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Cholangiocarcinoma Patient Outcome in Northeastern Thailand: Single-Center Prospective Study

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2016,17(1):401-406
Background: Cholangiocarcinoma is relatively rare worldwide. Most previous reports collected only patients with pathological diagnosis. In fact, however, many patients coming to hospital are diagnosed by clinical suspicion with radiologic imaging and receive treatment without histological confirmation. Real survival data and outcome of each treatment, especially for patients that do not have histologic confirmation, are lacking. In this study, therefore, we aimed to analyze the survival rates of CCA patients and the proportions of patients receiving different treatments. Materials and Methods: A total of 270 patients clinically suspected of CCA and visiting Srinagarind Hospital in May-July 2010, were prospectively followed until December 2014. After checking their clinical records, 163 of 270 patients were finally diagnosed as having CCA, and the data of this group were analyzed for survival rate and received treatments. Results: Of the 163 patients, 96 (58.9%) had intrahepatic, 56 (34.4%) had perihilar and 11 (6.7%) had distal CCA. The majority [107 (65.6%, 95%CI, 57.8-73.0)] received only supportive care. Overall median survival was 4 months (95%CI, 3.3-4.7), and 2-years survival was only 8.1% (95%CI,4.5-12.9). However, the 4 year survival of the R0 resection group was 100%. Conclusions: The present results show that the prognosis of CCA is very poor in North-east Thailand. Most CCA patients receive only treatment to alleviate symptoms due to their advanced stage of disease. Complete surgical resection at the early stage is the only treatment that significantly improves patient survival. 相似文献
Survival Rate of Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Patients after Surgical Treatment in Thailand

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(1):321-324
Background: Intra- and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is the most common cancer in Thailand,especially in the northeast region. Most extrahepatic CCA patients consult a doctor at a late stage. Surgery isstill the best treatment. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate survival rates and factors affectingsurvival in extrahepatic CCA patients following surgery at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted with 58 patients who were diagnosed andtreated by surgical resection by the same surgeon at Srinagarind Hospital between 2005 and 2009. The patientswere followed up until death or the end of the study (31 December, 2011). Survival rates were calculated by theKaplan-Meier method, and the Cox proportional hazard model was used to identify independent prognosticfactors. Results: The total follow-up time was 1,215 person-months, and the mortality rate was 50 per 100person-years. The cumulative 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates were 62.1%, 21.7% and 10.8%, respectively. Themedian survival time after resection was 15 months. After adjusting for age, gender, lymph node metastasis andhistological type, resection margin remained as a statistically significant prognostic factor for survival followingsurgery. A positive resection margin was associated with a 2.3-fold higher mortality rate than a negative margin.Conclusions: Resection margins are important prognostic factors affecting survival of extrahepatic CCA patientsafter surgery. A negative resection margin can reduce the mortality rate by 56%. 相似文献
Factors Affecting Survival of Cervical Cancer Patients Treated at the Radiation Unit of Srinagarind Hospital,Khon Kaen University,Thailand

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2007,8(2):297-300
This retrospective longitudinal study aimed to evaluate factors for survival of cervical cancer patients treatedwith radiation therapy. Information was retrieved from the medical records of 1,180 cervical cancer patientsand pathologic material was reviewed to confirm the diagnosis of those treated with radiation therapy atSrinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1999. The patientswere followed up until December 31, 2004, with current vital status determined through the hospital-basedregistry, the population-based cancer registry of Khon Kaen Province, the civil registration database, the Ministryof Interior and by mail. Data were analysed with the Kaplan-Meier, Log-rank test and Cox proportion hazardmodels. The mortality rate was 70 per 1,000 person-years with an overall 5-year survival of 62.5%. Mediansurvival was >10 years. From multivariate analyses, the factors that statistically affected survival of cervicalcancer patients included stage (p-value<0.001), hemoglobin level (p-value<0.001), interval between externaland intracavitary radiation (p-value<0.001) and fractionation (p-value=0.024). Stage III was associated with a1.65-fold mortality risk compared with stage I (95% CI=1.05-2.59). Patients with a low hemoglobin level (≤ 10g./dl.) demonstrated a 1.85-fold mortality risk compared with patients a value >12 g./dl. (95% CI=1.40-2.44). Aninterval between external and intracavitary radiation >28 days was associated with 2.28-fold mortality riskcompared with a duration of <1 day (95% CI= 1.40-2.44). The fractionation 2 faction was associated with 0.25-fold mortality risk compared with 1 fraction (95% CI=0.07-0.96). Future prospective trials should be undertakento confirm the validity of these factors and to elucidate their therapeutic implications. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2010,11(4):985-988
Liver cancer is the most common cancer in males in Thailand and the third in females. A high incidence of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is estimated in the northeast of Thailand. Chronic infection with Opisthorchis viverrini (OV) is the major risk factor for development of CCA. It has been demonstrated that HCV infection is a risk factor for CCA in non - endemic area of OV infection. We examined the association of HBV and HCV and risk of CCA in the northeast Thailand. All cases of CCA were recruited between 1999 and 2001 from Nakhon Phanom provincial hospital and all community hospitals in the province. One control per case was selected, matched by sex, age (±5 years) and residence. 106 case-control pairs were obtained. Anti-OV, HBsAg, and Anti HCV were determined by ELISA. Among 103 age-sex-place of residence matched case-control pairs, there were 7, 0, 0, 96 pairs for anti-HCV (+) case vs. (-) control, (+) case vs. (+) control, (-) case vs. (+) control and (-) case vs. (-) control combinations (OR=7/0). Among 106 matched pairs, there were 9, 2, 4, 91 pairs for the similar four combinations of HBsAg (OR=2.25 (95%CI: 0.63-10.00)). If the subject had anti-HCV and/or HBsAg, the OR for CCA was 4.00 (95%CI: 1.29-16.44). Even after adjustment for anti-OV, risk for HBsAg and/or anti-HCV positive was still marginally increased with an OR of 4.69 although not reaching statistical significance (95%CI: 0.98-22.47). Hepatitis B and C virus infection may also play role in the development of CCA in northeast Thailand. 相似文献
Risk Factors for Cholangiocarcinoma in the Lower Part of Northeast Thailand: a Hospital-based Case-control Study

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(10):5953-5956
Background: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is the most common cancer in Northeast Thailand. It is also acrucial health problem for Thai people. Various risk factors for CCA have been identified in the upper partof Northeast Thailand, but no similar studies of risk factors have been conducted in the lower parts of theregion. This study aimed to investigate factors associated with CCA in the resident population. Materials andMethods: A hospital-based case-control study was conducted during 2009-2012 with the recruitment of 123 CCAcases and 123 non-CCA patient controls, matched for sex, age and residential area. Information was collectedby interview with a structured questionnaire. Blood samples were collected for assays of anti-OV antibodies.Associations between various personal factors, dietary habits, family history, the presence of anti-OV antibodiesand CCA were analyzed using multiple conditional logistic regression. Results: Patients who consumed rawmeat (beef, pork) and alcoholic beverages ≥3 times per week had a higher risk of CCA than non-consumers(ORadj=4.33; 95%CI=1.14-16.35 and ORadj=2.13; 95%CI=1.00-4.55, respectively). Patients who had a familyhistory of cancer had a higher risk than those who did not (ORadj=4.34; 95%CI=1.80-10.43). Also, patients whohad anti-OV antibodies (AU>23.337) had a higher risk than those whose anti-OV antibodies were below thecut-off (AU≤23.34) (ORadj=3.09; 95%CI=1.04-9.16). Conclusions: As is the case in the upper part of NortheastThailand, OV infection is a crucial risk factor for CCA in people who live in lower part of the region. Similarly,a family history of cancer and the consumption of alcohol are risk factors for CCA. 相似文献
Attapol Titapun Ake Pugkhem Vor Luvira Tharatip Srisuk Ongart Somintara O-tur Saeseow Anan Sripanuskul Anongporn Nimboriboonporn Bandit Thinkhamrop Narong Khuntikeo 《World journal of gastrointestinal oncology》2015,7(12):503-512
AIM: To examine survival outcomes of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (PCCA) resection including mortality, morbidity and prognostic factors.METHODS: Multivariate analyses were carried out based on the survival data of all patients with histologically confirmed PCCA who underwent curative resection at Srinagarind Hospital from January 2006 to December 2011.RESULTS: There were 29 (19%) cases of intrahepatic CCA that involved hilar and 124 (81%) with hilar bile-duct cancer. R0 resection was carried out on 66 (43.1%) patients of whom 50 (32.7%) also had lymph node metastasis. The other patients underwent R1 resection. The overall 5-year survival rate was 20.6% (95%CI: 13.8-28.4) and median survival time was 19.9 mo. Postoperative mortality was 2%, and 30% of patients had complications. Patients without lymph node metastasis were 60% less likely to die than those with metastasis. Achieving R0 led to a 58% reduction in the chance of mortality as compared to R1.CONCLUSION: To achieve a better survival outcome, focus should center on performing radical surgery and detection of patients with early stage cancer. 相似文献
Survival Rate of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Patientsafter Surgical Treatment in Thailand

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(2):1107-1110
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC), one of the primary liver cancers, is frequent in the northeasternpart of Thailand. Surgical resection remains the best method of treatment, but patients suffering from ICCusually present at a late stage of the disease. Studies of survival and prognostic factors after surgery remain rare.The aim here was to evaluate the survival rate and factors affecting the survival of patients with intrahepaticcholangiocarcinoma after surgery. The study used a retrospective cohort design. The subjects were 73 consecutivepatients with ICC, who were admitted for surgery to Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, during theperiod 2005-2009. The censoring date was 31 December, 2011, data being evaluated using uni- and multivariateanalyses. Postoperative survival analysis was performed by the Kaplan-Meier method, and the Cox proportionalhazard model was used to identify independent prognostic factors. The total follow-up time was 99 person-years.The total number of deaths was 59, giving a mortality rate of 59 per 100 person-years. The cumulative 1-, 3-,and 5-year survival rates were 52.1%, 21.7%, and 11.2%, respectively. The median duration of survival afterresection was 12.4 months. Univariate analysis revealed stage of disease, lymph node metastasis, histologicaltype, histological grade and macroscopic classification to be statistically significant (p-value<0.05) prognosticfactors. In the multivariate analysis, only macroscopic classification was statistically significant (p-value<0.05).In conclusion, macroscopic classification was the only independent factor found to be significantly associatedwith survival following surgical treatment of ICC. 相似文献
Survival of Cholangiocarcinoma Patients in Northeastern Thailand after Supportive Treatment

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(11):7029-7032
Background: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a very common cancer in Northeastern Thailand. Most CCApatients see a physician at a late stage when curative surgery is not possible. After diagnosis, they generally aretreated by partial surgery/percutaneous drainage, chemotherapy and supportive treatment. Objective: Thisstudy aimed to assess the survival rates of CCA patients after supportive treatment. Methods: A retrospectivecohort design was applied in this study. Data for 746 CCA patients were extracted from the hospital-based cancerregistry of Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University. The patients were diagnosed (at least by ultrasonography)between 1 January, 2009 and 31 December, 2009 and then followed up for current status until 30 June, 2011.The cumulative survival rate was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method, and independent prognostic factorswere investigated using Cox regression. Results: The total follow-up time was 5,878 person-months, and thetotal number of deaths was 637. The mortality rate was therefore 10.8 per 100 person-year (95%CI : 10.1-11.7).The cumulative 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 month survival rates were 59%, 39%, 31%, 24% and 14%, respectively. Themedian survival time after supportive treatment was 4 months. After adjusting for gender, age, stage, distantmetastasis, histological grading and treatment, stage was a significant predictor of survival of CCA patients.Those in stage III and stage IV had a 6.78 fold higher mortality than the stage I and stage II cases (95% CI :1.6-28.7). Conclusion: It is very important to encourage patients to see health personnel at an early stage. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2014,15(23):10505-10508
Background: Breast cancer is an important cause of death among women. One way of classifying differentforms of breast cancer is by molecular features, usually in terms of the four subtypes: luminal A, luminalB, HER2-enriched, and triple negative. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the association betweenmolecular subtypes and survival among breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy. Materials and Methods:A retrospective cohort study was conducted. The subjects were 272 breast cancer patients who had receivedtreatment in the radiotherapy unit at Srinagarind Hospital, Thailand, between 1 January, 1999, and 31 May,2009. The end of the study was 1 June, 2014. Overall survival was defined as the time elapsing between initialregistration at the radiotherapy unit and death or the end of the study. Survival curves were estimated by theKaplan-Meier method, and a multivariate analysis was performed using Cox’s proportional hazard regressionmodel. Results: The patient mean age was 47.5±10.4 at the time of diagnosis. Of the 272 patients, 146 (53.7%)were classified as luminal A, 12 (4.4%) as luminal B, 30 (11.0%) as HER2-enriched, and 84 (30.9%) as triplenegative. The overall survival rates at 1, 3 and 5 years were 87.1%, 68.4% and 59.2%, respectively. According tomolecular subtypes, HER2-enriched patients had the lowest 5-year survival rate (30.0 %, 95%CI: 15.02-46.55).The median follow-up time was 8.37 years. In the Cox model analysis a higher risk of death was found for patientswith HER2-enriched (HRadj=3.34, 95%CI:1.96-5.67), triple negative (HRadj=2.17, 95%CI: 1.44-3.27), and stageIIlB (HRadj=2.20, 95%CI: 1.16-4.17) cancers. Conclusions: The worst survival rates were among patients classifiedas HER2-enriched, triple negative and at stage IIIB. Early detection and an advanced treatment modality areneeded to help these patients. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2009,10(2):251-257
The present nested case-control study within the Khon Kaen cohort study was conducted to assess riskfactors for cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) development. Cases were 108 subjects with proven CCA by ultrasoundat least and controls also numbered 108, matched by sex, age (not more than 3 years difference) and period ofrecruitment to the cohort (not more than 3 months difference). A questionnaire was constructed based on thatemployed for the Khon Kaen cohort study recruitment. McNemar’s chi-square test and conditional logisticregression were used for crude analysis and multivariables analysis. Results revealed a sex ratio of 2:1 formales:females. The current study found a statistically significant association when adjusted for other potentialcovariate factors between cholangiocarcinoma and the consumption of total fruits 1.0-2.08 times per day (OR0.32; 95%CI: 0.12-0.88) and history of Opisthorchis viverrini (OV) eggs in stools at recruitment plus consumptionof meat < 0.45 times per day (OR 2.99; 95%CI: 1.04-8.62). The findings suggest that OV infestation is thestrongest risk factor for development of cholangiocarcinoma and also suggests decrease in risk among individualswho consume more fruit. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2015,16(8):3413-3418
Background: Liver fluke infection caused by the parasite Opisthorchis viverrini (O. viverrini), a humancarcinogen, is endemic in north-eastern Thailand and remains a major health problem. Objectives: The objectivesof the study were to (1) resurvey the prevalence of O. viverrini infection in a field site from the Khon Kaen CohortStudy (in newly recruited subjects as well as previous cohort subjects surveyed in 1992); (2) investigate howsubjects’ lifestyle habits and their exposure to health promotion initiatives influence changes in prevalence ofO. viverrini infection. Materials and Methods: The prevalence of O. viverrini infection in the cohort subjects (aswell as new subjects) was investigated using faecal egg counts. Information on demographic factors, lifestyle andawareness of health promotion initiatives were obtained through questionnaires. Results: O. viverrini infectionrates in the same individuals of the cohort were lower in 2006 than in 1992. Also, by studying the period effect, thecurrent 35-44 year olds had a 12.4% (95% CI 3.9% to 20.9%) lower prevalence of O. viverrini infection than the35-44 year olds in 1992 (24.2% versus 11.8%). Lifestyle choices showed that smoking and alcohol consumptionwere associated with an increased chance of acquiring O. viverrini infection with adjusted odds ratios of 10.1(95%CI 2.4-41.6) and 5.3 (95%CI 1.2-23.0), respectively. Conclusions: Our study has demonstrated that althoughthe prevalence of O. viverrini infection over a 14-year period has decreased, unhealthy lifestyle was commonwith smoking and alcohol consumption being associated with increased chances of infection, emphasising thedouble burden of disease which developing countries are facing. 相似文献
影响喉癌生存率的单因素和多因素分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
[目的]探讨影响喉癌生存率的因素以及病理学切缘在上述诸多因素中的地位。[方法]回顾性分析253例喉癌临床资料 ,比较喉癌切缘阴阳性患者的生存率 ,Cox回归模型分析影响喉癌预后的诸因素。[结果]①病理学切缘阳性率是20.2% (51/253) ,相对阴性切缘而言 ,切缘阳性者的生存率低 (37.52 %vs64.37% ,P<0.05)。②单因素分析时年龄、肿瘤生长部位、病理学类型、临床分期、淋巴结有无转移、切缘阴阳性和手术方式均有统计学意义 (P值均<0.05) ;但多因素分析时只有年龄、临床分期、淋巴结有无转移、切缘阴阳性才有意义(P均<0.05)。[结论]切缘阳性者的生存率较阴性者差 ,病理学切缘和淋巴结、临床分期一样都是影响喉癌预后的重要因素。 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2016,17(1):159-163
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in the world, and the fourth in Iran in both genders. The aim of this study was to find predictive factors for CRC survival. Materials and Methods: Medical records of 570 patients referred to the radiotherapy oncology department of Shiraz Namazi hospital from 2005 to 2010 were retrospectively analysed. Data were collected by reviewing medical records, and by telephone interviews with patients. Survival analysis was performed using the Cox’s regression model with survival probability estimated with Kaplan-Meier curve. The log-rank test was used to compare survival between strata. Data was analyzed with Stata 12. Results: The five-year survival rate and the mean survival time after cancer diagnosis were 58.5% and 67±1.4 months. On multivariate analysis, age of diagnosis, disease stage and primary tumor site‚ lymphovascular invasion and type of treatment (in colon cancer) were significant factors for survival. Conclusions: Age of diagnosis and type of treatment (adjuvant therapy in patients with colon cancer) were two modifiable factors related to survival of CRC patients. Therefore earlier diagnosis might help increase survival. 相似文献
Surprise Questions for Survival Prediction in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study

Jun Hamano Tatsuya Morita Satoshi Inoue Masayuki Ikenaga Yoshihisa Matsumoto Ryuichi Sekine Takashi Yamaguchi Takeshi Hirohashi Tsukasa Tajima Ryohei Tatara Hiroaki Watanabe Hiroyuki Otani Chizuko Takigawa Yoshinobu Matsuda Hiroka Nagaoka Masanori Mori Naoki Yamamoto Mie Shimizu Takeshi Sasara Hiroya Kinoshita 《The oncologist》2015,20(7):839-844
Predicting the short-term survival in cancer patients is an important issue for patients, family, and oncologists. Although the prognostic accuracy of the surprise question has value in 1-year mortality for cancer patients, the prognostic value for short-term survival has not been formally assessed. The primary aim of the present study was to assess the prognostic value of the surprise question for 7-day and 30-day survival in patients with advanced cancer.Patients and Methods.
The present multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted in Japan from September 2012 through April 2014, involving 16 palliative care units, 19 hospital-based palliative care teams, and 23 home-based palliative care services.Results.
We recruited 2,425 patients and included 2,361 for analysis: 912 from hospital-based palliative care teams, 895 from hospital palliative care units, and 554 from home-based palliative care services. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the 7-day survival surprise question were 84.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 80.7%–88.0%), 68.0% (95% CI, 67.3%–68.5%), 30.3% (95% CI, 28.9%–31.5%), and 96.4% (95% CI, 95.5%–97.2%), respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for the 30-day surprise question were 95.6% (95% CI, 94.4%–96.6%), 37.0% (95% CI, 35.9%–37.9%), 57.6% (95% CI, 56.8%–58.2%), and 90.4% (95% CI, 87.7%–92.6%), respectively.Conclusion.
Surprise questions are useful for screening patients for short survival. However, the high false-positive rates do not allow clinicians to provide definitive prognosis prediction.Implications for Practice:
The findings of this study indicate that clinicians can screen patients for 7- or 30-day survival using surprise questions with 90% or more sensitivity. Clinicians cannot provide accurate prognosis estimation, and all patients will not always die within the defined periods. The screened patients can be regarded as the subjects to be prepared for approaching death, and proactive discussion would be useful for such patients. 相似文献15.
本研究选用了1984年2月至1990年12月期间在河南省肿瘤医院接受手术治疗的甲状腺癌224例,对其术后生存率进行估计,同时对一些影响预后的诸因素作了预后因素分析。单因素分析结果显示:性别、年龄、血管浸润、软组织浸润及病理类型各组间的生存分布有统计学意义(P<0.05)。应用COX风险比模型进行多因素分析得出有显著意义的预后因素为:年龄、包膜浸润及病理类型。年龄大于对岁,有包膜浸润及病理类型为滤泡状腺癌、髓样癌和其它类型者对预后不利。这些因素的风险比分别为5.91、10.78、15.69、6.92和167.06 相似文献
Stefano Molica 《Leukemia & lymphoma》1994,13(3):203-214
Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are at an increasing risk of infectious morbidity and mortality. Infections are generally due to bacteria and influenced by the degree of hypogammaglobulinemia; although, in more advanced stages of disease they may also be contributed by neutropenia due to bone marrow infiltration and/or cytotoxic therapy. Furthermore, defect in cell-mediated immunity appears to be a predisposing factor to infections in patients treated with newer purine analogues. Controversies surrounding the pathogenesis of infectious complications in CLL raise several questions on their management. Patients with advanced disease who receive cytotoxic therapy might qualify for antibacterial prophylaxis. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), although of scientific interest, may be of little relevance at the present time. The new growth factors should be tested in well-designed prospective studies. 相似文献
Reproductive Risk Factors for Thyroid Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study in Khon Kaen,Thailand

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(9):5153-5155
Background: Because of the gender disparity in the incidence of thyroid cancer, this study aimed to determinethe association between reproductive factors and thyroid cancer. Methods: A total of 10,767 eligible women fromthe Khon Kaen Cohort, recruited and interviewed between 1990 and 2001, were followed up until 2011. Thedata were linked to the Khon Kaen Population-Based Cancer Registry to detect thyroid cancer cases. Results:There was 17 thyroid cancer cases detected, an incidence of 11.2 per 100,000 person-years, of which 70.6 % werepapillary tumors. The incidence was apparently greater among those with an early age of menarche, nulligravidawomen, and oral contraceptive users. Conlusions: There was a trend for thyroid cancer to develop in relationto longer estrogen exposure. This evidence is inconclusive but warrants further investigation. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2012,13(11):5381-5384
Background and Aim: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is an uncommon malignancy of the bile duct, occurringin nearly 2 out of 100,000 people. It is a type of adenocarcinoma that originates in the mucous glands of theepithelium, or surface layers of the bile ducts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical features, diagnosticresults and factors associated with survival, morbidity and mortalityof cholangiocarcinoma cases in Iranianpatients. Method: In this retrospective study the hospital medical records of 283 patients with a primary orfinal diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma who had been admitted to gastroenterology ward of our hospital from2004 to 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: 283 patients (180 male, 63%, and 103 female, 38.6%) witha mean age of 59.7±14.4 years were studied. The most frequent symptoms were painless jaundice (190, 66.9%),abdominal pain (77, 27%), pruritus 133 (46.8%) and weight loss (169, 59.5%). The most frequent associatedrisk factors and diseases were as follows: gallstones (72, 25.4%), diabetes (70, 24.6%), HBV infection (52(18.3%), HCV infection 43 (15%), primary sclerosing cholangitis (16, 5.6%) and smoking (120, 42.3%). Themost frequent type of cholangiocarcinoma in ERCP and MRCP was hilar. The mean survival time was 7.42±5.76months. Conclusion: The mean survival time in our study was lower than one year. Moreover the most frequentrisk factors and associated diseases were smoking, gallstones and diabetes. Painless jaundice, abdominal painand weight loss were the most clinical features related to cholangiocarcinoma. Additionally survival time didnot correlate with risk factors, associated diseases and clinical presentations, but was linked to biliary metallicstenting and surgery. 相似文献
Predictive Factors of Survival Time of Breast Cancer in Kurdistan Province of Iran between 2006-2014: A Cox Regression Approach

《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2014,15(19):8483-8488
Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-inducedmortalities in Iranian women, following gastric carcinoma. The survival of these patients depends on severalfactors, which are very important to identify in order to understand the natural history of the disease. Materialsand Methods: In this retrospective study, 313 consecutive women with pathologically-proven diagnosis of breastcancer who had been treated during a seven-year period (January 2006 until March 2014) at Towhid hospital,Sanandaj city, Kurdistan province of Iran, were recruited. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for data analysis,and finally those factors that showed significant association on univariate analysis were entered in a Cox regressionmodel. Results: the mean age of patients was 46.10±10.81 years. Based on Kaplan-Meier method median ofsurvival time was 81 months and 5 year survival rate was 75%±0.43. Tumor metastasis (HR=9.06, p=0.0001),relapse (HR=3.20, p=0.001), clinical stage of cancer (HR=2.30, p=0.03) and place of metastasis (p=0.0001) hadsignificant associations with the survival rate variation. Patients with tumor metastasis had the lowest five-yearsurvival rate (37%)and among them patients who had brain metastasis were in the worst condition (5 year survivalrate= 11%±0.10). Conclusions: Our findings support the observation that those women with higher stages ofbreast malignancies (especially with metastatic cancer) have less chance of surviving the disease. Furthermore,screening programs and early detection of breast cancer may help to increase the survival of those women whoare at risk of breast cancer. 相似文献