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Nuclear‐encoded disorders of mitochondrial translation are clinically and genetically heterogeneous. Genetic causes include defects of mitochondrial aminoacyl‐tRNA synthetases, and factors required for initiation, elongation and termination of protein synthesis as well as ribosome recycling. We report on a new case of myopathy, lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anemia (MLASA) syndrome caused by defective mitochondrial tyrosyl aminoacylation. The patient presented at 1 year with anemia initially attributed to iron deficiency. Bone marrow aspirate at 5 years revealed ringed sideroblasts but transfusion dependency did not occur until 11 years. Other clinical features included lactic acidosis, poor weight gain, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and severe myopathy leading to respiratory failure necessitating ventilatory support. Long‐range PCR excluded mitochondrial DNA rearrangements. Clinical diagnosis of MLASA prompted direct sequence analysis of the YARS2 gene encoding the mitochondrial tyrosyl‐tRNA synthetase, which revealed homozygosity for a known pathogenic mutation, c.156C>G;p.F52L. Comparison with four previously reported cases demonstrated remarkable clinical homogeneity. First line investigation of MLASA should include direct sequence analysis of YARS2 and PUS1 (encoding a tRNA modification factor) rather than muscle biopsy. Early genetic diagnosis is essential for counseling and to facilitate appropriate supportive therapy. Reasons for segregation of specific clinical phenotypes with particular mitochondrial aminoacyl tRNA‐synthetase defects remain unknown. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cavernous malformations of the brain are vascular lesions whichare present in up to 0.4% of all individuals and which are oftenaccompanied by seizures, migraine, hemorrhage and other neurologicproblems. Using linkage analysis and a set of short tandem repeatpolymorphisms, a gene responsible for cavernous malformationsin a large Hispanic kindred was mapped to the q11–q22region of chromosome 7. A maximum pairwise lod score of 4.2was obtained at zero recombination with marker PY5–18at locus D7S804. Lod scores in excess of 3.0 were obtained withfour additional markers closely linked to PY5–18. A broadchromosome 7q haplotype of 33 cM length on the sex average mapwas shared by all affected individuals indicating that the genelies between loci D7S502 and D7S479.  相似文献   

Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Rendu-Osler-Weberdisease is an autosomal dominant vascular disorder which associatesepistaxis, mucocutaneous and visceral telangiectases, and recurrenthaemorrhage with chronic anaemia and visceral shuntings. Recently,the tumour growth factor (TGF)ß binding protein endoglinlocalized to 9q33–34 was identified as responsible forHHT in several large kindreds with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations(PAVMs). Additional linkage studies demonstrated that HHT isa genetically heterogeneous disorder with families unlinkedto this region of 9q. In the families in which HHT was not linkedto chromosome 9, less PAVMs were present. Furthermore, in oneof these families, HHT was found linked to 3p22, where the TGFßII receptor is located. In this linkage study, we have analysed DNA from two families,In which HHT was unlinked to chromosome 9q and 3p, and PAVMswere absent, with a series of genetic markers on the centromericregion of chromosome 12. Using two-point linkage analysis, asignificant lod score of 2zmx = 7.86 at  相似文献   

The gene for Darier's disease maps to chromosome 12q23-q24.1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Darler's disease is a rare autosomal dominant skin disorderin which there is abnormal adhesion between keratlnocytes. Itappears to be associated with an Increased prevalence of neuropsychiatrlcdisorders including mental retardation and epilepsy. In additionwe have previously reported a family in which major affectivedisorder cosegregates with Darier's disease. In the presentstudy we have localized the gene for Darier's disease to chromosome12q23–q24.1 by linkage analysis in five British pedigrees.We obtained a maximum two point lod score of 4.29 with markerD12S84 at zero recombination fraction. All five families showedevidence of linkage between the disease gene and markers Inthis region. Subsequent identification of the Darier's diseasegene will provide Insights into normal mechanisms of cell adhesionand may be of importance in the genetic Investigation of neuropsychiatricdisorders as well as elucidating the pathogenesls of Darier'sdisease itself.  相似文献   

We have studied 36 subjects in a large multigenerational Chinese family that is segregating for an autosomal dominant adult onset form of progressive non-syndromic hearing loss. All affected subjects had bilateral sensorineural hearing loss involving all frequencies with some significant gender differences in initial presentation. After excluding linkage to known loci for non-syndromic deafness, we used the Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) to test for 351 polymorphic markers distributed at approximately 10 cM intervals throughout the genome. Analysis of the resulting data provided evidence that the locus designated DFNA41 maps to a 15 cM region on chromosome 12q24.32-qter, proximal to the marker D12S1609. A maximum two point lod score of 6.56 at theta=0.0 was obtained for D12S343. This gene is distal to DFNA25, a previously identified locus for dominant adult onset hearing loss that maps to 12q21-24. Positional/functional candidate genes in this region include frizzled 10, epimorphin, RAN, and ZFOC1.  相似文献   

Cataracts are the commonest cause of blindness worldwide. Inherited cataract is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease that most often shows autosomal dominant inheritance. In this study, we report the identification of a novel locus for cerulean cataract type 5 (CCA5), also known as blue-dot cataract on chromosome 12q24. To date, four loci for autosomal dominant congenital cerulean cataract have been mapped on chromosomes, 17q24, 22q11.2–12.2, 2q33–35 and 16q23.1. To map this locus we performed genetic linkage analysis using microsatellite markers in a five-generation English family. After the exclusion of all known loci and several candidate genes we obtained significantly positive LOD score (Z) for marker D12S1611 (Zmax=3.60; at θ=0). Haplotype data indicated that CCA5 locus lies within a region of 14.3 Mb interval between the markers D12S1718 and D12S1723. Our data are strongly suggestive of a new locus for CCA5 on chromosome 12.  相似文献   

Paragangliomas of the head and neck are slow growing tumors which rarely show malignant progression. Familial transmission has been described consistent with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Clinical manifestations of hereditary paragangliomas are determined by the sex of the transmitting parent. All affected individuals have inherited the disease gene from their father, expression of the phenotype is not observed in the offspring of an affected female until subsequent transmittance of the gene through a male carrier. This finding strongly suggests that genomic imprinting is involved. We report the results of a linkage study on a large Dutch pedigree with hereditary paragangliomas. Highly significant evidence for genetic linkage to chromosome 11q23-qter with the anonymous DNA marker D11S147 was detected with a peak lod score of 6.0 at a recombination fraction theta = 0.0. Likelihood calculations yielded an odds ratio of 2.7 x 10(6) in favor of genomic imprinting versus the absence of genomic imprinting.  相似文献   

Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED), Clouston type, is an autosomal dominant skin disorder which is most common in the French-Canadian population and is characterized by hair defects, nail dystrophy and palmoplantar hyperkeratosis. Biophysical and biochemical studies conducted in HED suggested a molecular abnormality of keratins. We tested eight French-Canadian families segregating HED for linkage to microsatellite markers flanking the known keratin genes and were able to exclude linkage to these loci. Therefore, a genome-wide search for the HED gene was initiated. The first lod score above 3.00 was obtained with the marker D13S175 located in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 13q (Zmax = 8.12 at zero recombination). The cumulative lod scores were above 3.00 for six other markers in the region. A multipoint linkage analysis using the markers D13S175, D13S141 and D13S143 gave a maximum lod score of 11.12 at D13S141 with the one-lod- unit support interval spanning a 12.7 cM region which includes D13S175 and D13S141. Haplotype analysis allowed us to establish D13S143 as the telomeric flanking marker for the HED candidate region.   相似文献   

We describe a family carrying a submicroscopic reciprocal translocation involving 12qter and 17qter detected by subtelomeric FISH analysis. Four family members inherited unbalanced variants-two cases inherited the derivative chromosome 12 and the other two the derivative chromosome 17. The two individuals with the derivative chromosome 17 showed a distinct phenotype with mild mental retardation in combination with multiple minor malformations, while the phenotype in the cases with the derivative chromosome 12 was milder and only partly concordant. Detailed FISH analysis using 19 BAC clones covering the distal part of chromosome 12q and 17q estimated the imbalances to 2.1 and 1.3 Mb, respectively. The clinical and cytogenetic findings of the two different genotypes are reported and discussed. This family illustrates that small chromosome imbalances can be detected in individuals with mild phenotype and normal, or near-normal, cognitive functions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic complementation of xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XP-A) cells by microcell-mediated transfer of a single rearrangedneo-tagged human chromosome from a human-mouse somatic cell hybrid designated K3SUB1A9-3 was reported previously. Extended growth of this human-mouse hybrid in culture led to deletion of the small arm of the human chromosome, with concomitant loss of complementing ability when introduced into XP-A cells by microcell-mediated chromosome transfer. Cytogenetic analysis of both hybrids suggests that the complementing locus is on chromosome 9q22.2-q34.3, and Southern blot analysis confirms the presence of distal chromosome 9q sequences.  相似文献   

Gene for lipoamide dehydrogenase maps to human chromosome 7   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The gene for lipoamide dehydrogenase (LD) has been assigned to human chromosome 7 based on filter hybridization analysis of genomic DNA from rodent-human somatic cell hybrids using a cDNA probe for human LD. No indication of multiple copies of the gene was found, in accordance with previous evidence that LD in the pyruvate, -ketoglutarate, and branched chain -ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes is genetically as well as biochemically identical.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia is an autosomal recessive condition characterised by chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and subfertility. Situs inversus occurs in 50% of cases (Kartagener syndrome). It has an estimated incidence of 1 in 20 000 live births. The clinical phenotype is caused by defective ciliary function associated with a range of ultrastructural abnormalities including absent dynein arms, absent radial spokes, and disturbed ciliary orientation. The molecular genetic basis is unknown. A genome scan was performed in five Arabic families. Using GENEHUNTER, a maximal multipoint lod score (HLOD) of 4.4 was obtained on chromosome 19q13.3-qter at alpha (proportion of linked families) = 0.7. A 15 cM critical region is defined by recombinations at D19S572 and D19S218. These data provide significant evidence for a PCD locus on chromosome 19q and confirm locus heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In contrast to the frequent dominant optic atrophies (DOAs) in which the neuropathy is usually an isolated event, isolated recessive optic atrophies (ROAs) are very uncommon and have been described as severe congenital or early infantile conditions. To date, two loci for isolated DOA have been mapped, of which one was ascribed to mutations in the OPA1 gene. Conversely, no isolated autosomal ROA locus had previously been localised. Here, we report a large multiplex consanguineous family of French origin affected with an early onset but slowly progressive form of isolated OA. A genome-wide search for homozygosity allowed the localisation of the disease-causing gene to chromosome 8q21-q22 (Zmax of 3.41 at theta=0 for D8S270), in a 12 Mb interval flanked by markers D8S1702 and D8S1794. This localisation excludes allelism of the disease with both isolated DOAs, on one hand, or all known syndromic forms of ROA, on the other hand, supporting the mapping of a first gene for isolated autosomal ROA (ROA1) on the long arm of chromosome 8.  相似文献   

We report on a 6-year-old boy with de novo 46, XY, del(3)(q12q23) and bilateral blepharo-phimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus, in addition to multiple other anomalies. Since 4 previously reported cases of interstitial deletion of 3q involving 3q23 band are clinically similar, we propose this blepharophimosis sequence due to 3q23 deletion as a further “contiguous gene syndrome”.  相似文献   

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