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腹腔镜下胰十二指肠切除术(laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy,LPD)是腹部外科手术中最复杂、风险最高的手术之一,近年来随着精准、微创的外科理念不断发展,各级医疗机构及外科医师对LPD重视程度变高,LPD逐步开展。本文就LPD适应证、禁忌证、手术方法、手术安全性以及肿瘤远期预后作一综述。  相似文献   

脊柱前路手术的适应证   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
脊柱外科手术入路的选择常常取决于脊柱外科医师的手术技能。随着脊柱生物力学研究的深入、影像诊断技术的发展以及脊柱融合与内固定技术的进步 ,脊柱前路手术已作为许多脊柱疾患的常规治疗方法而逐渐普及。掌握适应证对于脊柱外科手术的成功至关重要 ,笔者就脊柱前路手术适应证的选择作一讨论。1 前方减压与稳定包括椎体和椎间盘在内的脊柱前部结构担负着脊柱的大部分生物力学功能 ,因而多数脊柱伤病系以累及脊柱前部结构为主。1.1  感染与肿瘤 脊柱感染和肿瘤最容易累及的是椎体和椎间盘 ,经前路施行病灶清除及椎管减压手术常常为病情…  相似文献   

胆肠吻合术是许多消化外科疾病手术治疗的基本术式之一,也是消化外科医师必须掌握的基本手术技能。正确选择胆肠吻合术的适应证和术式常是决定整个消化外科手术成功的关键因素。手术适应证的选择须综合考虑胆道生理性重建的可行性、Oddi括约肌的功能状态以及近侧胆管病灶能否去除等因素。虽然胆肠吻合术的手术方式经历过纷繁复杂的演变和改良,但胆管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合仍是适用范围最为广泛、疗效最为确切的术式,应作为胆肠吻合术的标准术式。预防胆管空肠吻合术后反流性胆管炎的关键仍在于通过良好的手术设计和精准的手术操作保证吻合口及近侧胆管的畅通。  相似文献   

正外科方法治疗肥胖及2型糖尿病在我国有近20年的历史,随着人们饮食结构及生活方式的变化,肥胖症及2型糖尿病发病率快速增加[1-2],我国减重和代谢外科快速发展,代谢手术数量亦明显增长,但也出现了诸多问题, 如手术适应证、手术方式的选择、技术要点和规范性操作尚缺乏统一性等[3]。中国医师协会外科医师分会肥胖和糖尿病外科医师委员会(Chinese Society for Metabolic Bariatric Surgery,CSMBS  相似文献   

影响肝门部外科技术发展的诸因素与临床认识的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代外科学的飞速发展与各学科间的相互影响及渗透是密切相关的。肝门部外科属肝胆外科学中较疑难复杂的范畴,外科医师常容易在肝门部外科疾病的诊治中出现误诊误治的问题,给病人造成的伤害也往往是十分严重和难以纠正的。近十多年来肝门部外科无论在疾病的诊断与鉴别诊断,还是在外科技术方面的发展均有了长足的进展;尤其是影像技术的发展,使这一原神秘难测的外科手术区域变得比较清晰明了,更增添了外科医师向这一领域深入探索,提高手术精确度和降低并发症的信心。  相似文献   

单孔腔镜甲状腺手术2例报告   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
随着微创外科技术的发展,最大程度地减少手术创伤和提高美容效果是所有外科医师和患者的追求,也是外科手术学的发展方向。因此,经胸乳、腋窝或胸乳腋窝联合入路的颈部无瘢痕内镜甲状腺手术技术应运而生,其将手术切口微小化并隐藏起来,减少或消除了传统手术瘢痕对患者颈部美观的影响,具有良好美容和心理微创的效果。  相似文献   

缜思·深省·慎行,悬壶问津说"微创"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、外科学、外科治疗学、外科手术学外科学实际上包含医学基础理论、外科总论和外科治疗学。外科治疗学基于对各专科疾病多方面的研究和认识提出了外科手术治病的目的和原理,形成了完成手术治疗多方面的措施和要求即外科手术学。  相似文献   

减重手术是严重肥胖症患者最有效的治疗方法, 可大幅改善肥胖症引起的代谢性疾病, 特别是2型糖尿病。减重与代谢外科是外科学最新且发展最快的分支, 但是该学科仍然在持续演变与进步。笔者通过检索文献总结近年来减重与代谢外科中外科手术治疗病态性肥胖及2型糖尿病的进展可以分成3部分:(1)手术方法的改进及新的适应证。目前袖状胃切除术以及Roux-en-Y胃旁路术是最常见的减重手术。十二指肠转位术及其单吻合口的手术方式被医师认可但实施较少。单吻合口胃旁路术是最新被认可的减重手术, 其较Roux-en-Y胃旁路术简单、安全, 手术效果也优于目前大部分的减重手术。双通道手术则可能是下一个被认可的手术方法。此外, 减重手术的适应证也越来越宽广, 新版世界减重手术白皮书已将亚洲人手术适应证修订为体质量指数>27.5 kg/m2。(2)手术效果以及机制。减重手术可以大幅降低肥胖症患者心血管疾病的发生率以及死亡率, 最主要的受益人群是合并有糖尿病的患者。新的基础研究以及肠道激素药物的成功, 一致显示肠道激素改变是减重手术最主要的机制。但是临床经验显示胃减容仍是减重手术组成的重要部分。(3)创新器械及其他...  相似文献   

外科手术是治疗一些疾病的主要或关键性措施,但是,手术处理不当,会造成并发症甚至更加严重的后果.很多手术并发症是由于对外科操作的基本要求贯彻不到位引起的,较为严重的是违反外科基本原则,自创手术方式,没有相应的并发症防范措施,导致严重的后果.如果按照外科的基本操作要求进行手术,可以避免很多手术并发症的出现.同时,与外科手术密切相关的、非手术部位的并发症也要引起临床医师的高度重视.  相似文献   

门静脉高压症的治疗已从单一学科经验式诊疗模式转变为目前的多学科综合治疗协作组(MDT)诊疗模式。其外科治疗将与药物、消化内镜治疗、经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)以及肝移植治疗共同实现优势互补、相辅相成。在MDT诊疗模式下,重新审视与定位门静脉高压症外科治疗的地位非常必要。外科医师应直视门静脉高压症所面临的问题,注重发展新方法、新技术、新理念,努力推动门静脉高压症外科治疗的规范化、个体化、精准化与微创化。应努力规范外科手术适应证,甄别最适合行外科手术的病人,掌握手术方式及手术时机,最大程度优化诊疗方案,使病人临床获益最大化。我国学者应在正确认识与推动门静脉高压外科治疗的发展的基础上,鼓励开展基于循证医学的临床多中心随机对照试验,以制订符合我国国情的门静脉高压症的外科治疗指南与共识,提高我国在该领域的国际话语权。  相似文献   

The indications to perform primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) in patients with clinical stage I non-seminomatous germ cell tumors have changed. An initial surgical staging can be justified only for exceptional situations, such as a pure teratoma. Other indications can be the surgical staging and treatment of high risk patients in elective surgery. In this situation, however, only sparse data are available regarding the oncological and therapeutic effect of a minimally invasive approach compared to open surgery. Data are available on the feasibility of laparoscopically performed post-chemotherapy RPLND; however, patients for this approach must be highly selected. In general, robotic-assisted RPLND potentially offers major advantages in terms of safety and oncological efficiency compared to a classical laparoscopic approach. Especially in post-chemotherapy RPLND, the division of lumbar vessels and the control of great vessel lesions may be facilitated. However, only surgeons who are capable of handling a major vessel lesion endoscopically should consider using a robotic-assisted technique. Only patients with relatively small residual tumors without a major involvement of great vessels can be considered as candidates for robotic-assisted post-chemotherapy RPLND.  相似文献   

外科手术是治疗甲状腺疾病行之有效的主要方法,开始之初期,并发症发生率和手术死亡率均很高。经过几代人的努力与科技的进步,如今手术死亡率已降至0.3%以下,而术中、术后主要并发症总体发生率较高,报道不一,严重并发症发生率在20%左右。甲状腺结节与癌的发现率不断增加,手术例数相应增多,手术医院与手术人员日广,手术技术水平高低不一,均影响着并发症的发生。严重并发症常可致残甚至威胁病人生命,医疗纠纷频发,已引起国内外专家的注意。因此要求医生更加重视与防范甲状腺手术并发症发生,提高手术质量,并及时完善处理好已发生的并发症,确保手术真正的安全,从而提高病人的生存质量。  相似文献   



This article aims to outline the framework of surgical evaluation and knowledge transfer. Therefore, special design issues affecting surgical clinical research will be discussed. Moreover, principles and challenges of knowledge transfer from research into practice will be addressed.


The ultimate goal of academic surgery is to improve surgical and perioperative care in order to achieve the best outcomes for patients. Randomized controlled trials and reviews with and without meta-analyses are fundamental requirements for evidence-based decision making.


Despite calls for more rigorous research methods in surgery, the frequency of high-quality randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews is low. Specific methodological and design issues have to be implemented for valid evaluation of surgical procedures. Thus, general catchwords of clinical epidemiology such as timing, randomization, registration, and reporting standards demand special appraisal. Moreover, blinding methods, placebo controls, learning curves, standardized outcome assessment, and generalizability are critical design issues in surgical trials. Moreover, systematic reviews and meta-analyses are desirable for answering clinical issues or defining new research questions.


For a rigorous evaluation of surgical procedures, a basic understanding of research methodology is urgently needed, and to improve methodological expertise, collaboration between surgeons and methodologists is encouraged.  相似文献   



Persisting and newly occurring complaints after implantation of a total knee endoprosthesis (TKE) are common problems for orthopaedic surgeons in clinics and private practices. The search for the cause and the diagnostics are often difficult due to the many possible influencing factors. Painful TKE requires patience from the orthopaedic surgeon as well as from the patient.

Therapy modalities

The indications for surgical revision should basically be considered with caution and conservative therapeutic procedures can contribute to a considerable improvement in complaints. The treatment algorithm presented in this article helps to adopt a therapeutic direction and if necessary in assessing the indications for revision or replacement surgery. The algorithm offers the possibility of a systematic classification according to clinical, radiological and laboratory testing aspects and assists in the decision for further procedures depending on the four differential diagnoses of limitations in movement, instability, loosening and infection.


Revision operations should be performed in specialized centers and should be tailored to the individual patient. A comprehensive knowledge of knee joint biomechanics and experience with the large spectrum of modular and axis-linked revision systems are essential for revision surgeons.  相似文献   

What distinguishes vascular surgeons from other specialists who treat patients with vascular disease is their ability to combine skills in both open and endovascular treatments. Open vascular surgery should be considered the "starting point" for endovascular surgery, since training and practice in vascular surgery require extensive knowledge of the basic science and a thorough education in general surgical techniques. In addition, surgeons must possess detailed specialized knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of arteries, veins and lymphatics and of the pathological processes which may affect them. This scientific and technical background is also imperative for endovascular surgery. Open vascular surgery can also be considered as a potential finishing point of endovascular surgery. In fact, open surgery is still often the only solution for complex cases considered unsuitable for an endovascular approach, or for different types of complications following endovascular treatments. As endovascular surgery is increasingly considered as the initial treatment option for many patients with vascular disease, it is crucial that vascular surgery training programs develop methods to maintain the open surgical skills of their trainees. The only way for vascular surgeons to remain the premier specialists to care for patients with vascular disease is for them to combine skills in both open and endovascular treatments.  相似文献   

近年来我国减重与代谢外科发展快速,越来越多的医院和医生开展本学科,年手术量快速增长,因而,在学科发展的关键时期不断推进本学科临床医疗的规范化显得愈加重要。现阶段,需要加强和完善对减重与代谢外科医生和个案管理师进行系统的规范化培训,在临床操作层面严格把握手术适应证,基于临床证据合理选择手术方式,做好患者术后规范化随访和临床资料的科学管理,是推动减重与代谢手术规范化的重要举措。  相似文献   

A survey was made in 1979 of 31 gastroenterologists and 25 surgeons on currently important medical and surgical therapeutic issues in inflammatory bowel disease. Opinions about issues such as intractability, indications for surgery in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the approach to various medical and surgical complications, and bowel malignancy were more concordant than might have been anticipated.  相似文献   

Repair of ventral hernias constitutes one of the most common surgical procedures. Although an abundance of data exists on objective outcome measures, very little information exists on subjective measures of surgeon preference and patient satisfaction in surgical management of ventral hernias. Moreover, there are minimal data on indications for elective repair of ventral hernias. Two questionnaires were sent to a population of general and plastic surgeons active in hernia surgery. The first of these aimed at gathering information from surgeons about their indications and contraindications for repair of ventral hernias. The second survey was aimed at determining surgeons' perception of patient satisfaction with repair of large ventral hernias (greater than 15 cm width). Five hundred sixty-eight surgeons responded to the first survey and 336 responded to the second survey. The most common indications for elective repair of abdominal wall hernias were generalized pain (68.7%) and cosmesis (54.6%), whereas the most common contraindications were morbid obesity (43.3%), American Society of Anesthesiologists Class III or IV (35.4%), and enterocutaneous fistula (33.1%). The majority of surgeons do not routinely repair large abdominal wall hernias in asymptomatic patients, but 31.6 per cent do repair asymptomatic large hernias. Most surgeons reported that the majority of patients had resolution of pain and subjective impression of improved cosmesis after surgery. This study demonstrates uniform indications and contraindications for surgical repair of ventral hernias among surgeons as well as surgeons' perception of improvements in satisfaction of most patients after surgery. Future studies will focus on comparing surgeon and patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

微创性、安全性和肿瘤的根治性是腹腔镜胃癌手术的三大基本原则,以循证医学为基础不断更新、发展和完善。本文将现有的指南、共识及文献报道与自身经验相结合,对手术适应证的选择、不同手术入路的优劣、淋巴结清扫的顺序和质量控制以及全腹腔镜下消化道重建不同方式的特点进行探讨。在国内外广泛开展腹腔镜手术治疗早期和局部进展期胃癌的背景下,如何合理、规范的开展手术,是值得外科医生关注的问题,手术理念的进步和手术技术的发展也必将让更多的患者受益。  相似文献   



Laparoscopic appendectomy is widely performed by surgical residents, but its changing indications and outcomes have been poorly investigated. The aim of this study was to examine whether a difference exists in indications and outcomes between laparoscopic appendectomies performed by residents and those performed by experienced surgeons.


Between 1999 and 2007, 218 laparoscopic appendectomies were performed and recorded. Data were analyzed to compare operations performed by residents with those by experienced surgeons in terms of indications for surgery and severity of disease. Moreover, laparoscopic appendectomies were thoroughly compared regarding outcomes and complications.


The residents had fewer conversions with laparoscopic appendectomy (8% vs 17%, P=0.04), and similar complication rates (12% vs 13%, P=0.16), compared with experienced surgeons. The median operating time was also comparable (67 minutes vs 60 minutes, P=0.23). However, patients operated on by residents had more emergencies (86% vs 70%, P=0.009), included more foreigners (27% vs 15%, P=0.03), and had intermediate to severe diseases, (81 vs 52%, P<0.001) than patients did operated on by experienced surgeons.


Surgical residents performed more emergency laparoscopic appendectomies on foreign patients suffering from intermediate to severe diseases compared with experienced surgeons, with comparable surgical outcomes and lower conversion rates.  相似文献   

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