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PURPOSE: To examine associations of physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, and cigarette smoking with weight management goals and practices of U.S. high school students.METHODS: Data were from the 1999 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a representative sample of U.S. high school students (n = 15,349). Adjusted odds ratios (OR) were calculated to describe associations, controlling for demographic characteristics.RESULTS: Based on self-reported height and weight, 25% of students were either overweight (11%) or at risk for becoming overweight (14%). However, 43% of students were trying to lose weight and 19% of students were trying to maintain their current weight. Female students were less likely than male students to be overweight, but more likely to be trying to lose weight. Trying to lose weight was associated with vigorous physical activity (OR = 1.5), strengthening exercises (OR = 2.2), and cigarette smoking (OR = 1.4) among female students; and vigorous physical activity (OR = 1.6), strengthening exercises (OR = 1.8), and eating > or =5 servings/day of fruits and vegetables (OR = 1.5) among male students. Among students trying to lose weight or stay the same weight, only 62% of females and 41% of males combined exercise with a reduced fat and calorie diet, while 32% of females and 17% of males used unhealthy weight control methods (fasting, diet pills, vomiting, or laxatives).CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to promote healthy weight management among adolescents are needed and should place greater emphasis on combining physical activity with a reduced fat and calorie diet, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, and discouraging smoking and other unhealthy weight control practices.  相似文献   

The study examined associations among physical activity, cigarette smoking, body mass index, perceptions of body weight, weight-management goals, and weight-management behaviors of public high school adolescents. The CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey provided a cross-sectional sample (n = 3,089) of public high school students in South Carolina. Logistic regression models were constructed separately for four race-gender groups. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine the magnitude of associations. Based on self-reported height and weight, 13% of students were overweight, while 15% were at risk for becoming overweight. However, 42% of students were trying to lose weight, and 22% were trying to maintain current weight. Female students were less likely than male students to be overweight, but more likely to be attempting to lose weight. Extreme weight control practices were reported by 27% of the sample. Among Black females trying to lose weight, positive associations were observed for strengthening exercises (OR = 1.55), but that relationship was associated inversely in Black males (OR = .600). Among White females, attempted weight loss was associated with strengthening exercises (OR = 1.72) and cigarette smoking (OR = 1.54). For White males, attempted weight loss was associated positively with vigorous exercise (OR = 1.41) and inversely related to moderate exercise (OR = .617). Effective weight-management practices for adolescents should focus on appropriate eating behaviors, physical activity, and low-fat/calorie diets. Multicomponent weight management interventions should be conducted within a coordinated school health framework.  相似文献   

Background: Consumption of fruits and vegetables is often recommended to promote healthy weight. The purpose of this study was to examine associations between fruit and vegetable intake and common weight management behaviors among US high school students who were trying to lose or stay the same weight. Methods: Data from the 1999, 2001, and 2003 national high school Youth Risk Behavior Surveys were combined and the analyses stratified by gender (females, N = 16,709; males, N = 10,521). We considered 3 common weight management strategies—being physically active (ie, moderate activity for 30 minutes on 5 or more days per week or vigorous activity for 20 minutes on 3 or more days per week), eating a reduced calorie or fat diet, and limiting TV viewing. Sufficient fruit and vegetable intake was defined as eating 5 or more servings per day. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated using logistic regression. Results: Only 21.3% of females and 24.7% of males ate sufficient fruits and vegetables. Being physically active was associated with sufficient fruit and vegetable intake. Eating a reduced calorie or fat diet and limiting TV viewing (among males) were associated with sufficient fruit and vegetable intake only among physically active students. The odds of sufficient fruit and vegetable intake were greatest among female (OR = 3.01) and male (OR = 2.91) students who combined all 3 strategies (31.5% of females, 21.6% of males). Conclusions: Interventions that promote fruit and vegetable intake within the context of healthy weight management may be more effective if they combine nutrition and physical activity strategies. Further research is needed to test this approach.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine characteristics and behaviors of college students who perceive themselves as underweight or about the right weight, yet report trying to lose weight, as compared to their counterparts. Participants included 944 students (M = 20.4 years, 61.1 % White; 64.7 % female) at a southwestern university. A composite of perceived weight and weight-related behavior was created. Participants who reported they were under- or about the right weight and trying to lose weight were included in this composite group. Cross-sectional logistic regression analyses were run to assess characteristics and behaviors of the composite group. Individuals in this group were significantly more likely to be women, in a fraternity/sorority, have a lower body mass index, engage in regular vigorous physical activity, exercise and/or diet to lose weight, and engage in unhealthy weight-control behaviors. These individuals were not more likely than their counterparts to consume 5 or more servings of fruits/vegetables daily, to engage in moderate physical activity, or to report smoking cigarettes in the past month. Further research is needed to understand why individuals who perceive themselves as under- or about the right weight engage in certain weight-loss behaviors. Interventions to target weight-related perceptions and behaviors among college-age individuals may need to address unhealthy weight-control measures.  相似文献   

Assessment of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and diet in the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community has been neglected. A questionnaire was used to investigate these health risk behaviors in 466 students at an urban community college and results for the 138 AAPI study participants were compared to the 328 non-Asians. Results for AAPI study participants showed that twenty percent (20.3%) were current cigarette smokers and 7.7% smoked eleven or more cigarettes per day. Ten percent (10.7%) reported binge drinking on one to two days per month and 17.3% reported binge drinking on three or more days per month. With regard to physical activity, 28.8% participated in stretching, 23.6% in strength and toning, 29.4% in moderate exercise, and 25.4% in vigorous exercise. Results indicated that on the day preceding the survey, only 11.9% consumed five or more servings of fruits and vegetables, 88.4% ate no more than two servings of high-fat foods, and 37.6% consumed tofu, soymilk, or other soy food. AAPI study participants were more likely to frequently binge drink (p < .05), less likely to participate in strength and toning exercises (p < .05), and more likely to consume soy foods daily (p < .01) than non-Asian study participants. Recommendations are presented for health promotion program planning.  相似文献   

Television (TV) viewing has been associated with overweight, decreased physical activity, and unhealthy dietary behavior among children and adolescents, and may represent a modifiable cause of childhood obesity. This study examined race, ethnic, and gender-specific differences in these associations among high school students in the United States. The study analyzed data from the 1999 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a representative sample (N = 15,349) of US high school students. Logistic regression tested for significant associations. TV viewing on an average school day exceeded 2 hours/day among 43% of students; it was greater among Black (74%) and Hispanic (52%) than White (34%) students. Overall, 11% of students were overweight, 31% of students were sedentary (i.e., did not participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity at recommended levels), and 76% ate less than five servings/day of fruits and vegetables. Watching TV more than 2 hours/day was associated with being overweight, being sedentary, and eating insufficient fruits and vegetables among White females, and with being overweight among Hispanic females. No significant associations were found among Black females. TV viewing was associated with being overweight and eating insufficient fruits and vegetables among White males. No significant associations were found among Hispanic males. Among Black males, TV viewing was associated with greater participation in physical activity. These findings suggest the presence of cultural factors to consider when developing interventions to promote physical activity, healthy eating, and healthy weight through reduced TV viewing among adolescents.  相似文献   

Latinos are among the most overweight racial/ethnic groups of US children. The study aim was to identify parents' perspectives on healthy eating, physical activity, and weight-management strategies for overweight Latino children. Four focus groups were conducted of Mexican immigrant, Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, and other Latino families with overweight children. Parents were asked 33 questions and sampled four healthy substitutes for traditional Latino foods, including multigrain enchiladas and brown rice. Nineteen parents were interviewed in the focus groups. The children′s median body mass index was 23; 60% had a body mass index ≥95th percentile. Parents identified 22 themes regarding the most important things parents can do to help overweight children lose weight, including encouragement, not making the child feel left out, the whole family eating healthy, and the parent setting a good example. Parents identified 17 themes regarding the most important things overweight children can do to help themselves lose weight, including eating healthier, limiting portion size and second helpings, drinking more water, increased physical activity, decreased screen time, children educating themselves at school, asking parents for help, and participating in interventions that include the whole family. Challenges to getting kids to exercise included expense, time constraints, and neighborhood safety. Parents were open to integrating healthy substitutes into traditional Latino meals/snacks, and found them palatable. One mother stated, “We have to keep our traditional foods, but realize that we can make them more nutritious.” Parents reported their children would accept high-fiber foods and low-fat dairy. In designing effective weight-management interventions for overweight Latino children, the study findings may prove useful in identifying healthy, well-accepted foods and beverages; agreeable physical activities; suitable targets for reducing inactivity; and efficacious strategies for enhancing traditional foods and meals so that there is an increased likelihood of healthy diet and weight loss. Parental input on the most important things that children and parents can do to help children lose weight and on challenges faced in trying to get children to exercise might provide valuable guidance in devising effective, evidence-based interventions that are likely to be adhered to.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined dieting, weight perceptions, and self-efficacy to eat healthy foods and engage in physical activity and their relationships to weight status and gender among American Indian elementary schoolchildren. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Data for this study were collected as part of the baseline examination for the Pathways study. Participants were 1441 second- through third-grade American Indian children in 41 schools representing seven tribes in Arizona, New Mexico, and South Dakota who filled out a questionnaire and had heights and weights taken. RESULTS: Forty-two percent of the children were overweight or obese. No differences were found between overweight/obese and normal weight children for healthy food intentions or self-efficacy. Heavier children (especially those with body mass index > 95th percentile) were more likely to have tried to lose weight or were currently trying to lose weight. No gender differences were found. Normal weight children chose a slightly heavier body size as most healthy compared with overweight/obese children. DISCUSSION: The results indicate that children are concerned about their weight and that weight modification efforts are common among overweight American Indian children. School, community, and family-based programs are needed to help young people adopt lifelong healthful eating and physical activity practices.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine obesity prevalence and weight control practices among veterans who use Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities (VA users). RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Data from the 2000 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a telephone survey of 184,450 adults, were analyzed. Outcome measures included BMI, weight control practices (the intent to manage weight, and diet and physical activity patterns), and receipt of professional weight control advice. RESULTS: Of VA users, 44% were overweight and 25% were obese. After controlling for demographic factors, VA users were somewhat less likely to be overweight (odds ratio, 0.86; 95% confidence interval, 0.74 to 1.00) but equally likely to be obese (odds ratio, 1.08; 95% confidence interval, 0.92 to 1.27), compared with non-VA users. Among obese VA users, 75% reported trying to lose weight, and another 17% reported trying to maintain weight. Of these, only 40% decreased both calorie and fat intake. Only 27% of obese VA users who reported increasing exercise to lose weight followed recommendations for regular and sustained physical activity. Of obese VA users, 59% were inactive or irregularly active. Only 51% of obese VA users received professional advice to lose weight. Obese VA users were more likely than obese non-VA users to report trying to lose weight, modifying diet to lose weight by decreasing both calories and fat intake, and receiving professional weight control advice. DISCUSSION: Interventions for weight management programs in VA facilities need to take into account the high prevalence of overweight/obesity among VA users and should emphasize effective weight control practices.  相似文献   



Loss of excess weight can improve blood lipids, insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure. However, data are scant on behavioral strategies related to maintenance of weight loss. We examined dietary practices, physical activity, and self-efficacy among adults self-reported to be successful at maintaining weight loss.


Using the 2004 Styles survey, a mailed survey of U.S. adults aged 18 years or older, we examined behaviors associated with weight loss maintenance among people who reported trying to lose weight. We analyzed data on number of daily fruit and vegetable servings, minutes per week of physical activity, dining out behavior, and confidence in one''s ability to engage in behavioral strategies. We conducted frequency and multivariable logistic regression analyses.


More men (35.5%) than women (27.7%) were classified as successful weight loss maintainers. Compared with adults who reported eating at a fast-food restaurant two or more times per week, adults who reported not eating at fast-food restaurants were more successful at weight loss maintenance (odds ratio, 1.62; 95% confidence interval, 1.09–2.42). Compared with adults who consumed fewer than five fruit and vegetable servings per day and were sedentary, adults who consumed fewer than five fruit and vegetable servings per day and accrued 420 minutes or more per week of physical activity or consumed five or more fruit and vegetable servings and accrued 150 minutes or more per week of activity were more successful at weight loss maintenance.


The behavioral strategy of reducing consumption of fast foods could assist people in keeping weight off. The combined approach of consuming five or more fruit and vegetable servings per day and attaining 150 minutes or more per week of physical activity was a common strategy among adults successful at weight loss maintenance.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests associations between weight management intentions, weight perceptions, and health-compromising behaviours among adolescent girls. Drawing on cross-sectional data for 21,456 girls, we employed multinomial logistic regression to examine whether smoking, binge drinking, and breakfast-skipping were associated with weight management intentions and weight perceptions. According to self-reported heights and weights, 61.4% of girls were in the healthy weight category. However, most reported trying to manage their weight, with 58% trying to lose, 4.5% trying to gain, and 18% trying to maintain their weight. Smokers were more likely than non-smokers to report intentions to lose, gain, or maintain weight versus to do nothing. However, smokers were less likely than non-smokers to perceive themselves as underweight or overweight versus about the right weight. Binge drinkers were more likely than other girls to report an intention to gain and less likely to be trying to maintain their weight versus doing nothing, and breakfast-skippers were more likely to report trying to lose or gain weight but less likely to report trying to maintain weight versus doing nothing. Binge drinkers and breakfast-skippers were more likely than non-binge drinkers and non-breakfast-skippers, respectively, to perceive themselves as underweight, overweight or very overweight versus about the right weight. In sum, the majority of girls reported trying to manage their weight, and those engaging in other health-compromising behaviours were more likely to do so, though the exact nature of the associations differed by behaviour. Recognition of shared underlying risk factors for this clustering of behaviours may inform comprehensive health promotion efforts.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationships among weight perceptions, dieting behavior, and breakfast eating in 4597 public high school adolescents using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Adjusted multiple logistic regression models were constructed separately for race and gender groups via SUDAAN (Survey Data Analysis). Adjusted odds ratios [ORs] and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine the strength of relationships. Approximately 42% of the sample reported not eating breakfast within the past 5 days, while 41% were trying to lose weight, and 37% were dieting to lose weight. Excessive dietary practices (eg, fasting, taking diet pills or laxatives, and vomiting to lose weight) were reported by approximately 25% of the sample. When compared to those eating breakfast within the past 5 days, all race and gender groups that did not report eating breakfast were significantly more likely to report fasting to lose weight (ORs = 1.70-2.97). In addition, all race/gender groups, with the exception of black females, were significantly more likely to perceive themselves as overweight (ORs = 1.44-1.61) and trying to lose weight (ORs = 1.40-1.72). Among males, not eating breakfast was significantly associated with taking diet pills to lose weight (ORs = 2.31-2.40), eating fewer calories to lose weight (ORs = 1.38-1.49), and inversely associated with trying to gain weight (ORs = 0.71-0.74). Results suggest that these adolescents may be skipping breakfast as part of a patterned lifestyle of unhealthy weight management and that efforts to encourage youth to eat breakfast will likely not ameliorate all dietary challenges that appear beyond the scope of increased breakfast offerings.  相似文献   

Purpose: To explore how adolescents who try to lose weight differ from those who do not in relation to body image, food intake, knowledge about food, and sources of information about food, nutrition, and weight loss.

Methods: Data were collected from 12–15-year-old school students in North Queensland, Australia by questionnaire.

Results: Boys who attempted weight loss reduced sweet foods and snacks, while concurrently increasing healthy foods such as fruit, yogurt, and low-fat milk. Girls who attempted weight loss ate breakfast, lunch, snacks, milk, bread, meat, and many sweet and fatty foods less often than other girls. Some reduction in meals, snacks, core foods, and sweet fatty foods, but not savory fatty foods, remained after the weight loss attempt. Boys attempting weight loss had better knowledge about high-fat and high-sugar foods than other boys, but there was no difference for girls. Girls attempting weight loss were more likely than other girls to think that core foods such as bread, potatoes, and dairy products should be reduced, whereas boys were more likely to think that sweet foods should be reduced. The majority of students who had attempted weight loss during the previous year considered themselves overweight, while few weight-conscious students were satisfied with their bodies.

Conclusions: The weight-conscious adolescents in this study, especially the girls, exhibited restrictive eating practices and a preoccupation with a slim image. Adolescents need a food culture based on foods to eat rather than foods to avoid, and an understanding of suitable weight-control measures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe weight-control practices and receipt of weight-loss advice among obese people with asthma. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: We analyzed data from the 2000 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. RESULTS: Among 13953 participants with current asthma, 27.3% had a body mass index of >or=30 kg/m2. Overall, 48.1% of participants with asthma reported trying to lose weight (64.1% among overweight or obese participants and 72.9% among obese participants). Among participants with asthma who were trying to lose or maintain weight, 74.7% reported trying to reduce their energy and/or fat intake, and 57.8% reported using physical activity. Approximately 29.7% were using the recommended combination of energy and/or fat intake reduction and physical activity of >or=150 min/wk. During the 12 months before the interview, 16.2% of overweight and 44.9% of obese participants with asthma reported receiving advice to lose weight. Among obese participants receiving weight-loss advice, 82.9% reported trying to lose weight compared to 63.8% of participants who did not receive such advice. DISCUSSION: Health professionals can play an important role in educating their patients with asthma about the importance of weight control and assisting their overweight and obese patients in setting appropriate weight goals and helping them achieve those goals.  相似文献   

A nutrition objective for the nation is that, by 1990, 50 percent of the overweight population should have adopted weight regimens, balancing diet and physical activity. More than half of the overweight respondents in the 1985 National Health Interview Survey were trying to lose weight, and almost half of this group reported both increasing their physical activity and decreasing their intake of calories. Dietary restriction without exercise was the next most common weight-loss regimen, suggesting that educational efforts should emphasize the need to increase physical activity as part of appropriate weight-loss regimens. Attempts to lose weight were reported frequently among those of normal and lean weight as well as among those who were overweight, especially among women and the better educated. About one-fifth of already lean young women reported attempting weight loss, an indication that some inappropriate dieting is probably occurring, suggesting the need for caution in public health promotion of weight loss. Another 1990 objective is that 90 percent of adults should understand that eating fewer calories or increasing activity, or both, is essential to lose weight. More than 70 percent of adults in this survey were able to identify these as the two best ways to reduce weight, with greater proportions of the younger adults and the more highly educated being knowledgeable. The survey also provided data for an objective that targets some nutrition education and counseling as part of all routine health contacts with health professionals by 1990. Twenty-nine percent of all women and 22 percent of all men reported that eating proper foods was discussed sometimes or often in routine contacts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Regular exercise to elicit caloric expenditure is an important component for achieving weight loss. The Healthy People 2000 objectives recommend regular sustained physical activity lasting 30 minutes, five days per week (Objective 1.3) particularly for weight loss. Moreover, this recommendation has been restated for weight loss and overall health benefits in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / American College of Sports Medicine (CDC/ACSM) statement and Surgeon General's Report (SGR) on Physical ActivitY and Health. Thus, we sought to identify the relative quality, and quantity of physical activity among people trying to lose weight. DESIGN: Cross-sectional self-reported data from the West Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) were used. The BRFSS is a state-based telephone survey of adults that uses a multistage cluster design based on the Waksberg method of random-digit dialing. Data froM 2769 men and 4490 women were obtained from the 1992, 1994, and 1996 surveys. RESULTS: Half (49.6%) of individuals trying to lose weight did not engage in any physical activity. Further, only 15% of respondents trying to lose weight reported exercising regularly. Nevertheless, those trying to lose weight were more likely (OR [odds ratio] = 1.3; 95% CI [confidence interval], 1.14, 1.51, p < 0.001) to exercise regularly than those not trying to lose weight. In particular, women trying to lose weight were significantly more likely (OR = 1.45; 95% CI, 1.22,1.74, p < 0.001) to exercise regularly than women not trying to lose weight. Conversely, men trying to lose weight were no more likely to exercise regularly (p = .23) than men not trying to lose weight. Among respondents who were using exercise for weight loss, only 14.7% were expending > or =1000 kcal/week and 18.2% were expending > or =500 kcal/week. Weekly expenditure rates of > or =1000 kcal/week were more likely to occur among men (17%) than women (13.8%), in younger age groups, and among those with higher educational attainment. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that while certain individuals trying to lose weight are more likely to engage in regular physical activity, most persons trying to lose weight have not adopted regular physical activity as part of their weight loss practice. These results suggest that public health efforts to effectively integrate physical activity into weight control practices of West Virginians have been minimally successful.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in healthy eating and physical activity behaviors and associated biomarkers among normal weight (body mass index [BMI] < 25), overweight (BMI 25-29.9), and obese (BMI > or = 30) rural women. METHODS: Random digit dialing was used to recruit 225 rural women (57.9 +/- 5.6 years). Measures of healthy eating and physical activity were completed on the computer during individual sessions at the rural sites. Research nurses then assessed a battery of biomarkers of activity and eating, including blood lipids, blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness (VO(2max)), and resting heart rate. RESULTS: Major findings were differences across weight categories in daily calories consumed and expended, daily fruit servings, daily meat group servings, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, vital signs, and cardiorespiratory fitness. The obese women both consumed and expended significantly more calories daily than those in the other two weight groups. Obese women consumed significantly fewer fruit group servings than both the normal weight and overweight women. Obese women consumed significantly more meat group servings than overweight women. There also were significant differences in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and cardiorespiratory fitness across the three weight groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence of major differences in some eating and activity behaviors and biomarkers across BMI groups. Major differences exist between the normal weight and overweight group as compared to the obese group.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the US and affects Chinese Americans disproportionately compared to other ethnic groups in the American population. However, few studies have examined CVD risk factors, including diet and physical activity, in Chinese Americans. This investigation used a cross-sectional design to evaluate the dietary intake, dietary supplement use, and physical activity of 125 older Chinese Americans aged 50–98 years, and to determine how these behaviors may be related to obesity and other CVD risk factors. Sociodemographic information, CVD risk factors, dietary intake, and physical activity were obtained from all participants recruited from health fairs conducted in New York City (NYC). The findings revealed that older Chinese American adults living in NYC had a high prevalence of overweight and obesity, borderline hypertension, pre-diabetes, and diabetes. Many participants did not meet their daily requirements calcium, potassium, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, several minerals and vitamins important for cardiovascular health. Although most participants consumed an adequate numbers of servings of foods from the main food groups, most did not meet the recommended number of servings of dairy foods and only one in four adults took a multivitamin supplement daily. After adjusting for potential confounders, daily consumption of oil/sweets and dairy foods was positively associated with waist circumference. Also, daily consumption of oils/sweets, meats, and grains was positively associated with systolic blood pressure. The majority of the participants reported at least 30 min of moderate intensity physical activity per day. Dietary intake or supplement use did not show protective effects but performing vigorous physical activity may reduce risk of CVD in this population.  相似文献   

Data from the 1990 North Carolina Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) were used to examine adolescents' perceptions of relative weight and the relationship of these perceptions to physical activity levels, efforts to lose weight, and time spent viewing television. A total of 3,437 ninth and 12th grade respondents to the May 1990 survey were included in the analysis. Of this sample, 25% perceived themselves as "too fat." Of that group, 68% were trying to lose weight. Females made up 75% of those reporting they were "too fat" and were trying to lose weight. White females were more likely to think of themselves as overweight and were more likely to be trying to lose weight than black females. Adolescents who perceived themselves as "too fat" reported fewer days of strenuous activity, fewer hours of strenuous exercise in physical education classes, and more hours spent viewing television on school days.  相似文献   

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