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Fuste V, del Pino M, Perez A, Garcia A, Torne A, Pahisa J & Ordi J
(2010) Histopathology 57, 907–916 Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina: human papillomavirus detection, p16 INK4A overexpression and clinicopathological correlations Aim: To determine the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in the pathogenesis of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina (SCCVa), and to evaluate its clinicopathological significance. Methods and results: All cases of SCCVa diagnosed over a 15‐year period from two hospitals in Barcelona, Spain (n = 32) were retrieved. Patients with a history of carcinoma of the cervix diagnosed <5 years before were excluded. HPV was detected and typed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using SPF10 primers. Immunohistochemistry was performed for p16 and p53. HPV was detected in 25 cases (78.1%). HPV16 was the most prevalent type. Patients with HPV‐positive tumours were associated frequently with a history of carcinoma or intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix or vulva diagnosed more than 5 years before (56% versus 0%; P = 0.01). HPV‐positive tumours were more frequently of non‐keratinizing, basaloid or warty type than HPV‐negative neoplasms (84% versus 14.3%; P < 0.001), and showed diffuse positive immunoreactivity for p16INK4a (96%, versus 14.3%; P < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of p16 to identify HPV‐positive tumours were 96% and 85.7%, respectively. Conclusions: A high number of SCCVs are related to HPV infection and may be identified by immunohistochemistry for p16. HPV‐positive tumours tend to affect women with history of cervical neoplasia.  相似文献   

Literature on the development of the human vagina is abundant; however, contributions concerning the prenatal development of the entire utero‐vaginal anlagen (UVA) are rare or carried out in rodents. The primary epithelial characteristics in the adult vagina and uterus are determined during prenatal development and depend on epithelio‐mesenchymal stroma interaction; thus an investigation summarizing the spatiotemporal distribution of relevant molecular markers in the entire human UVA will be of current interest. We phenotyped epithelial and mesenchymal characteristics in sagittal sections from 24 female fetuses of 14–34 weeks of gestation and two female newborns by immunostaining with cytokeratins 8, 13, 14 and 17, p63, bcl‐2, bmp4, HOX A13, CD31, VEGF, SMA, Pax2 and vimentin. Epithelial differentiation followed a caudal‐to‐cranial direction in the UVA. Due to the cytokeratin profile of cytokeratins 8, 13 and 14, the characteristics of the different epithelial zones in the UVA could already be recognized in middle‐age fetuses. Vaginal epithelium originated from the urogenital sinus in the lower portion and initiated the transformation of vimentin‐positive Müllerian epithelium in the upper vaginal portion. During prenatal development the original squamo‐columnar junction was clearly detectable from week 24 onwards and was always found in the cervical canal. Early blc‐2 positivity within the surrounding mesenchyme of the entire vagina including the portio region pointed to an organ‐specific mesenchymal influence. Prenatal findings in human specimens clearly show that fornix epithelium up to the squamo‐columnar junction is of vaginal Müllerian origin, and the cervical epithelium cranial to the squamo‐columnar junction is of uterine Müllerian origin and includes cells with enough plasticity to transform into squamous epithelium.  相似文献   

The thymus of 100 human fetuses was studied between the 4th and 34th weeks of intrauterine development by means of histological, histochemical, immunomorphological, and electron-microscopic methods. Development of the organ from the standpoint of development of the functional system is described. The anlage of the thymus can be detected at the 5th week of fetal development; it reflects the properties of the epithelium of a foregut organ. By the 7th–8th week differentiation of the reticuloendothelium and population of the organ with lymphocytes are beginning to take place and antigenic specificity is found on the surface of the lymphocytes. The zone of growth of the reticuloendothelium of the thymus, the significance of Hassall's corpuscles, the appearance of two subpopulations of T lymphocytes, and their quantitative changes are described. In the period from the 11th until the 34th week of fetal development the number of T lymphocytes forming rosettes with sheep's red blood cells virtually does not change (70–90%), whereas the number of T lymphocytes forming rosettes with autogenous red cells increases during this period from 23 to 70%.Laboratory of Embryonic Histogenesis, Research Institute of Human Morphology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. P. Avtsyn.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 88, No. 7, pp. 103–107, July, 1979.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the significance of altered expression of mucin and cytokeratin during gallbladder carcinogenesis, we characterized the expressional profiles of MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6, CK7 and CK20 in 33 normal mucosa, 31 adenomas, 55 dysplasias and 131 carcinomas of the gallbladder. In normal gallbladder mucosa, the expressions of MUC5AC and MUC6 were diffuse and MUC1 expression was absent. However, in adenomas, dysplasias and carcinomas, the expressions of MUC5AC and MUC6 tended to decrease, whereas MUC1 expression was elevated. MUC2 and CK20 were infrequently expressed in all of the gallbladder epithelia, but adenomas expressing MUC2 and/or CK20 were more frequently associated with carcinomas and showed a higher grade of atypia than those without these antigens. In carcinomas, MUC1 expression was related to invasive growth, lymph node metastasis and a non-papillotubular type, whereas MUC6 expression was related to non-invasive growth. CK7 was diffusely expressed in almost all lesions, but carcinomas with a loss of CK7 expression showed poor survival. In conclusion, normal gallbladder mucosa has a gastric phenotype, but during carcinogenesis and tumor progression, the gastric phenotype is gradually lost and the aberrant expression of MUC1 occurs. The intestinal phenotype is not common in the gallbladder.  相似文献   

The novel early activation antigen, EA1, has been shown to be induced by mitogens, antigens and the tumour promoter, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), on human lymphocytes. This antigen has been designated to be CD69. EA1 has also been shown to be expressed on thymocytes without exogenous activation stimuli. In order to characterize further the expression of EA1 on thymocytes, the ontogeny of its expression was studied. EA1 appeared between 7 and 9.5 weeks of gestation, after colonization of the thymic rudiment with CD7+ T cell precursors, but before the onset of compartmentalization of the thymus into cortical and medullary zones. After cortico-medullary differentiation, the majority of medullary thymocytes expressed EA1 while only a fraction of the cortical thymocytes expressed this antigen. In the fetal and post-natal cortex, EA1 expression appeared to cluster in the subcapsular cortex. EA1+ cells were also scattered throughout the inner cortex. By two-colour fluorocytometric analysis of post-natal thymocytes, it was shown that EA1 was expressed on 30 to 65% of thymocytes. EA1 was expressed on CD4+ CD8+ as well as on the more immature CD4- CD8- thymocytes. In contrast to circulating T cells, thymocytes were much less responsive to PMA stimulation for the expression of EA1. Molecular characterization showed that EA1 on thymocytes had the same structure as that of activated peripheral T cells. In addition, thymic EA1 was constitutively phosphorylated. Thus, EA1 expression is acquired early during thymic development after colonization of the thymic rudiment by CD7+ T cell precursors. However, the specific role that EA1 may play in the activation and function of developing thymocytes remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is the major serum protein during development. AFP is one of the earliest proteins to be synthesised by the embryonic liver. The synthesis of AFP decreases dramatically after birth and only trace amounts are expressed in the adult liver. The tissue distribution of AFP in early human embryogenesis has not been defined. We have studied the expression pattern of AFP mRNA in human and mouse embryos by in situ hybridisation. In humans, AFP is expressed in the hepatic diverticulum at 26 d postovulation as it differentiates from the foregut endoderm (i.e. in the most primitive hepatocytes). It is also expressed in the endoderm of the gastrointestinal tract and in the yolk sac at this age. AFP is subsequently expressed in the mesonephros and transiently in the developing pancreas. In the mouse, no expression of AFP was observed in the mesonephros but other sites of expression were similar. Thus AFP has a distinct temporospatial expression pattern during the embryonic period and this differs between human and mouse species. It is interesting that AFP is expressed by tumours such as primitive gastrointestinal, renal cell and pancreatic tumours as well as those of hepatocyte origin. This distribution reflects the sites of AFP expression during development.  相似文献   

Steroids perform significant functions in prostatic development and growth, so that interferences of this equilibrium may predispose the gland to the development of diseases during the life. Embryonic and neonatal exposure to xenoestrogens, many of them with endocrine-disrupting potential, has been related to the induction of disturbances in reproductive system organs. Thus, this study aimed to analyse morphological and immunocytochemical aspects of prostate in both male and female adult gerbils either exposed to ethinylestradiol during the prenatal phase (pregnant females received 10 μg/kg, by gavage) (EE group) or exposed to testosterone (1 mg/kg) during the postnatal period (EE/T group). Serological analysis revealed a rise in estradiol levels in adult males and females of the EE group. A higher incidence of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) was observed in the male and female prostate of the treated groups, besides an increase in collagen and reticular fibres. Immunocytochemistry showed an increase in prostatic epithelial cells immunoreactive to AR and a presence of a smooth muscle layer, evidenced by α actin, in injured regions this way absent in prostatic epithelial buds. These pieces of evidence suggest that the alterations verified in the prostate in adulthood of both sexes may be due to the high oestrogen levels. Either males or females of the EE/T group showed normalized estradiol levels, although prostatic lesions could be observed. While the prostatic gland of male gerbils was more affected than the female prostate, this study showed that the exposure to EE during this critical period of development disrupts the prostate of both sexes in terms of prostatic lesions.  相似文献   

目的观察人胚早期心脏VEGF-A和VEGF-C及其受体VEGFR-1、VEGFR-2、VEGFR-3的表达变化,探讨VEGF-A和VEGF-C在早期心脏发育过程中的作用。方法收集第3~8周人胚,石蜡切片,免疫组化染色,光镜观察,分析心脏组织发育中VEGF家族及其相关受体的表达变化、心脏组织的分化和形成。结果VEGF-A、VEGF-C、VEGFR-1、VEGFR-2、VEGFR-3在心内膜内皮细胞及心肌细胞发育第3、4周开始表达,随胎龄增加表达先增强后逐渐减弱,第7周左右消失。结论VEGF-A和VEGF—C参与了人胚早期心脏的形成过程,对早期心脏发育发挥了一定的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract A detailed study of the ontogenesis of deer stomach has not been undertaken to date, and our aim was to sequence several histological phenomena that occur during the ontogenesis of one of the gastric compartments, the rumen. Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses were carried out on 50 embryos and fetuses of deer from the initial stages of prenatal life until birth. For the purposes of testing, the animals were divided into five experimental groups: group I, 1.4-3.6 cm crown-rump length, 30-60 days, 1-25% of gestation; group II, 4.5-7.2 cm crown-rump length, 67-90 days, 25-35% of gestation; group III, 8-19 cm crown-rump length, 97-135 days, 35-50% of gestation; group IV, 21-33 cm crown-rump length, 142-191 days, 45-70% of gestation; and group V, 36-40 cm crown-rump length, 205-235 days, 75-100% of gestation. The rumen of the primitive gastric tube was observed at approximately 60 days. At 67 days the rumen consisted of three layers: internal or mucosal, middle or muscular, and external or serosal layer. The stratification of the epithelial layer was accompanied by changes in its structure with the appearance of ruminal pillars and papillae. The outline of the ruminal papillae began to appear at 142 days of prenatal development as evaginations of the basal zone toward the ruminal lumen, pulling with it in its configuration the stratum basale, the lamina propria and the submucosa. From the pluripotential blastemic tissue at 60 days we witnessed the histodifferentiation of the primitive tunica muscularis, composed of two layers of myoblasts with a defined arrangement. It was also from the pluripotential blastemic tissue, at 97 days, that the lamina propria and the submucosa were differentiated. The serosa showed continuity in growth as well as differentiation, already detected in the undifferentiated outline phase. The tegumentary mucosa of deer rumen was shown without secretory capacity in the initial embryonic phases; neutral mucopolysaccharides appeared from 67 days. The presence of neuroendocrine cells (non-neuronal enolase) in the ruminal wall of deer during development was not detected until 97 days. The glial cells were detected at 142 days for glial fibrillary acidic protein and at 67 days for vimentin. The immunodetection of neuropeptides vasointestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y progressively increased with gestation period, starting from 97 days. In terms of the structure of the rumen of the primitive gastric tube, our observations revealed that the deer is less precocious than small and large domestic ruminants. Thus its secretory capacity, detected by the presence of neutral mucopolysaccharides, and its neuroendocrine nature, determined by the presence of positive non-neuronal enolase cells, were evident in more advanced stages of prenatal development than those detected in the sheep, goat and cow.  相似文献   

The red deer is well suited to scientific study, given its economic importance as an animal to be hunted, and because it has a rich genetic heritage. However, there has been little research into the prenatal development of the stomach of ruminants in general, and none for the red deer. For this reason, we undertook histological evaluation of the ontogenesis of the abomasum in red deer. Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses were carried out on 50 embryos and fetuses from the initial stages of prenatal life until birth. The animals were divided for test purposes into five experimental groups: group I [1.4-3.6 cm crown-rump length (CRL); 30-60 days, 1-25% of gestation]; group II (4.5-7.2 cm CRL; 67-90 days, 25-35% of gestation); group III (8-19 cm CRL; 97-135 days, 35-50% of gestation); group IV (21-33 cm CRL; 142-191 days, 50-70% of gestation) group V (36-40 cm CRL; 205-235 days, 75-100% of gestation). In the organogenesis of the primitive gastric tube of red deer, differentiation of the abomasum took place at 67 days, forming a three-layered structure: the epithelial layer (pseudostratified), pluripotential blastemic tissue and serosa. The abomasal wall displayed the primitive folds of the abomasum and by 97 days abomasal peak areas were observed on the fold surface. At 135 days the abomasal surface showed a single mucous cylindrical epithelium, and gastric pits were observed in the spaces between abomasal areas. At the bottom of these pits the first outlines of glands could be observed. The histodifferentiation of the lamina propria-submucosa, tunica muscularis and serosa showed patterns similar to those described for the forestomach of red deer. The abomasum of red deer during prenatal life, especially from 67 days of gestation, was shown to be an active structure with full secretory capacity. Its histological development, its secretory capacity (as revealed by the presence of neutral mucopolysaccharides) and its neuroendocrine nature (as revealed by the presence of positive non-neuronal enolase cells and the neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y) were in line with the development of the rumen, reticulum and omasum. Gastrin-immunoreactive cells first appeared in the abomasum at 142 days, and the number of positive cells increased during development. As for the number of gastrin cells, plasma gastrin concentrations increased throughout prenatal life. However, its prenatal development was later than that of the abomasum in sheep, goat and cow.  相似文献   

The red deer is an important study species because of its value in the national economy and because it provides a wealth of genetic material. To date, there has been little research into the prenatal development of the stomach of ruminants, and none of the red deer. We therefore performed a histological evaluation of the ontogenesis of the omasum in the red deer. Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses were carried out on 50 embryos and fetuses of deer from the initial stages of prenatal life until birth. For test purposes, the animals were divided into five experimental groups: Group I (1.4-3.6 cm crown-rump length, CRL; 30-60 days, 1-25% of gestation); Group II (4.5-7.2 cm CRL; 67-90 days, 25-35% of gestation); Group III (8-19 cm CRL; 97-135 days, 35-50% of gestation); Group IV (21-33 cm CRL; 142-191 days, 50-70% of gestation); and Group V (36-40 cm CRL; 205-235 days, 75-100% of gestation). At 67 embryonic days, the omasum wall was differentiated, and comprised three layers: the epithelial layer, pluripotential blastemic tissue and serosa. The stratification of the epithelial layer was accompanied by changes in its structure, with the appearance of four laminae of different sizes; in order of appearance these were: primary at 67 days, secondary at 90 days, tertiary at 97 days and quaternary at 135 days. At around mid-gestation, lateral evaginations were formed from the stratum basale of the primary and secondary smaller laminae. These were the primitive corneum papillae. From 205 days, the corneum papillae were present in all four sizes of laminae. The histodifferentiation of the lamina propia-submucosa, tunica muscularis and serosa showed patterns of development similar to those reported for the rumen and reticulum of red deer. The omasum of red deer during prenatal life, especially from 67 days of gestation, was shown to be an active structure with full secretory capacity. Its histological development, its secretory capacity (detected by the presence of neutral mucopolysaccharides) and its neuroendocrine nature (detected by the presence of positive non-neuronal enolase cells and the neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y) were parallel to the development of the rumen and the reticulum. However, its prenatal development was later than that of the omasum in sheep, goat and cow.  相似文献   

Iberian red deer need to be conserved for their economic role and for their genetic importance as an important component of the ecosystem. Modifications currently being made to traditional management systems require a better understanding of the structure, function and development of their alimentary system. Here we describe a histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis of the stomach of 25 red deer embryos and fetuses from 30 days of gestation until birth (235 days). Differentiation of the reticular compartment from the primitive gastric tube begins at 67 days, forming a three-layered structure: epithelium, pluripotential blastemal tissue and serosa. The primitive reticular cells are initiated as small epithelial evaginations (primary ribs) at 117 days. At 142 days, lateral growths appear from the primary reticular ribs, forming the corneum papillae. The secondary reticular ribs form at 142 days as growths from the primary ribs. The uneven height of primary and secondary reticular ribs leads to the formation of cells of varying size. Growth of the reticular ribs involves the lamina propria but not the submucosa, so clear separation of these layers is maintained during histodifferentiation. Formation of the tunica muscularis from the pluripotential blastemal tissue begins at 67 days of intrauterine life, as two layers of longitudinally and circularly arranged myoblasts. Differentiation of the muscularis from the mucosa occurs at approximately 205 days, as longitudinal projections of the internal bundles of the tunica muscularis form the musculature of the primary ribs. The secretion of neutral and acid mucopolysaccharides by the reticular epithelial layer begins at 67 days, establishing the gradual adaptation of the mucosa to its protective function in postnatal life. Neuroendocrine (non-neuron enolase) and glial cells (glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin) were detected by immunohistochemistry, in a similar localization and intensity to that reported in the rumen. The neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y showed a positive immunoreaction in the reticular epithelium from 142 days of prenatal life, again earlier than reported for the rumen. In comparison with domestic ruminants, deer were shown to be less precocious with regard to development of gastric tube, in their capacity to secrete neutral mucopolysaccharides, and in their neuroendocrine nature, as determined by the detection of positive neuroendocrine and/or glial cells.  相似文献   

Alpha‐fetoprotein (AFP) is the major serum protein during development. AFP is one of the earliest proteins to be synthesised by the embryonic liver. The synthesis of AFP decreases dramatically after birth and only trace amounts are expressed in the adult liver. The tissue distribution of AFP in early human embryogenesis has not been defined. We have studied the expression pattern of AFP mRNA in human and mouse embryos by in situ hybridisation. In humans, AFP is expressed in the hepatic diverticulum at 26 d postovulation as it differentiates from the foregut endoderm (i.e. in the most primitive hepatocytes). It is also expressed in the endoderm of the gastrointestinal tract and in the yolk sac at this age. AFP is subsequently expressed in the mesonephros and transiently in the developing pancreas. In the mouse, no expression of AFP was observed in the mesonephros but other sites of expression were similar. Thus AFP has a distinct temporospatial expression pattern during the embryonic period and this differs between human and mouse species. It is interesting that AFP is expressed by tumours such as primitive gastrointestinal, renal cell and pancreatic tumours as well as those of hepatocyte origin. This distribution reflects the sites of AFP expression during development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies on human oocytes in prophase I are limited due to the difficulty in obtaining the sample. However, a complete study of meiotic prophase evolution and the homologue pairing process is necessary to try to understand the implication of oogenesis in the origin of human aneuploidy. METHODS: A complete analysis of meiotic prophase progression comprising the long developmental time period during which meiotic prophase takes place, based on the analysis of a total of 8603 oocytes in prophase I from 15 different cases is presented. The pairing process of chromosomes 13 and 18 is also described. RESULTS: The findings significantly relate for the first time the evolution of meiotic prophase to fetal development. Although for both chromosomes 13 and 18 a high pairing efficiency is found, pairing failure at the pachytene stage has been observed in 0.1% of oocytes. However, errors at the diplotene stage are substantially increased, suggesting that complete, premature disjunction of the homologues commonly occurs. Moreover, pre-meiotic errors are also described. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that homologous chromosomes pair very efficiently, but the high frequency of complete, premature homologue separation found at diplotene suggests that mechanisms other than the pairing process could be more likely to lead to the high aneuploidy rate observed in human oocytes.  相似文献   

AIMS : Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are thought to be involved in lung development because they play an important role in the turnover of the extracellular matrix. Although limited data on MMP and TIMP expression are available from animal studies during prenatal pulmonary development, little is known about their expression during human fetal lung development. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of MMP-1, -2, -9, TIMP-1, -2 and -3 in human fetal lungs from 9 to 42 weeks of gestation. METHODS AND RESULTS : Forty-five normal human fetal lung samples were analysed by immunohistochemistry. MMP-1, -9, TIMP-1, -2 and -3, but not MMP-2, were expressed in the epithelium at all gestational ages. The endothelium of all vessels and the arterial smooth muscle cells expressed MMP-1, -2, -9, TIMP-2 and -3, but not TIMP-1, at all developmental stages. CONCLUSION : The extensive distribution of MMPs and TIMPs throughout all stages of human lung development suggests that they play a significant role in the remodelling that occurs in the interstitium and epithelial basement membrane during lung development and in pulmonary vascular development. These data will serve as a base line for comparison with neonatal lung pathology, including pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Prenatal standards of bi‐iliac width were not found in the literature based on autopsy investigations, nor was the caudo‐cranial position of the ilia compared to the vertebral column. The first purpose of the present study was to establish normal standard values for the bi‐iliac distance in fetal life, the second to evaluate the level of the iliac bones proportional to the ossified vertebral column. Whole body radiographs in antero‐posterior projections from 98 human fetuses (36 female and 44 male fetuses, as well as 18 fetuses on which the sex had not been determined) were analyzed in the study. The fetuses derived from spontaneous or induced abortions and they were radiographed as part of the required autopsy procedure. The crown‐rump‐length (CRL) of the fetuses varied from 32 to 245 mm. The outer and inner bi‐iliac distance was measured from the radiographs with a digital Helios slide caliper. The caudo‐cranial position of the iliac bones was evaluated. The present study shows that in normal fetal development there is a continuous linear enlargement of the pelvic region in the transverse and vertical planes. The upper iliac contour stays at the level of the first sacral vertebral body, whereas the lower iliac line moves caudally. Significant differences between male and female fetuses were not found. The value of the present study is that the results can be used as reference standards in prenatal pathology. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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