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Ohne ZusammenfassungAn dieser Stelle möge es mir gestattet sein, meinem sehr verehrten Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr. L. Gerlach für die Anregung zu den interessanten Untersuchungen und für seine reichliche Unterstützung bei allen Teilen meiner Arbeit, meinen verbindlichsten Dank abzustatten.Zu Dank verpflichtet bin ich auch Herrn Professor Hauser für die freundliche Überlassung des Kehlkopfmaterials.  相似文献   

Hydrops fetalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Zusammenfassung Bericht über eine Totgeburt mit Hydrops universalis. Als Ursache des Fruchttodes konnte eine durch histo- und serologischen Nachweis sowie durch Tierversuche gesicherte Toxoplasmose mit ausgeprägter Encephalomeningitis und Retinitis festgestellt werden. Der Hydrops universalis ließ sich durch Rh-Inkompatibilität nicht erklären. Dieser. sowie auch eine erythroblastotische Komponente werden auf die generalisierte toxische Schädigung bei Toxoplasmose der Frucht bezogen.  相似文献   

A previous study reported abnormally large cavum septi pellucidi (CSP) in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We utilized magnetic resonance imaging to examine the frequency of large CSP, as defined by Nopoulos et al. (1997), in cancer survivors with and without intrusive recollections in a sample identical to that of our previous study. The frequency of large CSP did not differ between the two groups. The results suggest that alteration in midline structures during the course of neurodevelopment may lead to severe PTSD, while subthreshold PTSD, such as intrusive recollections, appear not to be associated with such alterations.  相似文献   

Hydrops due to myocarditis in a fetus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At 18 weeks of gestation a fetus was studied sonographically because of advanced maternal age and found to have hydrops of unknown etiology with ascites, pleural, and pericardial effusions. An abortion was performed and in the fetal/placental material myocarditis and thyroiditis were documented. Maternal antibodies to Coxsackie virus B5 showed a onefold rise. Tentatively, the hydrops is assigned to Coxsackie virus myocarditis, a lesion not previously identified in fetuses.  相似文献   

We report the case of a premature neonate with ascites and dysmorphic facial features at birth. The chromosomal analysis showed an interstitial deletion of chromosome 10, that is, 46, XX, del(10)(q22.3q24.1). This is the first known case of a patient with interstitial deletion of chromosome 10 with symptoms of ascites and hydrops.  相似文献   

目的:研究安君宁对吗啡依赖雄性SD大鼠伏隔核内前阿黑皮素原表达的影响。方法:30只体重180-220g的雄性SD大鼠,设对照并建立吗啡依赖模型后随机均衡分为5组:淀粉正常对照组,吗啡戒断并安君宁治疗12d、30d组,吗啡戒断并淀粉治疗12d、30d组。吗啡依赖模型的建立采用剂量递增10日法(5mg/kg/次 ̄50mg/kg/次,2次/日,腹腔注射)。安君宁干预方法:灌胃1g/kg/次,2次/日;对照组灌等量的淀粉。各组大鼠按预定时间麻醉、灌注、留取脑组织。采用原位杂交技术测定伏隔核(NAs)内前阿黑皮素原(POMC)mRNA水平。结果:安君宁干预组与干预对照组相比,NAs内POMC mRNA水平显著增高(P<0.05)(吗啡戒断12、30d时,安君宁干预组NAs内POMC mRNA水平分别为0.34±0.11、0.51±0.13,干预对照组分别为0.33±0.17、0.39±0.15。(xs±)×10-2)。结论:安君宁能促进吗啡依赖大鼠伏隔核内前阿黑皮素原表达的恢复。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Wir berichten von einem weiblichen Frühgeborenen der 29. Schwangerschaftswoche mit schwerem Hydrops fetalis, das 3 Tage nach Geburt an den Folgen einer disseminierten intravasalen Gerinnung (DIC) verstarb. Autoptisch imponierten Anasarka, bilaterale Pleuraergüsse, Aszites und eine Hepatosplenomegalie, wobei makroskopisch stecknadelkopfgro?e wei?e Granulome an der Oberfl?che von Leber, Milz und Lungen auffielen. Lichtmikroskopisch fanden sich Speichermakrophagen des RHS besonders in Leber, Milz, Knochenmark, den lymphatischen Organen, den Kopfspeicheldrüsen, der Schilddrüse und im Nebennierenmark. Gro?hirn, Herz, Nieren, Intestinum und Plazenta waren nicht betroffen. Eine Atrophie der lymphatischen Kompartimente in Milz, Lymphknoten und Thymus sowie ein schwerer Leberschaden sind vermutlich sekund?re Folgen der Erkrankung. Die Diagnose M. Farber wurde biochemisch durch den Nachweis von Ceramidablagerungen in der Milz gesichert wie auch durch die Anreicherung von radioaktivem Ceramid in Fibroblastenkulturen nach Zusatz von markiertem Glucosylceramid. Ultrastrukturell wurden entsprechende Speicherorganellen in Histiozyten wie auch in Endothelzellen und Gallengangsepithelien der Leber gefunden. Unseres Wissens ist dies die erste Beschreibung eines M. Farber bei einem Frühgeborenen mit Hydrops fetalis.   相似文献   

Maternal infection with human Parvovirus B19 during pregnancy is one of the rare reasons, which can lead to a not immunologically conditioned hydrops fetalis. We report here a case of intrauterine Parvovirus infection associated with hydrops fetalis, diagnosed by intrauterine sonography in the 29 week of gestation, one week after the out-break of Erythema. The B19 infection of the low birth weight baby, delivered in the 30 week of gestation, was diagnosed serologically with specific IgM and IgG against B19 by ELISA. No malformation could be detected in the liveborn infant, who died on the third day of life.

Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHLH) is a genetic heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder. We report two siblings with FHLH caused by a PRF1 mutation. The first child died in utero with hydrops fetalis and the second presented soon after birth with fatal multiple organ failure. Post-mortem DNA analysis showed a homozygous c.666C>A (p.His222Gln) mutation in the PRF1 gene in both cases, with their non-consanguineous parents being heterozygous for the same mutation. Review of the literature shows that perinatal presentation of FHLH is rare. Diagnosis is difficult because in most cases histologic examination reveals no hemophagocytosis and the disease is rapidly fatal. The association between hydrops fetalis and FHLH has been reported in four previous reports. We present the first case of hydrops fetalis caused by FHLH, confirmed by DNA analysis. FHLH should be included in the differential diagnosis of non-immune hydrops fetalis and neonatal multiple organ failure.  相似文献   

Hydrops fetalis was diagnosed in 277 (9%) of 3,137 fetuses referred to the Wisconsin Stillbirth Service Program (WiSSP) for etiologic evaluation of stillbirth or second trimester miscarriage. Hydrops was clinically recognized at delivery in only about half the cases, while the remainder were diagnosed at autopsy or during evaluation of records, photographs, and radiographs. The peak incidence of hydrops was at 20–28 weeks. Hydropic fetuses were also frequent before 20 weeks but became increasingly rare toward term. The most frequent identifiable underlying cause was chromosomal (29%), followed by other syndromes (14%), and more distantly by cardiac (6%) and other single system disorders. While the overall prevalence of hydrops and chromosomal causes was comparable to other autopsy series, the frequency of nonchromosomal syndromes was higher, reflecting increased attention to syndrome identification. Lethal multiple pterygium syndrome (LMPS) was identified retrospectively in 17 cases, accounting for 6% of all hydrops; 3/17 had a previous affected sib, emphasizing the importance of accurate diagnosis and counseling. Depending on the underlying cause, hydropic fetuses may be either small (if the cause is chromosomal or LMPS) or large (in cases with other syndromes or cardiac causes) for gestational age. The relatively large number in the “idiopathic” group in WiSSP (104/277; 38%) is probably due to variability of autopsies at local hospitals and limited laboratory data. Improved recognition of hydrops and testing directed at diagnosis of specific underlying causes can lead to improved counseling for families.  相似文献   

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