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答  案1.A.D.E      2.C.D.E       3.A.B.D.E4.C.D.E5.B.D.E6.A.C.D7.A.C.D8.B.C.E9.C.D.E10.A.D.E11.A.D.E12.A.C.D13.C.D.E14.B.C.D.E15.C.D.E16.C.D.E17.A.B.D18.A.B.C.D19.C.D.E20.A.C.D21.B.C.D22.B.C.D23.A.C.D.E24.A.C.D.E25.B.C.E题  解1.额叶释放征包括:1正常人即存在牵张反射的强化,例如眼轮匝肌反射(叩击眉间时发生)。正常人只在开始叩击的几次发生瞬目反射,以后不明显。当有锥体系、锥体外系损害或脑弥散性病变时,该反射变得快而明显,且随每次叩击重复出现;2婴儿期存在的反…  相似文献   

A癌症心理治疗对癌症化疗患者焦虑及胃肠反应影响的临床研究.娄书花,郝玉风,马冬萍.604.早期Hodgkin淋巴瘤患者完全缓解后生存质量的调查及分析.王轶楠,周文华.621.心理行为干预对癌症患者化疗呕吐反应的影响.李运智,李世雪,宋杰,等.852.容易漏诊的颈椎肿瘤病例回顾性分析.杨卫新,何怀,昝云强.526.空间诱变肿瘤细胞和生物工程细胞的染色体实验观察.靳耀英,向青,徐波,等.820.BBell麻痹电针配合运动疗法治疗Bell麻痹的疗效观察.马红鹤,李锦瑞,李禹燕,等.701.Bell麻痹治疗效果的影响因素分析.郑光新,赵晓鸥,崔晓倩,等.830.扳机点胸锁乳突肌…  相似文献   

1.He feels headache,nausea and vomiting.2.He is under the weather.3.He began to feel unusually tired.4.He feels light-headed.5.She has been shut-in for afew days.6.Her headis pounding.7.His symptoms include loss of appetite,weight loss,excessivefatigue,fever and chills.8.He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the ti me.9.He has beenlackingin energy for some ti me.10.He feels drowsy,dizzy and nauseated.11.He feels as though everything around hi mis spinning.12.He has noticed some loss of hea…  相似文献   

[A型题】(试题1~46) 1.感冒四时皆有,主要是感受()邪所致: A.风 B.寒 C.暑 D。湿 E.热 2.除哪项外,都是感冒的临床特征:() A.恶寒发热 B.弃塞流涕 C.头身疼痛 D.苦薄脉浮 E.咳嗽痰多 3.哪一项不是区别凤寒感冒与风热感冒的依据全() A.恶寒与发热的多少 B.明喉疼痛与不彩 C.口渴与不码 D.舌苔薄白与薄黄 E.头痛身痛与否 4.感冒的基本病理是:() A.肺卫失调 B.肺气失宣 C.肺气失降 D.邪阻经络 E.以上都不是 5.病感冒恶寒发热,身痛无汗,鼻流清涕,咽痛口渴,心烦,舌首薄黄,脉俘数,证属:() A.风寒证 B.风热证 C.挟暑证 D.挟燥证 E.表寒…  相似文献   

!口.刁....卜︺‘.....,..11.... 一、.非皿 1.(寸),2.(x),3.(x),4.(x),5.(x),6.(x),7.(x),8.(犷),9.(寸)10.(寸),11.(x),12.(x),13.(甲),1 4.(了),15.(x).16.(x),17.(x),18.(了),19.(了),20.(了). 二、选择皿 1.(〕.2.B,3.B,4.B,5.B,吧.C,7 .B,8.A,9.B,10.C,11.B,12.A,13.B,14.B,15.C .16-人.17.B,18.A,19.A,20.B 三、城充. 1.血红蛋白运输氧和二氧化碳。 2.①趁血鱼厦娜验鱼里丝主②趣业鱿丛上⑧纤维蛋白形成 3在丝遮这玉里多 4.窦房结,加快 5.①肺通气,②肺换气,③气体在血渔生运输,④组织换气 6.①肾小球滤过,②肾小管和集合管…  相似文献   

选择题:1.根据研究者是否对观察对象主动地施加干预,医学研究可分为实验性研究与()性研究两大类A.对照B.随机C.双盲D.观察E.以上都不对2.“均衡”的原则,主要针对()性研究而言A.实验B.随机C.观察D.对照E.以上都不对3.严格地说,()的实验性研究,是康复医学疗效评价的“金标准”A.随机化分组B.对照C.随机D.分组E.双盲4.公式Sx珋=S樤n中,n越大,标准误Sx珋越()A.小B.大C.大小不定D.不变E.以上都不对5.单因素k水平设计,不言而喻就是指实验中仅涉及一个具有k水平的实验因素,k=2时,如果具体问题和实验条件允许,常采取以下配对形式之一()A.…  相似文献   

  • Wang ES,Temya-Feldslein J,Wu Y,et al.Targeting autocrine and paracrine VEGF receptor pathways inhibits human lymphoma xenografts in vivo.Blood,2004,104:2893-2902.
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  • O'Reilly MS,Boehm T,Shing Y,et al.Endostatin:an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth.Cell,1997,88:277-285.
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  • Carmeliet P.Angiogenesis in life,disease and medicine.Nature,2005,438:932-936.
  • Ribatti D.Judah Folkman,a pioneer in the study of angiogenesis.Angiogenesis,2008,11:3-10.
  • Li ww,Hutnik M,Gehr G.Anfiangiogenesis in haematological malignancies.Br J Haematol,2008,143:622-631.
  • Wolpin BM,Mayer RJ.Systemic treatment of coloreetal cancer.Gastroenterology,2008,134:1296-1310.
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  • 王金万,孙燕,刘永煜,等.重组人血管内皮抑索联合NP方案治疗晚期NSCLC随机、双盲、对照、多中心Ⅲ期临床研究.中国肺癌杂志,2005,8:283-290.
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    目的研究同年龄段聋儿与正常儿童的语音发音特征及差异。方法选用《聋儿听力语言康复评估题库》,采用三级人员评估方法,分别对4.5~5.5岁的听障组(20例聋儿)和健听组(20名正常儿童)进行声母和韵母清晰度测试。结果与结论声母清晰度测试显示,聋儿发音清晰度最高的声母为/b.m.d.l.j/,其次为/h.f.r.p.t.n.g.x/,最后为/zh.z.k.c.sh.q.s.ch/;正常儿童发音清晰度最高的声母为/b.p.f.g.m.d.h/,其次为/k.j.x.t.r.l/,最后为/q.zh.ch.sh.n.z.s.c/。韵母清晰度测试显示,两组发音清晰度最高的韵母为单韵母,其次为复韵母,最后为鼻韵母,听障组儿童的三类韵母平均清晰度均明显小于健听组儿童(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

    BACKGROUND:Palatoschisisisakindofcongenitalmal-formation.Itcanbringglossolaliatopatients.Ifnottreatedintime,itwoulddoharmfuleffectstopatients'future.Besidesgenerallawoffunctionalvoicedisorder,palatoschisishasitsspecialcharacters.Afterexaminationandassessment,palatoschisispatientscouldim-provetheirvocalizationbyvoicetraining.ODJECTIVE:Toobservetheeffectsofvoicetrainingtovo-calizationofpalatoschisischildren.UNIT:StomatologyHospitalofFourthMilitaryMedicalUni-versity.SUBJECTS:There…  相似文献   

    国际编委GERMANY Prof.Werner Hacke,M.D.,Ph.D.,M.A.,Department of Neurology,University of Heidelberg Medical School;JAPAN Prof.Kazuo Higa.M.D.,Ph.D.,Department of Anesthesiology,Fukuoka University School of Medicine;JAPAN Prof.Takenori Yamaguchi,M.D.,Ph.D.,National Cardiovascular Center of Japan;NETHERLANDS Prof.J.van Gijn,M.D.,Ph.D.,Department of Neurology,Utrecht University Medical Center;SINGAPORE Prof.Tat-Leang Lee,MBBS.,MMED.,Department of Anesthesia,…  相似文献   

    Rehabilitees who have completed substance withdrawal treatment are among the special target groups for vocational rehabilitation measures. It in particular is at the transition from the primarily medically focussed phase of substance withdrawal treatment into the phase of vocational rehabilitation that this population has to cope with substantial adjustment problems, with the consequence of frequent, and occasionally massive, relapse into substance abuse, and hence not only temporary interruption of the vocational rehabilitation measure. From the long years of experience in working with this population at the Stephanuswerk Isny rehabilitation centre, an absolute need has emerged to offer particularly intensive social-educational and psychological follow-along supports during the phase of vocational rehabilitation. In response to these insights, cause-oriented action strategies have been devised seeking to prevent relapse among ex-dependent rehabilitees and/or assist them in their efforts to cope, in order to avoid drop-outs from the vocational rehabilitation programme, with all the adverse consequences this would imply. These action strategies inter alia included drafting a catalogue of criteria applicable before client admission to the programme, as well as a catalogue of relapse-prevention measures during vocational rehabilitation. The core element of relapse prevention had been creating a prevention-focussed self-help group project, which, in terms of structure and concept, turned out a crucial stabilizing factor for relapse prevention or coping in rehabilitees at risk.  相似文献   

    This pilot study describes factors influencing rehabilitation in a community-based program for individuals with co-occurring psychiatric and substance abuse disorders. Findings indicate that individuals who had been in the program for more than six months had fewer absences and were more likely to adhere to program requirements. Psychiatric symptom relapse occurred in fewer than one-half of participants and was associated with program absence, medication nonadherence, substance abuse, and hospitalization. Family problems were associated with psychiatric symptom and substance abuse relapse as well as hospitalization. Findings suggest the need to identify specific reasons for nonadherence to treatment during the first six months of enrollment. Further study is needed to identify interventions to assist individuals with recovery early in the program, especially in regard to coping with family problems and psychiatric symptoms and substance abuse relapse.  相似文献   

    OBJECTIVE: To determine the relative contributions of substance abuse history and violent etiology to the prediction of outcomes for individuals who sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) requiring inpatient rehabilitation. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of outcomes 1 year postdischarge from rehabilitation. SETTING: Specialized TBI acute rehabilitation unit. PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred fifty-one individuals consecutively admitted for rehabilitation. INTERVENTIONS: Gathered data from patients' medical records (including etiology of injury, initial Glasgow Coma Scale scores, and FIMtrade mark instrument scores at discharge), demographic details, and history of substance abuse; phone and mail survey data from individuals (Satisfaction with Life Scale [SWLS]; Community Integration Questionnaire [CIQ]). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: CIQ and SWLS; relative contributions of injury etiology, demographic and injury-related dependent variables, and substance abuse history to predictive model. RESULTS: Almost 80% of persons with injuries from violence-related causes had a history of substance abuse. Substance abuse was found to contribute to the prediction of life satisfacton and productivity, while violent etiology was not a significant contributor to predictive models. CONCLUSION: Substance abuse history proved to be a strong predictor of long-term outcomes, while violent etiology of injury was less influential. The results of this study emphasize the need to include substance abuse history in all studies of outcomes after TBI, and to increase prevention efforts to limit the effects of such a history.  相似文献   

    Over the past several decades the number of females using addictive substances has continuously increased. Females have different reasons for initiating substance abuse and specific treatment needs that differ from males. Researchers suggested gender specific drug rehabilitation treatment, in which female clients developed or improved functional behaviors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 3 different types of music therapy interventions on levels of depression, stress, anxiety, and anger of female clients in substance abuse rehabilitation. Ten females in an outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation program participated twice a week for 6 weeks in a music therapy program, participating in movement-to-music activities, rhythm activities, and competitive games for 2 weeks, 4 sessions each. After each intervention state-trait anxiety and levels of anger were measured. A repeated-measures ANOVA indicated no significant differences for the three types of music therapy interventions; however, data collected on daily scores, immediately before and after each session, indicated that individuals reported a decrease in depression, stress, anxiety, and anger immediately following the music therapy sessions.  相似文献   

    Eating disorders and alcohol/drug abuse are frequently comorbid. Eating-disordered patients are already at an increased risk for morbidity and mortality, so alcohol and drug use pose additional dangers for these patients. Restricting anorexics, binge eaters, and bulimics appear to be distinct subgroups within the eating-disordered population, with binge eaters and bulimics more prone to alcohol and drug use. Personality traits such as impulsivity have been linked to both bulimia nervosa and substance abuse. Many researchers have proposed that an addictive personality is an underlying trait that predisposes individuals to both eating disorders and alcohol abuse. Interviewing is generally the most useful tool in diagnosing alcohol and substance abuse disorders in individuals with eating disorders. It is essential for the physician to be non-judgmental when assessing for substance abuse disorders in this population. We discuss interviewing techniques, screening instruments, physical examination, and biological tests that can be used in evaluating patients with comorbid eating disorders and substance abuse. More studies are needed to understand psychobiological mechanisms of this comorbidity, and to develop treatments for individuals with comorbid eating disorders and substance misuse.  相似文献   

    This self-directed learning module highlights advances in the principles of management of brain disorders. It is part of the chapter on rehabilitation in brain disorders for the Self-Directed Medical Knowledge Program Study Guide for practitioners and trainees in physical medicine and rehabilitation. The chapter is composed of four articles, and each builds on principles established in the others. This article covers rehabilitation philosophy, management of cognitive remediation, and behavioral management, with attention to communication disorders, social factors, vocational/educational/avocational issues, treatment of motor deficits, dysphagia, sensory dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, and substance abuse. Advances that are covered in this section include pharmacologic and rehabilitative interventions for acute, chronic, and progressive brain injuries and diseases. The learner is directed to articles 1, 2, and 4 in this chapter for supporting information.  相似文献   

    《Journal of substance use》2013,18(4):340-347
    Individuals who abuse alcohol and other drugs are at increased risk for HIV/AIDS, although time of greatest risk is unclear. Although many studies have documented decreased sexual risk behaviours following substance abuse treatment, some evidence indicates that sexual risk behaviours may actually increase with sobriety. In this study, individuals involved in a substance abuse treatment programme were asked about their sexual activity for the month prior to treatment and 6 months after treatment. Results showed higher levels of sexual activity, including risky sexual activity, 6 months after discharge from treatment. This increase was found for individuals regardless of whether they were abstaining from substance use at follow-up, with highest levels of sexual activity and risky sexual activity reported by those still consuming alcohol or other drugs. These findings support the need for inclusion of HIV/AIDS prevention and educational programmes during substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

    Alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drug use are pervasive throughout the world. Substance use problems are among the major contributors to the global disease burden, which includes disability and mortality. The benefits of treatment far outweigh the economic costs. Despite the availability of treatment services, however, the vast majority of people with substance use disorders do not seek or use treatment. Barriers to and unmet need for evidence-based treatment are widespread even in the United States. Women, adolescents, and young adults are especially vulnerable to adverse effects from substance abuse, but they face additional barriers to getting evidence-based treatment or other social/medical services. Substance use behaviors and the diseases attributable to substance use problems are preventable and modifiable. Yet the ever-changing patterns of substance use and associated problems require combined research and policy-making efforts from all parts of the world to establish a viable knowledge base to inform for prevention, risk-reduction intervention, effective use of evidence-based treatment, and rehabilitation for long-term recovery. The new international, open-access, peer-reviewed Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation (SAR) journal strives to provide an effective platform for sharing ideas for solutions and disseminating research findings globally. Substance use behaviors and problems have no boundaries. The journal welcomes papers from all regions of the world that address any aspect of substance use, abuse/dependence, intervention, treatment, and policy. The "open-access" journal makes cutting edge knowledge freely available to practitioners and researchers worldwide, and this is particularly important for addressing the global disease burden attributable to substance abuse.  相似文献   

    Purpose: Individuals with disabilities tend to smoke at rates that surpass those of the general population. The Public Health Service Guideline on the treatment of tobacco dependence suggests that all smokers be screened at every health care visit and counselled regarding how best to quit smoking. We review the literature on the adoption of tobacco dependence treatment by rehabilitation clinicians working with disabled individuals. Despite the deleterious health effects of smoking on individuals with disabilities, the limited data suggests that rehabilitation clinicians rarely encourage their clients who smoke to quit.

    Method: Studies were collected using various computerized databases from 1980 to the present. Because of the paucity of literature on tobacco dependence treatment utilization among rehabilitation clinicians, we also examine research on the use of tobacco dependence treatment by health care providers in the general population and in substance abuse treatment settings.

    Results: Despite the efficacy of tobacco dependence treatment in smokers with disabilities, tobacco dependence treatment appears to be underutilized by rehabilitation clinicians.

    Conclusions: Interventions that have successfully increased adoption by the two other clinician groups should be utilized to increase tobacco dependence treatment provision by rehabilitation clinicians. Additional research is warranted to determine how to overcome obstacles to adoption.  相似文献   

    Cognitive deficits in spinal cord injury: epidemiology and outcome.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
    Cognitive deficits are common among patients with acute spinal cord injury (SCI), but reported prevalence figures vary because of different methods of study. Factors associated with cognitive deficits in patients with SCI include age, educational background, history of learning disability, chronic alcohol and substance abuse, and concomitant or recurrent traumatic brain injury. Psychologic testing of patients with and without cognitive deficits indicates that impaired psychosocial adjustment and adaptation are more frequent in SCI patients who have evidence of cognitive deficits. Various associations have been found between neuropsychologic test performance and major depression. Cognitive functioning and premorbid educational level appear to be associated with medical stability, the patient's ability to assimilate the necessary skills for survival and adaptation after SCI, and readmission patterns after discharge for initial inpatient rehabilitation.  相似文献   

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