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产后出血(postpartum hemorrhage,PPH)一直以来都是孕产妇死亡的最主要原因,全世界每7分钟就有1名孕产妇因PPH死亡。自从联合国提出降低孕产妇死亡的"千年发展目标"以及我国"降消"项目的实施,经过多年的努力和《产后出血预防与处理指南(草案)》的推广,我国孕产妇死亡率已经从上世纪90年代  相似文献   

产后出血一直是导致我国孕产妇死亡的首要原因。近20年, 我国因产后出血导致的孕产妇死亡虽然已经大幅减少, 但仍有进一步下降的空间。产后出血导致孕产妇死亡的主要原因在于诊断和治疗的延迟, 错过抢救时机。继2009年《产后出血预防与处理指南(草案)》和2014年《产后出血预防与处理指南(2014)》发布之后, 中华医学会妇产科学分会产科学组联合中华医学会围产医学分会基于最新的产后出血研究进展, 再次对指南进行修订, 对产后出血的病因及高危因素、临床表现及诊断、预防及处理流程进行全面阐述, 并提出重要推荐。新版指南强调产后出血处理的"四早原则"——尽早呼救及团队抢救、尽早综合评估及动态监测、尽早针对病因止血和尽早容量复苏及成分输血, 避免错过抢救时机而导致孕产妇发生严重并发症甚至死亡。  相似文献   

目的:探讨转诊中心与非转诊中心严重产后出血(SPPH)的救治现况,为区域内SPPH的预防和处理提供改进策略。方法:回顾性分析2021年1月至2023年6月北京市两区SPPH(产后出血量≥1500 ml或输血制品≥1000 ml)病例的临床资料,共纳入SPPH 201例,根据其是否为市级转诊中心分为转诊中心组(125例)和非转诊中心组(76例)。比较两组间的临床特征。进一步分层分析,采用Logistic回归模型分析大量产后出血,即产后出血量≥4000 ml,和(或)输注悬浮红细胞(RBC)>10 U和(或)输注血浆>1000 ml的危险因素。结果:对两组SPPH病例分析,转诊中心组较非转诊中心组患者的年龄大,分娩孕周小,伴有孕期产后出血高危因素的比例高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);转诊中心组SPPH的首要原因为胎盘因素,而非转诊中心组的首要因素为子宫收缩乏力,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);非转诊中心组在剖宫产术中出血量高,采用B-Lynch缝合/血管缝扎的比例低,宫腔填塞比例高(P<0.05);非转诊中心组血浆输注量、重返手术室、剖腹探查、各种产后出血并发症的发生率均显著高于转诊中心组(P<0.05);非转诊中心组大量产后出血病例数显著多于转诊中心组(P<0.05)。在大量产后出血病例中,转诊中心组具有孕期产后出血高危因素者多于非转诊中心组(71.4%vs.33.3%,P<0.05),转诊中心组胎盘因素是主要出血原因(57.1%),非转诊中心组子宫收缩乏力和胎盘因素是主要出血原因(42.9%,28.6%)。多因素Logistic回归分析发现,非转诊中心分娩(aOR 3.47,95%CI 1.40~9.18)、多次宫腔操作史(aOR 12.63,95%CI 1.24~131.30)是大量产后出血的高危因素。结论:区域内高危孕产妇转诊管理效果较好,加强非转诊助产机构的高危因素识别、手术缝合技术和SPPH综合管理培训,预防SPPH、大量产后出血和输血的发生。  相似文献   

产后出血诊疗进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
产后出血是引起孕产妇死亡的重要原因,特别是在非洲和亚洲的发展中国家,常占孕产妇死亡原因的第1位.产后出血在世界范围内的发生率是10.5%,死亡率为1%,每年引起132000例产妇死亡.在我国产后出血近年来一直是引起孕产妇死亡的第1位原因,特别是在边远落后地区,产后出血引起的死亡占到50%以上.  相似文献   

妊娠期高血压疾病是产科最常见的并发症,能引发全身重要脏器的病理改变,出现一系列并发症。产后出血仍然是威胁孕产妇生命的重要因素,妊娠期高血压疾病由于本身的病理生理特点,具备了发生产后出血的高危因素,尽早识别该类患者,并积极正确的处理能改善孕产妇预后,降低孕产妇病死率。  相似文献   

胎盘滞留是阴道分娩过程中最常见的并发症之一。随着国家“三孩政策”的放开及高龄孕产妇的增加,胎盘滞留的发生率可预见性地也会逐年上升。加强风险因素的识别,积极处理第三产程对预防产后出血、降低孕产妇死亡率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:了解济南市1991~2015年产后出血致孕产妇死亡的流行情况,为政府部门制定相应的干预措施提供参考。方法:利用妇幼保健三级网络收集数据,对数据进行描述性分析及差异性检验。结果:25年间济南市产后出血致孕产妇死亡率下降了77. 57%;死亡孕产妇主要为农村户籍(80. 77%);死在基层医院者逐年下降,死在区县级医院者逐年上升(P0. 05);产后出血的主要原因为宫缩乏力、子宫破裂和前置胎盘,其中宫缩乏力占比最高(35. 90%)。结论:济南市产后出血致孕产妇死亡逐年下降;要重点关注农村户籍孕产妇,着重提升区县级医疗机构产科出血救治的技能培训,加强对宫缩乏力的预防和处理。  相似文献   

周玮   《实用妇产科杂志》2024,40(3):195-198
<正>尽管临床医师不断努力在实践中改进对产后出血的认识、预防、处理。但是在我国以及全球范围内,产后出血仍然是导致孕产妇死亡的首要因素[1,2]。1997年,国际妇产科联盟(FIGO)前主席Mamoud Fathalla在哥本哈根举办的第15届世界妇产联盟会议上针对当时严峻的孕产妇死亡状况发表讲话:“妇女并非因为绝症而死亡,只是全社会没有采取必要的措施去积极救治”。这一论调尤其适用于产后出血导致的孕产妇死亡。  相似文献   

危重孕产妇是指在妊娠、分娩或产后42 d内濒临死亡,但最终存活的孕产妇病例。危重孕产妇评审是产科服务质量评估与改善的重要策略。文章结合重庆市开展危急重症孕产妇分级救治以来,本院接受转诊的3例典型产后出血并发多器官功能衰竭病例,引入WHO在2011年制定的指南,以此评价危重孕产妇就医、治疗过程及转运过程是否存在延误,以提高危重孕产妇救治水平。  相似文献   

产后出血是全球孕产妇死亡的首要原因,产后出血的诊断和治疗指南对规范产后出血的临床管理及降低孕产妇死亡率意义重大。文章对我国产后出血指南及全球其他国家主要产后出血指南的推荐进行对比,希望进一步提高产科医生对产后出血的重视程度。  相似文献   

高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血危险因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血的主要危险因素。方法回顾性分析2010年1月至2011年6月期间在北京民航总医院剖宫产分娩的623例高龄孕妇(年龄≥35岁)的临床资料,分为产后出血组(胎儿娩出后2h内出血量≥400ml或至胎儿娩出后24h内出血量≥500ml)和非产后出血组,对可能影响术后出血的因素进行单因素分析与Logistic回归分析。结果 623例高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血52例,发生率为8.35%。单因素分析有妊娠高血压疾病、妊娠期糖尿病、流产病史、经产妇、巨大儿、宫缩乏力和前置胎盘7种指标与高龄孕妇产后出血相关。非条件多因素分析结果筛选出3个主要的危险因素:宫缩乏力、前置胎盘、妊娠高血压疾病。结论高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血的发生率较高。宫缩乏力、前置胎盘、妊娠高血压疾病是高龄孕妇剖宫产发生产后出血的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

蛛网膜下腔-硬膜外联合阻滞麻醉用于分娩镇痛206例分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨分娩镇痛的效果及对产程、母婴状况的影响。方法 采用蛛网膜下腔 -硬膜外联合阻滞(CSEA)用于分娩镇痛的产妇 2 0 6例作为观察组 ,将未采用任何分娩镇痛药物而进入产程的产妇 2 0 6例作为对照组 ,分别观察产程时间、分娩方式、产后出血、胎儿窘迫及新生儿窒息情况。结果 两组产程活跃期比较 ,有极显著性差异 (P <0 0 1) ;两组分娩方式比较有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 ) ;两组胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息及产后出血发生率比较 ,无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 CSEA用于分娩镇痛 ,疼痛阻滞完善 ,加速了产程活跃期及第二产程的进展 ,降低了剖宫产及阴道难产率 ,对母婴均无不良影响  相似文献   

Objectives.?To examine the obstetric outcomes of our ‘low risk’ pregnant women under the midwife-led delivery care compared with those under the obstetric shared care.

Methods.?A retrospective cohort study compared outcomes of labor under midwife ‘primary’ care with those under obstetric shared care. The factors examined were: maternal age, parity, gestational age at delivery, length of labor, augmentation of labor pains, delivery mode, episiotomy, perineal laceration, postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal birth weight, Apgar score, and umbilical artery pH. In this study, pregnant women were initially considered ‘low risk’ at admission when they had no history of medical, gynecological, or obstetric problems and no complications during the present pregnancy.

Results.?There were 1031 pregnant women initially considered ‘low risk’ at admission. At admission, 878 of them (85%) requested to give birth under midwife care; however 364 of these women (42%) were transferred to obstetric shared care during labor. The average length of labor under the midwife ‘primary’ care was significantly longer than that under the obstetric shared care. However, there were no significant differences in the rate of prolonged labor (≥24?h). There were no significant differences in other obstetric or neonatal outcomes between the two groups.

Conclusions.?There was no evidence indicating that midwife ‘primary’ care is unsafe for ‘low risk’ pregnant women. Therefore, midwifery care is recommended for ‘low risk’ pregnant women.  相似文献   

目的:分析影响产后出血的临床相关因素,评价临床干预效果。方法:选取6个基层医院为研究点,进行前瞻性研究,先进行流行病学调查;培训推广预防技术,进行临床干预;最后比较干预前后产后出血情况,评价效果。结果:影响产后出血的相关因素有产程处理,新生儿出生体重,第3产程与第4产程干预;干预前后产后出血量,产后出血率比较差异均有统计学意义。结论:孕期合理营养,正确处理产程,第3产程与第4产程干预,推广产后出血预防技术,推广称重法估计失血量,建立三级联动机制,非血源地建立预警方案等,有利于防治产后出血。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Background: Hemorrhage and hypertensive disorders are major contributors to death after delivery in developing countries. The GIRMMAHP Initiative was designed to describe the actual delivery care in five Latin American countries and to educate and motivate clinical staff at 17 hospitals with the purpose of implementing their own clinical practice guidelines to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Methods: A multicountry education intervention was developed in four consecutive stages, using two analyses: (a) an observational study of the clinical records in eight teaching and nine nonteaching hospitals and (b) a study of the long‐term changes measured 12 months after completion of an education intervention and writing a local clinical guideline. Results: Data from 2,247 pregnant women showed that only 23.3 percent had an active management of the third stage of labor and that 22.7 percent received no prenatal care visit. These data were used to prepare local clinical practice guidelines in each participant hospital. The proportion of active management increased to 72.6 percent of deliveries at 3 months and 58.7 percent 1 year later. Use of oxytocin during the third stage of labor increased to 85.9 percent of included deliveries. The proportion of women who had postpartum hemorrhage decreased from 12.7 percent at baseline to 5 percent at 1 year after the intervention. Conclusions: An education intervention and discussion of actual clinical practice problems with health professionals and their involvement in drafting clinical guidelines helped improve health care quality and practitioners’ adherence to these guidelines. (BIRTH 35:4 December 2008)  相似文献   

目的:探讨经阴道分娩产后尿潴留(postpartum urinary retention,PUR)的危险因素,为降低PUR发生率、减少产后并发症提供理论依据。方法:选择天津医科大学宝坻临床学院(我院)2016年1-12月经阴道分娩PUR患者97例为观察组[A组,其中分娩镇痛者83例(A1组),无分娩镇痛者14例(A2组)],随机选择同期经阴道分娩无尿潴留者88例为对照组[B组,其中分娩镇痛者59例(B1组),无分娩镇痛者29例(B2组)]。记录2组患者一般信息、妊娠期合并症及妊娠期并发症、产时情况、产后出血情况及新生儿体质量,进行回顾性分析。结果:2组产妇妊娠期合并症及并发症、孕次、胎膜早破、枕左前(LOA)胎位、第三产程时间和新生儿体质量比较,差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。孕周、分娩镇痛、产钳助娩、侧切、第一产程时间、第二产程时间和产后出血比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。发生PUR的危险因素有孕周增大(OR=1.619,95%CI:1.121~2.339)、产钳助娩(OR=4.981,95%CI:2.184~11.361)、产后出血(OR=3.429,95%CI:1.024~11.488)和侧切(OR=2.419,95%CI:1.058~5.531)。PUR危险因素的ROC曲线分析:年龄最佳临界值为26.50岁,孕周最佳临界值为40.36周,新生儿体质量最佳临界值为3 372.50 g,分娩镇痛第一产程最佳临界值为402.50 min,分娩镇痛第二产程最佳临界值为61.50 min,无分娩镇痛第一产程最佳临界值为230.00 min,无分娩镇痛第二产程最佳临界值为34.50 min。结论:对孕周、分娩镇痛、产钳助娩、侧切、第一产程时间、第二产程时间、产后出血诸因素适当干预,可减少PUR的发生。  相似文献   



To evaluate whether cesarean delivery (CD) indication, labor status, and other primary CD characteristics affect the risk for uterine rupture in subsequent deliveries.


A case–control study of women attempting trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) in a single, tertiary, university-affiliated medical center (2007–2016). Deliveries complicated by uterine rupture were matched to successful vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) deliveries in a 1:3 ratio. Indication, labor status and post-partum complications (postpartum hemorrhage and postpartum infection) at primary CD were compared between study and control group.


During study period, there were 75,682 deliveries, of them, 3937 (5.2%) were TOLAC. Study group included 53 cases of uterine rupture at TOLAC and 159 women with successful VBAC. Women in study group had significantly lower rates of previous VBAC (15.1 vs. 28.9%, p?=?0.047). Rate of postpartum complications at primary CD was significantly higher in women with TOLAC complicated by uterine rupture (7.5 vs. 1.9%, respectively, p?=?0.042). Utilizing the multivariate logistic regression analysis, postpartum complications remained an independent risk factor for uterine rupture in the following TOLAC (aOR 4.07, 95% CI 1.14–14.58, p?=?0.031).


Postpartum hemorrhage and infection, in primary CD, seem to be associated with increased risk for uterine rupture during subsequent TOLAC.

OBJECTIVE: To estimate whether the length of the third stage of labor is correlated with postpartum hemorrhage. METHODS: In this prospective observational study women delivering vaginally in a tertiary obstetric hospital were assessed for postpartum hemorrhage. All women were actively managed with the administration of oxytocin upon delivery of the anterior shoulder. Blood loss was measured at each delivery in collecting devices, and drapes and sheets were weighed to calculate the blood loss at each vaginal delivery. Postpartum hemorrhage was defined as more than 1,000 mL blood loss or hemodynamic instability related to blood loss requiring a blood transfusion. RESULTS: During a 24-month period there were 6,588 vaginal deliveries in a single tertiary obstetric hospital, and postpartum hemorrhage occurred in 335 of these (5.1%). The median length of the third stage of labor was similar in women having and those not having a postpartum hemorrhage. The risk of postpartum hemorrhage was significant at 10 minutes, odds ratio (OR) 2.1, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.6-2.6; at 20 minutes, OR 4.3, 95% CI 3.3-5.5; and at 30 minutes OR 6.2, 95% CI 4.6-8.2. The best predictor for postpartum hemorrhage using receiver operating characteristic curves was 18 minutes. CONCLUSION: A third stage of labor longer than 18 minutes is associated with a significant risk of postpartum hemorrhage. After 30 minutes the odds of having postpartum hemorrhage are 6 times higher than before 30 minutes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: III.  相似文献   

Approximately 529,000 women die from pregnancy-related causes annually and almost all (99%) of these maternal deaths occur in developing nations. One of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals is to reduce the maternal mortality rate by 75% by 2015. Causes of maternal mortality include postpartum hemorrhage, eclampsia, obstructed labor, and sepsis. Many developing nations lack adequate health care and family planning, and pregnant women have minimal access to skilled labor and emergency care. Basic emergency obstetric interventions, such as antibiotics, oxytocics, anticonvulsants, manual removal of placenta, and instrumented vaginal delivery, are vital to improve the chance of survival.  相似文献   

目的:探讨孕前肥胖、孕期体重增长过度孕妇妊娠期并发症的发生以及其分娩结局的关系。方法:测量2236例足月单胎初产妇孕前的身高、体重和孕期体重增长情况,计算孕前体重指数,并分别观察肥胖孕妇的妊娠期并发症、分娩方式、产程以及产后出血、新生儿窒息、巨大儿发生情况。结果:①孕前肥胖及孕期体重增长过度的孕妇妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠期高血压疾病以及早产的发生率与对照组比较差异有显著性;②孕前肥胖及孕期体重增长过度孕妇总产程、产程异常发生率、剖宫产率、产钳助产率、巨大儿和新生儿窒息的发生率以及围生儿死亡率与对照组比较差异有显著性或非常显著性。结论:孕前肥胖及孕期体重增长过度对孕产妇和新生儿均产生不利影响,增加了妊娠期、分娩期并发症和增高了难产发生率。  相似文献   

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