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目的:通过医用口罩类产品监督抽检情况,分析医用口罩类产品在生产、质量检测方面出现的问题,为提升医用口罩质量及监管服务提供技术支持和参考。方法:依据湖北省监督抽检方案,根据医用口罩类产品相应的强制性行业标准和企业制定技术要求,对湖北省内抽检口罩产品进行检测。结果:2020年4月~12月医用口罩共抽检104批次产品,占总批次的35%,共有20批次不合格,占医用口罩批次的19%,不合格项目主要集中在口罩带和细菌过滤效率上。结论:本省医用口罩类产品存在一定的问题,企业应加强对产品质量的控制以及完善质量体系的建设。  相似文献   

目的评估电子体温计测量新生儿体温的准确性和可靠性方法对60例新生儿同时使用电子体温计和水银体温计测量腋下温度,比较测量值和测量时间结果水银体温计测量值均数比电子体温计高0.02℃,两种体温计测量值不具有统计学意义(P〉0.05),电子体温计三次测量值之间不具有统计学意义(P〉0.05),两种方法测量体温时间具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)结论电子体温计测量体温准确、可靠.并且省时省力,可替代水银体温计应用于新生儿体温测量。  相似文献   

阐述了国内外医用无汞体温计的临床应用现状,介绍了玻璃体温计、电子体温计、变色体温计3种类型的国内医用体温计计量质控现状,分析了国内医用体温计存在临床需求量大、不同类别体温计测量结果差异性较大、缺少规范性,水银体温计的替换缺乏有效的实施方案及无汞体温计与临床使用过程质量控制标准体系不完善的问题。指出了应制订有效的水银体温计可行性替换方案,进行区域化的体温计计量质控体系建设及深入无汞体温计临床使用过程研究,建立无汞体温计的使用操作规范,对《关于汞的水俣公约》的实施、水银体温计替换方案的制订具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的 分析2019年—2020年全国食品安全监督抽检整体情况及存在的主要食品安全风险。方法 通过对2019年—2020年全国食品安全监督抽检结果进行统计,按照不同维度分析食品安全监督抽检中出现主要不合格项目和食品安全存在的主要问题。结果 2019年全国共完成食品安全监督抽检4 736 773批次,其中检验项目合格的样品4 629 709批次,合格率为97.74%。2020年全国共完成食品安全监督抽检6 387 366批次,其中检验项目合格的样品6 239 645批次,合格率为97.69%。抽检样品共覆盖35个食品类别,其中粮、油、肉、蛋、乳等日常消费量较大的食品合格率普遍较高,均在98%以上,但餐饮食品、蔬菜制品和淀粉及淀粉制品的合格率偏低,均在97%以下。结论 2020年不合格率(2.31%)与2019年不合格率(2.27%)相比增长了0.04%,变化不显著,2019年—2020年我国食品安全整体情况良好,但仍存在非法使用添加剂、微生物污染、农兽药残留超标等食品安全风险。  相似文献   

目的 研究分析安阳市放射卫生监督抽检情况,总结其中存在的问题并提出对策。方法 调查统计了2012年到2013年安阳市共14家医疗机构放射科室卫生情况,通过全面检查对卫生监督结果进行分析。结果 抽检过程中共对14家放射医疗单位检查144次,抽检结果显示14家抽检结果全部合格9家,不合格5家。不合格单位中未按照规定在放射工作场所设置电离辐射警示标志4家,未按照规定要求放射工作人员佩戴个人剂量计5家,未对放射工作人员进行健康体检并持证上岗等2家。结论 在放射医疗单位中存在部分违法和未按要求操作单位,在放射工作需要进一步加强监督,确保医用辐射的安全和规范化。  相似文献   

食品卫生监督抽检中存在的问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田华伟  梁伟  刘奋  孙琳  蒋立新 《现代预防医学》2003,30(6):848-848,850
食品卫生监督抽检是贯彻执行《食品卫生法》,加大食品卫生监督力度的有效手段之一。本文通过对深圳市福田区2 0 0 2年食品卫生监督抽检资料进行总结和分析 ,探讨食品卫生监督抽检过程中存在的一些问题 ,从而为提高抽检工作的质量和保证抽检工作顺利开展提供理论依据。1 食品抽检的基本情况深圳市福田区 2 0 0 2年共抽检食品 17类 69种 ,合计 755份 ,其中 72份存在不规范现象 ,占抽检总份数的 9.54%。 72份抽检结果全部予以废弃 ,对抽检结果的汇总和上报带来不利影响。2 抽检工作中存在的主要问题2 .1 对抽检工作重视不够从报表资料分析 ,…  相似文献   

为摸清我市理发美容行业使用的化妆品存在的卫生问题, 我们于2001—2004年对漳州市区及各县(市、区)理发美容行业进行卫生监督检查及产品卫生微生物质量抽检,现将524种化妆品的抽检结果报告如下:据有关监督抽检计划,主要检查内容包括标签标识及产品卫生质量。具体检验项目有菌落总数、粪大肠菌群、绿脓杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌及霉菌和酵母菌,根据《化妆品卫生规范》(2002  相似文献   

2003年国家食品卫生监督抽检工作有如下特点:月月有项目;要求31个省级机构参加;抽检密度大,品种多,尤其对叶菜类采取了每季度抽取的方案;品种的选择原则是根据不同时间容易出现问题的食品。通过各相关单位和人员的努力,卫生部共向社会公众通报了11次不同产品的卫生质量情况,基本完成了2003年抽检工作。回顾2003年抽检工作,取得的成绩是显而易见的,不但向公众通报了目前食品卫生质量情况,发现了食品安全领域的重点问题,同时也发现了抽检监督工作中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

浅析2002~2008年国家食品卫生监督抽检结果及建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自2002年以来,卫生部加大了食品卫生监督抽检力度,在全国范围内有计划分步骤的开展食品卫生监督抽检工作。为总结和积累经验,作者阐述了2002~2008年7年间的国家食品卫生抽检结果,分析取得的成效及存在的问题,并提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

鼓膜温度探测式体温计当前测量体温大多是通过测量腋下、舌下或直肠温得出的。使用的测量器械不外是水银体温计和电子体温计。然而人们更期望有一种测量方便、操作简单且省时准确的体温测量器械。现在一种通过探测从鼓膜放射出来的红外线,约2秒钟便可由探测鼓膜温度而得...  相似文献   

目的研究各种红外线测温仪器的准确度,为确定旅客卫生检疫方案提供科学依据。方法选取经顺德港入境的部分旅客,分别获得各种红外线测温仪器和水银温度计的温度,进行红外线测温仪器准确度分析。结果红外线快速筛检仪、耳式测温仪(左耳、右耳)、便携式测温仪、医用快速体温仪的灵敏度分别为82.2%、78.1%、80.8%、24.7%、76.7%。红外线测温仪器温度与水银温度都存在差异,耳式测温仪和医用快速体温仪测量发热人群温度与水银温度不存在差异。结论红外便携式测温仪不能满足体温监测要求;红外线快速筛检仪、医用快速体温仪适合体温初筛;水银温度计适合确诊;特殊情况下可以用红外耳式测温仪进行体温确诊。  相似文献   

〔目的〕为评估国境口岸出入境人员红外测温仪快速体温筛查效果,规范国境卫生检疫中红外测温仪的操作应用,从而为出入境人员的传染病监测提供有效的手段和方法。〔方法〕在经广州白云国际机场入境人员中,随机抽样1000名,严格按照3种红外测温仪和医用水银温度计的操作方法,对每一名抽样入境人员现场进行4种方法的体温测量,记录所得数据。以医用水银温度计为标准,比较3种红外测温仪的快速体温筛查效果;用多个相关样本的非参数检验,分析样本。〔结果〕与医用水银温度计相比,红外成像快速测温系统的快速体温筛查效果最好,TD400多功能红外温度计次之,便携式红外体表温度测温仪的效果不及前2种红外测温仪。〔结论〕红外成像快速测温系统在快速体温筛查工作中快速、精准、方便、可同时对多人进行体温监测,在人流量大、通关速度快的国境口岸开展出入境人员传染病监测工作,红外成像快速测温系统无疑是3种红外测温仪中效果最好的测温设备;TD400多功能红外温度计的效果也比较准确,而且检测快速,但不能同时对多人监测、也容易因操作不规范造成误差,在3种红外测温仪中效果次之;便携式红外体表温度测温仪使用时易受外界影响,有一定误差,测温效果不及其他两种红外测温仪,使用时需加校正值。  相似文献   

目的:研究红外线耳温计在门诊发热患者筛查的应用中产生误差的影响因素。方法:对84例门诊检查患者使用红外线耳温计测量体温,同时对照水银体温计,利用高低温湿度试验箱模拟门诊环境的温湿度变化,分析对红外线耳温计产生的误差。结果:在实际使用中,红外线耳温计与水银体温计在36—39℃测量结果的相关性r=0.818,环境湿度、温度对测量结果有影响,二者独立作用。结论:影响红外线耳温计测量结果误差的因素主要有环境温度和湿度,在实际使用中需要避免二者所带来的误差影响。  相似文献   

目的:设计一种检测温度的传感系统,提供新型的监测手段。方法:系统由自制的解调仪、软件系统及显示终端组成,通过大量实验选取传感器的封装材料,随之进行人体模拟实验。结果:在强磁、强酸的恶劣医疗环境下,对比传统的水银温度计、电子温度计和医用监护仪器取得了良好的效果,并且数值准确,反应时间快速以及灵敏度高。结论:利用光纤光栅对人体温度的检测在医疗领域的应用可靠、可行,并且可以组建局域网络进行采集监测,便于医疗科室统一进行监控,可以作为一种新型的监测手段进一步开发利用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the spread of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea is related to the use of electronic thermometers in an acute hospital and a chronic healthcare facility. DESIGN: After finding that a significant percentage (20.8%) of electronic rectal thermometer handles were contaminated with C difficile, all electronic thermometers were replaced with disposables. A before/after trial was conducted to determine if the change to disposable thermometers would reduce the incidence of C difficile-associated diarrhea. SETTING: The study took place in a 343-bed acute hospital and a 538-bed skilled nursing facility. PATIENTS: All patients who underwent routine microbiological evaluation for nosocomially acquired diarrhea over a 1-year period were included in the study. Nosocomial diarrhea was defined as 3 or more loose stools per day for 2 consecutive days and/or abdominal findings such as pain, distension, and ileus occurring 3 or more days after admission. RESULTS: During the 6-month postintervention period, the incidence of C difficile-associated diarrhea was reduced from 2.71/1,000 patient days to 1.76/1,000 patient days in the acute hospital and from 0.41/1,000 patient days to 0.11/1,000 patient days in the skilled nursing facility. The protective effect of the intervention was statistically significant for both facilities. CONCLUSIONS: Replacement of electronic thermometers with single-use disposables significantly reduced the incidence of C difficile-associated diarrhea in both acute care and skilled nursing care facilities. Data suggest that the rectal route may be important in the transmission of C difficile in these settings.  相似文献   

目的对七个省(区)126所医疗机构水银体温计和水银血压计及其相应的替代品使用现状进行调查,为制定《关于汞的水俣公约》履约政策提供参考。方法选择东部、中部、西部地区共七省(区)的三级医院、二级医院及乡镇卫生院共计126所医疗机构,调查2013—2016年水银体温计和水银血压计及其替代品使用情况。结果截至2016年3月1日,126所医疗机构正在使用的水银体温计数量156 088支,医疗机构使用率为100.00%,每床位使用量为0.11支;使用的水银血压计数量为13 576台,医疗机构使用率为100.00%,每床位使用量为0.010台。正在使用的无汞体温计数量10 510支,2013—2015年依次每年分别有40所(31.75%)、50所(39.68%)、52所(41.27%)医疗机构在使用。正在使用的无汞血压计数量为8 266台;2013—2015年依次每年分别有85所(67.46%)、83所(65.87%)、87所(69.05%)医疗机构在使用。结论部分医疗机构已经开始少量使用无汞体温计和无汞血压计;制定《关于汞的水俣公约》履约政策应注意提高使用无汞替代产品意识并提供政策及经费支持等。  相似文献   

Bacterial counts were performed on thermometers after use by hospital patients and following two different disinfection procedures: (a) wiping with ethyl alcohol or (b) immersion in a phenolic disinfectant-detergent for 60 min. Oral thermometers were studied as well as rectal thermometers with and without disposable plastic sleeves. Disposable plastic sleeves were found not to protect rectal thermometers against bacterial contamination. Wiping with alcohol was at least as efficient as immersion in a phenolic and is recommended for thermometer disinfection in hospitals.  相似文献   

In the first week ot December 1997, an increasing incidence of neonates colonized with multi-drug resistant Enterobacter cloacae (MR-E. cloacae) was observed in the neonatal Intensive care unit of our 950-bed university hospital. Initially, re-enforcement of infection control practices including hand disinfection and cohort isolation seemed to be sufficient to control the outbreak. Nevertheless, an increasing number of newly admitted patients was paralleled by another rise in the incidence of colonized neonates. Since E. cloacae was initially found in urine specimens of the patients, surveillance and environmental cultures were aimed at procedures and instruments that might colonize the gastro-intestinal and/or urinary tract. E, cloacae was isolated from a single cap of an electronic digital thermometer. Despite banning of this possible source, newly admitted neonates still became colonized. The unit was closed for further admissions and a second round of extensive screening was started; this time including all available thermometers and continuous rectal temperature probes. Ready-to-use 'disinfected thermometers and probes were found to be colonized with MR-E. cloacae. Observation of disinfection procedures and a laboratory investigation revealed that 'rushed disinfection with alcohol 80% led to a 1 in 10 chance of thermometers still being contaminated. Furthermore, alcoholic hand rub used for convenience disinfection failed to disinfect thermometers in 40% and 20% of the cases when done in a 'rushed' or 'careful' fashion, respectively. Adequate disinfection of the thermometers led to the control of the outbreak, with no new occurrence of MR-E. cloacae in the following months.  相似文献   

This intervention study was conducted in Albania to establish the superiority of the Fridge-tag® (30-day electronic refrigerator temperature logger) against thermometers. Intervention sites used Fridge-tag® and a modified temperature control record sheet, while control sites continued with their routine operation with thermometers. All refrigerators in both groups were equipped with downloadable electronic data loggers to record temperatures for reference. Focus group sessions were conducted with involved staff to discuss temperature monitoring, Fridge-tag® use and its user-friendliness. Significant discrepancies were observed between thermometer readings and the electronic data loggers in control sites, while all alarms from Fridge-tag® were confirmed in the intervention group. Thermometers are not sufficient to monitor temperatures in refrigerators since they miss the great majority of low and high alarms. Fridge-tag® has proven to be an effective tool in providing health workers with the information they need to take the necessary actions when there are refrigerator temperature variations.  相似文献   

Background Rectal thermometry is considered the most reliable method for measuring the temperature in the paediatric population. Recently, a new non‐contact skin infrared thermometer for children was introduced in the market with excellent acceptance by parents. Methods A prospective, analytical, cross‐sectional study was designed in order to assess the effectiveness of the infrared non‐contact thermometer (Thermofocus) in comparison with two other known methods used to measure body temperature. Children aged 1 to 48 months were included from the emergency room and inpatient unit. All patients selected were assessed with three different thermometers: (1) non‐contact infrared thermometer (Thermofocus); (2) temporal artery thermometer (Exergen); and (3) rectal glass mercury thermometer. Results Four hundred and thirty‐four patients were eligible to complete the study. One hundred and sixty‐seven were identified with fever. The mean age of the patients studied was 14.6 ± 10.7 months. Both devices were strongly correlated with the rectal temperature: r= 0.950 for Exergen and r= 0.952 for Thermofocus. The mean difference in temperature between the rectal temperature and the non‐contact thermometer was 0.029 ± 0.01°C (P < 0.001), while the mean difference between the temporal artery thermometer and the rectal temperature was ?0.20 ± 0.27°C (P < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity for the non‐contact thermometer is 97%. The negative predictive value is 99%, which is especially important to rule out fever and avoid unnecessary laboratory work‐up. Conclusions The non‐contact infrared thermometer is a reliable, comfortable and accurate option for measurement of temperature and is very useful for the screening of fever in the paediatric population. More studies are recommended to support the evidence found in this study and compare its accuracy with more complex devices.  相似文献   

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