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A service-learning component was added to the existing preceptor practicum program at the University of North Carolina Charlotte's School of Nursing (UNCC SON) in the fall of 2007 for nursing students in the community health nursing (CHN) practicum course. Objective: The preceptorship model is commonly used in undergraduate nursing education. The aim of this study was to improve teaching strategies in the existing school health nursing (SHN) preceptor program by the addition of a service-learning community partnership. Adding the service-learning component was based on the Polvika model. Participants: A total of 27 nursing students and 33 preceptors participated in the study. Data Analysis: Percentages, means, standard deviations, and rankings were used to analyze the data. The participants completed a multiple-choice survey and ranked a list of tasks. Results: The students were able to fulfill their task responsibilities, and the service-learning preceptor program was cost effective for the SHN preceptors through hours saved by the nursing students. Conclusion: The preceptor role is associated with many factors, including perceived burden, which affects their willingness to work with students. The findings demonstrated that service learning is an effective teaching strategy in the CHN nursing students' learning by fostering the preceptors' benefits, rewards, support, and commitment to the role.  相似文献   

一级医院护理本科生社区实习带教的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过我院护理本科生社区实习带教实践,探讨一级医院在带教中如何帮助护生理解和掌握社区护理理论和技能,培养社区护理队伍.方法对101名护理本科生在社区护理实习中采用角色扮演、健康教育讲座、家庭访视等带教方法.结果75 76%的护生对带教实习总体满意;93%的社区居民对护生健康教育讲座给予肯定.结论一级医院对本科生的社区护理实习带教是一项新内容,社区护理实习使护生专业态度、知识运用能力以及社会化功能锻炼得以很好实现.此外,通过3年的带教实践也使社区护士带教能力、业务水平得以提高.  相似文献   

护理本科生临床带教管理的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合护理本科生的教育培养目标,针对目前的现实情况,从实习医院、带教老师、实习生和患者及其家属的角度出发,全面分析在临床带教过程中出现的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应的对策,探讨如何在临床实习过程中,培养具有临床护理、护理管理、护理教育和护理科研能力的高级护理专门人才。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨案例教学法在护理本科生临床教学实习中效果。[方法]选取在本院实习的护理本科生120人,进行配对分为观察组及对照组,每组60人,对照组采用传统的教学法,观察组在教学法基础上联合案例教学法,实习结束后进行实习效果的调查,包括两组护生的理论知识、护理程序、应用能力、对临床教学方法的满意度以及综合护理能力。[结果]观察组护生的理论知识、护理程序应用能力总分均高于对照组,对临床教学方法的满意度高,且临床综合护理能力得到了提高,与对照组相比,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]案例教学法可提高护理本科生的临床实习效果。  相似文献   

At the Georgetown University School of Nursing, a three-tiered team model is used to ensure the effectiveness of the undergraduate preceptor program. Using the three-tiered model, clinical teaching activities are shared among preceptors, clinical instructors, and the course coordinator. This strategy allows the assignment of more complex patients and groups of patients in a closely supervised learning environment. Through evaluations of the program, students have indicated that the preceptorship has increased their sense of independence with patient care and enhanced their satisfaction with the clinical experience.  相似文献   

目的调查三级甲等医院护理本科生临床实习教学现状,为提高本科生的临床教学质量提供依据。方法对参与护理本科生临床带教的125名护士进行问卷调查。结果有5年以上带教本科生经历的教师只占23.34%,45.83%有本科及以上学历;带教前正规培训的比例偏低,培训内容不全面;仿真模拟病房使用率低(3.33%),出科考核中综合素质考核少。影响带教质量的原因主要是时间和精力不足(67.50%)、缺乏正规教学培训(46.67%)。结论应加强护理本科生临床师资队伍的培训和教育,并推动仿真模拟病房的使用率,加强对本科生综合能力的培养和考核。  相似文献   

目的探讨学习老年护理学对提高护理本科生照顾老年人意愿的效果。方法对3年级116名护理本科生开展老年护理学教学,学习内容包括老年护理学理论学习、老年护理技术训练、角色扮演进行老化游戏、观看老年题材的影片、老人院实地探访等,学习时间4个月。结果护理本科生对老年人态度、老化知识得分均高于学习前(P0.01或P0.05),学习后照顾老年人意愿由61.21%提高到74.14%(P0.05)。结论学习老年护理学可改善护理本科生对老年人的态度、增加老化知识、提高照顾老年人意愿,应重视老年护理教学内容和方法的改进。  相似文献   

Students look forward to their clinical practicum to learn within the context of reality nursing. As educators we need to actively develop models of clinical practicum whereby students are supported to engage and learn in the clinical learning environment. The aim of this paper is to describe an innovative model of supportive clinical teaching and learning for undergraduate nursing students as implemented in a large teaching hospital in New South Wales, Australia. The model of supportive clinical teaching and learning situates eight students at a time, across a shift, on one ward, with an experienced registered nurse from the ward specialty, who is employed as the clinical teacher to support nursing students during their one to two week block practicum. Results from written evaluation statements inform the discussion component of the paper for a model that has proved to be successful in this large healthcare facility.  相似文献   

This article discusses the six key activities identified by the Royal College of Nursing (1994) as essential ingredients for public health nursing. Examples of public health practice and community nurse involvement are given to illustrate each activity. Public health skills such as health profiling, building healthy alliances and policy development are outlined. Current barriers to community nurses participating in these activities are identified and models of public health practice are reviewed. The potential for a radical transformation of community nursing practice is discussed in the context of an expanding public health role of community nurses in Scotland. Options for future practice are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, utilization of nurse preceptors has gained increasing popularity within academic settings providing nursing degrees. Although not a new phefsnomenon, the preceptorship experience has traditionally helped to facilitate the clinical preparation for students in nursing programs (Oermann, M.N. and Heinrich, R.T. (Eds). Annual Review of Nursing Education (Vol. 1), chapter 5. New York, NY: Springer 2003). Today, nurse preceptors continue to be utilized in student nurses' clinical education. Therefore, it is imperative that nurse educators understand the role of the preceptor and how to provide the necessary guidance for a successful preceptorship experience.  相似文献   

护理本科生临床教学实习体会   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
丁亚媛 《护理研究》2004,18(18):1682-1683
目前医学院校的培养计划主要是分两部分 :前部相对集中的理论教学 ,后面集中安排半年至一年的毕业实习。教学发现 ,学生的临床经验太少 ,严重影响后期的临床专业课的教学。而在美国 ,护理临床实习不是集中在最后一年 ,而是理论学习与临床实习呈阶段性交替进行的[1] 。我国临床教学主要有毕业实习、临床见习两种形式。为探讨一种临床教学形式 ,来弥补学生临床经验的不足 ,我校在四年制本科学生的培养计划中增加临床教学实习。在学完基础课程 ,并学完《护理学基础》、《内科护理学》后 ,其他临床课程学习前 ,进行了为期 6周的临床教学实习 ,以…  相似文献   

[目的]探讨实践教学法在本科护生社区健康教育能力培养中的应用效果.[方法]在<社区护理学>健康教育教学过程中,采用实践教学法,置课堂于社区,将104名护生分组深入社区,收集资料,制订社区健康教育计划,开展社区健康教育讲座并进行效果评价.[结果]57.69%的护生认为社区健康教育实践教学意义很大,有助于社区健康教育能力的培养,社区人群满意度为94.60%.[结论]实践教学法有助于本科护生社区健康教育能力的培养,在教学过程中应贯穿"以问题为目标、以实践为载体、以教师为主导、以护生为主体、以效果为检验"的原则.  相似文献   

Nurses are often the first members of the healthcare system to whom the public turns when environmental health hazards cause concern. Yet most nursing programs include scant formal environmental health content. This article describes a project that integrated significant environmental health content into an undergraduate community health nursing course. The revised course included additional environmental health classroom content and field experiences. Details are provided regarding changes to classroom content, revision of written assignments to include environmental health issues, planning and implementation of nursing student field experiences with environmental health professionals, and evaluations of the revised course. The article concludes with three recommendations to guide other schools of nursing, wishing to integrate environmental health into their curricula.  相似文献   

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