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We describe the results of tracking serum lipids, and dietary intake of energy, fat and calcium in a cohort of 106 children in the Adelaide Nutrition Study who were followed to 15 years of age together with an additional 123 children recruited from 11 years of age. Measures of energy, fat and calcium intakes were obtained from analyses of 4-day weighed records. The pattern and level of tracking were similar for males and females. The tracking coefficient for total cholesterol was 0.28-0.49 between 1 and 15 years of age, 0.3-0.64 between 2-8 and 15 years of age, 0.48-0.64 between 8-11 and 15 years of age, 0.71-0.78 between 11-13 and 15 years of age and 0.71-0.78 between 13 and 15 years of age. The pattern was similar for low density lipoprotein cholesterol, but lower for high density lipoprotein cholesterol. For mean daily energy, fat and calcium intake, tracking coefficients were low below 4 years of age, but from then on were 0.46-0.64 for energy intake, 0.38-0.51 for fat (g) and 0.51-0.62 for calcium (mg). Adolescence, child, cholesterol, nutrition, tracking  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To develop food-based recommendations to lower fat and energy intake for use in a family-focussed weight management programme for 6-9 year old children. METHODS: Secondary analysis of the 1995 National Nutrition Survey (NNS95) informed the development of food-based recommendations aiming to reduce fat and energy intake. Each recommendation was used to progressively modify a model 3-day high fat dietary intake with the accumulative effect on energy and nutrient intake of each recommendation assessed. RESULTS: Six to nine-year-olds in the NNS95 consuming 35-45% energy as fat (n= 280) consumed more total energy (mean +/- SD, 8671 +/- 2741 vs. 7571 +/- 2328 kJ/day) than children consuming a 'low fat' (23-27% energy as fat, n= 85) diet (P < 0.002). Food-based recommendations found to be most effective for reducing energy and fat intake included; changing to reduced fat milk, reducing intake of cereal-based and snack foods and replacing juice or soft drink with water. These changes, together with avoiding adding fat to vegetables and using sources of lean meat, reduced energy intake by approximately 10%, total fat intake by approximately 30% and saturated fat intake by 53%. CONCLUSIONS: Modifying six areas of food choices results in a moderate reduction in fat and energy intake. An eating pattern that is consistent with Australian dietary guidelines and uses foods commonly eaten by children is achievable for children aged 6-9 years. These food-based recommendations provide an evidence-based dietary framework for prevention and management of overweight in children.  相似文献   

Abstract The values for macro- and micronutrients and food energy intake are reported from a sample of 154 healthy children aged 6 years who have been prospectively studied since birth. The daily food energy intake in absolute terms and adjusted for body mass was lower than reported previously, and lower than the current recommended daily intake (RDI) but consistent with values derived from predictive equations based on other studies of preschool children. The carbohydrate intake was similar, but the protein intake was slightly lower and the fat intake also less than that reported in previous studies of children of a similar age. Micronutrient intake was greater than the RDI for each. The intake of potassium was adequate, but that of sodium was high in relation to the recommended K:Na ratio of > 1, resulting in a value of 0.66.
Stature was positively correlated with energy and fat intake, but there was an inverse correlation between fatness and energy intake, and intake of unrefined carbohydrate. These results are discussed in relation to the effect of different nutritional planes on growth rate.  相似文献   

Higher fat and energy intakes confer a survival advantage in cystic fibrosis (CF). There is a need to develop effective nutrition programmes that ensure optimal energy intake in CF.


A cross-sectional measurement of clinical characteristics and energy and fat intakes in patients attending the CF outpatients clinic of the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle was undertaken. Twenty-nine subjects, mean age 12 years (range 4.3–20.2), completed weighed food records to determine the contribution of fat to the percentage of the recommended energy intake obtained and to document use of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.


Diets with a high percentage of energy derived from fat did not guarantee that individuals with CF met their energy requirements. Subjects with total fat intakes of 100 g per day or greater, however, achieved in excess of 110% recommended daily intake (RDI) for energy. Up to 47% of subjects consumed more pancreatic enzyme replacement capsules than shown to give maximum effectiveness.


Setting a 100 g daily fat target is a realistic way of ensuring high energy intakes in CF. Fat ready reckoners would identify the fat content of food and prescribe specific numbers of pancreatic enzyme replacement capsules to be consumed with each meal or food item.  相似文献   

Complementary feeding diets in low‐ and middle‐income countries are generally inadequate to meet requirements for growth and development. Food‐based interventions may prevent nutrient inadequacies provided that they do not displace other nutrient‐rich foods. We conducted a randomized controlled trial in rural Malawi in which 660 children aged 6 to 9 months were provided an egg a day for 6 months or assigned to a control group. Dietary intake of complementary foods and drinks was assessed at baseline, 3‐month midline and 6‐month endline visits using a tablet‐based multipass 24‐h recall. Up to two repeat recalls were collected at each time point in a subsample of 100 children per treatment group. At midline and endline, usual energy intake from eggs was about 30 kcal/day higher in the egg group compared with controls (p < 0.0001). Compared with controls, children in the egg group were over nine times more likely to consume eggs at midline and endline. There was a comparable, but nonsignificant, greater total usual energy intake from complementary foods of 30 kcal/day at midline (p = 0.128) and 36 kcal/day at endline (p = 0.087). There also was a displacement of 7 kcal/day in legumes and nuts in children at endline (p = 0.059). At midline and endline, more than 80% of children in the egg group consumed a minimally diverse diet compared with 53% at midline and 60% at endline in the control group. This study illustrates that mothers in the egg group fed eggs to young children on a regular basis without substantial displacement of other complementary foods.  相似文献   

During the early months of life, gains in length and weight are more rapid by formula-fed than by breast-fed infants and we and others have speculated that the greater gains of the formula-fed infants are the result of greater food intake. If overfeeding during early infancy resulted in establishment of habits of overeating, or if, for any other reason, diet-induced fatness in infancy persisted into childhood, we might be able to demonstrate differences in fatness in childhood related to mode of feeding (breast or bottle) during infancy. We therefore examined at age 8 years 469 children born in 1966-1971 who had been studied intensely in our unit from 8 to 112 days of age. At age 8 years there were no differences in indices of fatness related to mode of feeding during infancy. Serum concentrations of cholesterol at age 8 years were also of interest because of reports from animal studies that differences in feeding during early life may be responsible for subsequent differences in cholesterol homeostasis. Cholesterol concentrations at age 8 years did not demonstrate significant differences related to mode of feeding during infancy. It is possible, however, that age 8 years is too early for an effect to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the longitudinal impact of dietary counseling on children's nutrient intake. DESIGN: A prospective, randomized, clinical trial. PARTICIPANTS: Children were recruited to the study between December 1, 1989, and May 30, 1992. At the age of 7 months, children were randomized to the intervention group (n = 540) or the control group (n = 522) and were followed up until the age of 10 years.Intervention Families in the intervention group have, since randomization, received regularly individualized counseling about how to modify the quality and quantity of fat in the child's diet, the goal being an unsaturated-saturated fat ratio of 2:1. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Nutrient intakes between the ages of 4 and 10 years based on annual 4-day food records. RESULTS: The fat intake of the intervention children was constantly around 30% of the calorie (energy) intake, while that of the control children was 2 to 3 calorie percentage units higher (P<.001). The intervention children received 2 to 3 calorie percentage units less saturated fats and 0.5 to 1.0 calorie percentage unit more polyunsaturated fats than the control children (P<.001 for both). However, neither group reached the 2:1 goal set for the unsaturated-saturated fatty acid ratio. The vitamin and mineral intakes of the intervention and control children closely resembled each other despite the marked differences in fat intake. CONCLUSION: Individualized, biannually given, fat intake-focused dietary counseling that began at the child's age of 8 months continued to influence favorably the diet of 4- to 10-year-old intervention children without disadvantageous dietary effects, but the 2:1 goal for unsaturated-saturated fat ratio was not reached.  相似文献   



Preterm infants have altered fat tissue development, including a higher percentage of fat mass and increased volume of visceral fat. They also have altered adiponectin levels, including a lower ratio of high-molecular-weight adiponectin (HMW-Ad) to total adiponectin (T-Ad) at term-equivalent age, compared with term infants.


The objective of this study was to investigate the association between adiponectin levels and fat tissue accumulation or distribution in preterm infants at term-equivalent age.

Study design

Cross-sectional clinical study.


Study subjects were 53 preterm infants born at ≤ 34 weeks gestation with a mean birth weight of 1592 g.

Outcome measures

Serum levels of T-Ad and HMW-Ad were measured and a computed tomography (CT) scan was performed at the level of the umbilicus at term-equivalent age to analyze how fat tissue accumulation or distribution was correlated with adiponectin levels.


T-Ad (r = 0.315, p = 0.022) and HMW-Ad levels (r = 0.338, p = 0.013) were positively associated with subcutaneous fat area evaluated by performing CT scan at term-equivalent age, but were not associated with visceral fat area in simple regression analyses. In addition, T-Ad (β = 0.487, p = 0.003) and HMW-Ad levels (β = 0.602, p < 0.001) were positively associated with subcutaneous fat tissue area, but they were not associated with visceral fat area also in multiple regression analyses.


Subcutaneous fat accumulation contributes to increased levels of T-Ad and HMW-Ad, while visceral fat accumulation does not influence adiponectin levels in preterm infants at term-equivalent age.  相似文献   

This study investigated the long-term effects of maternal dietary avoidance during lactation on the occurrence of atopic symptoms, development of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to food and inhaled allergens and occurrence of positive skin-prick tests (SPT) in 65 children with a family history of atopy whose mothers adhered to a diet devoid of eggs, cow's milk and fish during the first 3 months of lactation (D group) and in a matched group of 50 children with mothers not practising such a diet (ND group). The diets of the D and ND children were similar. All children attended 7 follow-ups from the age of 3 months to the age of 10 y. After the first follow-up there was a 100% retention of participants. The results of the seventh follow-up at 10 y are presented. Total IgE values and IgE antibodies to seven food and seven inhaled allergens were determined by the Phadebas IgE CAP® and the Phadebas RAST®, respectively. SPT were conducted for five food and seven inhaled allergens. High rates of atopic symptoms occurred in both groups, but there were no differences between the groups. Sensitization to the three foods avoided by the mothers during lactation was similar, but the overall test reactivity to foods was lower in the D group. Sensitization to inhaled allergens was similar in the two groups. During the 10 y of follow-up, there was no difference between the groups in the occurrence of indoor furred animals, tobacco smoking, changes in heredity for atopy or development of total IgE, but a higher rate of maternal sensitization was found in the ND group, as judged by a screening test for IgE antibodies to inhalants (Phadiatop®). The results do not support general recommendations to implement prophylactic maternal dietary avoidance during lactation in allergy-prone families.  相似文献   

As the prevalence of allergic disease dramatically rises worldwide, prevention strategies are increasingly being considered. Given the potential modulatory effect of nutritional factors on disease, altering maternal diet during pregnancy and/or lactation has been considered in preventing allergic disease in offspring. Although there are a number of observational studies that have examined possible associations between maternal diet and allergic outcomes in offspring, interventional trials are limited. Furthermore, there is a paucity of studies that have prospectively studied maternal dietary intake as well as measuring maternal and infant biologic samples (blood, urine, breast milk) and their relation to allergic outcomes in infants. There is also a particular need to define terminology such as ‘fruit and vegetables intake’, ‘healthy diet’, and ‘diet diversity’ in order to make studies comparable. In this review, we discuss current evidence of maternal dietary factors during pregnancy and/or lactation that may play a role in the offspring developing allergic disease, including factors such as overall dietary intake patterns, specific whole food consumption (fish, fruit and vegetables, and common allergic foods), and individual immunomodulatory nutrient intakes. Additionally, we discuss the limitations of previous studies and propose improvements to study design for future investigation.  相似文献   

Greek immigrant children (GI) belonging to the second generation of immigrants in Sweden have been compared with Swedish children (S) and Greek children in Greece (G) regarding energy and nutrient intake. Twenty-four-hour recalls were obtained in the homes of the families. The mean energy intake was the same in all three groups and met the Swedish Nutrition Recommendations. The energy distribution for protein, carbohydrates and fat was also similar. The fat intake was far above the recommended level in all groups. The GI and the G group had a significantly higher mean daily intake of monounsaturated fatty acids than the S group (p less than 0.05 and p less than 0.001, respectively). Children aged four to eight years in the GI group had a significantly higher nutrient density of retinol, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, magnesium and sucrose compared to the G group, but compared to the S group they had a lower nutrient density of retinol, vitamin D, ascorbic acid, niacin, vitamin B12 and selen. The GI children consumed more milk than the G children but as much as the S children and they had started to use enriched low-fat milk in Sweden. In conclusion, the food quality in the GI group was better than in the G group and much the same as in the S group, and, with few exceptions, it met the Swedish Nutrition Recommendations.  相似文献   

0~7岁儿童生长曲线的制定及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李辉  张璿 《中华儿科杂志》2002,40(11):662-666
目的:制订一套0-7岁儿童的百分位生长曲线图供儿童保健及临床工作使用。方法:根据1995年第三次中国九城市城郊7岁以下儿童体格发育横断面调查所获得的数据,采用9个市城区0-7岁79154名健康男女儿童(其中0-3岁儿童53954名)的年龄别身高(3岁以下为身长)、年龄别头围的平均值、标准差以及年龄别体重和身高别体重的百分位数,先用多项式方程将他们修匀,然后修匀后的值计算各百分位并绘制曲线图。结果:为0-3岁男女儿童制定了各自的年龄别体重、年龄别身高和身高别体重的3、10、25、50、75、90及97百分位曲线图。结论:使用简便、直观的生长标准曲线图有利于个体儿童的生长监测,早期识别生长偏离的现象,为促进儿童生长和健康服务。  相似文献   

Beverages are selected based on availability, culture, taste preference, health, safety and social context. Beverages may be important to energy and to the macronutrient and micronutrient quality of overall intake. The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of beverages to the dietary energy and estimated macro‐ and micronutrient intake to the diet of young schoolchildren. We analyzed data from third‐ and fourth‐grade urban Guatemalan school‐children aged predominantly 8–10 years old. One‐day pictorial registries of all beverages, foods and snacks consumed over a 24‐h period were collected from children from private (n = 219) and public (n = 230) schools. Food composition nutrient values were assigned to the items consumed. Eleven main categories of beverages were identified. The contribution of each of the 11 beverage categories to energy, macro‐ and micronutrients was evaluated. The estimated intake of beverages was 475 300 mL, as reported by the 449 children. As a group, the beverage consumed in the greatest quantity was coffee (126 500 mL), followed by plain water (62 000 mL). Beverages represented a mean energy contribution of 418 ± 26 kcal (21.5% of total dietary energy). The beverages varied in energy density from 0 (water) to 1.5 kcal mL−1 (thin gruels). Beverages contributed one‐third of the dietary carbohydrate. Through the contribution of fortified drinks, beverages were important sources of vitamin A (55%), vitamin C (38%), zinc (21%) and calcium (19%). Milk was an important source for vitamin D (10%). These results show the importance of drinks to nutrition and the balance of concerns of overweight/obesity with micronutrient quality.  相似文献   

Studies of iron and its association with the risk of small for gestational age (SGA) show inconsistent results. Consuming iron supplements during pregnancy is controversial because of possible risks. This study assessed the association between iron intake and the risk of having an SGA newborn and whether iron intake is associated with gestational diabetes. A case–control study of 518 pairs of Spanish women who were pregnant and attending five hospitals was conducted. Groups were matched 1:1 for age (±2 years) and hospital. Cases were women with an SGA newborn at delivery. Controls were women with normal‐sized newborns at delivery. Data were gathered on demographic characteristics, socio‐economic status, adverse habits (like smoking), and diet. A 137‐item food frequency questionnaire was completed. Iron intakes were categorized in quintiles (Q1–Q5). Crude odds ratios (ORs) and adjusted ORs (aORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated by conditional logistic regression. No significant relationship was found between dietary iron intake and SGA. A protective association was found for women receiving iron supplementation >40 mg/day and SGA versus women not taking supplements (aOR = 0.64, 95% CI [0.42, 0.99]). This association was identified in mothers both with (aOR = 0.57, 95% CI [0.40, 0.81]) and without (aOR = 0.64, 95% CI [0.64, 0.97]) anaemia. In women in the control group without anaemia, iron supplementation >40 mg/day was positively associated with gestational diabetes (aOR = 6.32, 95% CI [1.97, 20.23]). Iron supplementation in pregnancy may prevent SGA independently of existing anaemia but may also increase the risk of gestational diabetes.  相似文献   



To assess growth patterns of 9‐year‐old children, some of whom had intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).


75 9‐year‐old children (41 were IUGR infants) were weighed and measured at birth, at 1 year, at 2 years and at 9 years of age. Using general linear models for continuous data, changes in weight z scores were used to quantify growth rate between birth and 9 years of age.


IUGR children were smaller at birth (weight z score –2.1 v 0.2 in normal children; p<0.001) but showed a greater increase in their weight between birth and 9 years (change of weight z score 1.5 v 0.4 in normal children; p = 0.001). At the age of 9 years the weight, height and body mass index (BMI) z scores were lower in IUGR children than the control children (weight z score –0.4 v 0.6, respectively; p<0.001, height z score –0.5 v 0, respectively; p = 0.002, BMI z score −0.2 v 0.7, respectively; p = 0.002). The predictors of these differences were IUGR, birth weight and maternal and paternal heights.


IUGR infants grow faster but remain shorter and lighter than their normal counterparts—that is, they fail to fully catch up by 9 years of age.  相似文献   

The influences on bone growth of familial factors, nutrition and physical activity are described in a cohort of 108 children (56M, 52F). Distal forearm bone width, mineral content and volumetric density, anthropometry, pubertal status, nutritional intake and physical activity were measured at ages 11, 13, 15 and 17 y. Parental forearm bone status was also determined. Both mothers' and fathers' bone variables were significant predictors of the respective children's bone variables, but heritability estimates were greater between mothers and their children than between fathers and their children. By age 17 y boys had attained 101%, 85% and 89% of their fathers' height, bone mineral content and volumetric density, respectively; girls had attained 103%, 95% and 98% of their mothers' height, bone mineral content and volumetric density, respectively. There were no consistent associations among nutrient variables and bone status or rate of change in bone status. However, there was a significantly greater increase in bone mineral content and density from 11-17 y in those girls with consistently high calcium intake. There were no significant correlations between physical activity and bone values or rate of change of bone values. Age, gender, pubertal status, height, weight and parental bone values accounted for 80%, 71% and 49% of the variance of bone mineral content, bone width and volumetric density, respectively and 52%, 55% and 58% respectively of the variance of change in these variables. After age, gender, sexual maturity and body size, heritability accounts for the greatest variance in bone values through adolescence.  相似文献   

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