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应用LDS-I型动态视力检测仪,对115名飞行员在进入飞行训练前检测动态视力与其放单飞后的飞行成绩作双盲对照分析。统计结果,30km/h时的动态视效率在飞行合格组中的不合格率为8.33%,在技术停飞组中为42.11%,两组间有非常显著性差异。60km/h动态视效率在两组中分别占9.37%和36.84%,亦有非常显著性差异,说明动态视功能的好坏与飞行技术密切相关。因此,在选拔飞行学员时,把动态视力作 相似文献
应用我国新研制的LDS-Ⅰ型动态视力仪,检测了102名飞行人员静态视力及30、45、60km/h三种不同运动速度的动态视力。结果显示,静态视力明显高于动态视力(P<0.01),静态视力与动态视力的差值,个体间差异较大。动态视力随动态机标运动速度加快而降低(P<0.05)。应用动态视效率评价了在30km/h运动速度下测得的动态视力,优秀占16.7%、良好占19.6%、中等40.2%、较差19.6%、最差3.9%。 相似文献
目的:调查飞行人员视力不良现状及规律,分析其发病特点及原因,为做好保护视力工作提供科学依据。方法:对1673例飞行人员裸眼视力及屈光不正检测,对检测结果进行分析。结果:飞行人员视力下降人数为161人.占9.62%。主要原因为近视,人数为143人,占88.81%。各年龄段间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),飞行员视力下降检出率为12.36%,领航员视力下降检出率为10.82%,空中机械师视力下降检出率为7.71%,通信员视力下降检出率为4.87%。飞行员与空中机械师、通信员相比,与通信员差畀有非常显著意义(P〈0.01),与空中机械师差异有显著意义(P〈0.05),与领航员相比,差异无显著意义(P〉0.05)。结论:行人员视力下降的主要原因是用眼习惯不符合卫生学要求,用眼过度。少数人与睡眠不足、神经衰弱有关。应广泛开展用眼卫生教育,纠正不合理用眼习惯,改善阅读照明条件,定期检查,对不符合飞行标准者进行治疗,使其视力逐渐恢复,以保持良好的视觉功能。 相似文献
应用视力负荷试验法对266名体格检查合格的学员进行了试验检查。结果,在532只眼中,负荷试验后视力提高97眼,无一眼为近视型屈光。而在负荷试验后视力下降的274眼中,近视型屈光153眼,占视力下降的55.8%,占近视型屈光眼的88.9%.认为视力负荷试验方法简单实用。能对视力状态进行定性分析,可作为视力或屈光边缘眼的补充筛选方法。 相似文献
目的 综合评价不同远视力组飞行学员相关医学选拔指标现况,为进一步修订招收飞行学员视力标准提供依据.方法 采取横断面调查方法,根据招收飞行学员体检号随机抽取某年度空军招收飞行学员共计290人,按照远视力0.8、0.9和≥1.0分为3组,整理招飞体检数据,进行飞行学员人口学基本特征问卷调查,增加心肺功能及声导抗等特殊检查,对比分析3组之间相关指标的差异.结果 不同远视力组飞行学员心理选拔成绩方差分析显示,各组之间心理选拔基本分、总评分均存在统计学差异,0.8组心理选拔基本分成绩最低(5.18±1.49),1.0以上组心理选拔基本分成绩最高(6.03±1.26),0.9组心理选拔总评分最低(5.40±0.62),1.0以上组心理选拔总评分最高(5.89±0.62),高考成绩、心肺功能及听力等指标3个组别之间无统计学差异,且均符合相关医学正常参考值.结论 建立远视力与心理选拔成绩相结合的联合选拔新标准将有可能从根本上解决视力标准放宽的核心问题. 相似文献
目的探讨招收飞行学员远视力标准降至08后,视力合格学生的屈光状态。方法2012年3月—2013年3月参检学生290名,按照每只眼的远视力分组,视力0.8~0.9分为A组、1.0~2.0分为B组,2组学生散瞳后接受检影验光,观察其屈光状态。结果A组90.47%的参检学生眼屈光度在体检标准合格范围内,B组90.77%的参检学生眼屈光度在体检标准合格范围内,2组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论招收飞行学员远视力标准降至0.8后,眼屈光度在体检标准合格范围内,合格人数大幅增加,满足了招飞需求。 相似文献
采用透射式双变量对比视力表对398名现径健康男性军事飞行人员计796只眼,在200lx和6lx照度条件下检测了92%、52%、30%、11%和6%对比度兰道环视力,分析了对比视力值与年龄、机种、职务及飞行总时间的关系。结果表明,飞行人员的对比视力随年龄增长而逐渐降低,不随飞行训练时间的增加而相应提高,且不同的机种、职务间均无显著性差异。 相似文献
认知特征与飞行错觉水平关系的初步研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
以现代认知心理学的理论、方法和大脑半球认知功能分化理论为基础,从空间认知角度探讨飞行员认知功能特点同飞行错觉水平(或飞行空间定向能力)之间的关系。研究结果表明:轻度错觉组飞行员的规空间认知分数明显优于重度错觉组的飞行员(F=5.502,P<0.05);尽管轻、重错觉组的飞行员在认知侧化商数上并无显著性差异(F=0.735,P>0.05),但前者的认知特点更倾向于以空间认知为主;两组飞行员在认知功能的总体水平上构成显著性差异(F=5.825,P<0.05),但构成这种显著性差异的主要原因是空间认知水平上的差异。因此,空间认知能力对于飞行员形成良好的飞行空间定向能力具有重要的意义。 相似文献
目的 分析仪表飞行条件下飞行错觉发生情况与仪表注视的相互关系。方法 对45名飞行员进行仪表飞行试验,记录其飞行错觉情况、仪表扫视情况及眼动情况,并对以上指标进行偏相关分析。结果 飞行员仪表飞行错觉水平与飞行错觉后反应(r=0.620,P=0.000)、升降速表注视时间(r=0.372,P=0.014)呈显著正相关;与高度表反应正确率(r=-0.304,P=0.047)、地平仪反应正确率(r=-0.311,P=0.042)呈现显著负相关。结论 飞行员仪表飞行错觉的发生与高度表、地平仪及升降速表的正确判读具有一定关联,视觉搜索效率较低可能是飞行错觉发生的重要原因或重要中介因素。 相似文献
莫达非尼对军事飞行学员飞行工作能力和情感状态的影响 总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1
目的 观察莫达非尼对军事飞行学员飞行工作能力和情感状态的影响. 方法 21名男性飞行学员分两组:安慰剂组(n=10)和莫达非尼组(n=11).在飞行前2 h(10:30)分别服用莫达非尼或安慰剂200 mg.对飞行活动中的心电进行连续监测,完成飞行任务后由飞行教员对飞行操作能力进行评价.此外,比较两组飞行前后的基本生命体征、视反应时、临界闪光融合频率和主观嗜睡感、疲劳感以及情绪情感状态的变化. 结果 与安慰剂相比,服用莫达非尼对飞行操作、生命体征、视反应时、临界闪光融合频率等指标均无明显影响,但使飞行中心率明显增加(平均增加15.7%,P<0.01)、飞行后RPE量表的疲劳感积分明显降低(平均降低10%,P<0.05)、POMS量表的“有力好动”感积分明显升高(平均升高20%,P<0.05). 结论 服用常规单剂量莫达非尼(200 mg)对飞行工作能力无明显不良影响,并有明显提高机体应激反应能力、降低主观疲劳感的作用. 相似文献
目的:研究多 b值DWI双指数模型参数预测前列腺癌恶性程度的应用价值。方法回顾性分析57例经穿刺或手术证实为前列腺癌患者的多 b 值 DWI(b 值0~800 s/ mm2)图像,逐层勾画全肿瘤感兴趣区,利用体素不相干运动(IVIM)计算肿瘤扩散系数 Dt、灌注系数 Dp 及灌注分数 f。根据 Gleason 评分(GS)及 D’Amico 分级分组,采用 ANOVA 方差分析及 Spearman 相关分析,低侵袭及中-高侵袭组间行受试者工作特征(ROC)分析。结果癌灶 Dt 在 GS 及 D’Amico 组间存在显著差异且呈负相关。Dp及 f 组间无统计学意义。对 Dt 进行 ROC 分析,敏感性、特异性分别为82.2%,100%;85.1%,90.0%;AUC=0.928,0.838;界值分别为1.073×10-3 mm2/s,1.117×10-3 mm2/s。结论Dt 可预测前列腺癌恶性程度。Dp 及 f 与前列腺癌恶性度无相关性。 相似文献
目的探讨以简明损伤定级标准(AIS)为基础的ISS与胸部创伤救治结局的关系。方法采用AIS-98最新修订本对我院1995年1月-2005年6月救治的3057例胸部创伤病例资料进行回顾性分析。结果总治愈率93.8%(2866/3057),病死率6.2%(191/3057)。死亡组ISS、GCS、修正创伤评分(RTS)、国人创伤严重度特征评分[ASCOT_CHINA]_生存概率(Ps)、创伤与损伤严重度评分(TRISS)_Ps、ASCOT_Ps与生存组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。穿透伤病死率11.4%(75/655),显著高于钝性伤4.8%(116/2402)(P〈0.01),穿透伤组ISS值显著高于钝性伤组,但穿透伤组TRISS_Ps、ASCOT_Ps和ASCOT_CHINA_Ps明显低于钝性伤组。ISS值越高,RTS值越低,ASCOT_CHINA_Ps越低,病死率越高。ISSt〉20,病死率高达7.2%-28.8%;RTS≤6,病死率高达52.7%以上。TRISS和ASCOT准确性、特异性高,生存误判低,而ASCOT-CHINA灵敏度高,死亡误判低。结论以AIS-98为基础的ISS、TRISS、ASCOT、ASCOT_CHINA_Ps等方法评价胸部创伤或胸伤合并多发伤的严重度及其结局预测是可行的,TRISS、ASCOT和ASCOT_CHINA_Ps的各项预测性指标以及误判性指标趋于合理。 相似文献
Eri Miyamoto-Mikami Haruka Murakami Hiroyasu Tsuchie Hideyuki Takahashi Nao Ohiwa Motohiko Miyachi Takashi Kawahara Noriyuki Fuku 《Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport》2017,20(1):98-103
This study aimed to examine the association between a total genotype score (TGS) based on previously published genetic polymorphism candidates and differences in sprint/power performance.Design
Case–control association study.Methods
We analysed 21 polymorphisms, which have previously been associated with sprint/power performance and related phenotypes, in 211 Japanese sprint/power track and field athletes (77 regional, 72 national, and 62 international athletes) and 649 Japanese controls using the TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. We calculated the TGS (maximum value of 100 for the theoretically optimal polygenic score) for the 21 polymorphisms.Results
All groups exhibited similar TGSs (control: 55.9 ± 7.2, regional: 55.1 ± 7.1, national: 56.1 ± 7.4, and international: 56.0 ± 7.8, p = 0.827 by one-way analysis of variance). Nine of the 21 polymorphisms had the same direction of effect (odds ratio >1.0) as in previous studies, while 12 had the opposite direction of effect (odds ratio <1.0). Three polymorphisms (rs699 in AGT, rs41274853 in CNTFR, and rs7832552 in TRHR), which had the same direction of effect as in previous studies, were associated with international sprint/power athlete status (p < 0.05). However, after multiple testing corrections, the statistical significance of these polymorphisms was not retained.Conclusions
These results suggest that TGSs based on the 21 previously published sprint/power performance-associated polymorphisms did not influence the sprint/power athlete status of Japanese track and field athletes. However, our results maintain the possibility that three of these polymorphisms might be associated with sprint/power performance. 相似文献18.
R. Knaier S. Meister T. Aeschbacher D. Gemperle A. Rossmeissl C. Cajochen A. Schmidt‐Trucksäss 《Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports》2016,26(7):794-801
Light has a stimulating effect on physical performance if scheduled according to the chronotype, but dose‐dependent effects on performance have not yet been examined. Three groups of healthy men (25.1 ± 3.1 years) were exposed to light for different durations in a parallel group design before a 40‐min time‐trial. In each group, subjects were exposed to either bright light (BL, 4420 lx) or moderate light (ML, 230 lx) in a randomized order in a crossover design. The durations of light exposure were 120 min prior to and during exercise (2HEX; n = 16), 60 min prior to and during exercise (1HEX; n = 10), or only for 60 min prior to exercise (1H; n = 15). Total work performed during the time‐trial in kJ in the 2HEX group was significantly higher in the BL setting (527 kJ) than in ML (512 kJ) (P = 0.002), but not in 1HEX (BL: 485 kJ; ML: 498 kJ) or 1H (BL: 519 kJ; ML: 514 kJ) (P = 0.770; P = 0.485). There was a significant (P = 0.006) positive dose–response relationship between the duration of light exposure and the work performed over the three doses of light exposure. A long duration light exposure is an effective tool to increase total work in a medium length time‐trial in subjects normalized for their individual chronotype. 相似文献
Tue Rømer Mikkel Thunestvedt Hansen Jacob Frandsen Steen Larsen Flemming Dela Jørn Wulff Helge 《Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports》2020,30(11):2044-2056
The peak fat oxidation rate (PFO) and the exercise intensity that elicits PFO (Fatmax) are associated with endurance performance during exercise primarily involving lower body musculature, but it remains elusive whether these associations are present during predominant upper body exercise. The aim was to investigate the relationship between PFO and Fatmax determined during a graded exercise test on a ski-ergometer using double-poling (GET-DP) and performance in the long-distance cross-country skiing race, Vasaloppet. Forty-three healthy men completed GET-DP and Vasaloppet and were divided into two subgroups: recreational (RS, n = 35) and elite (ES, n = 8) skiers. Additionally, RS completed a cycle-ergometer GET (GET-Cycling) to elucidate whether the potential relationships were specific to exercise modality. PFO (r2 = .10, P = .044) and Fatmax (r2 = .26, P < .001) were correlated with performance; however, was the only independent predictor of performance (adj. R2 = .36) across all participants. In ES, Fatmax was the only variable associated with performance (r2 = .54, P = .038). Within RS, DP (r2 = .11, P = .047) and ski-specific training background (r2 = .30, P = .001) were associated with performance. Between the two GETs, Fatmax (r2 = .20, P = .006) but not PFO (r2 = .07, P = .135) was correlated. Independent of exercise mode, neither PFO nor Fatmax were associated with performance in RS (P > .05). These findings suggest that prolonged endurance performance is related to PFO and Fatmax but foremost to during predominant upper body exercise. Interestingly, Fatmax may be an important determinant of performance among ES. Among RS, DP , and skiing experience appeared as performance predictors. Additionally, whole-body fat oxidation seemed specifically coupled to exercise modality. 相似文献