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影像医学专业研究生临床技能培训初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了影像医学专业研究生临床技能培训的重要性和必要性,并详细论述了影像医学专业研究生临床技能培训的内容及要求。我们的实践表明:对研究生培养需有严格的临床技能培训轮转计划和考核制度,要求每一位临床型研究生掌握影像基本理论、基础知识和基本临床技能,  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于“同伴教学法”的培养模式在科学学位研究生医学科研能力培养过程中的应用及其效果分析。方法 纳入2017~2021年麻醉学专业、药理学专业及激光医学专业培养并获得学位的21名科学学位硕士研究生,根据其是否采用基于“同伴教学法”的培养模式分为对照组(2017年9月至2019年8月,学生10人)和研究组(2019年9月至2021年8月,学生11人),比较分析两组研究生的课堂表现成绩、操作考试成绩、理论考核成绩及总成绩,以及在毕业时所发表论文数量及所取得的各项奖励成果。结果 与对照组相比,基于“同伴教学法”模式培养的研究组研究生在课堂表现成绩、操作考试成绩、理论考核成绩及总成绩均优于对照组(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,研究组学生毕业时发表统计源论文、SCI论文及获得的相关奖励成就数量更多(P<0.05)。结论 “同伴教学法”在科学学位研究生医学科研能力培养中的应用能够显著提高研究生培养质量,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的科研能力的培养是激光医学研究生教育的主要内容,作为一门新兴的交叉学科,激光医学目前尚无本专业本科生来源,所招收研究生普遍存在专业基础知识缺乏的特点,如何对激光医学研究生进行培养具有难点和挑战性。本文旨在为本专业研究生的培养提供借鉴和参考。方法回顾性分析35年来,解放军总医院激光医学科培养的激光医学专业研究生的培养内容和方法。结果通过采取多种学习途径和临床实践来弥补激光医学研究生专业基础知识的缺乏。课题研究阶段是研究生科研能力培养的关键阶段,通过制定合理的培养计划和建立严格的培训制度,能够实现对研究生科研能力的培养。结论激光医学研究生的培养具有自身特点,在夯实专业基础的前提下,以科研能力培养为重点,兼顾临床实践,不断创新培养模式,促进激光医学专业高层次人才培养。  相似文献   

学位论文是联合培养研究生在联合培养医院完成临床培养课题 (以下简称“课题”)、向联合培养院校申请学位时 ,必须向校学位委员会提交的论文 ,是联合培养研究生临床培养期间学术水平的最高体现 ,学位论文实际上也是一篇比较优秀的学术论文。分析十几年的实践结果 ,我们认为 :在临床培养期间强化联合培养研究生学术论文的写作意识和实践 ,是保证临床培养质量和学位论文答辩质量的有力手段。本文针对学术论文与培养质量的关系 ,阐述了“强调学术论文质量是保证培养质量的首要步骤、重视学术论文写作水平是培养科研能力的重要环节、发表高质量学术论文是确保学位论文答辩成功的有效途径、实施‘临床培养期间学术论文发表制度’是提高培养质量的有力措施”等四个观点  相似文献   

【摘要】 介入医学专业范围广泛,包含的技术更为繁杂,新的技术层出不穷,这对研究生和导师提出了更高的要求。在新型“双轨合一”的培养模式下,如何在有限的时间内同时完成临床规范化培训和科研能力提升成为目前亟待解决的难题。我们根据介入专业的特点,让带教老师和研究生双方均改变思路,采用一系列创新手段,显著提升了介入专业研究生的临床和科研能力  相似文献   

从社会学角度看临床医学硕士专业学位研究生课程设置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床医学专业学位是为了适应社会对应用型、复合型人才的要求,而建立的一种新的学位制度。1998年国务院学位委员会正式颁发了《关于下达(临床医学专业学位试行办法〉的通知》(简称《办法》),明确将医学学位分为医学科学学位和医学专业学位,并确定首批试点单位,改变了多年来医学研究生教育单一的“科研型”培养模式,这是我国医学学位与研究生教育改革的一项重要举措,对我国医学教育模式的转变具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜手术操作虚拟培训系统在专业学位研究生临床技能培训中应用的效果.方法 随机抽取40名外科学专业学位研究生,随机分为A、B两组.其中A组按传统模式培养,B组采用虚拟培训系统的培训模式培养.经20学时培训后进行考核评分.结果 通过理论培训及腹腔镜手术操作虚拟培训系统培训后,经过虚拟培训系统培训后的研究生对于腹...  相似文献   

医学硕士研究生是高等教育培养的高级专业人才,是高质量医疗和科研人才的重要保证,是国家医学事业发展的基石。随着近年来国家研究生教育规模扩大,一系列问题也逐渐凸显,如何保证研究生的培养质量,以及培养出具有创新精神和创新能力的医学硕士研究生,已成为高等医学院校教育改革研究的主要任务。  相似文献   

陈黔  成诗黔  沈毅 《西南军医》2005,7(4):67-68
新中国成立以来,各医科大学的研究生教育已经取得了长足的发展。作为研究生教育分支的联合培养研究生教育,还属于比较新生的事物。因此,对联合培养研究生教育中出现的管理问题进行研究和探讨,仍然是医院管理界同行关注的话题。研究生教育包括招生、培养和学位授予三大方面,在有联合培养研究生能力的大型综合性医院中,联合培养研究生的教育工作由于隶属于与之有联合培养关系的各联合培养院校,使该项工作不仅具有一定的依附性,也具有一定的独立性。具有依附性的工作为招生和学位授予工作,具备独立性的工作为培养工作。  相似文献   

长期以来,培养高层次人才最根本的途径是研究生教育,作为拥有联合培养能力的联合培养医院,联合培养研究生工作是工作的主题之一。据不完全统计,发达国家的高层次人才多数具有研究生学历,我国高层次人才中具有硕士以上学位的人员却不足30%,显然不利于竞争。因此,通过联合培养研究生教育,提高医院高层次人才的学历、能力和水平等,是必然趋势。  相似文献   

The teaching and assessment of clinical skills are critical components of health care provider education, and clinical skill proficiency is essential for safe and successful health care delivery. Medical simulation is being increasingly recognized in health care education as an extremely valuable mechanism for training and assessing clinical skills. As in other high-stakes professions, the use of simulation can enhance the proficiency and efficiency of training while maximizing safety and minimizing risk. Located within Brooke Army Medical Center, the Trauma Simulation Training Center is a multifaceted, full-service, medical simulation facility. In an effort to improve and to expand the role of simulation, we collected data on utilization of the facility and the level of overall satisfaction among our users. Results showed that the primary users were graduate medical education physicians-in-training. In addition, survey results demonstrated that users favored simulation-based learning because of the realism of simulated scenarios. The Trauma Simulation Training Center embraces the simulation-based medical education philosophy by actively inviting training program participation, and we realize that more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of this teaching and assessment modality.  相似文献   

Radiology education and training is of paramount clinical importance given the prominence of medical imaging utilization in effective clinical practice. The incorporation of basic radiology in the medical curriculum has continued to evolve, focusing on teaching image interpretation skills, the appropriate ordering of radiological investigations, judicious use of ionizing radiation, and providing exposure to interventional radiology. Advancements in radiology have been driven by the digital revolution, which has, in turn, had a positive impact on radiology education and training. Upon the advent of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, many training institutions and hospitals adhered to directives which advised rescheduling of non-urgent outpatient appointments. This inevitably impacted the workflow of the radiology department, which resulted in the reduction of clinical in-person case reviews and consultations, as well as in-person teaching sessions. Several medical schools and research centers completely suspended face-to-face academic activity. This led to challenges for medical teachers to complete the radiology syllabus while ensuring that teaching activities continued safely and effectively. As a result, online teaching platforms have virtually replaced didactic face-to-face lectures. Radiology educators also sought other strategies to incorporate interactive teaching sessions while adopting the e-learning approach, as they were cognizant of the limitations that this may have on students’ clinical expertise. Migration to online methods to review live cases, journal clubs, simulation-based training, clinical interaction, and radiology examination protocolling are a few examples of successfully addressing the limitations in reduced clinical exposure. In this review paper, we discuss (1) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on radiology education, training, and practice; (2) Challenges and strategies involved in delivering online radiology education for undergraduates and postgraduates during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (3) Difference between the implementation of radiology education during the COVID-19 pandemic and pre-COVID-19 era.  相似文献   

临床医学本科毕业生质量评价指标的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对当前我国医学教育质量缺乏科学的评估体系,为提高我国临床医学本科毕业生质量,结合世界医学教育联合会(WFME)提出的医学教育标准,对我国临床本科毕业生质量主要构成要素进行分析,通过专家咨询法(Delphi法)建立评价指标,并以层次分析法(AHP法)确定指标的权重系数,建立了一套临床本科毕业生质量评价指标体系。  相似文献   

Puig J 《Radiologia》2011,53(3):220-225
Noninterpretive skills comprise a set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes considered necessary for residents to acquire. Important Noninterpretative skills include radioprotection, statistics, scientific communication, research methodology, critical reading of the scientific literature, ethics, legislation about medical issues, communicating with patients and other professionals, and management and quality control. The lack of specific dedication to these subjects in undergraduate medical education means that this training is being carried out by the regional governments through the "Complementary Common Program".  相似文献   

目的探讨介入专科护士的核心能力,为完善介入专科护士核心能力考核和评价体系提供指导依据。 方法应用目的抽样法选取参加广东省护理学会首届介入专科护士培训班的8名介入专科护士、4名介入专科医生、4名介入专科护理管理者为研究对象,采用质性研究对其进行面对面、半结构式的深入访谈。 结果提炼出6个核心能力,即专业知识与专业实践能力、评判性思维能力、应急抢救能力、沟通与协调合作能力、临床科研能力、临床管理能力。 结论专业知识、专业技能、应急抢救能力是介入专科护士必备的核心能力,介入专科护士核心能力评价标准、培训模式和培训目标需要进一步统一标准。  相似文献   

目的探讨北京市某区级21项临床重点专科建设项目医院现状、专科特色和分布情况等。方法用态势分析法对各专科的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析。结果通过分析,优势和机会大于劣势和威胁,改善了医疗服务能力。结论区级重点专科建设工作中需要在管理理念、科室发展、人才培养、评价指标方面进一步完善。  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite a surge in the use of three-dimensional printing (3DP) in medical education, a comprehensive evaluation of randomized trials in its effectiveness is lacking. Radiologic studies play an integral role in affording educators the ability to create customized realistic anatomic models. This systematic review and meta-analysis sought to assess the effect of 3DP versus traditional 2-D methods for anatomy education.MethodsPubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, ERIC, and IEEE Xplore were queried to identify randomized controlled trials that quantitatively investigated anatomy education via postintervention assessments of medical students or resident physicians who were exposed to 3DP versus traditional methods. Criteria for the meta-analysis required that studies additionally included a pre-intervention assessment.ResultsA total of 804 articles were reviewed, identifying 8 and 7 studies for systematic reviews of medical students and resident physicians, respectively, of which 4 and 7 were included in the meta-analyses. 3DP models were associated with higher anatomy examination scores for medical students (P < .0001), but for resident physicians were statistically not significant (P = .53).DiscussionThe 3DP models are shown to positively impact medical students especially given their limited fund of knowledge in anatomy. It is postulated that the lack of a statistically significant result for the resident physicians was multifactorial, in part because of the small test group sizes introducing noise and nonrepresentative samples, as well as relative simplicity of the 3DP models used with resident physicians, which were below their level of training. More trials are required to evaluate the usefulness of highly customized 3DP models.  相似文献   

IntroductionAssessment is a central part of student learning. Student involvement in peer assessment leads to significant improvement in students' performance, supports students' learning, promotes the development of evaluation skills and encourages reflection.AimThe aim of this study is to assess perceptions of the Formative Peer Assessment (FPA) initiative within a higher education setting for undergraduate radiography students.MethodsQualitative action research was conducted. Students were allowed to anonymously assess each other's assignments using a standardized evaluation sheet that they had been trained to use. Participants' perceptions were assessed through focus group discussion.ResultsThe findings showed that students' experiences with peer assessment were positive. Students acknowledged that they received valuable feedback and learned from assessing their peers. Students recommended the need for training and suggested using more than one evaluator.ConclusionThe FPA initiative in the study institution believed to be succeed as the students had a positive experience with the FPA. Students learnt from PA and from self-assessment. Implementation of PA will promote reflection and critical thinking and problem solving skills, that are important traits in radiography graduate profile as in radiography clinical practice the professional require to modify imaging techniques and critique images to ensure the quality of care.  相似文献   

Medical education research: challenges and opportunities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Collins J 《Radiology》2006,240(3):639-647
Medical education research is not as well understood or established as is basic science or clinical research. The reasons for this are many, but most importantly, there is insufficient funding for medical education research and a dearth of skilled and experienced medical education researchers. There is no nationally centralized force to build and sustain a medical education research enterprise. Yet faculty and training programs are held accountable for the quality of patient care rendered by those that they train. New regulatory requirements at all levels of physician training demand assurance that physicians are competent to practice in the current health care environment and provide optimal patient care. Documenting the relationship between education and patient outcomes represents one of the biggest challenges and greatest opportunities in medical education research. There is no research infrastructure in place to support such outcomes studies. The majority of medical education research that is currently being done is supported by volunteer faculty time and resources. This is not a viable model to sustain a medical education research mission. Compared with medicine in general, these challenges are multiplied in radiology, where there are relatively fewer extramural research dollars available and skilled investigators to carry out radiology education research. Building a critical mass of radiology education researchers through education fellowship programs specific to radiology and mobilizing the existing radiology education researchers into one group with a shared vision are opportunities for elevating the status of radiology education research.  相似文献   

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