb to carcinoma lesions versus a wide range of adjacent and distal normal tissues and lead the way for other diagnostic and potential therapeutic applications of this antibody either alone, or in combinations with other monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

BAT monoclonal antibody exhibited anti-tumor activity mediated by T and NK cells. We have evaluated the efficacy of murine and humanized BAT for the treatment of human colorectal carcinoma liver metastases in nude mice. HM7, a human colorectal carcinoma was injected into the spleen to colonize the liver. A single intravenous administration of both BAT antibodies significantly reduced the number of metastases and liver weights. Histological examinations demonstrated lymphocyte accumulation near remnant tumors and in tumor-free tissues of BAT treated mice. The efficacy of humanized BAT in the regression of hepatic metastases in human colorectal carcinoma has potential clinical use.  相似文献   

H-15 (HT-29-15) is an IgG1 mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) to a cell surface antigen (molecular mass, 200,000 daltons) present on virtually all colorectal cancers and also in normal pancreatic ducts and bile ducts, but not in other normal tissues. The biological distribution and imaging characteristics of iodine-131 (131I)-labeled mAb H-15 were studied in 5 primary colorectal cancer patients and 9 patients with local recurrence of colorectal cancer. H-15 mAb labeled with 0.5-10 mCi of 131I was administered 7 to 8 days before surgery at 4 dose levels, ranging from 0.2 to 6 mg. Selective mAb H-15 localization to tumor tissues was demonstrated in 6 of 12 patients with antigen-positive tumors: in two patients, recurrent tumors were negative to H-15 mAb, although the primary tumors were positive. In six patients with positive radioimaging, tumor:normal tissue ratios ranged from 2.05 to 5.35 and tumor:serum ratios from 1.18 to 2.73. The clarity of images seems to correlate well with the latter ratios. Technetium-99 (99mTc)-albumin blood pool studies in selected cases showed that local recurrence of colorectal cancers was hypovascular, emphasizing the selective localization of mAb H-15 despite poor blood flow distribution in the tumors. The results altogether demonstrated that radioimmunodetection with 131I mAb H-15 is valuable for differentiating recurrent colorectal cancer from granuloma formation after surgery.  相似文献   

A syngeneic anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody (MAb) (CM-11) directed against an anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) murine MAb (NP-4) was evaluated as a second antibody (SA) to promote the rapid clearance of radiolabeled NP-4 from the blood. Initial studies confirmed that CM-11 IgG removed 131I-NP-4 IgG from the blood as effectively as a polyclonal donkey anti-goat IgG removed 131I-goat IgG. However, use of an F(ab')2 in place of either the NP-4 or CM-11 IgG was not as effective in removing primary radiolabeled antibody, despite the formation of high-molecular-weight complexes. In accordance with previous results, the timing and dose of the SA injection was critical for optimizing tumor uptake and improving tumor/non-tumor ratios. In nude mice bearing GW-39 human colonic tumor xenografts, a delay in the injection of CM-11 by 48 hr after injection of radiolabeled NP-4 was optimal, since this allowed maximum tumor accretion. At a 200:1 CM-11:NP-4 ratio, tumor uptake was reduced, suggesting inhibition of NP-4 binding to CEA within the tumor. Despite optimizing tumor uptake by delaying SA injection and adjusting its dose, the percentage of 131I-NP-4 in the tumor decreased 2- to 3-fold within 2 days after CM-11 injection. A similar effect was seen for 111In-labeled NP-4 IgG with CM-11. Injection of excess unlabeled NP-4 given to block CM-11 shortly after its injection failed to curtail the loss of NP-4 from the tumor. Our results suggest that high blood levels of MAb are important for sustaining NP-4 in the tumor. Radiation-dose predictions derived from biodistribution studies indicate that a higher tumor dose may be delivered using the SA method than with either 131I-NP-4 IgG or F(ab')2 alone. Use of the SA method with 90Y-labeled NP-4 IgG, as modeled from biodistribution studies with 111In-NP-4 IgG, would likely be limited by liver toxicity.  相似文献   

K Endo  H Kamma  T Ogata 《Cancer research》1987,47(20):5427-5432
A monoclonal antibody (MAb) 8 [immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3)], directed against a Mr 48,000 human lung cancer-associated antigen, was radiolabeled with either 125I or 131I, and its biodistribution was studied in nude mice bearing human lung cancer (TKB-2) over a 7-day period. 125I-labeled MAb 8 increased its binding to the tumor during the period, while the binding of 125I-labeled control IgG3 declined after initial uptake. At Day 7, percentages of injected dose of 125I-labeled MAb 8 bound to the tumor rose to 7.4%, which was a 4.4-fold increase from Day 1 and 16-fold binding of 125I-labeled control IgG3 at the same day. Tumor:blood ratios became 2.7:1 at Day 7, and tumor:liver, tumor:spleen, and tumor:kidney ratios were more than 9:1. Normal organs showed no significant uptake of 125I-labeled MAb 8, compared with those of 125I-labeled control IgG3. A clear image of the xenografted tumor was obtained at Day 5, and it further improved at Day 7, when 60% of whole body radioactivity was localized to the tumor. Autoradiography of the mouse with tumor confirmed the excellent localization of 125I-labeled MAb 8 to the tumor, although the radioactivity of the tumor was not uniformly distributed. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that most of the radioactivity was present at the tumor in the form of degraded immunoglobulin. MAb 8 has a potential usefulness in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.  相似文献   

In realistic models of human tumor xenograft metastasis, the metastatic foci arise in perivascular sites and rarely grow to sizes which are easily quantifiable by visual inspection. As an alternative approach, we have used monoclonal antibody (MAb) 17-1A F(ab')2 fragments labelled with radioiodine (125I) to study the differential accumulation of label in xenografts and metastatic tumor sites as well as in noninvolved tissues of NIH Swiss nude mice receiving HT-29 human colon tumor cells. Images of the whole-body distribution and sites of localization were determined using a pinhole-collimated Angergamma camera. Radioactivity was determined in tissue samples using a well scintillation system, and pharmacokinetics were assessed during the initial 72 h after injection of antibody fragments. The half-life of 125I-F(ab')2 fragments in the blood, 8.6 h, was similar in nontumor-bearing control and tumor-bearing mice. The half-life in subcutaneous tumor xenografts was 30.1 h. The tumor xenograft to tissue activity ratios per unit weight (radiolocalization indices) at 72 h were: blood 90, lung 65, pancreas 50, muscle 35, spleen 20, liver and mesenteric lymph node 10. All subcutaneous xenografts were successfully imaged, and images of 5 of 9 mice (55%) appeared to demonstrate the presence of metastatic tumor by differential and focal accumulation of MAb fragments after 48 or 72 h in the lung (2 cases) or abdominal cavity (3 cases). Necropsy and subsequent histological and biodistribution studies confirmed the presence of metastatic tumor in these sites and identified tumor in several additional sites. The smallest volume of metastatic tissue in liver or lung determined at necropsy which appeared to have been detected by imaging was about 20 mm3. Generally, for mice with metastatic tumors, the radioactivity per unit weight of metastatic tumor-bearing organs compared to tumor-free organs was 2- to 7-fold greater. The results indicate that a radiolocalization index of > or = 2 is generally necessary for metastatic tumor detection by imaging although this is influenced by the extent of anatomical location of the tumor. It was possible to predict the tissue distribution of the fragments from the planar image for the amounts of radioactivity (approximately 1 mCi/kg body weight) employed in this study. These results demonstrate the utility of this approach to quantitate the metastatic burden arising from human colon tumor xenografts in this experimental model.  相似文献   

An anti-carcinoembryonic antigen murine monoclonal antibody designated NP-4, and its F(ab')2 and Fab' fragments, were coupled to the 1/1 mixture of 1-isothiocyanato-benzyl-3-methyl- and 1-methyl-3-isothiocyanato-benzyl-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid chelate and labeled with 111In or 88Y. Biodistribution studies in nude mice bearing a human colonic tumor xenograft were performed with these labeled conjugates, and comparisons were made to unconjugated NP-4 IgG and fragments labeled with 131I. Regardless of the labeling method, higher tumor uptake was found with the intact IgG than with the fragments, but due to faster blood clearance, tumor/blood ratios were higher for the fragments than for the IgG. Tumor uptake for the radiometal-labeled NP-4 was generally higher than the 131I-labeled NP-4. Tumor/nontumor ratios for the liver, kidney, and spleen were higher for the 111In- and 88Y-labeled NP-4 IgG than the respective radiometal-labeled fragments, but tumor/nontumor ratios for the 131I-NP-4 fragments were higher than the 131I-NP-4 IgG. Radiometal uptake in the kidney was approximately 8 and 150 times higher than the 131I-NP-4 F(ab')2 and Fab', respectively, and the clearance of radiometal activity in the kidneys was approximately 10 times slower than the radioiodine. Quantitation of 88Y or 111In activity in the femur showed 3-5%/g for the IgG and F(ab')2 and only 1-2%/g for the Fab'. The amount of radioactivity in the femur remained constant over time, and between 60 and 100% of the 88Y activity remained after flushing the core of the femur with saline, whereas 50-70% of the 111In and only 25-30% of the 131I activity remained after washing. Radiation dose estimates derived from these studies suggest that at the maximal tolerated dose 131I-NP-4 IgG would deliver 5.9 times the dose to the tumor as 90Y-labeled NP-4 IgG. 90Y-labeled fragments would not be useful due to higher doses to the kidneys than to the tumor. However, with 131I-labeled IgG and fragments there is greater flexibility to permit tumoricidal doses without excessive toxicity to the normal tissues.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MAb), 4D5, specifically recognising an extracellular epitope of the c-ErbB-2 protein, inhibited the growth of human gastric cancer overexpressing c-ErbB-2 severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. This antibody also reduced the mass of established tumours xenografted into SCID mice, whereas gastric cancer not expressing c-ErbB-2 exhibited no regression in response to 4D5 treatment. In addition, administration of 4D5 prevented colonisation of cancer cells and prolonged the survival of host SCID mice inoculated i.v. with c-ErbB-2-overexpressing tumour cells. This is the first reported study to show that treatment with a single antibody specific to c-ErbB-2 prolongs the survival of host SCID mice bearing xenotransplanted tumours.  相似文献   

125I-labeled monoclonal antibody 19-24 (mouse isotype IgG1) was evaluated for its potential usefulness in the clinical radioimmunodetection of sarcoma. The antibody reacts with a cell surface antigen preferentially expressed in many human soft tissue and bone sarcomas. Chromatographic and electrophoretic analyses indicated that the labeled preparation was relatively pure. Binding studies in vitro demonstrated that specificity for antigen was retained after iodination and indicated that the labeled antibody possessed an immunoreactivity in excess of 90% and a binding constant of 8.1 X 10(9) M-1. When administered to athymic NCr-nu/nu mice bearing 1-cm diameter human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 xenografts, the labeled antibody preferentially localized in tumor deposits. Maximum tumor-to-blood radioactivity ratios (2.2-3.4) were obtained 7 days after antibody injection. Specificity of the localization was confirmed with a control mouse IgG1 antibody and by using a nonreactive xenograft. Distinct tumor images were obtained by gamma camera without the use of subtraction techniques, demonstrating the possible clinical utility of the labeled antibody.  相似文献   

A Vacca  F Buchegger  S Carrel  J P Mach 《Cancer》1988,61(1):58-67
Monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) that react with the T-lymphocyte markers called cluster of differentiation CD5 and CD2 were labeled with iodine 131 (131I) and were injected intravenously in nude mice bearing solid subcutaneous xenografts derived from the human T-cell leukemia line Ichikawa. Both MoAb anti-CD5 and anti-CD2 yielded favorable mean tumor to whole-body ratios of 3.8 and 5.1, respectively. These ratios were further increased up to 10.0 for MoAb anti-CD5 and 15.5 for MoAb anti-CD2 by using their F(ab')2 fragments. The tumors could be imaged clearly by external scanning after injection of F(ab')2 fragments from both MoAb. F(ab')2 fragments from MoAb anti-CD2 and of a third MoAb recognizing the clonotypic determinant (Ti) of the antigen receptor expressed by the human T-cell line Jurkat were injected in mice bearing intrasplenic Jurkat xenografts. A selective localization of both fragments in tumor tissue was demonstrated with mean tumor to whole-body ratios of 7.5 and 4.1 for MoAb anti-CD2 and anti-Ti, respectively. These in vivo experimental results may provide useful information for the potential use of radiolabeled MoAb and fragments in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with T-cell lymphoma and different other forms of T-cell malignancies.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is one of the most important angiogenic factors. Here, we studied in a nude mouse model whether the expression of VEGF-A in a tumor could be imaged with a radiolabeled anti-VEGF antibody. The humanized anti-VEGF-A antibody A.4.6.1. (bevacizumab), which is reactive with all VEGF-A isoforms, was radiolabeled with In-111 or with I-125. The accumulation of the radiolabeled antibodies in VEGF-A expressing tumors (LS174T) in nude mice was examined in biodistribution studies and by gamma camera imaging. The uptake of the In-111-bevacizumab in the tumor at 3 days p.i. was significantly higher than that of I-125-bevacizumab (19.4 +/- 7.0 %ID/g vs. 9.6 +/- 3.3 %ID/g, p = 0.04). Coinjection of an excess unlabeled antibody resulted in a significant decrease in radioactivity concentration in the tumor (<2.9 +/- 1.9 %ID/g, p < 0.005), indicating VEGF-mediated antibody uptake. Highest uptake in the tumor was observed at relatively low antibody protein doses (<3 microg) (20-25 %ID/g). VEGF-A-expressing tumors could be clearly visualized on planar scintigraphic images from 24-hr post injection onwards. In conclusion, VEGF-A expression in tumors can be visualized specifically with radiolabeled anti-VEGF-A-mAb.  相似文献   

The therapeutic potential of radiolabeled antibodies is usually evaluated in experimental animal models bearing s.c. xenografts. We have established a micrometastatic model of the GW-39 human colonic carcinoma in the nude mouse lung (J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 83: 627-632, 1991) and presented preliminary findings on the efficacy of a 131I-anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibody in this model. We now extend our observations on the use of radioiodinated labeled monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to treat multiple small tumor nodules. Biodistribution and dosimetry analysis was performed for intact and F(ab')2 of NP-4 anti-CEA IgG, Mu-9 anti-colon-specific antigen IgG, isotype-matched irrelevant anti-AFP IgG, and intact MAb 34A anti-lung endothelial IgG antibody. Comparisons were made for rad dose delivered to small s.c. tumors, normal lung, lung with tumor nodules, and isolated tumor nodules. Survival curves were generated for tumor-bearing animals treated 1, 7, or 14 days after tumor cell implantation with these antibodies using the maximal tolerated dose for intact antibodies (275 microCi) and for F(ab')2 fragments (1.2 mCi). The studies established the following observations: (a) in contrast to previous results in a bulky tumor model in hamsters, intact antibodies are more therapeutic than MAb fragments for both NP-4 and Mu-9; (b) tumor nodule size, even on the microscopic level, affects therapeutic outcome; antibodies were more effective when administered 7 days postimplantation (mean nodule diameter, 150 microns) compared with treatment 14 days postimplantation (mean nodule diameter, 750 microns); (c) administration of radioiodinated Mu-9 was exquisitely effective on single avascular tumor cells that had seeded in lung; irrelevant antibody was minimally radiotoxic; (d) as in the bulky disease model, the anti-colon-specific antigen p antibody delivers a higher rad dose than the anti-CEA antibody and is significantly more therapeutic in the micrometastasis model; (e) a higher affinity anti-CEA antibody (MN-14) recognizing the same epitope on CEA as NP-4 was equally therapeutic; (f) the use of MAb directed against the lung endothelium was not as therapeutic as a tumor-associated antibody; and (g) all tumor-associated antibodies were more efficacious than administration of the maximal tolerated dose of 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin in this human tumor-xenograft model. These results provide further support for the use of radioimmunotherapy in the handling of minimal disease, probably as part of an adjuvant treatment regimen.  相似文献   

Anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody (MAb) CEA102 was produced by immunization with purified CEA and the specific accumulation of radiolabeled CEA102 in colorectal cancers was investigated by autoradiography of surgical specimens using Fuji Computed Radiography (FCR). Five patients with colorectal cancer were injected intravenously with 131I-labeled intact CEA102 or its F(ab')2. Primary tumor and liver metastases were successfully detected by external scanning with a gamma camera in 4 cases. Autoradiographic study of the surgical specimens using FCR showed predominant localization of 131I-labeled CEA102 in primary tumors and liver metastases in all cases. Even a small liver metastasis (0.5 cm) was clearly visualized in the autoradiogram by FCR. The pixel distribution curves of the density of the respective tissues in the autoradiograms by FCR showed the heterogeneity of the distribution of administered radiolabeled MAb in individual tumors, but the density of the tumors was higher than that of the normal tissues. In the quantitative distribution analysis of CEA102, the uptake of the primary tumor (mean 1.10%ID/kg) was ten-fold greater than that of the normal colon mucosa (mean 0.10%ID/kg). These results revealed that the application of MAb has great potential in radioimmunodetection as well as in antibody-directed therapy.  相似文献   

A human B-cell lymphoma xenograft model was used to test whether the administration of unlabeled MoAb prior to injection of radiolabeled monoclonal antibody (MoAb) improves delivery of the radiolabeled MoAb to tumor prior to testing in clinical radioimmunotherapy trials. The anti-B1/CD20 pan-B-cell MoAb reactive with human B-cell lymphomas and leukemias but not reactive with mouse B-cells was used in this study. Athymic nude mice bearing human Raji Burkitt lymphoma xenografts were given injections of 2.5 muCi (0.3 microgram) 131I-labeled anti-B1 with or without a 2-h prior single injection of 100 micrograms of unlabeled anti-B1 antibody. Four days later the animals given injections of 131I-labeled anti-B1 and the unlabeled anti-B1 predose had a tumor uptake of 12.72 +/- 1.17% (SEM) of injected dose/g which was 44% greater than the animals receiving the 131I-labeled anti-B1 alone (P = 0.014). The uptake in most normal tissues was unchanged, although the blood level of 131I-labeled anti-B1 appeared to be greater following unlabeled anti-B1 predosing (P = 0.067). Predosing with isotype matched irrelevant MoAb did not result in a greater tumor uptake or blood concentration of 131I-labeled anti-B1 compared to the administration of 131I-labeled anti-B1 alone. In studies using 111In-labeled anti-B1, the effect of unlabeled antibody predosing was more pronounced. For animals given injections of 4.5 muCi (0.4 microgram) 111In-labeled anti-B1 and the unlabeled anti-B1 predose, the uptake in tumor was 12.37 +/- 2.07% of injected dose/g which was 162% greater than the animals receiving the 111In-labeled anti-B1 alone (P = 0.009). Predosing decreased 111In-labeled anti-B1 uptake in spleen, while the blood level was significantly greater. Predosing was more effective than simultaneous injection in improving tumor delivery. When tumor-bearing mice were either simultaneously given injections of 36 micrograms of unlabeled anti-B1 and 4 micrograms 111In-labeled anti-B1 or were given preinjections of 36 micrograms unlabeled anti-B1 3 h prior to injection of 4 micrograms 111In-labeled anti-B1, tumor uptake 3 days later was 1.3-fold higher in the animals which received the preinjection of unlabeled antibody (P = 0.011). As the quantity of unlabeled anti-B1 was increased (36, 96, 996 micrograms) in the predose, significantly greater uptake in tumor was observed, although this uptake appeared to plateau at the highest predoses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We studied the efficiency of a standard-kit preparation using 1 mg 111In-labeled 96.5 monoclonal antibody in combination with 19 mg of unlabeled antibody in the diagnostic imaging of 27 patients with documented metastatic melanoma. Twenty-three of 26 patients (88%) demonstrated immunoscintigraphic localization of tumor. Of 104 metastatic sites previously documented by conventional studies, 62 (60%) were identified by immunoscintigraphy. A total of 77 sites demonstrated localization of radiolabeled antibody. Fifty-four (70%) corresponded to known sites of disease; eight sites (10%) were "discovered" by immunoscintigraphy and subsequently confirmed by conventional studies; 15 imaged sites (20%) could not be confirmed by conventional studies. Size and location of metastasis appear to be important features that influence imaging efficiency. Tumor size (greater than or equal to 2 cm v less than 2 cm) appears to be the statistical dominant determinant. The feasibility and potential clinical use of radioimmune imaging of tumors is discussed.  相似文献   

For the evaluation of the clinical usefulness of monoclonal antibodies as diagnostic or therapeutic reagents, tumor localization must be clearly demonstrated in an experimental model. In this report, nude mice carrying two human tumor xenografts--a colon carcinoma (Colo 205) and a melanoma (Colo 239)--were given ip injections of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibody 250-30.6, which reacted specifically with the colon carcinoma but not with the melanoma, was labeled with 125I, while a second monoclonal antibody of similar immunoglobulin subclass, but unreactive with either cell type, was labeled with 131I. Both antibodies were injected simultaneously, and either the mice were scanned with a gamma camera or their tissues were removed and the localization of radiolabeled antibody was calculated with the use of localization index (LI)--the ratio of the tissue to blood distribution for each isotope. The studies showed that specific localization had occurred, there being a colon tumor LI of 6 at 2 days. Tumors of 150-300 mg (mean diameter, 6 mm) and with an LI as low as 1.5 could be successfully imaged after computer-assisted background subtraction. This study demonstrated that relatively small human tumor xenografts in the nude mouse can be specifically detected with the use of paired monoclonal antibodies, each labeled with a different isotope.  相似文献   

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