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伸出你的手掌,五个指头,各有名称."示指"用来指点方向,因而名之;但小宝宝也喜欢吮吸它,故又称"食指"."中指"在五指之中,最长.戒指则总是戴在"环指"上."小指"是手指中的小弟弟,单独伸出个小指,意味着胆小、小气."拇指"不称为粗指,也不叫大指,用"母"字作标记,有别于其他四指同辈.拇指的功能太重要了,非其他四指可以比拟.印第安人称拇指为"手指之母",索马里人称拇指为"祖父",比母亲还高了一辈.确实,拇指的功能几乎占手功能的一半,失去拇指,手就成为半残废了.  相似文献   

欣慰 《家庭育儿》2004,(10):30-31
从盖尔出生那天起,他的爸爸妈妈就开始为他担心了.因为盖尔左手的尾指旁多长了一根小小的第六指.盖尔的父母认为,这虽然不是什么病,但也跟畸形扯上了关系,将来可能会招致小伙伴的嘲笑,对盖尔的成长不利,所以盖尔刚满一岁时,父母便把他带到医院,要求医生把多余的第六指切掉.遗憾的是,医生告诉他们,至少要等7年才能替盖尔做手术.  相似文献   

伸出你的手掌,五个指头,各有名称。“示指”用:来指点方向,因而名之,但小宝宝也喜欢吮吸它,故又称“食指”。“中指”在五指之中,最长。戒指则总是戴在“环指”上。“小指”是手指中的小弟弟,单独伸出个小指,意味着胆小、小气。“拇指”不称为粗指,也不叫大指,用“母”字作标记,有别于其他四指同辈。拇指的功能太重要了,非其他四指可  相似文献   

因突发晕厥、房颤送往北京协和医院的国际奥委会单项技术官员德国的迪戈先生,经过协和国际医疗部医护人员紧急救治,身体状况恢复如初,愉快地出现在奥运会比赛现场。返院复查时,迪戈先生握住医务人员的手说,如果不是你们的及时抢救,我可能现在就看不到大家了。  相似文献   

[宝宝故事]总拉肚子,竟是牛奶过敏 玥玥2岁3个月,能吃能睡能玩,精神非常好,除了大便不太成形、不怎么长肉,其他什么问题都没有. 但孩子不长肉,家长很担心,专门找医生看过.按照医生的建议,每顿多给孩子吃点主食,奶粉也照常喝. 有一天,玥玥吃了一小块蛋糕,便开始不停拉肚子,来到医院就诊.医生一看,结合玥玥总是大便不成形,还不长肉的特点,就怀疑这拉肚子是因为食物过敏引起的.  相似文献   

在门诊经常遇到这种病例,家长说自己无意中发现孩子1岁以后拇指老是勾着伸不直,用手一扳很僵硬且扳不直,有时揉一揉后可以扳直,但不久拇指又勾起来了.由于孩子不说疼,家长开始也以为是孩子好玩,没太重视.但是过了大半年的时间还是老样子,所以才来医院就诊.  相似文献   

Health promotion can contribute towards reducing inequality and ensuring equal opportunities, providing the means to enable the entire population to develop its maximum health possibilities. Women living in areas with social transformation needs (ASTN) are an especially vulnerable group due to the situation of material deprivation and social exclusion in which they live. Health promotion programmes for this group can bring about an improvement in their health. This paper describes the health promotion programme Socio-educational Groups of Primary Care for Women (SEGPC-W), and evaluates its implementation in ASTN in the city of Seville (Spain), as well as the benefits and difficulties of its development through a documentary analysis and interviews with participating professionals.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo analyze the factor structure of the OLQ-13 scale and to study the direct relationship between sense of coherence and lifestyles in university students of nursing.MethodCross-sectional study. Location: University of Jaén. Andalusia, Spain. Participants: 384 students from the first three years of the nursing degree in the University of Jaén. Main measurement: Internal consistency was studied by Cronbach's alpha, reliability test-retest was measured by intraclass coefficient correlation (ICC) and construct validity was analysed by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and known-groups technique.ResultsThe internal consistency of the scale was adequate (Cronbach α = 0.809). The ICC for the reliability test-retest was 0.91. The exploratory factor analysis showed 3 factors explaining 50.13% of the variance. The confirmatory factor analysis showed f goodness-of-fit indexes for the proposed model CFI = 0.965; RMSA = 0.041; GFI = 0.963; SRMR = 0.041. Statistically significant differences in sense of coherence were found among the subgroups of students with healthy and unhealthy lifestyles (p < 0.001).ConclusionsThe study confirms the multidimensionality of the OLQ-13 scale, in which 3 factors were identified: external meaningful, comprehensibility and manageability, and internal comprehensibility and manageability. The OLQ-13 may be a valid and reliable scale for use in the Spanish university population.  相似文献   

Health surveys are a key tool for decision-making in health policies and health services planning. The use of small-area statistical methods that use information at different geographic levels may be useful for estimating health indicators at a lower geographical level than originally considered in the survey design.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the influence that alcohol outlet density, off- and on-alcohol premises, and alcohol consumption wield on the consumption patterns of young pre-university students in Galicia (Spain).MethodA cross-sectional analysis of a cohort of students of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Compostela Cohort 2016) was carried out. Consumption prevalence were calculated for each of the municipalities from the first-cycle students’ home residence during the year prior to admission. The association with risky alcohol consumption (RC) and binge-drinking (BD) was assessed with a logistic model considering as independent variables the municipality population, alcohol outlet density of off- premises, density of off- and on- premises and total density of both types of premises in the municipality.ResultsThe prevalence of RC was 60.5% (95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 58.4-62.5) and the BD was 28.5% (95%CI: 26.7-30.2). A great variability was observed according to the municipality of provenance. The multivariate logistic model showed municipalities with a density of 8.42-9.34 of both types of premises per thousand inhabitants presented a higher risk of RC (odds ratio [OR]: 1,39; 95%CI: 1.09-1.78) and BD (OR: 1.29; 95%CI: 1.01-1.66).ConclusionThese data suggest the importance of including environmental information when studying alcohol consumption. Knowing our environment better could help plan policies that encourage healthier behaviour in the population.  相似文献   



Explore the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to improve the quality of life of family caregivers of Alzheimer's patients.


We conducted a systematic review, in pairs, in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, WOS, Cochrane Library, IME, Cuiden Plus and Dialnet. Inclusion criteria were: 1. Studies published between 2010-2015. 2. Language: English, Portuguese and Spanish. 3. Randomized controlled clinical trials. 4. Score greater than or equal to 3 on the Jadad scale.


13 studies were included. Four performed a psychosocial intervention with family caregivers, three psychotherapeutic, two psychoeducational, two multicomponent, one educational and another with mutual support groups. The tools to assess quality of life: three studies used the Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ), three EuroQol-5D (two only used the EVA), two health questionnaire SF-36, two WHOQOL-BREF, two Quality of Life SF-12 and one Perceived Quality of Life Scale (PQoL). Regarding the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions, five studies obtained favorable results in the quality of life after psychotherapeutic interventions and community-type multicomponent training.


The diversity of non-pharmacological interventions used and contents, differences in the number of sessions and hours, and variability of valuation tools used to measure quality of life of family caregivers, leads us to reflect on the appropriateness to standardize criteria, for the sake to improve clinical practice.  相似文献   

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