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The purpose of this study was to determine the use of traditional practices to ease labour among Turkish women. Face‐to‐face interviews were conducted with 809 women by using an investigator‐designed questionnaire. The mean age of the women was 28.9 ± 8.33 years (min = 15, max = 74), 49.4% were between 20–29 years of age and more than half (56.2%) of the women had had one to two pregnancies. The results showed that traditional practices were known and applied mostly by the women who were at an advanced age, less educated and who lived in rural areas. In addition, the knowledge and application status of traditional practices related to religious beliefs were found to be very high compared with superstitious practices. It was suggested that nurses provide culturally competent care that requires a commitment by the individual nurse to develop, refine and use specific skills in the care of women.  相似文献   

Using a hypothetical case presentation of a patient with acute diarrhoea, community pharmacists in Trinidad were asked about their knowledge and dispensing recommendations to manage acute diarrhoea. Oral rehydration salts (ORS) were recommended by 86% (79), but more pharmacists would recommend ORS as the first choice therapy alone, for children (70%) than adults (33%) (p < 0.01). Antimotility agents as a first choice therapy alone or with ORS would be given to more adults (60%) than children (10%) (p < 0.01), and more adults (59%) than children (33%) would receive cotrimoxazole. Pharmacists (93%) would counsel on preparation, storage and treatment schedule for ORS, but not on discontinuing (32%) or continuing ORS (4%). Despite 51 pharmacists knowing the WHO guidelines to treat acute diarrhoea, only 23 dispensed in accordance. Educational re-enforcement to manage acute diarrhoea and dispensing practices of medications are necessary for pharmacists who are the first patient contact in Trinidad.  相似文献   

目的 探讨长期照顾白血病患儿母亲的经验感受.方法 采用半结构式访谈,访谈患儿的母亲10名,采用Giorgi现象学研究法进行资料分析.结果 白血病患儿母亲的照顾感受可归纳为4个主题,母性角色的创伤、孤独执行母性角色、疾病的不确定感和维持自我的稳定.结论 研究母亲照顾白血病患儿的真实经验及内心感受,可协助护理人员提供个性化护理,为发展综合性健康护理提供依据.  相似文献   

母亲与白血病患儿疾病沟通状况的描述性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨母亲与白血病患儿之间的疾病沟通情况,以帮助护士和患儿家长选择恰当的时机和信息与患儿进行疾病沟通。方法采用质性研究方法,以半结构式的访谈问卷对18名白血病患儿的母亲进行个体化的深入访谈,使用内容分析法分析资料。结果患儿母亲在病情告知方面,主要有患病初期和中期告知及至今仍未正面沟通3种情况,与患儿沟通的疾病信息有正面信息、治疗相关信息、注意事项和负面信息。结论母亲的受教育程度和患儿年龄是影响疾病沟通的重要因素,医护人员和家长应该根据患儿的年龄、病程选择合适的疾病告知时机和沟通的信息,同时护士应该根据患儿对疾病的知晓情况做好与患儿的沟通。  相似文献   

白血病患儿母亲心理历程的质性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的了解白血病患儿的母亲在陪伴子女诊断、治疗、康复过程中的真实心理感受,为临床护理人员对患儿家属进行心理支持提供借鉴.方法通过访谈形式,访问了16位白血病患儿的母亲,将获得的资料进行分析、整理,提出主题.结果患儿的母亲在子女患有恶性肿瘤过程中承受着巨大的心理压力和经济压力,表现过程为初诊时的震惊、困惑、拒绝,逐渐转变成无奈接受,对未来持悲观心理.支持系统主要来自母爱天性、丈夫和家人以及其他白血病患儿家长.结论白血病患儿母亲需要深切人文关怀和情感支持,护理人员应采取个性化的护理措施,帮助、指导患儿及其母亲提高生活质量,度过这一艰辛历程.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between asthma knowledge, behavior management, and social adaptation among school-age children with asthma. A total of 210 school-age asthmatic children and their parents were recruited from a medical hospital in Taiwan. The children completed asthma knowledge and behavior management questionnaires, and their parents completed the Child and Adolescent Adjustment Profile. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between behavior management and social adaptation among asthmatic children. Asthma knowledge and behavior management were positively associated but did not correlate with children's social adaptation. The behavior management of the children acted as a predictor of their social adaptation. These findings suggest that efforts to raise children's asthma knowledge will benefit these individuals in terms of behavior management. The introduction of asthma behavior management plans could facilitate the social adaptation of asthmatic children and, in particular, increase their independence and reduce their withdrawal as well as enhance their self-confidence and self-esteem.  相似文献   

目的 探讨精神发育迟滞患儿母亲焦虑、抑郁状况及其与社会支持的关系及影响因素.方法 采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)和社会支持评定量表(SSRS),对64例精神发育迟滞患儿母亲的焦虑、抑郁及社会支持水平进行调查,并对结果进行分析.结果 精神发育迟滞患儿母亲焦虑发生率为23.4%,抑郁发生率为40.7%,焦虑、抑郁得分均显著高于国内常模水平.本组患儿母亲社会支持总分为(32.19±5.02)分,显著低于国内常模水平;本组患儿母亲的焦虑、抑郁状况与社会支持呈负相关;影响患儿母亲焦虑、抑郁的因素为家庭经济收入.结论 精神发育迟滞患儿母亲的焦虑、抑郁状况较突出,社会支持缺乏,有效的社会支持可以减轻其焦虑、抑郁状况,提高患儿及其母亲的生活质量.  相似文献   

Title. HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of rural nurses in South Africa. Aim. This paper is a report of a study exploring HIV/AIDS‐related knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of nurses in the largely black and rural Limpopo Province of South Africa. Background. Studies of HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and practices among healthcare workers in developing countries have shown gaps in knowledge and fear of contagion, coupled with ambivalent attitudes in caring for patients with HIV/AIDS and inconsistent universal precautions adherence. Method. A cross‐sectional study of a random sample of primary health care (PHC) (n = 71) and hospital nurses (n = 69) was carried out in 2005, using a questionnaire, focus groups and in‐depth interviews. Findings. Hospital nurses reported a higher frequency of care for patients with HIV/AIDS (P < 0·05), but less HIV/AIDS training when compared to PHC nurses (P < 0·001). HIV/AIDS knowledge was moderately adequate and associated with professional rank, frequency of care and training (P < 0·001). Attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS were mainly positive and were statistically significantly correlated with HIV/AIDS knowledge (P < 0·01) and training (P < 0·05). Three out of four nurses reported that they practised universal precautions (76·1%), but fear of occupational HIV transmission and lack of injection safety was found. Seven in 10 nurses reported previous needlestick injuries, but postexposure prophylaxis was not available in all healthcare facilities. Participants reported a higher workload because of HIV/AIDS, lack of training impacting negatively on their work, and stigma and shared confidentiality affecting them emotionally. Conclusion. There is a need for accelerated HIV/AIDS training of rural nurses and for wider implementation of universal precautions and postexposure prophylaxis availability in public health facilities in southern Africa.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to discover the level of knowledge and views of the street children and youth in Turkey about AIDS. Five focus group discussions were held with 44 children. On the data collection form there were questions about their age, status of working and living status on the streets, gender, source of information about AIDS, high-risk groups, and knowledge on the ways of transmission and getting protected from AIDS. According to the study results, more than half of the participants (56.8%) did not have any knowledge about AIDS. 63.6% stated that they received their information about AIDS from public media. In addition, the participants of this study listed the main causes of transmission of AIDS as having sexual relationship with prostitutes (22.3%) and sharing razors, toothbrushes, footwear, food (27.6%). When asked the ways to protect oneself from AIDS, 28.9% stated that individual hygiene was very important while 21.0% stated not sleeping with prostitutes, single marriages, and condom use were very important ways to protect oneself from AIDS. 37 children of the total participants stated they were also at risk for AIDS. The main reasons of defining themselves at risk were being substance addicts (24.3%) and unhygienic practices (21.6%). The main conclusion of this study is that street children/youth have insufficient and incorrect knowledge about transmission and protection from AIDS and risk groups.  相似文献   

Liossi C  White P  Croome N  Hatira P 《Pain》2012,153(3):674-681
This study sought to determine whether mothers of young people with chronic abdominal pain (CAP) compared to mothers of pain-free children show a pain recognition bias when they classify facial emotional expressions. One hundred demographically matched mothers of children with CAP (n=50) and control mothers (n=50) were asked to identify different emotions expressed by adults in 2 experiments. In experiment 1, participants were required to identify the emotion in a series of facial images that depicted 100% intensity of the following emotions: Pain, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Happiness, and Neutral. In experiment 2, mothers were required to identify the predominant emotion in a series of computer-interpolated ("morphed") facial images. In this experiment, pain was combined with Sad, Angry, Fearful, Happy, and Neutral facial expressions in different proportions-that is, 90%:10%, 70%:30%, 50%:50%, 30%:70%, 10%:90%. All participants completed measures of state and trait anxiety, depression, and anxiety sensitivity. In experiment 1, there was no difference in the performance of the 2 groups of mothers. In experiment 2, it was found that overall mothers of children with CAP were classifying ambiguous emotional expressions predominantly as pain. Mean response times for CAP and control groups did not differ significantly. Mothers of children with CAP did not report more anxiety, depression, and anxiety sensitivity compared to control mothers. It is concluded that mothers of children with CAP show a pain bias when interpreting ambiguous emotional expressions, which possibly contributes to the maintenance of this condition in children via specific parenting behaviours.  相似文献   

目的探讨知-信-行健康教育模式对PICC置管肿瘤患者自我护理能力的干预效果,实施有效的健康教育方法。方法采用方便抽样的方法将66例PICC置管肿瘤患者分为对照组35例和实验组3l例,对照组采用常规的健康教育方式,实验组应用知-信-行模式实施健康教育:强化PICC自我护理知识、建立自我护理信念、促进自我护理行为改变。干预前后运用自我护理能力测定量表(ESCA)进行测试,比较两组自我护理能力。结果干预前两组ESCA总分及各维度得分比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);干预后实验组ESCA总分(117.07±13.75)分、自我护理技能(31.52±3.67)分、自我护理责任感(22.39±3.89)分、自我概念(23.39±3.36)分,显著高于对照组[(101.14±11.56),(26.74±3.46),(16.03±2.80),(18.83±3.43)分],差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为-3.717,-5.242,-7.685,-5.434;P〈0.05)。结论知-信-行健康教育模式能有效提高PICC置管肿瘤患者自我护理能力。  相似文献   

Gender rules, patriarchy, and cultural taboos on sexual issues in traditional societies may compel adolescents to seek sexual information from informal and inadequate sources. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine whether the level and sources of sexual knowledge differed by gender in the traditional community comprising Palestinian-Israeli high school students. Guided by the Human Ecological Systems Model and informed by a community-based participatory research approach, a convenience sample of high school students (n = 558) was recruited. Although findings indicated that both boys and girls had low levels of sexual knowledge, the areas of knowledge deficits varied by gender. The model demonstrated good fit for boys but not for girls. Post hoc analyses indicated that girls obtained sexual knowledge solely from close family members, while boys obtained sexual knowledge from multiple sources. Very few students of either gender obtained sexual knowledge from doctors or nurses, but with community input on cultural issues, nurses can play a pivotal role in creating comprehensive, school-based sex education for adolescents living in traditional societies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop, implement, and evaluate the impact of a Pain Education Program (PEP) for nurses in China. The effects of PEP were measured in a quasi-experimental design. A total of 196 nurses who met the inclusion criteria from five nursing units in two teaching hospitals participated in the study. Randomization took place at the hospital level to select experimental and control groups. The research intervention was the PEP, which had two components: (1) to educate nurses about pain management and (2) to implement daily pain assessment by using the Changhai Pain Scale. The duration of PEP was five weeks and intervention methods included focused education, group activity, and individual instruction. After the baseline data were collected, PEP was implemented in the experimental group. The control group (n = 90) received no intervention, and the experimental group (n = 106) received six hours of focused education training. During the fourth and fifth weeks of the training program, the researcher and the faculty instructed nurses in five nursing units on how to use the Changhai Pain Scale to assess patients’ pain levels and demonstrated how to document pain condition in the nursing records. Nurses in both groups filled out a set of questionnaires, which included a background information form and the Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitude Survey form, before the PEP (T1), at one month after the PEP (T2), and at three months after the PEP (T3). Nurses in the experimental group who received the PEP had a significant improvement in their pain knowledge and attitudes. Their scores on the Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitude Survey increased from 15.67 at T1 to 26.13 at T2 and 35.14 at T3. The scores of nurses in the control group were unchanged (from 15.20 at T1 to 14.29 at T2 and 14.93 at T3, P > 0.05). In addition, experimental group nurses had an improvement in pain assessment. The percentage of nurses who correctly used the Changhai Pain Scale to assess patients’ pain intensity increased significantly after the PEP, and the increased usage of the assessment tool between experimental and control groups also shows a statistical difference in trend (χ2=93.281, P < 0.001). The PEP has been demonstrated to be effective in improving nurses’ pain knowledge, attitudes, and assessment.  相似文献   

目的 探讨实施疼痛教育项目对护士疼痛知识、态度和评估实践的影响.方法 应用类实验研究设计评价疼痛教育项目对护士疼痛知识、态度及评估实践的影响.疼痛教育项目包括对护士进行疼痛相关知识培训和指导护士应用"长海痛尺"开展疼痛评估2部分内容.疼痛教育干预为期5周,由群体教育、小组活动和个别指导组成.根据入选条件确定2所三级甲等教学医院的研究对象196名护士,分为实验组106名和对照组90名,行基线调查后对实验组护士实施干预(疼痛教育项目).在干预后的1个月和3个月收集资料,评价2组护士的疼痛知识、态度,并评估实践行为.结果 接受疼痛教育项目后,实验组护士"疼痛知识和态度调查问卷"(NKAS)的平均得分从干预前的15.67分增加为26.13分(干预后1个月)和35.14分(干预后3个月),其干预后的得分与基线和对照组护士相比均有显著差异;而且实验组护士正确应用"长海痛尺"评估患者疼痛强度的比较显著提高,与基线和对照组相比差异显著.结论 疼痛教育项目可显著提高护士疼痛知识及态度,改善疼痛评估实践,是一种促进疼痛管理的有效措施,应被推广使用.  相似文献   

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