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Bahou  WF; Bowie  EJ; Fass  DN; Ginsburg  D 《Blood》1988,72(1):308-313
von Willebrand disease (vWD), one of the most common bleeding disorders in humans, is manifested as a quantitative or qualitative defect in von Willebrand factor (vWF), an adhesive glycoprotein (GP) with critical hemostatic functions. Except for the rare severely affected patient with a gene deletion as etiology of the disease, the molecular basis for vWD is not known. We studied the molecular basis for vWD in a breeding colony of pigs with a disease closely resembling the human disorder. The porcine vWF gene is similar in size and complexity to its human counterpart, and no gross gene deletion or rearrangement was evident as the pathogenesis of porcine vWD. A restriction fragment- length polymorphism (RFLP) within the porcine vWF gene was identified with the restriction endonuclease HindIII, and 22/35 members of the pedigree were analyzed for the polymorphic site. Linkage between the vWF locus and the vWD phenotype was established with a calculated LOD score of 5.3 (1/200,000 probability by chance alone), with no crossovers identified. These findings indicate that porcine vWD is due to a molecular defect within (or near) the vWF locus, most likely representing a point mutation or small insertion/deletion within the vWF gene.  相似文献   

Washed canine platelets were shown to express a significant level of von Willebrand factor (vWf). Canine platelet vWf differed from canine plasma vWf by the absence of satellite bands associated with each multimer when resolved by SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis. Expression and multimeric composition of canine platelet vWf was quite similar to that of human platelet vWf. Quantification in both lysed, washed canine platelets and in releasate of washed canine platelets yielded estimates of platelet vWf at approximately 2% of circulating vWf in this species, with approximately 15% of this being released into the fluid phase on activation. This contrasts with findings in humans, in which approximately 10%-25% of circulating vWf is compartmentalized in platelets. The difference in relative levels of canine and human platelet vWf could not be accounted for by differences in platelet ultrastructure. The decreased relative level may account for reports that canine platelets contain no vWf.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of human platelet von Willebrand factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. Platelet von Willebrand factor (vWf) was purified from human platelet concentrates. The multimeric structure of the purified platelet vWf was similar to that observed in the initial platelet lysate, and, like the platelet lysate, the purified platelet vWf contained higher molecular weight multimers than plasma vWf. The apparent molecular weight of the reduced platelet vWf subunit was similar to the plasma vWf subunit. The N-terminal amino acid of the purified platelet and plasma vWf was blocked. In concentration dependent binding to botrocetin- or ristocetin-stimulated platelets, 125I-plasma vWf bound with a higher affinity than platelet. The ristocetin cofactor activity per mg of purified plasma vWf was 5-fold greater than the platelet vWf activity. Platelet and plasma vWf bound to collagen with similar affinities; however, platelet vWf bound to thrombin-stimulated platelets and to heparin with a higher affinity than plasma vWf. The differences in the binding affinity(s) of plasma and platelet vWf to platelet GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa and extracellular matrix proteins may reflect different roles for plasma and platelet vWf in the initial stages of haemostasis and thrombosis.  相似文献   

In type III von Willebrand disease (vWD) patients, the bleeding time was only partially corrected or not modified after cryoprecipitate infusion, although the levels and the multimeric structure of plasma von Willebrand factor (vWF) were normal. However, the adhesion of normal platelets on the vessel wall subendothelium in the presence of postinfusion patient plasma improved more significantly than the bleeding time. These results suggest a role of the vWF released from normal platelets which is absent in type III vWD platelets. In 5 patients transfusion of normal platelet concentrates performed 1 h after cryoprecipitate infusion without modification of the bleeding time (> 30 min) normalized this parameter, and platelet adhesion to the subendothelium elicited a marked improvement. These last results confirm the suggestion that platelet vWF plays an important 'in vivo' role in the hemostatic process, particularly in patients suffering from severe vWD.  相似文献   

In normal platelet α-granules von Willebrand factor (VWF) is stored with multimerin and factor V in an eccentric electron-lucent zone. Because the platelet stores of VWF are deficient in 'platelet low' type 1 and type 3 von Willebrand disease (VWD), we investigated their electron-lucent zone proteins. The patients with VWD had partial to complete deficiencies of plasma and platelet VWF but normal α-granular multimerin and factor V, and normal α-granular fibrinogen, thrombospondin-1, fibronectin, osteonectin and P-selectin. In type 3 VWD platelets, α-granular electron-lucent zones lacking VWF-associated tubules were identified and multimerin was found in its normal α-granular location. These findings indicate that the formation of the electron-lucent zone and the sorting of multimerin to this region occur independent of VWF. The isolated abnormalities in VWF suggests a VWF gene mutation is the cause of 'platelet low' type 1 VWD.  相似文献   

Replacement therapy is the treatment of choice for patients with von Willebrand disease who are unresponsive to desmopressin. In order to prevent transmission of non-enveloped viruses, a solvent/detergent-treated plasma-derived von Willebrand factor available in France since 1989 has been subjected to additional removal/inactivation steps by 35 nm filtration and dry heating for 72 h at 80 degrees C. This preclinical study evaluates the potential immunogenicity of this new product by comparing the antibodies raised in pigs affected with von Willebrand disease after intravenous injection of either a solvent/detergent-treated product or a triple-secured product. Our data showed that there is no difference between the two products in terms of the rate and intensity of the humoral response measured by both binding and neutralizing antibody levels. It was concluded that no antigenic alterations of von Willebrand factor molecules during the nanofiltration and final dry-heating steps were detected in our animal model.  相似文献   

Twelve infusions of plasma concentrates of von Willebrand factor (vWF) were given to four patients with severe (type III) von Willebrand disease (vWD). Their prolonged bleeding times were either completely or partially corrected after five infusions and had not changed after the remaining seven. In contrast, the low platelet coverage of the subendothelial surface of rabbit aorta perfused with normal washed platelets and red cells resuspended in preinfusion patient plasma was completely or partially corrected in ten instances by replacing preinfusion plasma with postinfusion plasma and remained unchanged in two. Postinfusion improvement in surface coverage was greater than that in bleeding time, suggesting that vWF from normal platelets is needed to support optimal platelet-vessel wall interactions in vWD. This possibility was further explored through other perfusion experiments. The subendothelial surface covered by platelets from an untreated patient with type III vWD (containing no measurable vWF) or from a type IIA vWD patient (containing dysfunctional vWF) resuspended in normal plasma was much smaller than that covered by normal platelets resuspended in normal plasma. These results establish that platelet vWF is important in supporting platelet-vessel wall interactions in vWD and also provide experimental support in favour of the therapeutic transfusion of normal platelets in addition to vWF concentrates to correct the bleeding time in vWD patients.  相似文献   

Kunicki  TJ; Montgomery  RR; Schullek  J 《Blood》1985,65(2):352-356
In human platelet lysates prepared by addition of nonionic detergent (Triton X-100) or by sonication, the multimer composition and electrophoretic mobility of platelet von Willebrand factor (vWF) were consistently modified under conditions that would favor activation of the endogenous calcium-activated, sulfhydryl-dependent neutral protease (CAP). By sodium dodecylsulfate-agarose gel electrophoresis, native platelet vWF contained some multimers that were larger than those characteristic of plasma vWF. Modified platelet vWF contained a multimer population equivalent to or smaller than that of plasma vWF plus an additional fast-migrating band. In crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), modified platelet vWF was characterized by a more anodic distribution and the appearance of a distinct, cross- reactive, anodic component previously designated VIIIR:Ag fragment. In the presence of calcium, radiolabeled purified plasma vWF was also degraded by the protease in question, with a decrease in the apparent molecular weight of the reduced monomer from 230,000 to 205,000. The VIIR:Ag fragment isolated from the same degraded plasma vWF by preparative CIE was shown to be composed of an identical mol wt 205,000 subunit. Because cleavage of plasma or platelet vWF was inhibited by prior addition of leupeptin, EDTA, ethylene glycol bis (beta-aminoethyl ether)-N, N, N', N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), or N-ethylmaleimide (agents known to inhibit platelet CAP) but was unaffected by numerous other protease inhibitors, including soybean trypsin inhibitor, benzamidine, hirudin, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, aprotonin, or epsilon-aminocaproic acid (none of which inhibits platelet CAP), we conclude that proteolysis of vWF observed in this study is a direct effect of CAP and is not mediated by way of secondary proteases.  相似文献   

Type 2 von Willebrand disease causing defective von Willebrand factor-dependent platelet function comprises mainly subtypes 2A, 2B and 2M. The diagnosis of type 2 von Willebrand disease may be guided by the observation of a disproportionately low level of ristocetin cofactor activity or collagen-binding activity relative to the von Willebrand factor antigen level. The decreased platelet-dependent function is often associated with an absence of high molecular weight multimers (types 2A and 2B), but the high molecular weight multimers may also be present (type 2M and some type 2B), and supranormal multimers may exist (as in the Vicenza variant). Today, the identification of mutations in particular domains of the pre-provon Willebrand factor is helpful to classify these variants and to provide further insight into the structure-function relationship and the biosynthesis of von Willebrand factor. Thus, mutations in the D2 domain, involved in the multimerization process, are found in patients with type 2A, formerly named IIC von Willebrand disease. Mutations in the D3 domain characterize the Vicenza variant, or type IIE patients. Mutations in the A1 domain may modify the binding of von Willebrand factor multimers to platelets, either increasing (type 2B) or decreasing (types 2M and 2A/2M) the affinity of von Willebrand factor for platelets. In type 2A disease, molecular abnormalities identified in the A2 domain, which contains a specific proteolytic site, are associated with alterations in folding that impair the secretion of von Willebrand factor or increase its susceptibility to proteolysis. Finally, a mutation localized in the C terminus cysteine knot domain, which is crucial for the dimerization of von Willebrand factor subunit, has been identified in a rare subtype 2A, formerly named IID.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a multimeric glycoprotein that mediates the adhesion of platelets to the subendothelium by binding to platelet glycoprotein Ib. For human vWF, this interaction can be induced in vitro by the antibiotic ristocetin or the snake venom protein botrocetin. A missense mutation, Gly-561-->Ser, was identified within the proposed glycoprotein Ib binding domain of vWF in the proband with von Willebrand disease type B, a unique variant characterized by no ristocetin-induced, but normal botrocetin-induced, binding to glycoprotein Ib. The corresponding mutant recombinant protein, rvWF(G561S), formed normal multimers and exhibited the same functional defect as the patient's plasma vWF, confirming that this mutation causes von Willebrand disease type B. These data show that botrocetin and ristocetin cofactor activities of vWF can be dissociated by a point mutation and confirm that these mediators promote vWF binding to platelets by different mechanisms. The normal botrocetin-induced binding and the defective ristocetin-induced binding of rvWF(G561S) suggest that the primary defect in von Willebrand disease type B may be a failure of normal allosteric regulation of the glycoprotein Ib binding function of vWF.  相似文献   

To characterize the heterogeneity of severe (type III) von Willebrand disease (vWD), plasma and platelet von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag) and ristocetin cofactor activity (Ricof) were measured in 28 obligatory heterozygotes (ie, parents or children of probands from 15 different kindreds with severe vWD). On the average, heterozygotes had low levels of vWF in both platelets and plasma. There was, however, considerable heterogeneity, with four distinct patterns. Eleven heterozygotes had concordant reduction of vWF:Ag and Ricof in both plasma and platelets; five had low levels of vWF:Ag and Ricof in plasma contrasting with normal levels in platelets; eight had a peculiar pattern, the reverse of the above (ie, low levels in platelets and normal levels in plasma); and in one, both vWF measurements were normal in plasma and platelets. These patterns were genetically determined: they were consistent in four couples of consanguineous heterozygotes and in two couples carrying the same gene deletion. Only the remaining three heterozygotes had no clearly identifiable pattern. Other findings of this study were that although most of the heterozygotes had normal bleeding times, the 7 of 28 who had prolonged bleeding times had concordantly low levels of vWF measurements in both plasma and platelets. In conclusion, this large series of obligatory heterozygotes provides evidence for phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity of severe vWD.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) from platelet lysate and plasma, collected in the presence of protease inhibitors, was studied in two patients with type IIC von Willebrand disease (vWD). Platelet and plasma vWF showed the smallest multimer increased, but the latter had a repeating single band whereas the former had a repeating "doublet." This platelet-plasma discrepancy observed for the first time in these patients suggests that the repeating "doublet" or single band described in other type IIC patients represent minor subgroups of type IIC vWD.  相似文献   

Platelet lysates were obtained from suspensions of normal washed platelets by freeze-thawing or Triton X-100 lysis. The resultant platelet lysates contained 0.34 +/- 0.15 U/10(9) platelets (n = 8) of von Willebrand factor antigen (vWf:Ag) as determined by radioelectroimmunoassay using a monospecific antibody to vWf:Ag. The vWf:Ag level was higher in platelet lysates prepared from freshly drawn blood than from outdated platelet packs. Platelet lysates from patients with severe von Willebrand's disease type I (n = 2) did not contain detectable vWf:Ag. When normal platelet lysates were analyzed by radiocrossed immunoelectrophoresis in agarose using a monospecific polyclonal antibody to plasma vWf:Ag, two immunochemically identical precipitin peaks were seen. One of the platelet vWf:Ag peaks corresponded in its electrophoretic mobility to plasma vWf:Ag, while the other peak, i.e. platelet vWf:Ag-peak II, migrated to a more anodal position. The presence of the platelet vWf:Ag-peak II suggests structural differences between plasma and platelet vWf:Ag and illustrates previously unrecognized heterogeneity of platelet vWf:Ag.  相似文献   

Type Vicenza variant of von Willebrand disease (VWD) is characterized by a low plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF) level and supranormal VWF multimers. Two candidate mutations, G2470A and G3864A at exons 17 and 27, respectively, of the VWF gene were recently reported to be present in this disorder. Four additional families, originating from northeast Italy, with both mutations of type Vicenza VWD are now described. Like the original type Vicenza subjects, they showed a mild bleeding tendency and a significant decrease in plasma VWF antigen level and ristocetin cofactor activity but normal platelet VWF content. Unlike the original patients, ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation was found to be normal. Larger than normal VWF multimers were also demonstrated in the plasma. Desmopressin (DDAVP) administration increased factor VIII (FVIII) and VWF plasma levels, with the appearance of even larger multimers. However, these forms, and all VWF oligomers, disappeared rapidly from the circulation. The half-life of VWF antigen release and of elimination was significantly shorter than that in healthy counterparts, so that at 4 hours after DDAVP administration, VWF antigen levels were close to baseline. Similar behavior was demonstrated by VWF ristocetin cofactor activity and FVIII. According to these findings, it is presumed that the low plasma VWF levels of type Vicenza VWD are mainly attributed to reduced survival of the VWF molecule, which, on the other hand, is normally synthesized. In addition, because normal VWF-platelet GPIb interaction was observed before or after DDAVP administration, it is proposed that type Vicenza VWD not be considered a 2M subtype.  相似文献   

The Factor VIII antigen molecules in the plasma of patients with classical type 1 and variant type 2A von Willebrand disease were compared to the Factor VIII antigen molecules in normal plasma. Factor VIII antigen was isolated from plasma by solid-phase immunoprecipitation and analyzed by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; the stained Factor VIII antigen bands were removed, radioiodinated, and subjected to tryptic digestion. Computerized analysis of autoradiographs revealed that the two-dimensional peptide maps of the different Factor VIII antigens were remarkably similar. The results suggest that the Factor VIII antigen molecules in these two forms of von Willebrand disease are probably identical to the Factor VIII antigen molecules present in normal plasma. It is thus likely that the differences observed in plasma Factor VIII antigen in classical and variant von Willebrand disease are not due to qualitatively abnormal molecules but rather represent quantitative shifts in the metabolism of normal Factor VIII antigen molecules.  相似文献   

The common autosomally inherited mucocutaneous bleeding disorder, von Willebrand disease (VWD) results from quantitative or qualitative defects in plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF). Mutation can affect VWF quantity or its functions mediating platelet adhesion and aggregation at sites of vascular damage and carrying pro-coagulant factor VIII (FVIII). Phenotype and genotype analysis in patients with the three VWD types has aided understanding of VWF structure and function. Investigation of patients with specific disease types has identified mutations in up to 70% of type 1 and 100% of type 3 VWD cases. Missense mutations predominate in type 1 VWD and act through mechanisms including rapid clearance and intracellular retention. Many mutations are incompletely penetrant and attributing pathogenicity is challenging. Other factors including blood group O contribute to low VWF level. Missense mutations affecting platelet- or FVIII-binding through a number of mechanisms are responsible for the four type 2 subtypes; 2A, 2B, 2M and 2N. In contrast, mutations resulting in a lack of VWF expression predominate in recessive type 3 VWD. This review explores the genetic basis of each VWD type, relating mutations identified to disease mechanism. Additionally, utility of genetic analysis within the different disease types is explored.  相似文献   

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