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In a recent study Diogo & Abdala [(2007 ) J Morphol  268 , 504–517] reported the results of the first part of a research project on the comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the pectoral muscles of osteichthyans (bony fish and tetrapods). That report mainly focused on actinopterygian fish but also compared these fish with certain non-mammalian sarcopterygians. This study, which reports the second part of the research project, focuses mainly on sarcopterygians and particularly on how the pectoral and forelimb muscles have evolved during the transitions from sarcopterygian fish and non-mammalian tetrapods to monotreme and therian mammals and humans. The data obtained by our own dissections of all the pectoral and forelimb muscles of representative members of groups as diverse as sarcopterygian fish, amphibians, reptiles, monotremes and therian mammals such as rodents, tree-shrews, colugos and primates, including humans, are compared with the information available in the literature. Our observations and comparisons clearly stress that, with regard to the number of pectoral and forelimb muscles, the most striking transition within sarcopterygian evolutionary history was that leading to the origin of tetrapods. Whereas extant sarcopterygian fish have an abductor and adductor of the fin and a largely undifferentiated hypaxial and epaxial musculature, extant salamanders such as Ambystoma have more than 40 pectoral and forelimb muscles. There is no clear increase in the number of pectoral and forelimb muscles within the evolutionary transition that led to the origin of mammals and surely not to that leading to the origin of primates and humans.  相似文献   

Here we describe the head and neck muscles of members of the two extant felid subfamilies (Leptailurus serval: Felinae; Panthera tigris: Pantherinae) and compare these muscles with those of other felids, other carnivorans (e.g., domestic dogs), other eutherian mammals (e.g., rats, tree‐shrews and modern humans), and noneutherian mammals including monotremes. Another major goal of the article is to discuss and help clarify nomenclatural discrepancies found in the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria and in veterinary atlases and textbooks that use cats and dogs as models to understand the anatomy of domestic mammals and to stress differences with modern humans. We propose a unifying nomenclature that is expanded to all the head and neck muscles and to all mammalian taxa in order to help build veterinary and mammalian muscle ontologies. Our observations and comparisons and the specific use of this nomenclature point out that felids such as tigers and servals and other carnivorans such as dogs have more facial muscle structures related to the mobility of both the auricular and orbital regions than numerous other mammals, including modern humans, which might be the result of an ancient adaptation related to the remarkable predatory capacities of carnivorans. Interestingly, the skeletal differences, mainly concerning the hyoid apparatus, pharynx, and larynx, that are likely associated with the different types of vocalizations seen in the Felinae (mainly purring) and Pantherinae (mainly roaring) are not accompanied by clear differences in the musculature connected to these structures in the feline L. serval and the pantherine P. tigris. Anat Rec, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Diogo R  Wood B 《Journal of anatomy》2011,219(3):273-359
Apart from molecular data, nearly all the evidence used to study primate relationships comes from hard tissues. Here, we provide details of the first parsimony and Bayesian cladistic analyses of the order Primates based exclusively on muscle data. The most parsimonious tree obtained from the cladistic analysis of 166 characters taken from the head, neck, pectoral and upper limb musculature is fully congruent with the most recent evolutionary molecular tree of Primates. That is, this tree recovers not only the relationships among the major groups of primates, i.e. Strepsirrhini {Tarsiiformes [Platyrrhini (Cercopithecidae, Hominoidea)]}, but it also recovers the relationships within each of these inclusive groups. Of the 301 character state changes occurring in this tree, ca. 30% are non-homoplasic evolutionary transitions; within the 220 changes that are unambiguously optimized in the tree, ca. 15% are reversions. The trees obtained by using characters derived from the muscles of the head and neck are more similar to the most recent evolutionary molecular tree than are the trees obtained by using characters derived from the pectoral and upper limb muscles. It was recently argued that since the Pan/Homo split, chimpanzees accumulated more phenotypic adaptations than humans, but our results indicate that modern humans accumulated more muscle character state changes than chimpanzees, and that both these taxa accumulated more changes than gorillas. This overview of the evolution of the primate head, neck, pectoral and upper limb musculature suggests that the only muscle groups for which modern humans have more muscles than most other extant primates are the muscles of the face, larynx and forearm.  相似文献   

The mammalian facial muscles are a subgroup of hyoid muscles (i.e. muscles innervated by cranial nerve VII). They are usually attached to freely movable skin and are responsible for facial expressions. In this study we provide an account of the origin, homologies and evolution of the primate facial muscles, based on dissections of various primate and non‐primate taxa and a review of the literature. We provide data not previously reported, including photographs showing in detail the facial muscles of primates such as gibbons and orangutans. We show that the facial muscles usually present in strepsirhines are basically the same muscles that are present in non‐primate mammals such as tree‐shrews. The exceptions are that strepsirhines often have a muscle that is usually not differentiated in tree‐shrews, the depressor supercilii, and lack two muscles that are usually differentiated in these mammals, the zygomatico‐orbicularis and sphincter colli superficialis. Monkeys such as macaques usually lack two muscles that are often present in strepsirhines, the sphincter colli profundus and mandibulo‐auricularis, but have some muscles that are usually absent as distinct structures in non‐anthropoid primates, e.g. the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii superioris, nasalis, depressor septi nasi, depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris. In turn, macaques typically lack a risorius, auricularis anterior and temporoparietalis, which are found in hominoids such as humans, but have muscles that are usually not differentiated in members of some hominoid taxa, e.g. the platysma cervicale (usually not differentiated in orangutans, panins and humans) and auricularis posterior (usually not differentiated in orangutans). Based on our observations, comparisons and review of the literature, we propose a unifying, coherent nomenclature for the facial muscles of the Mammalia as a whole and provide a list of more than 300 synonyms that have been used in the literature to designate the facial muscles of primates and other mammals. A main advantage of this nomenclature is that it combines, and thus creates a bridge between, those names used by human anatomists and the names often employed in the literature dealing with non‐human primates and non‐primate mammals.  相似文献   

In exploring the evolution and adaptive significance of epididymal function, we have studied the male excurrent duct and spermatozoa of a monotreme mammal - the echidna. Sperm maturation in the echidna excurrent duct appears simpler than that in most therians examined. Furthermore, neither the duct nor the spermatozoa of the echidna display specific therian characteristics; they bear a much closer resemblance to those of non-passerine birds. The echidna spermatozoon is filiform, the sperm tail has no distinctive features, and the anterior seventh of the undulating nucleus is covered by a modest acrosome. Immediately behind this a restricted apposition between plasma membrane and nuclear envelope constitutes a post-acrosomal ring. This is evident also in some reptiles and marsupials, whereas in Eutheria such a membrane association appears as the posterior ring at the base of the sperm nucleus. Maturation of spermatozoa in the Wolffian duct of the echidna appears to be expressed only in a changing capacity for motility and in loss of the cytoplasmic droplet. Neither surface, structural nor acrosomal changes that characterize sperm maturation in therian mammals have been detected in maturing echidna spermatozoa. The echidna duct displays little of the regional complexity of the epithelium that typifies this duct in the Theria. Of five regions distinguishable on the basis of epithelial morphology, the first two appear to be counterparts of efferent ducts by virtue of a low columnar, partially ciliated epithelium. The tall pseudo-stratified Golgi-rich epithelium of the major portion of the duct broadly resembles that of the therian epididymis, but it displays only two structurally distinguishable regions, the more distal being the site of a dense luminal secretion. The foamy epithelial cells of the fifth and terminal region, characterized by a mass of supra-nuclear vesicles and rough ER, suggest a secretory function that may in some way contribute significantly to the ejaculate, for accessory glands are poorly developed in monotremes. Maturation of spermatozoa in the Wolffian duct of the echidna appears to be expressed only in a changing capacity for motility and in loss of the cytoplasmic droplet. Neither surface, structural nor acrosomal changes that characterize sperm maturation in therian mammals have been detected in maturing echidna spermatozoa. The echidna duct displays little of the regional complexity of the epithelium that typifies this duct in the Theria. Of five regions distinguishable on the basis of epithelial morphology, the first two appear to be counterparts of efferent ducts by virtue of a low columnar, partially ciliated epithelium. The tall pseudo-stratified Golgi-rich epithelium of the major portion of the duct broadly resembles that of the therian epididymis, but it displays only two structurally distinguishable regions, the more distal being the site of a dense luminal secretion. The foamy epithelial cells of the fifth and terminal region, characterized by a mass of supra-nuclear vesicles and rough ER, suggest a secretory function that may in some way contribute significantly to the ejaculate, for accessory glands are poorly developed in monotremes. The possibility is considered that the relative complexity of epididymal function and sperm structure in therian mammals could have been determined by evolutionary change in the milieu of the female tract, and/or in the character of the egg vestments that the fertilizing spermatozoon must penetrate.  相似文献   

Monotremes have undergone remarkable changes to their digestive and metabolic control system; however, the monotreme pancreas remains poorly characterized. Previous work in echidna demonstrated the presence of pancreatic islets, but no information is available for platypus and the fine structure has not been described for either monotreme. Based on our recent finding that monotremes lack the ghrelin gene, which is expressed in mouse and human pancreatic islets, we investigated the structure of monotreme islets in more detail. Generally, as in birds, the islets of monotremes were smaller but greater in number compared with mouse. β-cells were the most abundant endocrine cell population in platypus islets and were located peripherally, while α-cells were observed both in the interior and periphery of the islets. δ-cells and pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-cells were mainly found in the islet periphery. Distinct PP-rich (PP-lobe) and PP-poor areas (non-PP-lobe) are present in therian mammals, and we identified these areas in echidna but not platypus pancreas. Interestingly, in some of the echidna islets, α- and β-cells tended to form two poles within the islets, which to our knowledge is the first time this has been observed in any species. Overall, monotreme pancreata share the feature of consisting of distinct PP-poor and PP-rich islets with other mammals. A higher number of islets and α- or β-cell only islets are shared between monotremes and birds. The islets of monotremes were larger than those of birds but smaller compared with therian mammals. This may indicate a trend of having fewer larger islets comprising several endocrine cell types during mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present work is to synthesize the information obtained from our dissections of the pectoral and forelimb muscles of representative members of the major extant taxa of limbed amphibians and reptiles and from our review of the literature, in order to provide an account of the comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of these muscles in the Tetrapoda. The pectoral and forelimb musculature of all these major taxa conform to a general pattern that seems to have been acquired very early in the evolutionary history of tetrapods. Although some muscles are missing in certain taxa, and a clear departure from this general pattern is obviously present in derived groups such as birds, the same overall configuration is easily distinguishable in these taxa. Among the most notable anatomical differences between the groups, one that seems to have relevant evolutionary and functional implications, concerns the distal insertion points of the forearm musculature. In tetrapods, the muscles of the radial and ulnar complexes of the forearm are pleisomorphically mainly inserted onto the radius/ulna or onto the more proximal carpal bones, but in mammals some of these muscles insert more distally onto bones such as the metacarpals. Interestingly, a similar trend towards a more distal insertion of these muscles is also found in some non‐mammalian tetrapod taxa, such as some anurans (e.g. Phyllomedusa). This may be correlated with the acquisition of more subtle digital movement abilities in these latter taxa.  相似文献   

We have examined the organization of the pretectal area in two monotremes (the short beaked echidna—Tachyglossus aculeatus, and the platypus—Ornithorhynchus anatinus) and compared it to that in the Wistar strain rat, using Nissl staining in conjunction with enzyme histochemistry (acetylcholinesterase and NADPH diaphorase) and immunohistochemistry for parvalbumin, calbindin, calretinin and non-phosphorylated neurofilament protein (SMI-32 antibody). We were able to identify distinct anterior, medial, posterior (now called tectal gray) and olivary pretectal nuclei as well as a nucleus of the optic tract, all with largely similar topographical and chemoarchitectonic features to the homologous regions in therian mammals. The positions of these pretectal nuclei correspond to the distributions of retinofugal terminals identified by other authors. The overall size of the pretectum in both monotremes was found to be at least comparable in size, if not larger than, the pretectum of representative therian mammals of similar brain and body size. Our findings suggest that the pretectum of these two monotreme species is comparable in both size and organization to that of eutherian mammals, and is more than just an undifferentiated area pretectalis. The presence of a differentiated pretectum with similar chemoarchitecture to therians in both living monotremes lends support to the idea that the stem mammal for both prototherian and therian lineages also had a differentiated pretectum. This in turn indicates that a differentiated pretectum appeared at least 125 million years ago in the mammalian lineage and that the stem mammal for proto- and eutherian lineages probably had similar pretectal nuclei to those identified in its descendants.  相似文献   

The postauricular reflex (PAR) is anomalous because it seems to be potentiated during positive emotions and inhibited during negative states, unlike eyeblink and other components of the startle reflex. Two evolutionary explanations based on simian facial emotion expressions were tested. Reflexes were elicited while 47 young adult volunteers made lip pursing or grimacing poses and viewed neutral, intimidating, or appetitive photos. The PAR was enhanced during appetitive slides, but only as subjects carried out the lip-pursing maneuver. These results support the nursing hypothesis, which assumes that infant mammals instinctively retract their pinnae while nursing in order to comfortably position the head. Appetitive emotions prime the ear-retraction musculature, even in higher primates whose postauricular muscles are vestigial.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have produced comparative maps of genes on amniote sex chromosomes, revealing homology of gene content and arrangement across lineages as divergent as mammals and lizards. For example, the chicken Z chromosome, which shares homology with the sex chromosomes of all birds, monotremes, and a gecko, is a striking example of stability of genome organization and retention, or independent acquisition, of function in sex determination. In other lineages, such as snakes and therian mammals, well conserved but independently evolved sex chromosome systems have arisen. Among lizards, novel sex chromosomes appear frequently, even in congeneric species. Here, we review recent gene mapping data, examine the evolutionary relationships of amniote sex chromosomes and argue that gene content can predispose some chromosomes to a specialized role in sex determination.  相似文献   

Respiratory rhythm generators appear both evolutionarily and developmentally as paired segmental rhythm generators in the reticular formation, associated with the motor nuclei of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, and XII. Those associated with the Vth and VIIth motor nuclei are "pontine" in origin and in fishes that employ a buccal suction/force pump for breathing the primary pair of respiratory rhythm generators are associated with the trigeminal nuclei. In amphibians, while the basic respiratory pump remains the same, the dominant site of respiratory rhythm generation has been assumed by the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal motor nuclei. In reptiles, birds and mammals, in general there is a switch to an aspiration pump driven by thoraco-lumbar muscles innervated by spinal nerves. In these groups, the critical sites necessary for respiratory rhythmogenesis now sit near the ponto-medullary border, in the parafacial region (which may underlie expiratory-dominated, intercostal-abdominal breathing in non-mammalian tetrapods) and in a more caudal region, the preBotzinger complex (which may underlie inspiratory-dominated diaphragmatic breathing in mammals).  相似文献   

The facial motor nucleus (VII) contains motoneurons that innervate the facial muscles of expression. In this review, the comparative anatomy of this brainstem nucleus is examined. Several aspects of the anatomical organization of the VII appear to be common across mammals, such as the distribution of neuron types, general topography of muscle representation, and afferent connections from the midbrain and brainstem. Phylogenetic specializations are apparent in the proportion of neurons allocated to the representation of subsets of muscles and the degree of differentiation among subnuclei. These interspecific differences may be related to the elaboration of certain facial muscles in the context of socioecological adaptations such as whisking behavior, sound localization, vocalization, and facial expression. Furthermore, current evidence indicates that direct descending corticomotoneuron projections in the VII are present only in catarrhine primates, suggesting that this connectivity is an important substrate for the evolution of enhanced mobility and flexibility in facial expression. Data are also presented from a stereologic analysis of VII neuron numbers in 18 primate species and a scandentian. Using phylogenetic comparative statistics, it is shown that there is not a correlation between group size and VII neuron number (adjusted for medulla volume) among primates. Great apes and humans, however, display moderately more VII neurons that expected for their medulla size.  相似文献   

Four forelimbs of 3 platypuses and 3 forelimbs of 2 echidnas were examined to study the precise form of the brachial plexus and to clarify the structural characteristics of the brachial plexus in phylogeny. The spinal components contributing to the plexus (C4–T2) and the formation patterns of the 3 trunks of the plexus were the same as those generally observed in mammals. In the cranial half of the brachial plexus from C4, 5 and 6 in monotremes, division into the ventral bundle (lateral cord) and dorsal bundle (axillary nerve) is clear, as in other mammals. However, for monotremes, in the caudal half of the plexus from C7 and T1 (+T2) and the nerves arising from the caudal plexus there is no definite division into the ventral and dorsal bundles, which distribute to the flexor and extensor parts of the forelimbs, respectively. The lower trunk of the monotreme brachial plexus forms a cord which contains both ventral and dorsal components. This characteristic diverges from the generally accepted idea that the tetrapod limb plexus is divided clearly into 2 layers: a dorsal layer for extensors and a ventral layer for flexors of the limb. Considering the incomplete dorsoventral division of forelimb nerves in some reptiles and urodeles, the caudal half of the monotreme brachial plexus has characteristics in common with those of lower tetrapods.  相似文献   

Gentle handling of mammals (rats, mice) and lizards (Iguana), but not of frogs (Rana) and fish (Carassius), elevated the set-point for body temperature (i.e., produced an emotional fever) achieved only behaviorally in lizards. Heart rate, another detector of emotion in mammals, was also accelerated by gentle handling, from ca. 70 beats/min to ca. 110 beats/min in lizards. This tachycardia faded in about 10 min. The same handling did not significantly modify the frogs' heart rates. The absence of emotional tachycardia in frogs and its presence in lizards (as well as in mammals), together with the emotional fever exhibited by mammals and reptiles, but not by frogs or fish, would suggest that emotion emerged in the evolutionary lineage between amphibians and reptiles. Such a conclusion would imply that reptiles possess consciousness with its characteristic affective dimension, pleasure. The role of sensory pleasure in decision making was therefore verified in iguanas placed in a motivational conflict. To be able to reach a bait (lettuce), the iguanas had to leave a warm refuge, provided with standard food, and venture into a cold environment. The results showed that lettuce was not necessary to the iguanas and that they traded off the palatability of the bait against the disadvantage of the cold. Thus, the behavior of the iguanas was likely to be produced, as it is in humans, through the maximization of sensory pleasure. Altogether, these results may indicate that the first elements of mental experience emerged between amphibians and reptiles.  相似文献   

Olfactory cues are thought to play a crucial role in the detection of the milk source at birth in mammals. It has been shown that a marsupial, the tammar wallaby, can detect olfactory cues from its mother's pouch at birth. This study investigates whether the main olfactory and accessory olfactory system are similarly well developed in other marsupials and monotremes at birth/hatching as in the tammar. Sections of the head of various marsupial and two monotreme species were investigated by light microscopy. Both olfactory systems were less well developed in the kowari and Eastern quoll. No olfactory or vomeronasal or terminal nerves could be observed; the main olfactory bulb (MOB) had only two layers while no accessory olfactory bulb or ganglion terminale were visible. All other investigated marsupials and monotremes showed further developed olfactory systems with olfactory, vomeronasal and terminal nerves, a three-layered MOB, and in the marsupials a prominent ganglion terminale. The main olfactory system was further developed than the accessory olfactory system in all species investigated. The olfactory systems were the least developed in species in which the mother's birth position removed most of the difficulty in reaching the teat, placing the neonate directly in the pouch. In monotremes they were the furthest developed as Bowman glands were found underlying the main olfactory epithelium. This may reflect the need to locate the milk field each time they drink as they cannot permanently attach to it, unlike therian mammals. While it still needs to be determined how an odour signal could be further processed in the brain, this study suggests that marsupials and monotremes possess well enough developed olfactory systems to be able to detect an odour cue from the mammary area at birth/hatching. It is therefore likely that neonate marsupials and newly hatched monotremes find their way to the milk source using olfactory cues, as has been previously suggested for the marsupial tammar wallaby, rabbits, rats and other eutherians.  相似文献   

Here we present the first study comparing all the paired appendages muscles of representatives of each major extant gnathostome group. We address a crucial and enigmatic question in evolutionary and comparative anatomy: Why are the pelvic and pectoral appendages of gnathostomes, and particularly of tetrapods, in general so similar to each other? We argue that an integrative analysis of the new myological data and the information from the literature contradicts the idea that the forelimbs and hindlimbs are serial homologues. The data show that many of the strikingly similar fore‐ and hindlimb muscles of extant tetrapods evolved independently in each appendage because the ancestors of extant gnathostomes and osteichthyans only had an adductor and an abductor in each fin. Therefore, these data contradict the idea that at least some muscles present in the tetrapod fore‐ and hindlimbs were already present in some form in the first fishes with pectoral and pelvic appendages, as the result of an ancestral duplication of the paired appendages leading to a true serial homology. The origin of the pectoral girdle was instead likely related to head evolution, as illustrated by the cucullaris of gnathostomes such as chondrichthyans inserting onto both the branchial arches and pectoral girdle. Only later in evolution the cucullaris became differentiated into the levatores arcuum branchialium and protractor pectoralis, which gave rise to the amniote neck muscles trapezius and sternocleidomastoideus. These changes therefore contributed to an evolutionary trend toward a greater anatomical and functional independence of the pectoral girdle from head movements. Anat Rec, 298:513–530, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tetrapod limbs are a key innovation implicated in the evolutionary success of the clade. Although musculoskeletal evolution of the pectoral appendage across the fins-to-limbs transition is fairly well documented, that of the pelvic appendage is much less so. The skeletal elements of the pelvic appendage in some tetrapodomorph fish and the earliest tetrapods are relatively smaller and/or qualitatively less similar to those of crown tetrapods than those of the pectoral appendage. However, comparative and developmental works have suggested that the musculature of the tetrapod forelimb and hindlimb was initially very similar, constituting a “similarity bottleneck” at the fins-to-limbs transition. Here, we used extant phylogenetic bracketing and phylogenetic character optimization to reconstruct pelvic appendicular muscle anatomy in several key taxa spanning the fins-to-limbs and water-to-land transitions. Our results support the hypothesis that transformation of the pelvic appendages from fin-like to limb-like lagged behind that of the pectoral appendages. Compared to similar reconstructions of the pectoral appendages, the pelvic appendages of the earliest tetrapods had fewer muscles, particularly in the distal limb (shank). In addition, our results suggest that the first tetrapods had a greater number of muscle-muscle topological correspondences between the pectoral and pelvic appendages than tetrapodomorph fish had. However, ancestral crown-group tetrapods appear to have had an even greater number of similar muscles (both in terms of number and as a percentage of the total number of muscles), indicating that the main topological similarity bottleneck between the paired appendages may have occurred at the origin of the tetrapod crown group. Anat Rec, 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Anat Rec, 303:218–234, 2020. © 2018 American Association for Anatomy  相似文献   

All therian mammals (eutherians and marsupials) have an XX female/XY male sex chromosome system or some variant of it. The X and Y evolved from a homologous pair of autosomes over the 166 million years since therian mammals diverged from monotremes. Comparing the sex chromosomes of eutherians and marsupials defined an ancient X conserved region that is shared between species of these mammalian clades. However, the eutherian X (and the Y) was augmented by a recent addition (XAR) that is autosomal in marsupials. XAR is part of the X in primates, rodents, and artiodactyls (which belong to the eutherian clade Boreoeutheria), but it is uncertain whether XAR is part of the X chromosome in more distantly related eutherian mammals. Here we report on the gene content and order on the X of the elephant (Loxodonta africana)—a representative of Afrotheria, a basal endemic clade of African mammals—and compare these findings to those of other documented eutherian species. A total of 17 genes were mapped to the elephant X chromosome. Our results support the hypothesis that the eutherian X and Y chromosomes were augmented by the addition of autosomal material prior to eutherian radiation. Not only does the elephant X bear the same suite of genes as other eutherian X chromosomes, but gene order appears to have been maintained across 105 million years of evolution, perhaps reflecting strong constraints posed by the eutherian X inactivation system.  相似文献   

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