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A lymphokine produced by antigen stimulated lymphocytes, induces blastogenesis in cultures of lymphocytes which are not sensitive to the specific antigen. The in vitro production of this factor (MF) was accomplished utilizing peritoneal exudate (PE) cells from Coccidioides immitis infected guinea pigs. Production of MF by lymphoid cultures paralleled skin test reactivity of the donor animal. Removal of adherent cells from the PE population did not decrease the production of MF; conversely, a more significant production of MF was effected by the adherent cell depleted populations. Maximal production of MF was achieved at non-adherent cell concentrations from 4 X 10(6) to 8 X 10(6) cells/ml. Cell concentrations below 4 X 10(6)/ml produced material which inhibited DNA synthesis in test cultures. MF was separated from the inhibitory substance(s) by column chromatography of the crude preparations on Sephadex G-75. Inhibitor(s) eluted in the void volume (VO), and the MF eluted in an effluent volume (Ve) which was greater than the total bed volume (Vt) suggesting that MF is adsorbed by Sephadex beads.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of platelet-activating factor (PAF)-induced increases of cutaneous vascular permeability in guinea pigs and in rats were further explored. PAF so far is the most potent vasoactive mediator, being more than 1000-fold more potent than histamine and bradykinin in both species. In guinea pigs, there is a time delay of 5 to 10 minutes before PAF action, whereas, in the rat, the increased vasopermeability occurs immediately following the intradermal PAF injection. Relative vasoactive potencies of PAF and several structure-related analogues in both species correlate very well with their relative inhibition of the binding of 3H-PAF to specific receptor sites on isolated rabbit platelet plasma membranes and their aggregatory abilities of rabbit platelets. Furthermore, the PAF-induced cutaneous vascular permeability is inhibitable by a competitive specific PAF receptor antagonist, kadsurenone, suggesting that binding of PAF to its specific receptor site is the first step to initiate its action of increased cutaneous vascular permeability. Several pure cyclooxygenase inhibitors, including indomethacin, diflunisal, and flurbiprofen, and the dual cyclooxygenase/lipoxygenase inhibitor, BW755C, but not the histamine antagonists, inhibit the PAF-induced vasopermeability in guinea pigs. The inhibition by indomethacin or BW755C can be fully reversed by coinjection intradermally with PAF and prostaglandin E1 but not leukotriene B4. Also, prostaglandin E1 but not leukotriene B4 enhances the guinea pig in vivo response to PAF in this model. However, in rats, none of the cyclooxygenase inhibitors, histamine antagonists, or BW755C inhibit the PAF effect of cutaneous phenomena even though prostaglandin E1 also enhances the PAF potency of the increased cutaneous vascular permeability. Kadsurenone, a competitive specific receptor antagonist, inhibits both histamine- and bradykinin-induced rat cutaneous vascular permeability which suggests that PAF may be involved in the vasopermeability induced by histamine and bradykinin.  相似文献   

A guinea pig passage-adapted strain of the arena-virus Pichinde (adPIC) is highly virulent in inbred guinea pigs, whereas the related strain PIC3739 is attenuated. Both viruses were macrophage tropic and infected peritoneal, splenic, liver, and alveolar macrophages during experimental Pichinde virus infection. Infection with the virulent strain was associated with unlimited viral replication in the face of exaggerated delayed-type hypersensitivity response, manifested by the macrophage disappearance reaction. Histopathological lesions unique to adPIC-infected guinea pigs included intestinal villus blunting with mucosal infiltration by pyknotic debris-laden macrophages and apoptosis of crypt epithelial cells. Splenic red pulp necrosis was also significantly associated with adPIC infection but not PIC3739 infection. These findings may provide clues to the pathogenesis of a group of poorly understood human viral hemorrhagic fevers.  相似文献   

Thiosulfinates are responsible for antiasthmatic and anti-inflammatory properties of onions. We tested the effect of diphenylthiosulfinate on platelet-activating factor (PAF)-induced bronchial hyperreactivity to histamine: According to a randomized crossover protocol, groups of 14 guinea pigs inhaled histamine, were then treated orally with either vehicle or with 10-100 mg/kg diphenylthiosulfinate, inhaled 1 microgram PAF, and thereafter the same histamine dose given prior to PAF. In the control group the histamine response increased threefold; in the treated group the histamine response decreased. The effect of 100 mg diphenylthiosulfinate lasted 12 h. Antihistamine effects were not demonstrable in this test system. We conclude that thiosulfinates inhibit PAF-induced hyperreactivity.  相似文献   

Isolated glomeruli and tubular and medullary cells obtained from perfused kidneys from Wistar rats were stimulated with ionophore A 23187 (0.5 to 6 microM) or kept overnight at pH 9.5. The amount of platelet-activating factor (Paf-acether) formed was measured in the ethanolic cell extracts using aggregation of washed rabbit platelets. 2-Lyso Paf-acether present in cells was transformed into Paf-acether by chemical acetylation and measured in the same manner as Paf-acether. Microsomes from glomeruli and medullary and tubular cells were prepared, and the acetyltransferase activity was measured. Paf-acether was formed in a dose-dependent fashion by glomeruli and medullary cells, and maximal formation with 3 microM ionophore A 23187 was 1.9 +/- 0.2 and 1.1 +/- 0.2 pmoles/mg of protein, respectively. Paf-acether was not recovered from tubular cells. Three cell types produced large amounts of 2-lyso Paf-acether when incubated at alkaline pH. Only glomeruli generated appreciable quantity of 2-lyso Paf-acether upon ionophore A 23187 stimulation. The acetyltransferase specific activities in ionophore A 23187-stimulated glomeruli and medullary and tubular cells were 3.8 +/- 0.8, 0.3 +/- 0.1, and 0.2 +/- 0.1 nmoles of Paf-acether/10 min/mg of protein, respectively. This study demonstrates the formation of Paf-acether by two distinct populations of kidney cells, pointing out the glomerular cells, besides the already known medullary cells, as capable of forming Paf-acether.  相似文献   

A precursor of phagocytosis-stimulating factor (PSF) was identified by immunoblot assay with purified anti-PSF antibodies. The purified anti-PSF antibodies recognized not only the PSF with a molecular weight of 16,000 (16K) but also the 36K protein with a pI of 6.5 in the granule fraction of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, indicating that this 36K protein has an antigenic determinant common to PSF. In addition, the appearance of the PSF during phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear neutrophils was closely correlated to the decrease of the 36K protein. These results suggest that the 36K protein is the precursor of PSF which is converted to biologically active PSF in the granules during phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a potent contractile agonist in guinea pig peripheral lung strips. Whether PAF acts via specific receptor sites in the lung has not been fully established. To determine if specific receptor sites could be demonstrated in guinea pig peripheral lung tissue, we performed direct radioligand binding studies in tissue homogenates with [3H]C16-PAF (1-O-hexadecyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine) and the PAF antagonists [3H]WEB 2086 and [3H]RP52770. These studies demonstrated binding sites for [3H]C16-PAF of high affinity (Kd of 2.6 nM from saturation isotherms and 0.9 nM from kinetic experiments) and a mean density of 200 fmol/mg protein. Binding was inhibited to the same degree with unlabeled C16-PAF, WEB 2086, and RP52770, all with pseudo-Hill slopes of unity. [3H]WEB 2086 binding demonstrated a receptor density similar to that of [3H]C16-PAF (226 fmol/mg protein) and was inhibited to the same degree by unlabeled C16-PAF, C18-PAF, WEB 2086, and RP52770. Although antagonist inhibition yielded pseudo-Hill slopes near unity, agonist inhibition slopes were shallow, suggesting two types or states for the PAF receptors. Direct binding studies with [3H]RP52770 revealed a much larger density of binding sites (1,200 fmol/mg protein), and this binding was not inhibited with C16-PAF, C18-PAF, WEB 2086, or lyso-PAF. These results indicate that guinea pig lung has specific binding sites for [3H]C16-PAF, that WEB 2086 is an effective antagonist of C16- and C18-PAF binding at these sites, and that RP52770 binds to the PAF site but, in addition, binds to another site with a much greater density.  相似文献   

A G Stewart  T Harris 《Immunology》1993,78(1):152-158
Regulation of the respiratory burst and its priming by recombinant human tumour necrosis factor-alpha (rhTNF-alpha) and platelet-activating factor (PAF) were investigated in human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN). Adenosine (0.1-10 microM) pretreatment of PMN concentration-dependently inhibited the superoxide anion generation (O2-) in response to formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). The priming by PAF (1 microM) for an increased O2- generation by FMLP-stimulated PMN was completely blocked by adenosine pretreatment. In contrast, rhTNF-alpha-induced priming was unaffected by adenosine. In addition, the direct stimulation of PMN O2- by rhTNF-alpha was also unaffected by adenosine as was rhTNF-alpha-induced PAF synthesis. FMLP-induced PAF synthesis was reduced by adenosine to a similar extent as the inhibition of the respiratory burst. Adenosine also inhibited PAF-, but not FMLP-induced increases in intracellular calcium in PMN. These findings indicate that short-term, direct stimulants (FMLP) or priming agents (PAF) are subject to modulation by the endothelial product adenosine, whereas the priming and direct stimulation of the respiratory burst by the longer-acting agent, rhTNF-alpha is unaffected. Moreover, differential inhibition of PMN activation by adenosine reveals important functional differences in the signalling mechanisms initiated by PAF, FMLP and rhTNF-alpha.  相似文献   

The precise role of platelet-activating factor (PAF) in asthma has yet to be established. Nonetheless, the potential relationship between PAF and asthma appears to include the eosinophil (EOS) as an important link. Thus, to evaluate the effect of PAF on leukocyte-dependent inflammation, purified populations of human blood EOSs and neutrophils were isolated from the same subject. The two granulocyte populations were then incubated with PAF, and superoxide anion (O2-) generation was measured by reduction of cytochrome c in a microassay system. Both granulocyte cell types generated O2- when they were incubated with PAF. However, the generation of O2- was 3.4 times greater with EOSs (9.8 +/- 1.5 nmole of cytochrome c reduced per 5 x 10(5) cells) than neutrophils (2.9 +/- 0.4 nmole of cytochrome c reduced per 5 x 10(5) cells; p less than 0.0001). When the effect of PAF on [Ca++]i was measured with the fluorescent label, Indo-1, PAF caused similar increases in cellular fluorescence in both neutrophils and EOSs, but the increase in [Ca++]i of neutrophils occurred with lower concentrations of PAF. Furthermore, when similar experiments were conducted in the presence of an extracellular calcium chelator, ethylene glycol-bis-(beta-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, there was partial suppression in both the cellular fluorescence and O2- generation to PAF; this suggests that full expression of EOS generation of O2- by PAF requires both intracellular mobilization and a transmembrane influx of Ca++. Our data indicate that PAF can stimulate leukocyte O2- generation, but this response is greater in the EOS than the neutrophil. Therefore, our findings support the observation that the EOS is more responsive to PAF activation than other granulocytes and that this difference may contribute to participation of PAF in asthma.  相似文献   

The functional and biochemical responses evoked by the addition of platelet-activating factor (PAF) to a suspension of rabbit neutrophils have been characterized in an effort to define the mode of action of this lipid mediator. PAF was found to elicit a secretory response and to stimulate a rapid breakdown of the polyphosphoinositides, an increase in the cytoplasmic level of free calcium (as monitored by quin2), a decrease in the fluorescence of cell-associated chlortetracycline, an enhanced activity of the sodium/hydrogen antiport, a transient depolarization, and an increase in the level of cytoskeletal actin. The quin2 response to PAF was found to be detectable at concentrations as low as 0.01 nM, to be very dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium, and to be sensitive to inhibition by phorbol esters. On the other hand, the increase in free calcium induced by PAF in the presence of extracellular calcium was essentially unaffected by pertussis toxin. PAF-induced neutrophil degranulation was similarly extracellular calcium dependent and phorbol ester sensitive. The secretory activity of PAF was evident only at concentrations in excess of 1 nM. All of the other effects of PAF were found to be independent of the presence of external calcium and to be demonstrable only at concentrations larger than 1 nM. In addition, all neutrophil responses to PAF (with the above noted exception of quin2) were potently inhibited by pertussis toxin. These results are interpreted in terms of the possible existence of two functionally distinct populations of receptors. The occupation of one set (of apparent high affinity) induces an increase in permeability to calcium in a phorbol-ester-, but not pertussis-toxin-, sensitive manner. The activation of the other set of receptors at higher concentrations of PAF stimulates the polyphosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C and induces the attendant biochemical responses. These latter responses appear to be mediated by a guanine-nucleotide-binding regulatory protein.  相似文献   

Association of platelets and neutrophils is frequently observed within thrombi or inflammatory sites. Interactions between these two cell populations have been reported for the production of several mediators of inflammation such as hydrogen peroxides or leukotrienes. Another potential mediator of thrombosis and inflammation is paf-acether, which is synthesized by activated platelets and neutrophils. Since platelets form and release large amounts of the paf-acether precursor lyso paf-acether, platelet and neutrophil cooperation for paf-acether biosynthesis was investigated. Purified human neutrophils (4 x 10(6)/ml) stimulated by opsonized zymosan (ZC, 1 mg/ml) formed 4.5 +/- 2.5 ng/ml paf-acether. Human washed platelets (3 x 10(8)/ml) stimulated with thrombin (1 IU/ml) formed 0.60 +/- 0.43 ng/ml paf-acether. Platelets and neutrophils, incubated together and both stimulated by their specific agonist, formed more than twice as much paf-acether as did platelets and neutrophils separately (10.90 +/- 4.25 ng/ml, n = 6, P less than .001). The formation of lyso paf-acether and the release of lysozyme and LDH were unchanged under the cooperation conditions. The formation of paf-acether almost doubled (10.24 +/- 3.81 ng/ml paf-acether vs. 5.30 +/- 2.23, P less than .05, n = 4) when ZC-stimulated neutrophils were incubated with supernatants from thrombin-stimulated platelets as well as with synthetic lyso paf-acether. Extracted and purified lyso paf-acether from thrombin-stimulated platelets led to an increase of biosynthesis of paf-acether by neutrophils (13.86 +/- 2.26 ng/ml paf-acether vs. 5.76 +/- 0.38, P less than .05, n = 3). These results indicate that a cooperation between platelets and neutrophils exists for paf-acether formation. The phenomenon depends on a platelet-derived soluble factor, possibly lyso paf-acether. This cell-to-cell interaction is of interest since paf-acether is formed by and acting on platelets and neutrophils and represents a molecular basis for potent amplification of inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Lassa virus-immune plasma has been used to treat human Lassa fever patients; however, criteria for plasma selection were based arbitrarily on available serologic tools and protective efficacy was never directly assessed. To test the validity of plasma therapy for Lassa virus infections in an animal model, and to develop biologically relevant criteria for selection of protective immune plasma, inbred, strain 13 guinea pigs were infected with a lethal dose of Lassa virus and treated with various Lassa-immune plasmas obtained from guinea pigs, primates, and convalescent human patients. Neutralizing antibody titers were determined in a virus dilution, plaque reduction test, and were expressed as a log10 plaque-forming units (PFU) neutralization index (LNI). All guinea pigs treated with immune plasma 6 ml/kg/treatment on days 0, 3, and 6 after virus inoculation were protected, provided the LNI exceeded 2.0. Plasmas obtained from donors in early convalescence (32-45 days) had low titers of N-antibody (LNI less than 2) and failed to confer protection, despite high titers of Lassa antibody measured in the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. Higher doses of marginally titered plasma conferred increased protection. The degree of protection and suppression of viremia was closely associated with LNI an not IFA titers. Administration of low-titered plasma did not result in immune enhancement. A high dose of human plasma from Liberia (12 ml/kg/treatment) was required to confer complete protection to guinea pigs infected with a Lassa virus strain from Sierra Leone (LNI = 1.6), while a lower dose (3 ml/kg/treatment) was sufficient for protection against a Liberian strain (LNI = 2.8), suggesting that a geographic matching of immune plasma and Lassa virus strain origin may increase treatment success. These studies support the concept of plasma therapy for Lassa infection and suggest that the plaque reduction neutralization test is more appropriate than the IFA test for predicting protective efficacy of passively administered plasma.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on neutral amino acid transport were examined in isolated enterocytes. Starvation stimulated L-alanine transport by the Na+-dependent system A and the Na+-independent system L without producing any changes in either the Na+-dependent systems ASC or the passive non-mediated uptake. Starvation produces a twofold increase in V max of system A without any change in K t. Starvation produces an increase in V max of system L of 1.7 times without any change in K t. Activation of systems A and L by starvation was reversible with subsequent refeeding. The effects of a series of amino acids on systems A and L were evaluated. A different inhibition pattern was found in starved animals as compared to controls. Starvation increases Na+-dependent L-alanine uptake and Na+-independent cycloleucine uptake by small-intestinal brushborder membrane vesicles. These results suggest that starvation stimulates amino acid transport across the apical plasma membrane of the enterocytes by inducing specific carrier units.  相似文献   

A new convenient method for the measurement of platelet-activating factor produced in vitro has been developed. This method involves incubation of neutrophils with stimuli, lipid extraction, purification of lipid extracts by normal phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and quantification of platelet-activating factor (PAF) by a competitive radioreceptor binding assay. The recovery of PAF from the extraction and purification procedures is 94.5 ± 0.9%. The sensitivity of the assay is 10 pg/tube. Human neutrophils stimulated with 0, 0.25, 0.5 1 and 2 μM A 23187 will produce ND, ND, 720, 840 and 900 pg of PAF, respectively (ND = not detectable). The values obtained for PAF produced by human neutrophils in the present assay are comparable to those obtained with the rabbit platelet aggregation assay.  相似文献   

Pregnant guinea pigs were used to compare the virulence of four human isolates of Campylobacter fetus ss. fetus and four of C. jejuni on the basis of their ability to cause abortion and bacteraemia. Of the four strains of C. fetus ss. fetus two produced abortion readily after intramuscular injection. The four C. jejuni isolates were, however, of comparatively low virulence and no differences between them were demonstrated. Some of the isolates differed in their ability to survive in vitro in human and guinea-pig serum. It is suggested that campylobacters vary in their virulence for man and that this may influence the outcome of infections. Guinea pigs may prove useful in studying the pathogenesis of systemic campylobacter infections.  相似文献   

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