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青少年抑郁症的心理社会治疗进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
抑郁症是一种持久的心境低落状态,多伴有焦虑、躯体不适感和睡眠障碍,属情感性障碍的一个方面,通常具有较强的隐蔽性.因此,这是最常见,但也是最不易察觉和被识别的心理障碍.其病因涉及生物、心理和社会方面.近年来,青少年抑郁患者越来越多,社区的调查结果表明,其发病率大约为1.8%~7.8%.美国的一项研究结果表明,青少年抑郁症发病率为8.3%.  相似文献   

郑郭嫄  黄晓琴 《中国学校卫生》2014,35(10):1506-1508
探讨青少年抑郁症患者父母教养方式和生活事件的特点,为防治抑郁症提供理论依据.方法 收集2011年10月-2012年9月,于安徽医科大学第一附属医院医学心理门诊首次就医并符合《国际疾病分类标准编码》第10版(ICD-10)中抑郁症诊断标准,且汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD) 17项测评总分≥17分,年龄14~22岁的门诊患者作为病例组,共79例;选取与之匹配的61名健康人群作为对照组.采用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)、青少年生活事件量表(ASCLE)、汉密尔顿抑郁量(HAMD)作为测量工具进行问卷调查.结果 EMBU量表中父母亲的惩罚严厉、过度干涉、拒绝否认、过度保护等因子得分,病例组与对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).ASCLE量表中人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚、健康适应、其他及总分,病例组与对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为5.506,3.563,4.727,8.011,6.698,6.884,P值均<0.05).相关性分析显示,不良的教养方式与经历的生活事件具有相关性(P值均<0.05).结论 不良家庭教养方式和生活事件均是青少年抑郁症发病的危险因素.早年经历不良教养方式使青少年经历负性事件增多,同时康复力减退可诱导抑郁症的发生.  相似文献   

梳理人际心理治疗(interpersonal psychotherapy, IPT)的概念、理论机制,从人际心理治疗对青少年抑郁症的应用效果和拓展应用两个方面进行综述,提出本土化调适人际心理治疗对青少年抑郁症群体干预的可行性,以期为人际心理治疗的应用实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的 了解非自杀性自伤(nonsuicidal self-injury, NSSI)青少年抑郁症患者使用切割工具自伤时的真实体验和感受,为提供针对性干预措施提供指导。方法 采用目的抽样法,于2021年11月—2022年5月对四川省成都市某三级甲等精神病专科医院收治的19例使用切割工具NSSI青少年抑郁症患者进行半结构式访谈,以诠释现象学分析法分析转录资料。结果 青少年抑郁症患者非自杀性自伤体验和感受可归纳为5个主题:外界干扰下滋生的自伤意念;思绪万千中的自伤行为;痛并快乐着的自伤体验;万里挑一的自伤工具;有爱、有责任,自伤行为有所减少。结论 青少年抑郁症患者非自杀性自伤行为受多方面因素影响。应根据此类患者特点提供有针对性护理措施,指导患者签署NSSI承诺书、教会患者掌握NSSI行为替代技巧、联合患者家属构建多维度社会支持平台。  相似文献   

青少年群体全面发展对于实现2035年远景目标以及中华民族伟大复兴至关重要.鉴于"身心健康"作为个体全面发展之基础,关注青少年体质与心理健康是促进中国青少年全面发展的必要途径.就现状而言,中国青少年身心健康发展呈现出较好的改善形势,但仍然面临诸多问题.新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的暴发与蔓延更是在很大程度上改变了青少年的生活方式...  相似文献   

青少年心理健康问题受到全球各国的普遍关注, 体力活动对心理健康的促进作用具有重要的现实意义。研究通过对国内外有关青少年体力活动和心理健康问题关联的文献进行综述, 深入了解两者的关系, 并探索个体心理学因素、社会行为学因素和生物学因素在两者关联中的作用, 为青少年心理健康促进提供参考。  相似文献   

澳大利亚青少年生殖健康促进现状   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1 澳大利亚青少年性与生殖卫生的现况澳大利亚与多数西方发达国家一样 ,同样也面临着青少年较早地经历性活动 ,较多的年轻人成为性传播疾病的主要危险人群。据澳大利亚全国HIV流行病和临床研究中心报告的性传播疾病监测的数据显示 ,13~ 19岁的青少年人群处于性传播疾病的危险期。 1996年 ,全澳 2 0 %的淋病患者是 13~ 19岁青少年 ,另外 ,有 14 %的梅毒病例和 2 3 %的衣原体感染者也是该年龄段在维多利亚州 ,来自墨尔本性健康门诊的报告 ,1995年13~ 2 4岁的年轻性病患者占全部生殖器疱疹诊断病例的18%、生殖器疣病例的 33 %、非特异性…  相似文献   

唐杰 《中国学校卫生》2022,43(5):760-762
自伤行为是全球青少年重要的疾病负担之一,也是成年期多种健康结局的风险因素。青少年自伤行为的预防分为一般人群预防和高危人群预防,但由于相关研究存在研究设计、数据分析等方面的局限性,导致青少年自伤行为的预测和干预进展缓慢。应加强高质量的人群队列研究,结合高级统计学分析方法,进一步验证和明确青少年自伤行为的影响因素,建立准确性较高的风险预测模型,完善现有预防策略和干预措施,从而降低青少年自伤行为的疾病负担。  相似文献   

基于社交媒介的青少年心理健康干预是国外研究和实践的热点,但目前中国还未广泛采取这一干预方式,在理论运用、研究手段、关键环节等方面还缺少充分的借鉴。通过梳理国外文献,探讨社交媒介对青少年心理健康的积极效应、青少年网络行为、心理健康促进现状及问题,为国内开展心理健康促进与提升提供理论、概念与实践方式的借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,儿童青少年在校的课间休息时间及其对健康的影响作用备受关注。儿童青少年在学校中度过了大部分的学习日,而良好的课间休息有利于儿童青少年的身心健康、社会和情感的发展。研究主要从课间活动对儿童青少年肥胖、近视、认知、社交等身心健康方面的影响进行综述,为营造有利于儿童青少年健康的在校课间活动提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Routine screening for postpartum depression   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common and often overlooked condition. Validated screening tools for PPD exist but are not commonly used. We present the 1-year outcome of a project to implement universal PPD screening at the 6-week postpartum visit. METHODS: Universal screening with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) was implemented in all community postnatal care sites. One-year outcome assessments (diagnosis and treatment of PPD) were completed for a sample of the women screened using medical record review of all care they received during the first year postpartum. RESULTS: Sixty-eight (20%) of the 342 women whose medical records were reviewed had been given a documented diagnosis of postpartum depression, resulting in an estimated population rate of 10.7%. Depression was diagnosed in 35% of the women with elevated EPDS scores (> or =10) compared with 5% of the women with low EPDS scores (<10) in the first year postpartum. Treatment was provided for all women diagnosed with depression, including drug therapy for 49% and counseling for 78%. Four women were hospitalized for depression. Some degree of suicidal ideation was noted on the EPDS by 48 women but acknowledged in the chart of only 10 women, including 1 with an immediate hospitalization. The rate of diagnosis of postpartum depression in this community increased from 3.7% before the routine use of EPDS screening to 10.7% following screening. CONCLUSIONS: A high EPDS score was predictive of a diagnosis of postpartum depression, and the implementation of routine EPDS screening at 6 weeks postpartum was associated with an increase in the rate of diagnosed postpartum depression in this community.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to estimate preferences and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for genetic screening for CYP2D6 polymorphisms among a group of former and currently depressed patients. METHODS: A Web-based discrete choice questionnaire was sent to 89 respondents, age 18-65. Four attributes were included: (i) shifts in antidepressant medication before symptom relief, (ii) time with antidepressant medication without symptom relief, (iii) time with antidepressant medication without symptoms but with adverse side-effects, (iv) cost of genetic screening. We used a switching model with two scenarios, one representing patients' own treatment history and the other a treatment scenario with genetic screening. RESULTS: In a main-effects model involving the four attributes all coefficients had the expected sign, indicating that as the number of shifts, price or time without symptom relief, and/or dosage-adjustments increased, the likelihood of choosing the screening test decreased. Price and number of shifts in medicine were significant. Marginal WTP for 5 percent probability of a reduction of one in antidepressant shifts was DKK2,599 (euro350). CONCLUSIONS: Patients value reductions in shifts in antidepressants and price when choosing between genetic screening and no screening. They do not focus on how the reductions are provided, nor do they value the genetic information the test provides irrespective of its effect on outcome. Given, that the test is able to provide a reduction of one shift in the number of antidepressant shifts with a probability of 5 percent, WTP for the test exceeds its cost.  相似文献   

Routine screening for syphilis among sexually active adolescents is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, but there are few data about clinical application of these recommendations. We examined the yield of a syphilis screening program in one ambulatory adolescent medicine clinic. A rapid plasma reagin (RPR) has been recommended for all sexually active adolescents. Of 630 patients screened for syphilis by RPR, ten patients had reactive syphilis serologies and 4 had active syphilis. Of these, 2 patients had signs or symptoms consistent with primary or secondary syphilis, and 2 patients with active syphilis had clinical evidence of another sexually transmitted disease but no clinical manifestations of syphilis. Of the 10 reactive serologies, 6 represented previously treated cases or a false positive. We conclude that screening should be done for those at high risk for syphilis or those adolescents with sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   



Universal screening for postnatal depression is currently being promoted in Australia to assist detection and treatment of affected women, yet debate continues internationally about the effectiveness of screening. One rural shire in Victoria has been screening all women for postnatal depression at maternal and child health checks for many years. This paper explores the views of women affected by this intervention.  相似文献   

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