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随着医学模式的转变,健康观念的更新,疾病谱的变化,卫生保健体制的改革,人口老龄化进程的加快,护理工作模式发生了转变,护士工作范围及内容日趋扩大,护士任务和角色也随之发生了转变,这些都对护理教育培养适应社会需求的护理人才提出了挑战。同时,随着知识经济的到来,21世纪护理学必将与信息技术、  相似文献   

在护理本科生中开展社区健康护理教育的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医学模式的发展.目前健康情况及人们对健康的认识使护士角色在延伸.护理任务在扩展,护理本科生毕业后为社区健康护理服务已是社会的需要。在护理本科生中开展社区健康护理教育不仅能使护理专业适应社会发展的需要.而且还能促进保健事业的发展.同时也能提高护理在社会中的地位.本文对开展社区健康护理的课程目标、授课内容、方式及评价将做简单介绍。  相似文献   

以病人为中心的整体护理模式已成为现代护理发展的必然趋势。对病人的健康教育作为整体护理的一个重要内容,也越来越被社会所重视。急诊是体现医院综合水平的窗口,在急诊对病人进行有效的健康教育,是全面实施整体护理、树立医院形象、提高社会和经济效益的需要。对急诊病人进行健康教育,不但有利于密切护患关系,提高护理质量,同时也是病人的强烈需求。这种发展趋势在客观上对护理工作者提出了新的要求,要求护士在健康教育中必须塑造新的角色形象,成为具备治疗功能、服务功能于社会功能为一体的护理工作者,同时要求护士必须不断更新自己,进行自我调整,完成自我重塑及角色适应,才能适应健康教育的要求。  相似文献   

<正>随着人民群众对健康需求的不断增长和优质护理服务的深入开展,护患沟通在提高患者满意度、改善临床服务中的重要性日益凸现。沟通能力是中国注册护士核心能力之一~([1])。新入职护士(以下称"新护士")刚刚走出校门,需要完成从学生到护士角色的转变,加强沟通技巧和沟通能力的培养与训练非常必要。新护士岗前培训是为刚从医学院校毕业,即将走上护理岗位的护理人员能尽快完成角色转变,胜任本职工作而进行的培训活动。沟通能力培训是  相似文献   

对母婴区护士在健康教育过程中的角色转换进行了阐述。认为母婴区护士在健康教育过程中扮演的角色是多方位的, 包括护理者、教育者、管理者、协调者、学生和知心朋友等。在护理工作中根据需要随时成功转换角色,是母婴区护士须不断探索的课题。  相似文献   

21世纪中国护士伦理准则草案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通则1.人类对护理工作的需求是普遍的 ,护士工作服务于人生命的全过程。2 .护士提供护理服务应建基于尊重人的生命、权利和尊严 ,提高生存质量。3.护士对服务对象实施护理应不受限于种族、国籍、信仰、年龄、性别、政治或社会地位 ,对之均一视同仁。4 .护士的基本职责是促进健康 ,预防疾病 ,协助康复和减轻患病带来的痛苦。5.护士应按服务对象个人、家庭及社区的需要 ,与医务及社会人士共同合作 ,提供健康服务。尊重生命 ,提高生存质量6 .护士的主要任务应是照顾需要护理的人 ,及推广基层健康教育。7.执行护理工作时 ,护士应确保护理对象安…  相似文献   

医患关系中的护患关系,在医疗活动中十分重要,这是由于病人24小时都在护士的监督之下活动,护士对病人的护理、帮助、关怀与鼓励,促进病人早日康复,是护患关系的重要方向。一、护士角色及心理作用护士是一种社会角色,具有特殊的技巧和行为,为病人护理服务。护士角色意味着特殊的护理技术,护理操作和护理能力,包括处理、帮助、管理病人的技能等。护士职业的服饰、仪表和态度,会给病人一种亲切的“白衣天使”的象征。病人对护士角色的期待,可以激励护士积极工作,满足病人心理需求。医学、护理学的进步,新技术的临床应用,病人需求的不断提高,使护士的角色期待不断发生变化。要求护士不但具有现代护理技术、技能和知识,更要用生物、心理、社会医学模式的思想,指导护理实践。  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变 ,护士的职责从单纯地、被动地执行医嘱和疾病护理 ,逐步转向从整体人的健康角度出发 ,综合考虑服务对象生理、心理、社会、精神、文化等各方面的健康需求 ,使其最大限度地与环境达到平衡和适应。在技术护理过程中 ,护士怎样才能通过自己优质的服务 ,娴熟的技术 ,良好的心理引导 ,为患者解除病痛 ,这需要护患双方密切配合共同完成。1 护士角色的作用注射治疗室是门诊患者集中注射的地方 ,注射治疗是从心理到技术完美结合的过程。在护理过程中 ,护士应具备良好的心理品质 ,高尚的道德和真挚的同情心 ,学会正确运用心理学…  相似文献   

<正>随着社会需求的多元化和医学科学的不断发展,人们迫切需要得到方便、有效的健康服务与指导,内容涉及预防、治疗、护理与康复、社会支持、心理保健等方面。随之,由在某个临床护理领域具有丰富工作经验、先进专业知识和高超临床技能的护士主导的护理门诊应运而生[1];作为护士从事护理活动的诊所或地点,承担着评估患者、健康教育、心理支持、监测病情以及提供护理干预等多重角色[2]。近年来,因社会经济高速  相似文献   

目的:探讨健康工作环境在精神科护理管理中的应用效果。方法:护理质控组织利用高清视频技术落实护理核心制度,指导护士规范工作;优化以护理为中心的支持系统,落实以人为本,以病人为中心的服务理念,打造健康护理单元,促进护理规范,确保安全质量。结果:视频技术应用1年,针对薄弱时段(午睡、凌晨3:00~5:00)、薄弱环节、薄弱人员与去年同期进行比较,护士睡岗、投诉率明显降低,核心制度执行率显著提高,职业倦怠率显著下降。森田疗法开展1年后,病人生活自理和社会交往等社会功能恢复显著提高。结论:健康工作环境在精神科护理管理中的应用对医院、护士和病人均有益,是护理质控组织快速发展,适应社会健康需求日益增长的长远目标,也是当前创建优质护理服务示范工程的客观需要。  相似文献   

Escalating mental health care needs coupled with a decreasing nurse labor force demand a fundamental paradigm shift in undergraduate education and service partnerships among psychiatric-mental health nursing students and practicing nurses. The purpose of this two-group comparative study was to identify factors that contribute to a successful learning partnership between nursing students and practicing nurses engaged in a clinical specialty partnership program within an acute psychiatric-mental health setting. The convenience sample consisted of 51 partners: 33 undergraduate students and 18 practicing nurses. The Learning Partnership Survey was administered to all partners allowing comparison of ranking among factors important to the partner relationship. Contrary to previous research, student and nurse partners were more similar in their factor ranking in the present study. Statistically significant differences were noted in the ranking of 2 of the 15 factors that fostered successful learning partnerships. Implications for professional learning partnerships between nursing academia and service institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

At a time of ever increasing mental health problems in Australian society, the nursing profession is beset by problems of an insufficient workforce specialising in this area. Not only is there a shortage of suitable trained specialist mental health nurses, but undergraduate nursing programs inadequately prepare students for practical mental health nursing. Fewer students are enrolling in mental health nursing, and many nurses are leaving the workforce. A particular problem in rural Australia is that there is a lack of specialist mental health services, and nurses are being increasingly relied upon to perform the role of mental health nurse despite lacking the necessary qualifications and experience.This paper aims to describe the development, implementation and evaluation of a mental health continuing education program for nurses employed in rural and remote areas of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. This was a collaborative educational initiative mounted by the NSW Health Department (who funded the project), a rural university and a number of regional health service partners. The paper includes information on how this program was conceived, developed and conducted through distance education mode. It also evaluates the efficacy of this program as perceived by 202 out of 303 participants. Overall the project was rated very favourably, and represents a cost-effective, convenient method of enabling rural and regional nurses to update and improve their skills in mental health nursing.  相似文献   

The unique health care needs in developing countries and the responsibilities of the nursing profession in such countries place a heavy responsibility on schools of nursing involved in the education of foreign nursing students. The students in this study indicated that it was frustrating to repeat course content that was already familiar to them knowing that there are many courses that would better meet their needs. In developing countries, like Nigeria, it has been suggested that there is a need to prepare a "comprehensive nurse"--a combination bedside nurse, public health nurse, and midwife who can provide preventive and curative services in multiple settings. Such a task is awesome and illustrates the need for schools of nursing to provide an academic counselor who has some knowledge of the culture and health needs of the students' native land. When asked: "How could the school of nursing have helped you cope with your academic problems?" 43% of the students suggested a foreign student advisor or counselor. "To have a foreign student advisor who has been overseas and who will relate to the student at their level," replied one student. Only when education is relevant to the specific needs of a given country, will there be an improvement in the health of the people of that country. To educate registered nurses abroad is very costly for countries with low G.N.P. If we accept students from developing countries into our nursing programs, we have a responsibility to prepare them to be effective practitioners when they return to their homeland. The special needs of nursing students and the health care needs of the community for which they are trained must therefore be integrated into their training.  相似文献   

This paper emphasises the tensions between the ideal of the compliant within care settings and the ideal of the critical thinker within the university setting with reference to student nurse education and identity. Identity is an important part of who we are as people. While modernisation and increased professionalisation of nursing have impacted on staff and patients mostly in a positive way, changes in the management of nursing education in the past 20years have also heralded a remarkable change in the student identity. Historically informed by association with a particular hospital or health service provider, student nurse identity was shaped by institutional rituals and routine, physically embodied in objects such as uniforms and hospital medals and informed by claims to honesty, virtue and personal integrity (Bradby, 1990). Once part of the structure and fabric of hospital life, nursing students functioned as part of the health care service. As such, their identity was synonymous with that of practicing nurses, whose learning needs were secondary to that of the organisational needs. While this social milieu provided the platform for the formation of institutional pride, belonging and identity, such forms of identity can result in institutional compliance; with the associated risk of ritualistic practice, poor levels of transparent accountability and barriers to whistle blowing should substandard practice arise. Increased student freedom and an emphasis on teaching and learning within the university setting may have benefitted students, patients and the profession, however, the potential impact on student identity is less certain. There is evidence to suggest that students are ill-equipped for their professional identity once qualified and thus require more support for this within universities. This paper explores the tensions between traditional hospital identity and contemporary university identity with reference to student nurse education. The ideal of the compliant versus the ideal of the critical thinker will be debated.  相似文献   

Identity studies are well established across the social science literature with mental health nursing beginning to offer evidenced insights into what may, or may not, constitute key identity performances. For mental health nursing these performances remain contested, both from within the profession and from international contexts that favour generic constructions of mental health. This paper offers findings from a qualitative study that focused upon the process of how mental health nursing identity development is influenced, rather than what that identity may or may not be. These findings highlight that mental health nurses (MHNs) not only form their identity around service user centred education and training, but that many also use the education as a means to leave the profession. Through highlighting the impact of informal education (i.e., through work), formal education, and training upon the formation of mental health nursing identity, nurses are potentially alerted to the importance of clinically focussed mental health being prominent within curricula, rewarding mental health nursing skills specialisation, and the importance of the role of the service user in mental health nurse education and, hence, identity formation.  相似文献   

Identity studies are well established across the social science literature with mental health nursing beginning to offer evidenced insights into what may, or may not, constitute key identity performances. For mental health nursing these performances remain contested, both from within the profession and from international contexts that favour generic constructions of mental health. This paper offers findings from a qualitative study that focused upon the process of how mental health nursing identity development is influenced, rather than what that identity may or may not be. These findings highlight that mental health nurses (MHNs) not only form their identity around service user centred education and training, but that many also use the education as a means to leave the profession. Through highlighting the impact of informal education (i.e., through work), formal education, and training upon the formation of mental health nursing identity, nurses are potentially alerted to the importance of clinically focussed mental health being prominent within curricula, rewarding mental health nursing skills specialisation, and the importance of the role of the service user in mental health nurse education and, hence, identity formation.  相似文献   

Profound changes are occurring in nursing and the health care world. Two of the changes that are the most profound are the nursing shortage and the changing image of nursing. Although we must retain our current nursing workforce, we also must work diligently to recruit young men and women of diversity into our profession. Faculty will have to respond to the academic needs of the diverse students and will have to develop new and creative nontraditional teaching strategies to meet the students' needs. It is within the shared integrity of learning that diversity is recognized and acknowledged by educators and students and that valuable learning takes place. It will only be with improvements in recruitment and education that nursing will incorporate the much-needed diverse nurses into our profession to help meet the nursing shortage and to facilitate improvements in the changing image of nursing.  相似文献   

Preceptorship: a viable alternative clinical teaching strategy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The difficulty experienced by many baccalaureate student nurses in making the role transition from student to graduate nurse continues to pose problems for nursing education and nursing service personnel alike. A variety of instructional strategies described in the literature which claim to enhance the effectiveness of student learning in the clinical setting and promote role adjustment immediately upon graduation have been used by nursing faculty and nursing service personnel. Preceptorship is one such strategy. The author reviews the evolution of preceptorship within the nursing profession and explores factors which are provoking current interest in this concept. Available empirical data regarding the effect of preceptorship on student and graduate nurse performance in the clinical setting are presented and implications for nursing education discussed.  相似文献   

成都市2所中学高三男生选择护理专业意向调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
邓英 《护理学报》2007,14(11):17-19
目的了解高三男生报考大学时选择护理专业的意向情况,为护理教育决策提供参考依据。方法自设问卷,对93名高三男生在准备报考大学时进行调查,内容包括对护理专业的认知情况和选择护理专业的意向。结果91%的男生对护理专业不了解或只了解一点,83%对护理专业不感兴趣或仅有一点兴趣,43%认为男生从事护理专业的就业前景好或较好,但只有17%有填报护理专业的意向。结论高三男生对护理专业认识不足,家庭支持不够,是较少男生选择报考护理专业的原因。为此,应加强护理专业的宣传,树立男护士形象,充分认识男性从事护理专业的优势,注重男护士教育,提高男性对护理专业的兴趣。  相似文献   

Violence is a growing problem worldwide in the field of health care and within the nursing profession. A study comprising a survey and focus groups with nursing students, and interviews with nurse educators was conducted to examine nursing students' perceptions and experiences of violence at a nursing education institution in the Western Cape, South Africa. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all nursing students. Two hundred and twenty three (n = 223) respondents completed the questionnaire. Focus groups were conducted with purposively sampled student participants and semi-structured interviews with nurse educators. The findings indicated that the nature of the violent incidents experienced by students on campus, especially in the residences, ranged from verbal abuse to violation of students' property and personal space, and could be attributed primarily to substance abuse. Violence among student nurses could negatively affect learning. In a profession in which nurses are exposed to violence in the workplace, it is important that violence in the learning environment is actively prevented and respect of individual rights, tolerance and co-operation are promoted.  相似文献   

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