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Parasitology Research - Northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) are a highly sought-after game bird in the Rolling Plains of West Texas. Unfortunately, bobwhite populations in this area are...  相似文献   

Rearing with enriched environmental complexity has been shown to enhance spatial exploration and spatial learning, among other benefits. Most studies examining enriched rearing effects have used extended periods of exposure in mammals; little is known about enrichment effects on avian species. We provided objects designed to encourage spatial exploration to socially raised northern bobwhite neonates; controls were socially raised without the enrichment devices. After 3-5 days of exposure, maze performance was assessed for 48 chicks. Chicks in the enriched group showed significantly more spatial activity in the maze than control chicks. These results extend the generality of spatial enrichment effects to birds and to a relatively short duration of enrichment exposure.  相似文献   

Values of serum biochemistry were determined for 120 adult male Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) that were either maintained at thermoneutrality or exposed to thermal stress. Thermal stress did not affect serum aspartate aminotransferase or albumin concentrations. Lacate dehydrogenase and uric acid in serum of cold-stressed birds were greater than concentrations of serum from thermoneutral or heat-stressed birds. Serum triglyceride concentrations of both cold- and heat-stressed birds were higher than concentrations from birds maintained at thermoneutrality. Serum total protein was greater in cold-stressed birds than in heat-stressed birds.  相似文献   

Summary An infectious agent was isolated from the liver of bobwhite quails (Colinus virginianus, L. 1758). The agent was sensitive to chloroform and its multiplication was inhibited by 5-iodine-2-deoxy-uridine. It passed filters with a pore diameter of 220 nm and more but not 100 nm filters. Electron microscopic examination revealed numerous nucleocapsids with hollow capsomeres and few enveloped particles in the supernatant fluids of infected cultures. The nucleocapsids were calculated to have 162 capsomeres on their surface. Using the plaque reduction method for neutralization tests no serological cross reactions could be detected between the quail isolate and sera against Marek's disease virus, turkey herpesvirus (HV), duck enteritis HV, infectious laryngotracheitis HV, amazon parrot HV, great horned owl HV, eagle owl HV, snowy owl HV, falcon HV, pigeon HV, Lake Victoria Cormorant HV, and stork HV. The isolate from bobwhite quail did only cross-react with antiserum against crane HV. It is concluded that the isolated virus is a member of the avian herpesvirus group and it is proposed to tentatively term it herpesvirus colinum (fromColinus virginianus = bobwhite quail).With 1 Figure  相似文献   

The Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) is the avian model of choice for testing the reproductive impairment potential of pesticides and environmental contaminants. While the literature contains numerous reports on the effects of pesticides on eggshell development for quail, mallards and other avian species (Haegele and Tucker, 1974; Kolaja, 1977; Jenkins et al., 1974) limited control data for reproductive evaluation of pesticides can be found. This paper summarizes the control data from three one-generation reproductive studies in Bobwhite quail. One male and two female adult quail were housed in clean pens with tap water and game bird breeder ration available ad libitum. The pre-laying cycle was ten weeks in duration. The photoperiod was seven hours of light per day for the first eight weeks and was increased to 17 hours of light per day in order to induce egg laying. Eggs were collected daily for eight weeks and incubated. Biweekly, one egg from each pen was removed and used for determination of eggshell thickness. The mean reproductive indices for these studies are: Eggs cracked/Eggs laid--8.2%, Viable 11-day embryos/Eggs set--73.6%, Viable 21-day embryos/Viable 14-day embryos--98.9%, Hatchlings/Viable 21-day embryos--82.0%, 14-day survivors/Hatchlings--76.3%. The mean eggshell thickness for 144 eggs was 0.301 mm.  相似文献   

Neonatal studies suggest elevated arousal can negatively influence perceptual and cognitive processes during early development. The authors explored this issue during the prenatal period by pharmacologically elevating physiological arousal in bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) embryos during exposure to a maternal call, then assessing preference for the familiar call following hatching. Embryos receiving norepinephrine showed a prenatal elevation in heart rate and failed to demonstrate a preference for the familiar call following hatching. Embryos not receiving norepinephrine showed no elevation in heart rate and demonstrated a preference for the familiar call. These results indicate elevated arousal can interfere with perceptual learning during the prenatal period and provide additional evidence for an optimal window of arousal necessary to foster species-typical perceptual functioning during early development.  相似文献   

Precocial avian hatchlings are typically highly social and show strong species-typical preferences for the maternal calls of their own species. The influence of social contingencies on the acquisition of species-specific preferences has, however, largely been neglected. We found that exposing bobwhite (BW) quail chicks to a Japanese quail (JQ) call contingent on their own vocalizations for 5 min was sufficient to eliminate their species-typical preference for the BW maternal call. Yoked, noncontingent exposure had no such effect. The introduction of variability to the contingency, but not a lengthening of the training session, was found to engender even higher preferences for the JQ call. Chicks provided with contingent exposure to the JQ call on a variable ratio schedule showed a significant preference for the JQ over the BW maternal call, whereas chicks provided with equivalent fixed ratio exposure did not. These results highlight the role that social interaction and contingency can play in the acquisition and maintenance of species-specific auditory preferences in precocial avian species.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of prenatal sensory experience on the development of turning bias in a precocial avian species (bobwhite quail). Control tests with naive bobwhite quail chicks revealed a left-side turning bias in 85% of subjects. Such large population biases are considered unusual in nonhuman species. Experiments 1, 2, and 3 demonstrated that prenatal visual experience is a significant contributor to this population level left-side turning bias in bobwhite quail chicks. In contrast, prenatal auditory experience did not appear to significantly influence the development of postnatal turning bias. The findings of this study are discussed in terms of an epigenetic theory for the development of hemispheric specialization and behavioral asymmetry. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 32: 327–338, 1998  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of prenatal visual stimulation on bobwhite quail embryos' growth and heart rate. No differences in growth rate were found between embryos exposed to visual stimulation during the late prenatal period and control embryos. Embryos exposed to visual stimulation throughout incubation maintained lower heart rates in response to visual stimulation than did naïve embryos. In a subsequent experiment, naïve embryos that underwent an egg‐opening procedure exhibited heart rates that were lower than embryos measured in intact eggshells. Embryos in opened eggs maintained lower heart rates than comparison embryos across time; however, a less invasive egg‐opening procedure led to a quicker heart rate recovery than did a more invasive egg‐opening procedure. These findings indicate that prenatal heart rate responses may be mediated by multiple features of the organism's developmental context, including intensity and duration of sensory stimulation. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psyshobiol 48: 315–324, 2006.  相似文献   


Helminth parasites have been a popular research topic due to their global prevalence and adverse effects on livestock and game species. The Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), a popular game bird in the USA, is one species subject to helminth infection and has been experiencing a decline of > 4% annually over recent decades. In the Rolling Plains Ecoregion of Texas, the eyeworm (Oxyspirura petrowi) and caecal worm (Aulonocephalus pennula) helminths are found to be highly prevalent in bobwhite. While there have been increasing studies on the prevalence, pathology, and phylogeny of the eyeworm and caecal worm, there is still a need to investigate the bobwhite immune response to infection. This study utilizes previously sequenced bobwhite cytokines and toll-like receptors to develop and optimize qPCR primers and measure gene expression in bobwhite intramuscularly challenged with eyeworm and caecal worm glycoproteins. For the challenge experiments, separate treatments of eyeworm and caecal worm glycoproteins were administered to bobwhite on day 1 and day 21. Measurements of primary and secondary immune responses were taken at day 7 and day 28, respectively. Using the successfully optimized qPCR primers for TLR7, IL1β, IL6, IFNα, IFNγ, IL10, and β-actin, the gene expression analysis from the challenge experiments revealed that there was a measurable immune reaction in bobwhite in response to the intramuscular challenge of eyeworm and caecal worm glycoproteins.


Sarcocystis sp. from the muscle of naturally infected whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) was examined by transmission electron microscopy. The primary cyst wall forms regularly spaced protrusions filled with electron-lucent ground substance; no fibrils are present in the protrusions. The cysts are divided by septa into compartments containing typical coccidian metrocytes and merozoites. Taxonomy of the protozoon from the white-tailed deer-dog is discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the mutations at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus in patients with the diagnosis of classic PKU (n=18), hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) variant (n=9) and benign persistent hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) (n=13) who were identified by the Texas Newborn Screening Program. Blinded studies were done by sequencing of the 13 exons and exon-intron boundaries of the PAH gene in genomic DNA isolated from dry blood spots. Thirty-six different mutations, including 25 missense mutations, six splice mutations, three deletions and two nonsense mutations were detected in 75 of the 80 mutant alleles (94%). The prevalent mutations were R408W (19%), V388M and IVS10nt-11g->a (6% each), Y414C (5%) and H170D, A403V, T380M and IVS7nt1g->a (4% each). Two novel missense mutations were identified in exon 5 (H170D and N167S). There was genotype/phenotype correlation in 33/40 cases (83%). For this population, exons 12, 11, 7, 5 and 8, which carry 78% of the mutations, would have to be screened first. However, the other exons must be studied when either one or no mutations are found in the primary screening. Hum Mutat 17:523, 2001.  相似文献   

Field and experimental studies have implicated white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) as probable reservoir hosts for Ehrlichia chaffeensis, the causative agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis, but natural infection in deer has not been confirmed through isolation of E. chaffeensis. Thirty-five white-tailed deer collected from three Amblyomma americanum-infested populations in Georgia were examined for evidence of E. chaffeensis infection by serologic, molecular, cell culture, and xenodiagnostic methods. Twenty-seven deer (77%) had E. chaffeensis-reactive indirect fluorescent-antibody assay titers of > or = 1:64; and the blood, spleens, or lymph nodes of seven (20%) deer were positive in a nested PCR assay with E. chaffeensis-specific primers. E. chaffeensis was isolated in DH82 cell cultures from the blood of five (14%) deer, including two deer that were PCR negative. Combination of culture and PCR results indicated that six (17%) deer were probably rickettsemic and that nine (26%) were probably infected. Restriction digestion of PCR products amplified from deer tissues and cell culture isolates resulted in a banding pattern consistent with the E. chaffeensis 16S rRNA gene sequence. The sequences of all PCR products from deer tissues or cell culture isolates were identical to the sequence of the Arkansas type strain of E. chaffeensis. Xenodiagnosis with C3H mice inoculated intraperitoneally with deer blood, spleen, or lymph node suspensions was unsuccessful. When viewed in the context of previous studies, these findings provide strong evidence that E. chaffeensis is maintained in nature primarily by a tick vector-vertebrate reservoir system consisting of lone star ticks and white-tailed deer.  相似文献   

Zhao  G. H.  Hu  X. F.  Liu  T. L.  Hu  R. S.  Yu  Z. Q.  Yang  W. B.  Wu  Y. L.  Yu  S. K.  Song  J. K. 《Parasitology research》2017,116(8):2327-2333
Parasitology Research - Blastocystis is one common protist inhabiting in gastrointestinal tracts of animals and humans. Examining the subtypes has important implications for assessing the zoonotic...  相似文献   

A new myxosporean species, Myxobolus supamattayai n. sp., was isolated from wild mullet (Valamugil seheli) from the Andaman Sea, Thailand and described based on its morphology and molecular data. The myxosporean produced black plasmodia-like unique clinical sign on the skin with sporogonic stages and mature spores. Polysporous plasmodia, up to 2.5 mm in diameter, were found in epithelium tissue in the scale pocket. The spores measured 6.6 (6.2–7.0) μm in length, 6.5 (6.2–6.7) μm in width, smooth, and round board to ellipsoidal in valvular view. Spores were enclosed with intracapsular process which represents 5–7 and 11–12 in amount revealed in light microscopy and ultrastructure, respectively. The polar capsules were pyriform and of equal size, measuring 3.5 (3.4–3.6) μm in length and 2.0 (1.9–2.2) μm in width, with four to five turns of polar filament arranged perpendicularly to longitudinal axis of the polar capsule. In conclusion, this new species is entirely different from those previously described; however, this finding was assured by the partial sequence of SSU rRNA gene (1,666 bp) analysis that differed from all known species of Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882. The phylogenetic tree of the sequence data sets including those of freshwater and marine of Myxobolus spp. and the sister group (Henneguya spp.) was constructed to establish the relationship of this new species in Myxobolus clade and to explore its relations between their sister groups. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that a monophyletic group with Myxobolus spp. which infected mullet represents the newly formed species. These results suggested the presumably nearby evolution prospecting of Myxobolus species that were found in the same host.  相似文献   

One type of sarcocyst was found in two of eight investigated jackdaws (Corvus monedula) and proposed as Sarcocystis corvusi sp. nov. By light microscope, cysts resembled a thick thread and were very long (the largest fragment found amounted to 6 mm) and relatively thin (up to 60 μm). The cyst wall measured <1 μm and seemed smooth. Using a computerized image analysis system, knolls, which resembled protrusions, were visible on the wall surface. Ultrastructurally, the cyst wall was wavy and reached up to 1.1 μm. The waves were of different heights and resembled low protrusions. The parasitophorous vacuolar membrane had many invaginations. Lancet- or orange segment-shaped cystozoites were 5.9–7.3 μm long. These sarcocysts had type-1 tissue cyst wall. According to 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA genes and ITS-1 region sequences, it was shown that S. corvusi is a genetically separate species. On the basis of these genetic markers, S. corvusi was most closely related to S. columbae, S. calchasi and S. wobeseri which parasitize birds and are characterized by the same type of sarcocyst wall.  相似文献   

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