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Background: It is well known that smoking is a preventable factor for all-cause mortality; however, it isstill questionable how many years after smoking cessation that people will have reduced risk for mortality, inparticular in those with a high interest in their own health. We aimed to examine the association between time sincequitting smoking and total mortality among past-smokers relative to current smokers. Materials and Methods:We enrolled 36,446 health examinees that voluntarily taken with diverse health check-up packages of high costburden in 1995-2003 and followed them till death by 2004. The history of cigarette smoking consumption wascollected using a self-administrative questionnaire at the first visit time. Mortality risk by smoking cessationyears was analyzed using Cox’s proportional hazard model. Results: Compared to non-smokers, male smokersover 15 pack-years had higher risk for total mortality (HR=1.49, 95%CI 1.02-2.18). The mortality risk in femalesmokers with same pack-years was more pronounced than that in male smokers (HR=2.83, 95%CI 1.17-7.04)despite a small number of cases. Compared to current smokers, a decrease of total mortality was observed amongthose who ceased smoking, and inverse dose-response was found with years after cessation: RR 0.98 (95%CI,0.64-1.41) (<2 yrs), 0.60 (95%CI, 0.43-0.83) (3-9 yrs), and 0.58 (95%CI, 0.43-0.79) (≥10 yrs). Conclusions: Areduced risk of total mortality was observed after 3 years of smoking cessation. Our findings suggest that atleast 3 years of smoking cessation may contribute to reduce premature mortality among Asian men.  相似文献   

Background: Because of the gender disparity in the incidence of thyroid cancer, this study aimed to determinethe association between reproductive factors and thyroid cancer. Methods: A total of 10,767 eligible women fromthe Khon Kaen Cohort, recruited and interviewed between 1990 and 2001, were followed up until 2011. Thedata were linked to the Khon Kaen Population-Based Cancer Registry to detect thyroid cancer cases. Results:There was 17 thyroid cancer cases detected, an incidence of 11.2 per 100,000 person-years, of which 70.6 % werepapillary tumors. The incidence was apparently greater among those with an early age of menarche, nulligravidawomen, and oral contraceptive users. Conlusions: There was a trend for thyroid cancer to develop in relationto longer estrogen exposure. This evidence is inconclusive but warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Background:  Lung cancer is a major cause of cancer death worldwide. The incidence of lung cancer in Thailand increasing, but risk factors are rarely reported. Objective: To investigate the effect of coffee consumption on lung cancer in Thai population. Methods: Between 1990 and 2001, lifestyle and demographic data were collected from 24,528 participants in the Khon Kaen Cohort Study (KKCS), who were followed through 2016, by linking to the Khon Kaen Population-based Cancer Registry. A total of 12,668 eligible participants (68.8% females, mean age 51.0 years at baseline) having complete datasets (239,488 person-years of follow up with 138 incident cases of lung cancer observed) were analyzed using a multi-variable adjusted Cox proportional hazard models. Results: Coffee consumption was associated with reduced risk for lung cancer (adj. HR = 0.54; 95% CI: 0.35-0.84) after adjusting for age and gender.  Cigarette smoking (adj. HR = 2.76; 95% CI: 1.32-5.78) and family history of cancer (adj. HR = 1.65; 95% CI: 1.10-2.48) were associated with higher risk. Conclusion: This study suggests coffee consumption may be a protective factor for lung cancer in among this cohort.  相似文献   

Background: This study aimed to determine the association between betel quid chewing and the occurrenceof upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancers. Methods: A cohort of 17,388 subjects, recruited and interviewedover the 1990-2001 period, in Khon Kaen, Thailand, was followed up until 2011. The data were linked to theKhon Kaen Population-Based Cancer Registry. Results: The prevalence of betel quid chewing was 15.9%, with afemale predominance (97.7%); the mean age of chewers was 57.7 years (SD 6.6). The overall incidence of UADTcancers from the cohort was 14.7 per 100,000 person-years, whereas the incidence among the chewers was 45.7.Betel nut chewing was the only major risk factor for UADT cancers in this population (HR=5.26, 95%CI=2.51-11.0), while weak associations were found for tobacco smoking and alcohol (HR=1.16, 95%CI=0.45-3.01 and 1.47,95%CI=0.72-3.03 respectively). Conclusions: We found betel quid chewing to be a main risk factor for UADTcancers, resulting in a higher incidence in females. However, further study is required to explore the potentialr isk factors among non-chewers, non-smokers, and non-drinkers  相似文献   

Background: The Khon Kaen Cancer Registry (KKCR), having both hospital and population-based registration, was established in 1984 at the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University. Liver cancer is the most frequent malignancy among Thais from northeastern Thailand, but there has hitherto been no assessment of trends over time. Objective: To perform a statistical assessment of the incidence trends between 1985 and 2009 of liver cancer, specifically focusing on cholangiocarcinoma (CHCA). Methods: Cases of CHCA, registered between 1985 and 2009, were retrieved from the KKCR and all those with a specific ICD-O-3rd diagnosis with a coding of C22.1, C24.0, C24.8 and C24.9 were selected. Incidence trends were calculated using the generalized linear model method (GLM), which generates incidence rate based logarithms. Jointpoint analysis was used to identify the best fitting model. Results: Of the 18,589 cases of liver cancer 42% (7,859) were hepatocellular carcinoma and 58% (10,731) were CHCA. Among persons with CHCA, males were affected two times more frequently than females. Three-quarters of the cases were between 55 and 69 years of age. Morphology verified through a cytological or histological examination of tissue from the primary site (%MV) was only 10.8 % (1,141). The respective overall Age Standardized Rate (ASR) for CHCA from 1985 to 2009 was 16.8 to 62.0 per 100,000 among males and 4.8 to 25.6 per 100,000 among females. The respective, overall, ASR of CHCA among males vs. females was 44.3 per 100,000 (95% CI: 38.9 to 49.7) vs. 17.6 (95% CI: 14.5 to 20.7). Among males vs. females, the respective incidence from 1990 to 2009 has been significantly decreasing by –0.7% per year (annual percent change, APC: –0.7%, 95%CI: –2.1% to +0.8%) vs. –0.4% per year (APC: –0.4%, 95% CI: –2.1% to +1.4%).Conclusions: The rate increase in the first 5 to 6 years may be due to improved completeness of the registry, since in the subsequent 10 to 12 years there is a rather stable rate. It may be, however, that the recent decline in incidence represents a real fall in risk.  相似文献   

The present nested case-control study within the Khon Kaen cohort study was conducted to assess riskfactors for cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) development. Cases were 108 subjects with proven CCA by ultrasoundat least and controls also numbered 108, matched by sex, age (not more than 3 years difference) and period ofrecruitment to the cohort (not more than 3 months difference). A questionnaire was constructed based on thatemployed for the Khon Kaen cohort study recruitment. McNemar’s chi-square test and conditional logisticregression were used for crude analysis and multivariables analysis. Results revealed a sex ratio of 2:1 formales:females. The current study found a statistically significant association when adjusted for other potentialcovariate factors between cholangiocarcinoma and the consumption of total fruits 1.0-2.08 times per day (OR0.32; 95%CI: 0.12-0.88) and history of Opisthorchis viverrini (OV) eggs in stools at recruitment plus consumptionof meat < 0.45 times per day (OR 2.99; 95%CI: 1.04-8.62). The findings suggest that OV infestation is thestrongest risk factor for development of cholangiocarcinoma and also suggests decrease in risk among individualswho consume more fruit.  相似文献   

Background: Evidence from healthcare studies demonstrates that patients’ health insurance affects serviceaccessibility and the outcome of treatment. However, assessment on how colorectal cancer survival relates to healthinsurance is limited. Objective: The study examined the association between health insurance and colorectal cancersurvival in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Methods: The retrospective cohort study was conducted with 1,931 colorectal cancerpatients from Khon Kaen cancer registry between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2012, and was followed-up untilDecember 31, 2015. Relative survival was used to estimate the survival rate. Cox proportional hazard regression wasused to estimate the relationship between health insurance and colorectal cancer survival, represented with the hazardratio. Result: Most of the participants were males, and the median age was 62 years. The median survival time was2.25 years (95% CI: 2.00-2.51). The five-year observed survival rate and relative survival rate were 36.87 (95% CI:34.66-39.08) and, 42.28 (95% CI: 39.75-44.81), respectively. The factors that showed significant associations withpoorer survival after adjustment for gender and age were non-surgical treatments (HRadj=1.88;95%CI=1.45-2.45),advanced stage (III+IV) (HRadj=2.50; 95%CI=2.00-3.12), histological grading in poorly differentiated (HRadj=1.84;95%CI=1.32-2.56), and Universal Coverage Scheme (HRadj=1.37;95%CI=1.09-1.72). Conclusion: The survival ofcolorectal cancer patients in the Universal Coverage Scheme was likely to be poorer than in the Civil Servant MedicalBenefit Scheme. This indicates an urgent need for a national program for colorectal cancer screening in the generalpopulation and access to health insurance.  相似文献   

Background: The Khon Kaen Cancer Registry (KKCR) was established in 1984. Previous population-basedincidences and survivals of childhood cancer in Thailand were determined using a short cancer registration period.Materials and Methods: Data were retrieved of all children residing in Khon Kaen, between 0–15 years, diagnosedas having cancer and registered in the KKCR (1985-2009). The follow-up censored date was December 31, 2012.The childhood cancers were classified into 12 diagnostic groups, according to the International Classificationof Childhood Cancer. The incidence was calculated by the standard method. Survival of childhood cancer wasinvestigated using the KKCR population-based registration data and overall survival calculated using the KaplanMeier method. Results: In the study period, 912 newly diagnosed cases of childhood cancer were registered.The respective mean and median age was 6.4 (SD=4.6) and 6 (0-14) years. The age-peak for incidence was 0–4years. The age-standardized rate (ASR) was 83 per million. Leukemia was the most common cancer (N=360,ASR 33.8) followed by neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS, N=150, ASR 12.8) and lymphoma (N=79,ASR 7.0). The follow-up duration totaled 101,250 months. The death rate was 1.11 per 100 person-months(95%CI: 1.02 -1.20). The 5-year overall survival was 52% (95%CI: 53-56.9) for all cancers. The respective 5-yearoverall survival for (1) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), (2) acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL), (3)lymphoma, (4) germ cell tumors, (5) renal tumors, (6) retinoblastoma, (7) soft tissue tumors, (8) CNS tumors,(9) bone tumors, (10) liver tumors, and (11) neuroblastoma was (1) 51%, (2) 37%, (3) 63%, (4) 74%, (5) 67%,(6) 55%, (7) 46%, (8) 44%, (9) 36%, (10) 34%, and (11) 25%. Conclusions: The incidence of childhood canceris lower than those of western countries. Respective overall survival for ALL, lymphoma, renal tumors, livertumors, retinoblastoma, soft tissue tumors is lower than that reported in developed countries while survival forCNS tumors, neuroblastoma and germ cell tumors is comparable.  相似文献   

For the purpose of understanding human carcinogenesis and making a quantitative prediction of lung cancer mortality in a general population of Japanese males, we evaluated a statistical model which assumes lung cancer mortality to be proportional to the 4.5th power of the effective duration of cigarette smoking among smokers and to the 4th power of age among nonsmokers, using Japan Vital Statistics data. For the male birth cohorts aged 30–69 in 1965 in the age range of 40–79, studied by quinquennial calendar time intervals from 1955 to 1985, it was found that, (i) for nonsmokers, the estimated lung cancer mortality rate was comparable to the rates reported in the US or Britain, assigning 20 to 25% proportions of nonsmokers, (ii) for smokers, the estimated duration of smoking was shorter than would be expected from the age when smoking was started according to various epidemiological surveys, and (iii) the estimated average numbers of cigarettes smoked per day by smokers were similar to those obtained by epidemiological studies, when these were estimated by incorporating a part of Doll and Peto's dose-response relationship. Also discussed is the possibility of assessing lung cancer mortality risk for Japanese male smokers by means of the statistical model, a × (cigarettes smoked per day +β) × (age— (age started smoking) —γ)4,s.  相似文献   

Objectives: Lung cancer continues to be  the leading cause of cancer-related deathworldwide. Have been reported high mortality rates from lung cancer in Latin America, but the disparities within the regions of Peru and under-reporting death certification reported prevent the inclusion of Peru in analysis of the mortality trends for lung cancer. We evaluated lung cancer mortality trends and smoking prevalence in Peru and its geographical areas. Materials and Methods: We obtained the data from the registry of the Peruvian Ministry of Health between 2008 and 2017. Mortality rates per 100,000 person-years were computed using the world’s SEGI population and trends were analyzed using the Joinpoint regression Program Version 4.7.0. Smoking prevalence was estimated from the Demographic and Family Health Survey. Results: In Peru, mortality rates were roughly 1.3 times higher in males than in females. The coast region had significant downward trends among males, whereas the highlands region had significant upward trends among females. According to provinces, Apurimac showed an annually significant rise in both sexes (+10.6% in males, and +11.6% in females). In general, smoking prevalence was higher in males compared to females, principally among young adults.   Conclusions: Peru showed downward mortality trends in the last decade with variability across regions. Males had a higher smoking prevalence, principally among young adults. Public health interventions for smoking reduction should be implemented to reduce lung cancer mortality.  相似文献   

Cohort studies are the preferred design in observational epidemiology, but few involving the general population ‍have been performed in Asia, and most concern affluent urban populations.The Khon Kaen study has recruited ‍about 25,000 subjects, aged mainly 35-64, from villages in the relatively underdeveloped north-east of Thailand. All ‍subjects underwent simple physical examination, completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire (including ‍sections on lifestyle, habits, and diet) and donated specimens of blood, which were processed and stored in a biological ‍bank at -20oC. Female subjects (about 16,500) were offered screening by Pap smear, and specimens of cells from the ‍cervix were stored at -20oC. This paper describes the methodology of the study, and the characteristics of the ‍participants. Almost all subjects are peasant farmers, with low annual income and body mass, although 14.6% of ‍women had a BMI in the obese range (>30 kg/m2). Smoking was common among men (78% regular smokers, most ‍of whom used home-produced cigarettes), but rare among women. Fertility levels were relatively high, with a more ‍than half the women having four or more live births. 23.4% of subjects were infected with the liver fluke Opisthorchis ‍viverrini, known to be highly endemic in this region. Follow-up of the cohort is by record-linkage to the provincial ‍cancer registry. By 2003, 762 cancer cases had occurred, the most common being cancers of the liver (363 cases) and ‍cervix uteri (44 cases). The antecedents of these cancers are being investigated using a nested case-control approach. ‍The cohort will yield increasing numbers of cancers for study in the next decade, giving important information on ‍the relative importance of dietary and lifestyle factors in a rural population, undergoing gradual transition to a ‍more westernised lifestyle.  相似文献   

this study is to describe the patterns of smoking among Iranian population. ‍Methods: Data from cross-sectional surveys of Health and Disease Survey (HDS) in Iran were utilized. Smoking ‍was categorized as no smoker, light smoker (less than 10 cigarettes a day), moderate smokers (10 to 20 cigarettes a ‍day), and heavy smoker (more than 20 cigarettes a day). Age group cohorts were constructed by following each age ‍group to the next age group in two consecutive surveys. The change in smoking behavior was express as the difference ‍of smoking prevalence and 95% confidence interval around the difference were constructed. Three birth cohorts of ‍1930, 1960, and 1975 were constructed among smoker and their age at initiation of smoking were assessed for the ‍three cohorts. ‍Results: Smoking was more prevalent among age group 25-39 in males and age group 40-60 in females. Smoking ‍prevalence increased in all categories of smoking behavior among male cohort of 15-25 year age-group and stayed ‍stable afterward up to their 40’s. After age 40, the prevalence of smoking decreased in heavy smokers and stayed ‍stable in light and moderate smokers. A different pattern was seen among female smokers. Age at initiation of ‍smoking decreased in the last decades. Among the male birth cohort of 1930, just 32.6% of smokers started smoking ‍before age 20 compared with 48.7% in birth cohort of 1975, P value <0.0001. Similar pattern was seen among the ‍female smokers. ‍Conclusions: The pattern of smoking in Iranian population high lights the fact that smoking behavior is highly ‍age dependent. ‍  相似文献   

Background: This study was aimed to describe incidence, trends, and survival of oral and pharyngeal cancers in Khon Kaen, the province situated in the northeast of Thai-land. Methods: Data on oral and pharyngeal cancer cases diagnosed during 1985 - 2001 were retrieved from the population-based cancer registry of Khon Kaen. The final status of the patients was verified by database linkage and follow-up using postcards. Results: Of 1,038 cases, 62.6% were female and 37.4% were male, with a mean age of 63 years. The age-standardized incidence rate (ASR) in females (6.2 per 100 000; 95%CI 5.7-6.7) was significantly higher than in males (3.9 per 100 000; 95%CI 3.5-4.4). Annual percent changes in ASR were 1.7 in females (p<0.05), but 1.2 in males. Lip and buccal cancers were the most common sites respectively; however, the incidence of tongue cancer was increasing in the last period. Eighty five percent of all cases were diagnosed in advanced stage (stage III and IV). The overall five-year relative survival was 43.1%. We found stage distribution and survival did not change during the study period. Conclusion: The considerably high incidence in female suggests a need for research on specific risk factors. Moreover, attempts should be made to detect oral cancers earlier in order to improve the outcomes of cancer control.  相似文献   

Serum ã-glytamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) of the normal population in Northeastern ‍Thailand were measured. The median serum GGP and ALP levels of females was significantly lower than the values ‍for males, i.e., 21 (range=9-260) versus 32 (range=9-459) and 73 (range= 20-428) versus 83 (range=13-171) U/L, ‍respectively. Serum ALP level tended to increase with age in both male and female populations, whereas serum ‍GGT level did not show any age dependence. Serum GGT and ALP levels of cigarette smokers were significantly ‍higher than those of the non-smokers. Alcohol, coffee or tea drinking also resulted in higher serum GGT value ‍whereas serum ALP values were not changed. Betal nut chewing caused only lower serum GGT but not serum ALP ‍values. The total population in Ban Fang district seemed to have lower serum GGT than those in Chonnabot district. ‍The results from our study give the base line data of serum GGT and ALP in a Thai population. We also confirm the ‍association of serum GGT with cigarette smoking, alcohol and coffee/tea drinking which are risk factors of cancer. ‍  相似文献   

Background: The life styles of Thai people are changing with westernization and this would be expected to havean impact on the prevalence of cancer and other non-communicable diseases. For planning control programmes it isnecessary to monitor change over time and the present study was conducted to provide information on stomach andcolorectal cancer incidence rates in Khon Kaen Cancer Registry (KKCR), established in 1984 at the Faculty ofMedicine, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University. Objective: To assess trends in urban and rural areas ofKhon Kaen province during 1985 - 2004. Methods: Data for stomach and colorectal cancer with an ICD-O diagnosis(coding C16 , C18 – C20) from the population-based cases of the KKCR, registered between 1985 and 2004, wereretrieved and incidence trends were calculated using the Generalized Linear Model method (GLM), which generatesincidence-rate-based logarithms. Results: The study population comprised 2,530 cases, 721 of stomach (males 449,females 272) and 1809 of colorectal (males 976, females 833) cancer. Most cases were aged 35-75 years. Accordingto the histopathological diagnosis, the most common was adenocarcinoma with over 90 percent. The overall agestandardizedincidence rates (ASR) for stomach cancer were 4.5 and 1.4 per 100 000 in males and females, respectively,during 1985-1989, 3.7 and 2.0 during 1990-1994, 3.0 and 2.2 during 1995-1999 and 3.6 and 1.8 during 2000-2004 .The respective figures for colorectal cancer were 3.3 and 2.6, 4.6 and 3.1, 5.4 and 3.5 and finally 5.8 and 5.3. In bothurban and rural areas males were affected more frequently than females, although a shift was evident towardsdecrease in the se ratio was evident for colorectal cancers over time. Discussion: The results of this study showedslight increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer in Khon Kaen province, while rates for stomach cancer remainedquite stable. The findings indicate a need for continuing research in stomach and colorectal cancer epidemiology,with subdivision into particular sites within these two sections of the gut.  相似文献   

Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is among the five-leading cancers in Thailand. Delayed diagnosis is crucial for undermining the prognosis of the patients. This study aims to evaluate the factors associated with the time interval for diagnosis (TID). Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study of 191 CRC patients with histological confirmation who were undergoing treatment in the tertiary hospital in Khon Kaen Province was conducted. The data were obtained by interview and retrieving from medical records. The time interval in each diagnostic process is reported in geometric mean. The geometric mean ratio (GMR) used to interpret the results from multiple linear regressions that analyze the relationship between factors and log-transformed TID. Results: Most patients were males (61.78%) with  mean age of 61.28±10.2 years old. The geometric mean of TID was 263.48 days. Two factors were significantly associated with longer TID: first visit at a tertiary hospital (GMR=7.77 relative to secondary hospital; 95%CI=1.95 to 30.57) and distance to tertiary healthcare. Two factors were significantly associated with shorter TID: officer/ state enterprise (GMR=0.53 relative to agriculture; 95%CI=0.28 to 0.98) and cost of traveling to secondary healthcare. Conclusions: The results showed the occupation, first health care visit, distance and cost were factors associated with TID. Improving the facilities at the secondary healthcare units for diagnosing CRC would be likely to help to reduce the  wasted time in the  healthcare system.  相似文献   

Purpose: To estimate the number of deaths attributable to second hand smoking (SHS) in Morocco in 2012. Materials and Methods: prevalence based study focusing on mortality from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and lung cancer among non-smokers aged 35 and over. Prevalence of SHS among never smokers was gathered from a national cross sectional survey on tobacco and population attributable risk (PAR) was calculated by applying PARs to mortality. The analyses were stratified by sex, age and area of exposure. Results: Rates for exposure to SHS among men aged 35-64 years ranged from 20.0% at home to 57.4% at work. Among non-smoking Moroccans aged 35 and over, 233 (IC: 147 - 246) deaths were attributable to exposure to SHS; 156 (IC: 100 - 221) in women and 77 (IC: 44 -125) in men. A total of 173 (122 - 222) deaths were estimated to have been caused by exposure only at home, 34 (9 - 76) by exposure only at the work place and 26 (15 - 58) by exposure both at home and work places. Exposure to SHS could be responsible for 182 (128 - 237) deaths from IHD and 51 (19 - 109) from lung cancer. Conclusions: These data confirm that SHS needs urgent attention in Morocco.  相似文献   

Background: There is convincing evidence from epidemiological studies that meat consumption increases colorectal cancer (CRC) risk. However, assessment of any association with a positive fecal immunochemical test (FIT) in CRC screening has been limited. If a link could be shown this might be helpful for establishing a risk group for colonoscopy. Objective: This study aimed to assess any association between meat consumption and other lifestyle factors and a positive FIT result in a Thai population. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted with 1,167 participants in a population-based randomized controlled trial. CRC was screened from May 2016 - February 2017. Subjects aged 45-74 years who met the eligibility criteria were randomly allocated to the study arm. A positive FIT was determined with cut-off 100 ng/mL. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze any relationship between lifestyle factors and a positive FIT. Result: The total number of subjects was 1,060 (90.8% return rate of FIT). With FIT100, FIT150, and FIT200, positive tests were found in 92 (8.68%), 74 (6.98%), and 60 (5.66%), respectively. No significant associations were noted with any of the variables, except for being aged 60-74 years (ORadj = 1.62, 95% CI: 1.03-2.54) Borderline significance was observed for high consumption of vegetables (ORadj = 0.62, 95% CI: 0.36-1.07) and being male (ORadj = 1.39, 95% CI: 0.87-2.22). Conclusion: Despite the evidence from the literature, no association was here found between a positive FIT result and meat consumption or other well-established lifestyle parameters. Being aged 60-74 years was a risk factor which should be taken into account in CRC screening strategy in countries like Thailand with limited access to endoscopy.  相似文献   

Estimating the proportion of lung cancer deaths that can be avoided is important in assessing the potential impact of antismoking efforts on the reduction of lung cancer deaths. We calculated the population attributable risk (PAR) and absolute risk of lung cancer death according to smoking status based on the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. The analytic cohort included 45,010 males and 55,724 females aged 40-79 years. Cox proportional hazards model was used to determine age-adjusted relative risks and PAR according to smoking status. We also computed lung cancer mortality according to age and smoking status. In males, 52.2% and 14.8% of lung cancer deaths were attributable to current and former cigarette smoking, respectively. In females, the corresponding figures were 11.8% and 2.8%. Among current male smokers, the relative risk was strongly correlated with the intensity and duration of cigarette smoking. In contrast, the PAR was associated with an intermediate level of smoking except for the years of smoking: the largest PARs were observed in those with 20-29 cigarettes per day, 40-59 pack-years and 20-22 years old at starting smoking. Absolute risks were estimated to increase with age and duration of smoking and not to decrease even after cessation. These findings suggest that avoidable lung cancer deaths are primarily among light to moderate smokers who are considered amenable to population-based antismoking strategies. For all current smokers, immediate cessation is encouraged because it offers the only realistic way to avoid a substantial increase in lung cancer mortality brought about by further continuation of smoking.  相似文献   

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