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The living kidney donor represents a good resource for kidney transplantation. These grafts display better function and long-term graft survival at 5 and 10 years of follow-up. Furthermore, living donors prefer the possibility to increase kidney donation for a large waiting list of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). However, kidney donation is a major surgical procedure associated with benefits and risks. The risks of donation have been studied in large series of living donors to focus on morbidity and mortality rates associated with the surgical procedure. New surgical laparoscopic techniques promote living kidney donation. While the benefits to the recipient are obvious, those for the donor are subjective and not quantifiable. However, donors describe donation as a great experience in life. The risk of kidney donation may be divided into the perioperative and the long-term risks. The evaluate the long-term risks for kidney donors requires a long follow-up. The main source of kidney donors in our transplant center has been living-related and -unrelated donors, with a minor percentage of cadaveric donors. In this report we present four kidney donors who developed ESRD thereafter, three becoming kidney recipients.  相似文献   

Large analyses have demonstrated that pre‐emptive kidney transplantation (PKT) leads to significant improvements in patient and graft survival when compared with transplantation performed after a period of dialysis. We analysed 1585 patients who received a first renal transplantation from a deceased donor between 2000 and 2004 in four French transplantation centres. The objective was to compare the characteristics of the deceased donor transplantations with or without previous dialysis and to evaluate the impact of PKT and length of dialysis on patient and graft outcomes. Mean age of recipients was 48.1 ± 13.4 years, 62% were men, and 118 (7.4%) of them received a pre‐emptive transplantation. For the nonpre‐emptive patients, mean time on pretransplant dialysis was 3.4 ± 3.2 years. Pretransplant factors independently related to pre‐emptive transplantation were year of transplantation, centre and recipients characteristics: gender, diabetes history, blood group and donor age. Patients with pretransplant dialysis were three times more likely to have delayed graft function than pre‐emptive transplant patients, and were 10 times more likely to receive post‐transplant dialysis. Five‐year patient survival was 92.9%. Five‐year graft survival was 89.0%. Neither pre‐emptive transplantation nor time on dialysis was significantly associated with patient and/or graft survival.  相似文献   



Many donor and recipient factors influence 1-year survival of patients after cardiac transplantation. To date, a statistical model has not been developed to assess the interplay of these factors in predicting outcomes, so we developed a risk-assessment tool to enhance decision-making.


We analyzed 29 variables that were reported in the United Network for Organ Sharing database for 24,540 cardiac transplantations performed between January 1, 2000, and June 30, 2015. For one half of the patients (the prediction population), a multivariable Cox regression model and the bootstrap resampling method were used to devise a scoring system predicting 1-year survival. The other half (the validation population) were stratified by score into 3 risk categories: high risk, medium risk, and low risk. One-year survival was compared among the 3 groups.


Eleven variables were statistically significant in predicting 1-year survival. One-year survival for patients with risk scores of less than or equal to 8, 9 to 15, and greater than 15 were 91.2%, 81.7%, and 64.6%, respectively (P < .001). The C index of the Cox regression model was calculated at 0.62 when using risk score as a continuous predictor.


Donor and recipient risk factors influence patient survival after cardiac transplantation. Long-term outcomes may be optimized with a statistically based risk model to improve donor–recipient matching.  相似文献   

Although separate prediction models for donors and recipients were previously published, we identified a need to predict outcomes of donor/recipient simultaneously, as they are clearly not independent of each other. We used characteristics from transplantations performed at the Oslo University Hospital from 1854 live donors and from 837 recipients of a live donor kidney transplant to derive Cox models for predicting donor mortality up to 20 years, and recipient death, and graft loss up to 10 years. The models were developed using the multivariable fractional polynomials algorithm optimizing Akaike’s information criterion, and optimism-corrected performance was assessed. Age, year of donation, smoking status, cholesterol and creatinine were selected to predict donor mortality (C-statistic of 0.81). Linear predictors for donor mortality served as summary of donor prognosis in recipient models. Age, sex, year of transplantation, dialysis vintage, primary renal disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and HLA mismatch were selected to predict recipient mortality (C-statistic of 0.77). Age, dialysis vintage, linear predictor of donor mortality, HLA mismatch, peripheral vascular disease and heart disease were selected to predict graft loss (C-statistic of 0.66). Our prediction models inform decision-making at the time of transplant counselling and are implemented as online calculators.  相似文献   

A new kidney allocation scheme is needed to address the current shortage of deceased donor kidneys for transplantation in the United States. With this goal in mind, we have derived a novel utility-based system to balance supply and demand. Our system uses a North American–based recipient risk score and the deceased donor score to maximize the total number of years of renal allograft function as a means to improve allocation of kidneys from deceased donors. Essentially, donor renal allografts are matched to a wait-listed candidate with similar predicted survival, which poses an ethical issue. However, this novel utility-based system is practical and could improve deceased donor renal allocation by minimizing both waste and need for retransplantation.  相似文献   

Nocardiosis is a life-threatening infection, particularly among immunocompromised patients, which usually affects lungs, skin and central nervous system. We report a case of disseminated nocardiosis revealed by suppurative thyroiditis in a liver-kidney transplant recipient with poor nutritional status at the time of infection. Nocardia Asteroides was isolated from fine-needle aspiration material of the thyroid abscess. Clinical manifestations resolved after surgical drainage of the thyroid abscess, prolonged antibiotherapy and diminution of immunosuppressive regimen. Clinicians should be aware of this entity, as Nocardia Asteroides may need more than 5 days of culture to be isolated. Received: 22 February 2000 Revised: 25 September 2000 Accepted: 25 April 2001  相似文献   

This paper compares early graft function (EGF) of the first transplanted kidney (group 1) with the kidney transplanted second (group 2) in kidney pairs from the same cadaver donor. Thirty-one pairs of kidneys were harvested from cadaver donors between January 1997 and October 1998. Each pair was transplanted using a standard technique by the same team of surgeons, one after the other, as a result of limitations in theatre time and staff availability. Incidence of acute rejection (AR), acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and need for post-transplant dialysis was recorded for both groups, and was compared using the relevant statistical methods. Patients in both groups were well matched for age, gender and mode of dialysis pre-transplant. Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) matching and panel reactive antibody (PRA) status were similar in the two groups (p > 0.05). Cold ischaemia time (CIT) in the two groups was 14.1 +/- 5.7 and 19.2 +/- 6.9 h, respectively, the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.05). The incidence of AR was similar in the two groups. However, ATN (on renogram) was significantly more common in group 2 (p < 0.05; 12 patients versus 5 patients in group 1). All patients with ATN required post-transplant dialysis. Hospital stay was significantly prolonged in group 2 patients (p < 05; 20 +/- 10.6 versus 16.3 + 6.2 d for group 1). Even a relatively short increase in CIT can cause the second transplanted kidney of a pair to have a significantly higher incidence of ATN, resulting in need for dialysis and prolongation of hospital stay. Simultaneous transplantation, in areas lacking organ sharing networks, would not only improve EGF, but also improve long term graft survival. In addition, the reduced requirement for post-transplant dialysis and a shorter hospital stay would balance any increased demand on resources.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: As short-term transplant results improve, it has become difficult to use patient or graft survival or acute rejection as clinical trial endpoints, except in large, multicenter studies. Despite better outcomes, graft failure continues over time. METHODS: We studied 6- and 12-month creatinine (Cr) level and change in creatinine (deltaCr) level (3-12 months, 6-12 months) as predictors of graft survival for 1,389 primary kidney transplants (minimum graft survival 1 year). Determining the prognostic value of Cr level (6 or 12 months), the subgroups were as follows: less than 1, 1 to 1.4, 1.5 to 1.9, 2.0 to 2.4, 2.5 to 2.9, and greater than or equal to 3 mg/dL. For deltaCr level, the subgroups were as follows: less than 0, 0, 0.01 to 0.2, and greater than 0.2. Subgroup actuarial graft survival was determined. Cox regression analyses were performed with forward, stepwise selection. RESULTS: After 12-month Cr level entered the model, no other variable was significant. Repeating this with continuous variables, 12-month Cr level was again the best predictor. Five-year graft survival for 12-month Cr level less than 1 (n=38) was 95%; for 1.0 to 1.4 (n=454), 87%; for 1.5 to 1.9 (n=463), 86%; for 2.0 to 2.4 (n=166), 78%; for 2.5 to 2.9 (n=54), 60%; for greater than or equal to 3 (n=45), 41%. A major breakpoint for outcome is 1-year Cr level=2.0. A power analysis was performed for the combined endpoint of graft loss and 1-year Cr level greater than 2, reached by 30% of patients. To avoid missing a reduction to 20% (actual decrease 33%) (alpha=0.05; power=0.8), 313 patients would be required per group. For a reduction to 15% (actual decrease 50%), 133 patients would be required. CONCLUSIONS: Twelve-month Cr level is an accurate surrogate for long-term outcome. The use of a combined endpoint (graft loss and 12-month Cr level) allows trials to be performed without exorbitant numbers.  相似文献   

The new Organ Procurement and Transplant Network/United Organ Sharing Network (OPTN/UNOS) simultaneous liver–kidney transplant (SLK) policy has been implemented. The aim of this study was to review liver transplant outcomes utilizing the new SLK policy. Liver transplant alone (LTA) and SLK patients between 2009 and 2015 were reviewed. Graft survival and post‐transplant kidney function were investigated among LTA patients meeting the chronic kidney disease (CKD) criteria of the new policy (LTA‐CKD group). To validate our findings, we reviewed and applied our analysis to the OPTN/UNOS registry. A total of 535 patients were eligible from our series. The LTA‐CKD group (n = 27) showed worse 1‐year graft survival, compared with the SLK group (n = 44), but not significant (81% vs. 93%, P = 0.15). The LTA‐CKD group significantly increased a risk of post‐transplant dialysis (odds ratio = 5.59 [95% CI = 1.27–24.7], P = 0.02 [Ref. normal kidney function]). Post‐transplant dialysis was an independent risk factor for graft loss (hazard ratio = 7.25, 95% CI = 3.3–15.91, P < 0.001 [Ref. SLK]). In the validation analysis based on the OPTN/UNOS registry, the hazard of 1‐year‐graft loss in the LTA‐CKD group (n = 751) was 34.8% higher than the SLK group (n = 2856) (hazard ratio = 1.348, 95% CI = 1.157–1.572, P < 0.001). Indicating SLK for patients who meet the CKD criteria may significantly improve transplant outcomes.  相似文献   



Many scoring systems have been suggested to predict the outcomes of deceased donor liver transplantations. The aims of this study were to compare the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score with respect to other scores among patients who underwent living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) seeking to evaluate the best system to correlate with postoperative outcomes after LDLT.


We analyzed retrospectively data from 202 adult patients who underwent LDLT from January 2008 to July 2010. We calculated preoperative MELD, MELD-sodium, MELD to serum sodium ratio (MESO), integrated MELD, United Kingdom MELD, Child-Turcotte-Pugh, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health evaluation II (APACHE II), and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores in all patients. We analyzed the correlation of each score with postoperative laboratory results, as well as survival at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after LDLT.


There was significant positive correlation between all scores and peak total bilirubin during the first 7 days after LDLT. The MELD score showed the greatest correlation with peak total bilirubin (r = 0.745). APACHE II and SOFA scores at 6 months and 1 year after LDLT and MESO score at 1 year after LDLT showed acceptable discrimination performance {area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) >0.7, while other scoring systems showed poor discrimination. However, the AUCs of each score were not significantly different from the MELD score AUC.


The MELD score most correlated with total bilirubin after LDLT, while the APACHE II and SOFA scores seemed to correlate with mortality after LDLT.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The most common surgical complication after a kidney transplant is likely related to the wound. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the incidence of, and risk factors for, wound complications (e.g., infections, hernias) in kidney recipients and to assess whether newer immunosuppressive drugs increase the risk for such complications. METHODS: Between January 1, 1984 and September 30, 1998, we performed 2013 adult kidney transplants. Of these 2013 recipients, 97 (4.8%) developed either a superficial or a deep wound infection. Additionally, 73 (3.6%) recipients developed either a fascial dehiscence or a hernia of the wound. We used univariate and multivariate techniques to determine significant risk factors and outcomes. RESULTS: Mean time to development of a superficial infection (defined as located above the fascia) was 11.9 days posttransplant; to development of a deep infection (defined as located below the fascia), 39.2 days; and to development of a hernia or fascial dehiscence, 12.8 months. By multivariate analysis, the most significant risk factor for a superficial or deep wound infection was obesity (defined as body mass index>30 kg/m2) (RR=4.4, P=0.0001). Other significant risk factors were a urine leak posttransplant, any reoperation through the transplant incision, diabetes, and the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) (vs. azathioprine) for maintenance immunosuppression (RR=2.43, P=0.0001). Significant risk factors for a hernia or fascial dehiscence were any reoperation through the transplant incision, increased recipient age, obesity, and the use of MMF (vs. azathioprine) for maintenance immunosuppression (RR=3.54, P=0.0004). Use of antibody induction and treatment for acute rejection were not significant risk factors for either infections or hernias. Death-censored graft survival was lower in recipients who developed a wound infection (vs. those who did not); it was not lower in recipients who developed an incisional hernia or facial dehiscence (vs. those who did not). CONCLUSIONS: Despite immunosuppression including chronic steroids, the incidence of wound infections, incisional hernias, and fascial dehiscence is low in kidney recipients. As with other types of surgery, the main risk factors for postoperative complications are obesity, reoperation, and increased age. However, in kidney recipients, use of MMF (vs. azathioprine) is an additional risk factor -one that potentially could be altered, especially in high-risk recipients.  相似文献   

COVID‐19 is novel infectious disease with an evolving understanding of its epidemiology and clinical manifestations. Immunocompromised patients often present atypical presentations of viral diseases. Herein we report a case of a COVID‐19 infection in a solid organ transplant recipient, in which the first clinical symptoms were of gastrointestinal viral disease and fever, which further progressed to respiratory symptoms in 48 hours. In these high risk populations, protocols for screening for SARS‐Cov2 may be needed to be re‐evaluated.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes recurrence has been documented in simultaneous pancreas–kidney transplants (SPKT), but this diagnosis may be underestimated. Antibody monitoring is the most simple, noninvasive, screening test for pancreas autoimmune activity. However, the impact of the positive autoimmune markers on pancreas graft function remains controversial. In our cohort of 105 SPKT, we studied the cases with positive pancreatic autoantibodies. They were immunosuppressed with antithymocyte globulin, tacrolimus, mycophenolate, and steroids. The persistence or reappearance of these autoantibodies after SPKT and factors associated with their evolution and with graft outcome were analyzed. Pancreatic autoantibodies were prospectively monitored. Serum samples were collected before transplantation and at least once per year thereafter. At the end of the follow‐up (maximum 138 months), 43.8% of patients were positive (from pre‐transplant or after recurrence) for at least one autoantibody – the positive group. Antiglutamic acid decarboxylase was the most prevalent (31.4%), followed by anti‐insulin (8.6%) and anti‐islet cell autoantibodies (3.8%). Bivariate analysis showed that the positive group had higher fasting glucose, higher glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), lower C‐peptide levels, and a higher number of HLA‐matches. Analyzing the sample divided into four groups according to pre‐/post‐transplant autoantibodies profile, the negative/positive group tended to present the higher HbA1c values. Multivariate analysis confirmed the significant association between pancreas autoimmunity and HbA1c and C‐peptide levels. Positivity for these autoantibodies pre‐transplantation did not influence pancreas survival. The unfavorable glycemic profile observed in the autoantibody‐positive SPKT is a matter of concern, which deserves further attention.  相似文献   

In transplant, meaningful international comparisons in organ utilization are needed. This collaborative study between the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) aimed to develop a kidney utilization metric allowing for legitimate intercountry comparisons. Data from the UK and US transplant registries, including all deceased donor kidneys recovered from 2006 to 2017, were analyzed. To identify a potentially comparable kidney utilization rate (UR), several denominators were assessed. We discovered that the proportion of transplanted kidneys from elderly donors in the UK (10.7%) was 18 times greater than that in the US (0.6%). Conversely, en bloc pediatric kidney transplant was more common in the US. Donation after circulatory death utilization has risen in both countries but is twice as prevalent in the UK (39% of transplants) vs the US (20%). In addition, US and UK URs are not directly comparable due to fundamental system differences. However, using a suite of URs revealed practice areas likely to yield the most benefit if improved, such as efforts to increase kidney offer acceptance in the US and to reduce postacceptance discard in the UK. Methods used in this study, including novel intracountry risk‐adjusted UR trend logistic regression analyses, can be translated to other international transplant registries in pursuit of further global learning opportunities.  相似文献   

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