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1. The cortex of the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) contains neurons whose activity is related to saccadic eye movements. The exact role of the IPL in relation to saccades remains, however, unclear. In this and the companion paper, we approach this problem by quantifying many of the spatial and temporal parameters of the saccade-related (S) activity. These parameters have hitherto been largely unstudied. 2. The activity of single neurons was recorded from Macaca mulatta monkeys while they were performing a delayed-saccade task. The analysis presented here is based on 161 neurons recorded from the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), a recently defined subdivision of the IPL; and 54 neurons recorded from the neighboring part of the IPL, area 7a. Overall, 409 IPL neurons were isolated in this study. 3. The typical activity of IPL neurons during the delayed-saccade task has three basic phases: light sensitive (LS), memory (M), and S. These basic phases are common to neurons of both areas LIP and 7a. In each phase (LS, M, and S), individual neurons may or may not be active. Most LIP neurons, however, are active in more than one phase. 4. To compare the activity levels of different neurons, the actual firing rate was weighted by each neuron's background level, yielding an "activity index" for each neuron, in each phase of the task. We calculated the activity index for the LS and M phases and for three phases related to the saccade: a presaccadic (Pre-S), a saccade-coincident (S-Co), and a postsaccadic (Post-S) phase. For area LIP neurons the median values of the activity index were high for the LS, M, Pre-S, and S-Co activities, and slightly lower in the Post-S period. In area 7a the median values were low for the LS phase and, in particular, for the M and Pre-S phases, somewhat higher coincident with the saccade, and high post-saccadically. 5. In area LIP, in each phase, 49-63% of the neurons had excitatory activity, and 10-17% had inhibitory responses. 6. In contrast, in area 7a excitatory responses were most frequent in the Post-S phase (56%). Excitation was particularly infrequent during M (28%) and Pre-S (22%). The incidence of inhibitory responses varied too (4-18%). The time course of inhibition was roughly opposite that of excitation; the highest frequency of inhibitory responses occurred during the saccade.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We tested the responses of neurons in the lateral parietal area (area LIP) for their sensitivity to the spatial and non-spatial attributes of an auditory stimulus. We found that the firing rates of LIP neurons were modulated by both of these attributes. These data indicate that, while area LIP is involved in spatial processing, non-spatial processing is not restricted to independent channels.  相似文献   

The macaque lateral intraparietal area (LIP) has been implicated in visuospatial attention and saccade planning. Since area LIP also contains a representation of the central visual field, we investigated its possible role in fixation and foveal attention in a visual fixation task with gap (momentary disappearance of fixation point). In addition to the expected visual neurons ( n=119), two main categories were identified: (1) cells responding tonically both during the presence and momentary absence of the fixation stimulus( n=47); a subset of these neurons studied in a saccade task showed perisaccadic inhibition in half of the cases (14/27). The timing of this inhibition, however, is only loosely related to saccade timing; (2) cells responding mainly to the absence of the fixation stimulus, with either abrupt or gradual onset of activity during the gap ( n=62). During saccades, these neurons showed presaccadic buildup and/or postsaccadic activity, which was spatially tuned in about half of the tested cells (28/53). Ninety-one percent of the cells in the first category and 59% of the cells in the second category were located in the dorsal portion of area LIP (LIPd). These results are consistent with the hypothesis of an oculomotor-attentional network contributing to fixation engagement and disengagement in a subregion of LIP.  相似文献   

The lateral intraparietal area (LIP), a region of posterior parietal cortex, was once thought to be unresponsive to auditory stimulation. However, recent reports have indicated that neurons in area LIP respond to auditory stimuli during an auditory-saccade task. To what extent are auditory responses in area LIP dependent on the performance of an auditory-saccade task? To address this question, recordings were made from 160 LIP neurons in two monkeys while the animals performed auditory and visual memory-saccade and fixation tasks. Responses to auditory stimuli were significantly stronger during the memory-saccade task than during the fixation task, whereas responses to visual stimuli were not. Moreover, neurons responsive to auditory stimuli tended also to be visually responsive and to exhibit delay or saccade activity in the memory-saccade task. These results indicate that, in general, auditory responses in area LIP are modulated by behavioral context, are associated with visual responses, and are predictive of delay or saccade activity. Responses to auditory stimuli in area LIP may therefore be best interpreted as supramodal responses, and similar in nature to the delay activity, rather than as modality-specific sensory responses. The apparent link between auditory activity and oculomotor behavior suggests that the behavioral modulation of responses to auditory stimuli in area LIP reflects the selection of auditory stimuli as targets for eye movements.  相似文献   

The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of the macaque is believed to play a role in the allocation of attention and the plan to make saccadic eye movements. Many studies have shown that LIP neurons generally encode the static spatial location demarked by the receptive field (RF). LIP neurons might also provide information about the features of visual stimuli within the RF. For example, LIP receives input from cortical areas in the dorsal visual pathway that contain many direction-selective neurons. Here we examine direction selectivity of LIP neurons. Animals were only required to fixate while motion stimuli appeared in the RF. To avoid spatial confounds, the motion stimuli were patches of randomly arrayed dots that moved with 100% coherence in eight different directions. We found that the majority (61%) of LIP neurons were direction selective. The direction tuning was fairly broad, with a median direction-tuning bandwidth of 136 degrees. The average strength of direction selectivity was weaker in LIP than that of other areas of the dorsal visual stream but that difference may be because of the fact that LIP neurons showed a tonic offset in firing whenever a visual stimulus was in the RF, independent of direction. Direction-selective neurons do not seem to constitute a functionally distinct subdivision within LIP, because those neurons had robust, sustained delay-period activity during a memory delayed saccade task. The direction selectivity could also not be explained by asymmetries in the spatial RF, in the hypothetical case that the animals attended to slightly different locations depending on the direction of motion in the RF. Our results show that direction selectivity is a distinct attribute of LIP neurons in addition to spatial encoding.  相似文献   

We examined the activity of neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) during a task in which we measured attention in the monkey, using an advantage in contrast sensitivity as our definition of attention. The animals planned a memory-guided saccade but made or canceled it depending on the orientation of a briefly flashed probe stimulus. We measured the monkeys' contrast sensitivity by varying the contrast of the probe. Both subjects had better thresholds at the goal of the saccade than elsewhere. If a task-irrelevant distractor flashed elsewhere in the visual field, the attentional advantage transiently shifted to that site. The population response in LIP correlated with the allocation of attention; the attentional advantage lay at the location in the visual field whose representation in LIP had the greatest activity when the probe appeared. During a brief period in which there were two equally active regions in LIP, there was no attentional advantage at either location. This time, the crossing point, differed in the two animals, proving a strong correlation between the activity and behavior. The crossing point of each neuron depended on the relationship of three parameters: the visual response to the distractor, the saccade-related delay activity, and the rate of decay of the transient response to the distractor. Thus the time at which attention lingers on a distractor is set by the mechanism underlying these three biophysical properties. Finally, we showed that for a brief time LIP neurons showed a stronger response to signal canceling the planned saccade than to the confirmation signal.  相似文献   

Goal-directed behavior is characterized by flexible stimulus-action mappings. The lateral intraparietal area (area LIP) contains a representation of extra-personal space that is used to guide goal-directed behavior. To examine further how area LIP contributes to these flexible stimulus-action mappings, we recorded LIP activity while rhesus monkeys participated in two different cueing tasks. In the first task, the color of a central light indicated the location of a monkey’s saccadic endpoint in the absence of any other visual stimuli. In the second task, the color of a central light indicated which of two visual targets was the saccadic goal. In both tasks, LIP activity was modulated by these non-spatial cues. These observations further suggest a role for area LIP in mediating endogenous associations that link stimuli with actions.  相似文献   

The close relationship between saccadic eye movements and vision complicates the identification of neural responses associated with each function. Visual and saccade-related responses are especially closely intertwined in a subdivision of posterior parietal cortex, the lateral parietal area (LIP). We analyzed LIP neurons using an antisaccade task in which monkeys made saccades away from a salient visual cue. The vast majority of neurons reliably signaled the location of the visual cue. In contrast, most neurons had only weak, if any, saccade-related activity independent of visual stimulation. Thus, whereas the great majority of LIP neurons reliably encoded cue location, only a small minority encoded the direction of the upcoming saccade.  相似文献   

The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of macaques has been considered unresponsive to auditory stimulation. Recent reports, however, indicate that neurons in this area respond to auditory stimuli in the context of an auditory-saccade task. Is this difference in auditory responsiveness of LIP due to auditory-saccade training? To address this issue, LIP responses in two monkeys were recorded at two different times: before and after auditory-saccade training. Before auditory-saccade training, the animals had never been trained on any auditory task, but had been trained on visual tasks. In both sets of experiments, activity of LIP neurons was recorded while auditory and visual stimuli were presented and the animals were fixating. Before training, 172 LIP neurons were recorded. Among these, the number of cells responding to auditory stimuli did not reach significance, whereas about one-half of the cells responded to visual stimuli. An information theory analysis confirmed that no information about auditory stimulus location was available in LIP neurons in the experiments before training. After training, activity from 160 cells was recorded. These experiments showed that 12% of cells in area LIP responded to auditory stimuli, whereas the proportion of cells responding to visual stimuli remained about the same as before training. The information theory analysis confirmed that, after training, information about auditory stimulus location was available in LIP neurons. Auditory-saccade training therefore generated responsiveness to auditory stimuli de novo in LIP neurons. Thus some LIP cells become active for auditory stimuli in a passive fixation task, once the animals have learned that these stimuli are important for oculomotor behavior.  相似文献   

Macaque frontal eye fields (FEF) and the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) are high-level oculomotor control centers that have been implicated in the allocation of spatial attention. Electrical microstimulation of macaque FEF elicits functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activations in area LIP, but no study has yet investigated the effect of FEF microstimulation on LIP at the single-cell or local field potential (LFP) level. We recorded spiking and LFP activity in area LIP during weak, subthreshold microstimulation of the FEF in a delayed-saccade task. FEF microstimulation caused a highly time- and frequency-specific, task-dependent increase in gamma power in retinotopically corresponding sites in LIP: FEF microstimulation produced a significant increase in LIP gamma power when a saccade target appeared and remained present in the LIP receptive field (RF), whereas less specific increases in alpha power were evoked by FEF microstimulation for saccades directed away from the RF. Stimulating FEF with weak currents had no effect on LIP spike rates or on the gamma power during memory saccades or passive fixation. These results provide the first evidence for task-dependent modulations of LFPs in LIP caused by top-down stimulation of FEF. Since the allocation and disengagement of spatial attention in visual cortex have been associated with increases in gamma and alpha power, respectively, the effects of FEF microstimulation on LIP are consistent with the known effects of spatial attention.  相似文献   

Saccade-related activity in the parietal reach region   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In previous experiments, we showed that cells in the parietal reach region (PRR) in monkey posterior parietal cortex code intended reaching movements in an eye-centered frame of reference. These cells are more active when an arm compared with an eye movement is being planned. Despite this clear preference for arm movements, we now report that PRR neurons also fire around the time of a saccade. Of 206 cells tested, 29% had perisaccadic activity in a delayed-saccade task. Two findings indicate that saccade-related activity does not reflect saccade planning or execution. First, activity is often peri- or postsaccadic but seldom presaccadic. Second, cells with saccade-related activity were no more likely to show strong saccadic delay period activity than cells without saccade-related activity. These findings indicate that PRR cells do not take part in saccade planning. Instead, the saccade-related activity in PRR may reflect cross-coupling between reach and saccade pathways that may be used to facilitate eye-hand coordination. Alternatively, saccade-related activity may reflect eye position information that could be used to maintain an eye-centered representation of intended reach targets across eye movements.  相似文献   

Neurons in the lateral intraparietal area of the monkey (LIP) have visual receptive fields in retinotopic coordinates when studied in a fixation task. However, in the period immediately surrounding a saccade these receptive fields often shift, so that a briefly flashed stimulus outside the receptive field will drive the neurons if the eye movement will bring the spatial location of that vanished stimulus into the receptive field. This is equivalent to a transient shift of the retinal receptive field. The process enables the monkey brain to process a stimulus in a spatially accurate manner after a saccade, even though the stimulus appeared only before the saccade. We studied the time course of this receptive field shift by flashing a task-irrelevant stimulus for 100 ms before, during, or after a saccade. The stimulus could appear in receptive field as defined by the fixation before the saccade (the current receptive field) or the receptive field as defined by the fixation after the saccade (the future receptive field). We recorded the activity of 48 visually responsive neurons in LIP of three hemispheres of two rhesus monkeys. We studied 45 neurons in the current receptive field task, in which the saccade removed the stimulus from the receptive field. Of these neurons 29/45 (64%) showed a significant decrement of response when the stimulus appeared 250 ms or less before the saccade, as compared with their activity during fixation. The average response decrement was 38% for those cells showing a significant (P < 0.05 by t-test) decrement. We studied 39 neurons in the future receptive field task, in which the saccade brought the spatial location of a recently vanished stimulus into the receptive field. Of these 32/39 (82%) had a significant response to stimuli flashed for 100 ms in the future receptive field, even 400 ms before the saccade. Neurons never responded to stimuli moved by the saccade from a point outside the receptive field to another point outside the receptive field. Neurons did not necessarily show any saccadic suppression for stimuli moved from one part of the receptive field to another by the saccade. Stimuli flashed <250 ms before the saccade-evoked responses in both the presaccadic and the postsaccadic receptive fields, resulting in an increase in the effective receptive field size, an effect that we suggest is responsible for perisaccadic perceptual inaccuracies.  相似文献   

Primates search for objects in the visual field with eye movements. We recorded the activity of neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) in animals performing a visual search task in which they were free to move their eyes, and reported the results of the search with a hand movement. We distinguished three independent signals: (1) a visual signal describing the abrupt onset of a visual stimulus in the receptive field; (2) a saccadic signal predicting the monkey’s saccadic reaction time independently of the nature of the stimulus; (3) a cognitive signal distinguishing between the search target and a distractor independently of the direction of the impending saccade. The cognitive signal became significant on average 27 ms after the saccadic signal but before the saccade was made. The three signals summed in a manner discernable at the level of the single neuron. A.E. Ipata and A.L. Gee have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory identified a parietal eye field in the primate lateral intraparietal sulcus, the lateral intraparietal area (area LIP). Here we further explore the role of area LIP in processing saccadic eye movements by observing the effects of reversible inactivation of this area. One to 2 microl of muscimol (8 mg/ml) were injected at locations where saccade-related activities were recorded for each lesion experiment. After the muscimol injection we observed in two macaque monkeys consistent effects on both the metrics and dynamics of saccadic eye movements at many injection sites. These effects usually took place within 10-30 min and disappeared after 5-6 h in most cases and certainly when tested the next day. After muscimol injection memory saccades directed toward the contralesional and upper space became hypometric, and in one monkey those to the ipsilesional space were slightly but significantly hypermetric. In some cases, the scatter of the end points of memory saccades was also increased. On the other hand, the metrics of visual saccades remained relatively intact. Latency for both visual and memory saccades toward the contralesional space was increased and in many cases displayed a higher variance after muscimol lesion. At many injection sites we also observed an increase of latency for visual and memory saccades toward the upper space. The peak velocities for memory saccades toward the contralesional space were decreased after muscimol injection. The peak velocities of visual saccades were not significantly different from those of the controls. The duration of saccadic eye movements either to the ipsilesional or contralesional space remained relatively the same for both visual and memory saccades. Overall these results demonstrated that we were able to selectively inactivate area LIP and observe effects on saccadic eye movements. Together with our previous recording studies these results futher support the view that area LIP plays a direct role in processing incoming sensory information to program saccadic eye movements. The results are consistent with our unit recording data and microstimulation studies, which suggest that area LIP represents contralateral space and also has a bias for the upper visual field.  相似文献   

In our previous studies, we found that cells in the caudal intraparietal (CIP) area of the macaque monkey selectively responded to three-dimensional (3D) features, such as the axis and surface orientations, and we suggested that this area played a crucial role in 3D vision. In this study, we investigated (1) whether cells in CIP respond to other 3D features, such as curvature, and (2) whether CIP has any histological property to distinguish it from neighboring areas. Curvatures defined by a random-dot stereogram were presented on a display while the monkey performed a fixation task. The shape and amount of curvature were manipulated by two independent variables, shape index and curvedness, respectively. Two-way ANOVA showed that 19 out of 56 visually responsive cells (34.0%) showed the main effect of shape index. We tentatively designated these cells as 3D curvature-selective (3DCS). Of these, six 3DCS cells showed the main effects of shape index and curvedness, whereas 13 showed the main effect of shape index only. In both types of 3DCS cells, preferred shape indices calculated from tuning curves at two levels of curvedness matched well. These results indicate that the majority of 3DCS cells responded equally to a particular shape of curvatures with different curvedness levels. An immunohistochemical study showed that the recording sites of 3DCS cells were in a cortical region characterized by a dense SMI-32 immunoreactivity in the caudal portion of the lateral intraparietal sulcus (IPS), which suggests that this region is comparable to the lateral occipital parietal (LOP) designated in the caudal IPS previously. Further investigations showed that this region was separated from LIPv, the ventral subdivision of lateral intraparietal (LIP) located rostral to CIP/LOP. These results suggest that CIP is a cortical area distinct from LIP histologically as well as functionally.  相似文献   

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