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Five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs B22, B27, 3-6, 32 and 35) specific for human recombinant IFN-gamma were characterized. These MAbs were used to set up quantitative sandwich ELISAs which allowed the detection of 1.25 ng/ml of IFN-gamma when diluted in normal human serum. Epitope mapping of the IFN-gamma molecule using these MAbs demonstrated that antibodies 3-6 and 32 which did not inhibit the biological activity of IFN-gamma recognized an epitope localized on the 15 C-terminal amino acids, suggesting that this portion of the molecule was not implicated in the biological activity of IFN-gamma. Sandwich ELISAs were performed using various pairs of MAbs. The level of reactivity obtained when antibodies B22 and B27 were used simultaneously as catcher and tracer was similar to the result obtained with two antibodies recognizing different epitopes. These results confirm that the IFN-gamma molecule is a dimer in solution and indicate that the two sites of the IFN-gamma dimeric molecule which are associated with the biological activity (epitope B22/B27) are fully exposed. In contrast, the C-terminus is only partially accessible to the antibodies 3-6/32, suggesting that the dimerization of IFN-gamma molecule results in the interaction of regions of the monomers that are homologous and adjacent to the C-terminus.  相似文献   

Summary.  Human herpesvirus (HHV)-7 encodes a unique 65-kDa heparin- binding glycoprotein, designated gp65. This molecule is thought to play a role in virus attachment and entry. To obtain reagents to map the structure and function of HHV-7 gp65, we produced monoclonal antibodies to this molecule. Ten monoclonal antibodies reacting with gp65 on ELISA were subdivided in four groups on the basis of their isotype and differential reactivity with (i) native versus denatured forms of gp65, and (ii) mature (virion-associated) versus immature (cell-associated) forms of the molecule. We were able to map the binding epitopes for eight of these ten antibodies, and these were found to cluster to one site on gp65 (amino acids 239–278); within this region, the antibodies reacted with at least three distinct domains (244–251, 255–262, 263–278). The reasons for the apparent immunodominance of this region are uncertain. Taken together, this panel of antibodies constitutes an extensive and well-characterized set of HHV-7 specific antibodies that may have utility for future analyses of the structure/function of gp65, and for studies on the virus life cycle. Accepted April 9, 2001 Received January 19, 2001  相似文献   

Summary Monoclonal antibodies with differing specificity were prepared against the Josiah strain of the Lassa virus. All monoclonal antibodies were characterized by subclass determination and the immunofluorescence test against Lassa, LCM (WE & Arm strain), Junin, Machupo, and other arenavirus antigens. In radioimmune precipitation tests using purified Lassa virus antigen all monoclonal antibodies precipitated a single band of 60 kd, specific for the viral nucleoprotein (p 60). Three domains (A, B, C) were identified on the surface of the Lassa virus nucleoprotein using an ELISA-inhibition test. All domains carried different Lassa virus specific epitopes. In addition, the A-domain carried a group specific epitope present within the arenavirus family as a whole as shown by cross-reaction in immunofluorescence tests. The B-domain only carries Lassa virus specific epitopes, whereas the C-domain has a type specific and a subgroup specific (Lassa, LCM) epitope.  相似文献   

Summary Ten monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were raised against dengue 1 (DEN 1, Hawaii) virus E glycoprotein. Specificity of the MAbs was tested by ELISA and immunofluoresence. Eight were DEN 1 type-specific, one was DEN group-reactive (DGR) and one was flavivirus cross-reactive (FCR). Two of these type specific MAbs exhibited haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) and neutralized (N) DEN 1 virus in vivo (HS). These two MAbs showed 100% protection against a challenge of 100 LD50 of DEN 1 virus in adult Swiss albino mice. The remaining six MAbs were HI negative, N negative and non-protective against challenge (NHS). Of these only three were reactive in the CF test. The DGR, FCR and one of the NHS MAbs (NHS-3) did not react with DEN 1 virus grown in Vero cells, whereas they reacted with DEN 1 virus grown in LLC-MK2 and C6/36 cells in immunofluorescence, probably indicating a difference in the synthesis/processing of viral proteins in these different cell lines. An epitope map of the E gp was drawn using a computer programme based on the additivity index values. The epitope map delineated five domains, a) S-I representing type-specific, HI positive, N positive and protecting MAbs. b) S-II representing type-specific, HI negative, N negative MAbs. c) S-III representing type-specific HI/N negative MAb, but distinct from S-II. d) DGR representing HI/N negative DEN group reactive MAb. e) FCR representing HI/N negative flavivirus cross-reactive MAb. Epitope analysis of a number of different DEN 1 strains isolated in India over a period of 30 years showed that the domains S-II and S-III which react with HI negative, DEN-1 specific MAbs were variable. The DGR domain and the S-I domains were conserved.  相似文献   

Abstract: We describe here the generation and characterization of two human monoclonal IgM antibodies (UL-4F11 and UL-F6) reactive with HLA-B27. The monoclonal antibody (mAb) UL-4F11 is cytotoxic for peripheral mononuclear cells and, therefore, useful as typing reagent for HLA-B27 and HLA-B38. Protein chemistry showed that the mAb UL-4F11 precipitates HLA-B27 molecules. Epitope mapping analysis suggests that the amino acids 45, 67, 82 and 83 (alpha-1 domain) of the HLA-B27 sequence are necessary for mAb UL-4F11 reactivity. The mAb UL-F6 is suitable for complement dependent lysis of lymphoblastoid cell lines and stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells with HLA-B27 (B*2701, B*2702, B*2703, B*2705, B*2707), B13, B40 (60, 61), B47 and B48 specificities. Its reactivity indicates that the amino acid valine in position 152 and glutamic acid in position 163 of the alpha-2 domain are crucial for the binding epitope.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for the heat-stable enterotoxin (STh) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was produced. All four MAbs (8G7, 53-4, 11C, and SH1) bound to native STh in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to various degrees, with clone SH1 showing the best affinity. The MAbs were screened for neutralizing and guanylate cyclase-inhibiting activities by the suckling mouse assay and the cyclic GMP assay using T84 cells, respectively. The contact amino acid residues governing the reactivity of the four MAbs were precisely determined by using several chemically synthesized analogs of the various heat-stable enterotoxins (STa's). Three distinct antigenic sites of STh sufficiently removed from each other, one near the N terminus, another in the core functional region of the toxin, and the third in the C-terminal region, were recognized by the different MAbs. MAb SH1, which recognized Asn at position 4 and Tyr at position 5 from the N terminus was 100 times more potent in neutralizing the bioactivity of STh in the suckling mouse assay than was MAb 11C, which recognized Thr at position 16 and Tyr at position 19 from the N terminus of the STh molecule. The MAbs which recognized Leu at position 9 from the N terminus (MAb 53-4) and Tyr at position 19 from the N terminus (MAb 8G7) showed intermediate activities in the neutralization assay. The guanylate cyclase-inhibiting activities of SH1 and 11C essentially paralleled the results for the neutralization of bioactivity, while MAbs 53-4 and 8G7 exhibited reverse activity. These results indicate that MAbs that recognize the N-terminal residues which have been shown not to be essential for toxic activity have a potent protective capacity. None of the MAbs reacted with reduced and carboxy-methylated native STh. This suggests that all of the MAbs mediate their effect by reacting with conformation-dependent antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

Anti-breast cancer antibodies (BC2, HMPV and 4B6) and an anti-ovarian cancer antibody (OM1) were found to react with mucins--indeed with the protein core encoded by the MUC1 gene. This gene contains a VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) encoding a 60 bp (= 20 amino acids) repeat sequence and within this amino acid sequence SAPDTRPAP was predicted, by hydrophilicity analysis, to be the immunogenic peptide sequence. The four antibodies were shown to react with MUC1 VNTR encoded peptides in direct binding and inhibition studies. The precise reactivity of the 4 mAbs was mapped using ELISA in both solid and liquid phase, and demonstrated the epitopes to be: APDTR (BC2 and HMPV), PDTR (4B6) and DTRPA (OM1). By using the pepscan method, the epitopes were shorter (PDTR, DTR and DTRP). However when these short peptides (except DTR) were synthesized they did not react; flanking amino acids are needed for the epitopes. Clearly several different methods should be used to define the reactive epitope. Within (S)APDTR, major amino acid substitutions could be made--even of three to four amino acids without altering antibody binding, provided that P and R were not substituted. It was of interest that an anti-ovarian cancer antibody gave similar anti-peptide reactions to the anti-breast cancer antibodies; apparently MUC1 peptides in ovarian cancer are the same as in breast cancer.  相似文献   

RhD is a highly immunogenic erythrocyte membrane protein, implicated in hemolytic disease of the newborn and other hemolytic disorders. Anti-RhD antibodies are used in the treatment of such disease states. Six mutant forms of recombinant RhD were stably expressed in K562 cells, and these cells were used to investigate epitope specificities of four anti-RhD monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Amino acid substitutions were made in the exofacial loops of RhD to the corresponding residues found in the related RhCE polypeptide; M169L/M170R and I172F in the third loop, F223V and E233Q in the fourth loop, and D350H and G353W/A354N in the sixth loop. Each mAb was found to have a unique fine specificity and recognized multiple distant sites within RhD. The mAbs also differed in how they recognized individual amino acids in the exofacial loops of RhD.  相似文献   

Summary.  To obtain reagents to functionally map the PA protein, we produced monoclonal antibodies specific to this protein. Twenty-two monoclonal antibodies reacting with PA protein in ELISA were divided into 10 groups on the basis of competitive binding patterns to this protein. Of these, seventeen monoclonal antibodies bound to PA polypeptide spanning amino acids 101–400 and three bound to that of amino acids 518–600, while the other two did not react with any PA polypeptides tested with the exception of full-length PA. Among these monoclonal antibodies, only five reacted with PA in A/PR/8/34 virus-infected cells in indirect immunofluorescence assay. Thus, we obtained monoclonal antibodies that recognize at least 10 distinct regions of the PA molecule. These monoclonal antibodies should be useful in dissecting functions of the PA protein. Received September 6, 1999/Accepted January 5, 2000  相似文献   

Of nine mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the lower matrix protein (pp65; ppUL83) of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), all immunoprecipitated the 65-kDa protein. Only five were reactive by Western blotting, however, and four of these mapped to linear antigenic epitopes located between amino acids 184-195 (MAb C6), 343-357 (MAb C11), 448-462 (MAb C5), and 448-459 (MAb C13). The epitope specificity of the fifth antibody (MAb C3) and the four that recognised nonlinear sites could not be determined. Competition binding studies using HCMV antigen extracted from productively infected human embryonic lung fibroblasts (HELF), in an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), showed that three of the antibodies reactive with linear epitopes and two of those reactive with conformational epitopes (MAbs C3, C6, C11, C14, and C18), were unique in their binding specificities. MAb C4 competed with MAb C8 and MAb C5 competed with MAb C13 for binding to ppUL83. One of the linear epitopes identified, corresponding to amino acids SAFVFPTKDVAL (MAb C6), was an epitope described previously for CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A panel of 10 monoclonal antibodies reactive with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) glycoproteins was generated. These antibodies immunoprecipitated disulfide-linked complexes which contained glycoproteins with molecular weights of 130,000, 93,000, and 52,000. These complexes were designated gC-I. Epitope analysis of gC-I was done with a simultaneous two antibody binding assay. A network of epitopes was revealed which clustered in three major domains designated I, II, and III. Antibodies within individual domains I and II showed strong mutual inhibition of each other's binding. However, there were multiple antibody interactions between domains I and II. For example, the binding of most antibodies in domain I was augmented to some extent by antibodies from domain II. However, the binding of only one antibody from domain II was augmented by all antibodies from domain I. The augmentation in binding between two antibodies was dependent on the native structure of gC-I and was sensitive to conformational changes due to nonionic detergent extraction of gC-I and/or disruption of disulfide bonds. A synergistic effect was also observed between antibodies in domains I and II in a virus neutralization assay. A neutralizing antibody had a much greater neutralizing activity in the presence of a nonneutralizing antibody, which also enhanced the binding of the neutralizing antibody in the simultaneous two antibody binding assay. Also, two antibodies which were nonneutralizing individually were neutralizing when used in combination. Such antibodies also augmented each other's binding in the simultaneous two antibody binding assay. Finally, domain III consisted of a nonneutralizing antibody that inhibited the binding of all antibodies in domains I and II. This antibody also inhibited the neutralizing activity of a neutralizing antibody in a virus neutralizing assay.  相似文献   

The cDNA coding sequence of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3Dpol) of Mengovirus was cloned and expressed in a bacterial system. Eleven monoclonal antibodies were raised against the recombinant Mengo 3Dpol (rM3D). All of them recognized the recombinant and the viral-induced form of the protein. The panel of monoclonals belonged to the IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes and were mapped to four different epitopes in the 3D molecule by competition assays. All monoclonals recognized Mengo 3Dpol in western blots and cross-reacted with the homologous polymerases of seven other cardioviruses but failed to react with 3Dpol from poliovirus type 1 and 3 or rhinovirus type 14 and 16.  相似文献   

Ye-3 is an HLA-B27-specific murine monoclonal antibody recognizing the heat-modifiable protein of Enterobacteriaceae. Here we used recombinant hybrid molecules between the HLA-B7 and HLA-B27 antigens to delineate the epitope recognized by Ye-3. Results of these experiments indicated that the segment of HLA-B*2705 spanning residues 77-81 was critical to the reactive epitope. It is known to be a major serological and functional recognition site of HLA-B*2705 and our data give support for its involvement also in the serological cross-reactivity with bacterial antigens.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against N-domain of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), C249, K348, K1338, and K1444, that inhibit CEA-mediated cell adhesion, did not crossreact with nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA). To determine amino acid sequences involved in the adhesion, epitopes of the MoAbs were mapped with recombinant NCAs carrying CEA-NCA chimeric N-domain. The data showed that the epitopes of C249, K1338, K1444 are located within the regions 1-32, 1-32, and 33-59 of CEA, respectively, and that two discrete regions 1-32 and 60-93 may be related to the epitope of K348. Comparison of amino acid sequences between CEA and NCA suggested that four residues (21, 27-29), eight residues (21, 27-29, 66, 78, 79, 89), and three residues (43, 44, 46) are important for recognition by C249 (or K1338), K348, and K1444, respectively. These residues seem to participate in the cell adhesion mediated by CEA.  相似文献   

Mapping of B cell epitopes on HBsAg was performed using a panel of human anti-HBs antibodies. Synthetic peptides representing different regions of HBsAg failed to inhibit the binding of two antibodies which recognized non-conformational HBsAg determinants in dot-blot ELISA and HBsAg polypeptide bands in immunoblot analysis. Cross-inhibition studies using five of the antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase suggested that at least three different epitopes are recognised by the panel of antibodies, two of which are within the 'a' group determinant.  相似文献   

Nine mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were used to develop an epitope map of the enzyme. The results of a competitive binding assay indicated three distinct patterns of reactivity. Two groups of MAbs (I and III) recognized epitopes located in separate antigenic regions on the molecule; another (II) bound to sites that overlapped with epitopes in either region I or III. Further definition of these regions was obtained by analyzing the MAbs for their binding to isolated heme, other peroxidases and heme-containing proteins, and to denatured and apo-HRP. None of the group I MAbs bound heme, suggesting that this region was removed from the active site of the enzyme. All of the group II and III MAbs bound heme as well as the other peroxidases and heme-containing proteins, indicating that they recognized heme-associated epitopes at or near the active site. Only one MAb (2A2) in groups II and III bound to apo-HRP but not to denatured HRP; it was also the only MAb in the entire panel that inhibited the catalytic activity of HRP. This suggests that the epitope recognized by 2A2 involves both the heme moiety and a conformationally dependent protein determinant near the active site.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase (AC) toxin from Bordetella pertussis is a 177-kDa repeats-in-toxin (RTX) family protein that consists of four principal domains; the catalytic domain, the hydrophobic domain, the glycine/aspartate-rich repeat domain, and the secretion signal domain. Epitope mapping of 12 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against AC toxin was conducted to identify regions important for the functional activities of this toxin. A previously developed panel of in-frame deletion mutants of AC toxin was used to localize MAb-specific epitopes on the toxin. The epitopes of these 12 MAbs were located throughout the toxin molecule, recognizing all major domains. Two MAbs recognized a single epitope on the distal portion of the catalytic domain, two reacted with the C-terminal 217 amino acids, one bound to the hydrophobic domain, and one bound to either the hydrophobic domain or the functionally unidentified region adjacent to it. The remaining six MAbs recognized the glycine/aspartate-rich repeat region. To localize these six MAbs, different peptides derived from the repeat region were constructed. Two of the six MAbs appeared to react with the repetitive motif and exhibited cross-reactivity with Escherichia coli hemolysin. The remaining four MAbs appeared to interact with unique epitopes within the repeat region. To evaluate the roles of these epitopes on toxin function, each MAb was screened for its effect on intoxication (cyclic AMP accumulation) and hemolytic activity. The two MAbs recognizing the distal portion of the catalytic domain blocked intoxication of Jurkat cells by AC toxin but had no effect on hemolysis. On the other hand, a MAb directed against a portion of the repeat region caused partial inhibition of AC toxin-induced hemolysis without affecting intoxication. In addition, the MAb recognizing either the hydrophobic domain or the unidentified region adjacent to it inhibited both intoxication and hemolytic activity of AC toxin. These findings extend our understanding of the regions necessary for the complex events required for the biological activities of AC toxin and provide a set of reagents for further study of this novel virulence factor.  相似文献   

The interaction between human heart myoglobin and ten specific monoclonal antibodies was investigated with a new biosensor technology, real time biospecific interaction analysis (RT BIA), using surface plasmon resonance. Analysis of association and dissociation kinetics was monitored in real time, with unlabelled reactants. Antibody isotyping was rapid and simple. Epitope mapping with RT BIA confirmed, with substantial time saving, the sum of results obtained in conventional labelled systems. Monoclonal antibodies with four different epitope specificities and optimal binding function were selected for a myoglobin sandwich assay with enhanced sensitivity. BIAcore can be used directly as a diagnostic tool, or as an analytical tool in immunoassay development.  相似文献   

The immunization of a (BALB/c x C57BL/6) FI mouse with murine transfectants expressing the HLA-B27 antigen resulted in a panel of polymorphic monoclonal antibodies with specificity for HLA-B27 and some additional HLA-antigens. Specificity of the antibodies was defined by cytofluorometric analysis on a panel of lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) derived from HLA typed individuals. Three of these antibodies are cytotoxic, and one of them inhibits B27-specific T cell cytotoxicity. Our results indicate that HLA-class I transfectants could be used to generate polymorphic antibodies, and that these antibodies may be helpful for HLA typing and for definition of epitopes recognized by T cells.  相似文献   

A new type of immunochemical mapping of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gag region was performed. By use of native HIV-1 viral lysates or the gag recombinant p24-15 antigen, a new set of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to the gag region proteins was generated. Synthetic HIV-1 peptides covering the entire gag region were used to specifically localize the continuous epitopes by direct binding to the Mabs and by blocking the Mab immunoreactivity. The identified immunogenic epitopes were localized between the gag amino acids (aa) 108-127, 203-217, 208-222, 248-282, 273-302, 288-307, 308-322, 331-354 and 408-422. These continuous epitopes formed seven immunogenic regions. One strongly p17-reactive Mab appeared to react with a discontinuous epitope, the components of which were 110 aa distant in the linear sequence: aa 23-27 and 128-132. The synthetic peptides appeared to be more congruent with the Mab-reactive sites in solution than when coated to a solid phase.  相似文献   

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