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The objectives of this study were to examine differences in substance abuse treatment needs, treatment utilization, and outcomes between Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders (AAPI) and others. Data were collected from 452 AAPI and a matched sample of 403 non-AAPI who were admitted to 43 drug treatment programs across California. A subset of these participants was assessed at 3 months (n = 112) and 9 months (n = 140) after treatment admission. Differences in pretreatment characteristics, treatment retention and completion, services received, and treatment outcomes were examined. AAPI presented to treatment with lower alcohol and drug severity lower than the comparison group and similar problem severity in other domains. There were no group differences in treatment retention, but AAPI received a greater number of legal services and fewer medical and psychiatric services than the comparison group. AAPI also received fewer total services within their treatment program. Treatment outcomes were similar between the two groups, with one exception: AAPI demonstrated better alcohol outcomes than those in the comparison group.  相似文献   

We examined on-site and off-site referral-based provision of substance abuse (SA) treatment services among a sample of community health centers (CHCs). Analyses used survey data collected from CHCs in three states merged with administrative claims to both characterize CHC care delivery models and examine the association between models and care quality. Care quality was based on the Washington Circle measures of initiation and engagement. Approximately half the sample provided at least some SA treatment services on site. The provision of intensive outpatient treatment services on site was associated with significantly higher engagement rates. It was also associated with higher (but not significantly) initiation rates. At the same time, on-site provision of screening and counseling services was negatively associated with both initiation and engagement rates. Given limited resources, investing in more intensive services on site may yield better outcomes for CHC patients than lower level services, but further study is recommended.  相似文献   

Methadone medical maintenance (MMM) is a model for the treatment of opioid dependence in which a monthly supply of methadone is distributed in an office setting, in contrast to more highly regulated settings where daily observed dosing is the norm. We assessed patient characteristics and treatment outcomes of an MMM program initiated in the Bronx, New York, in 1999 by conducting a retrospective chart review. Participant characteristics were compared with those of patients enrolled in affiliated conventional methadone maintenance treatment programs. Patients had diverse ethnicities, occupations, educational backgrounds, and income levels. Urine toxicology testing detected illicit opiate and cocaine use in 0.8% and 0.4% of aggregate samples, respectively. The retention rate was 98%, which compares favorably with the four other MMM programs that have been reported in the medical literature. This study demonstrates that selected patients from a socioeconomically disadvantaged population remained clinically stable and engaged in treatment in a far less intensive setting than traditional methadone maintenance.  相似文献   

Understanding why substance-using patients seek care at emergency departments (EDs) and who utilizes such service at high rates is important in tailoring and targeting interventions. We conducted a retrospective/prospective cohort study of 326 medically ill substance-using adults to identify factors associated with 12-month high-frequency utilization of ambulatory care, ED, and inpatient medical care. The majority were actively using heroin (74.6%), cocaine (62.4%), and alcohol (54.4%); 94.8% had a chronic medical condition; and 53.8% reported a chronic mental health condition. High-frequency use of ED (> or = 3 visits) was independently associated with being female (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.88; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 1.12, 3.17), being African American (AOR = 2.36; 95% CI = 1.30, 4.29), being homeless (AOR = 2.07; 95% CI = 1.08, 3.96), a history of > 1 substance abuse treatment episode (AOR = 4.10; 95% CI = 3.28, 10.87), and > or = 1 ambulatory care visit (AOR = 8.94; 95% CI = 3.28, 24.41). However, the combination of having certain chronic conditions (seizure disorder, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C) and accessing ambulatory care was protective against high-frequency use of ED. In contrast, high-frequency use of ambulatory care (> or = 3 visits) was independently associated with having insurance (Medicare/Medicaid: AOR = 2.39; 95% CI = 1.31, 4.69), having HIV/AIDS (AOR = 3.15; 95% CI = 1.70, 5.85), and receiving substance abuse treatment during the study period (AOR = 3.58; 95% CI = 1.61, 7.98) Efforts to redirect medical care to more subacute settings will likely require both capacity building and addressing a client's underlying needs, including homelessness, access to substance abuse treatment, and chronic disease management.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between state policy requirements governing outpatient substance abuse treatment services and reported outpatient treatment program practices. State policies effective as of February 1, 2003, and February 1, 2004, were collected and analyzed via primary legal research; data were validated by state officials (88% response rate; >90% validation rate). Treatment practice data were obtained from the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for the years 2003 and 2004. Multivariate analyses clustered by state were conducted, controlling for state, program, and state-aggregated client admission characteristics. Results indicated that treatment programs located in states with requirements for comprehensive substance abuse assessment, family counseling, substance abuse and infectious disease/sexually transmitted disease testing services, HIV/AIDS education, and aftercare services had significantly higher odds of offering such services (p values ranging from < .05 to < .001). This study presents new information regarding the potential role that state policy context may play in understanding treatment program practices.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom suggests that coverage for substance abuse treatment under Medicaid is generally poor, and that access to care may be reduced when control over behavioral health services is given to private health plans, such as those under Medicaid managed care. To examine this premise, this study reports on a cross-sectional comparative survey of state Medicaid managed care programs conducted in the year 2000. Although not all states provided substance abuse benefits under their Medicaid programs, our findings suggest that a majority of states used managed care arrangements to provide substance abuse treatment, with most providing an array of covered services. Most Medicaid behavioral health plans were fully capitated. The number of comprehensive health plans providing substance abuse services was slightly higher than the number of behavioral health carveouts. About half of the waiver programs that covered substance abuse treatment covered methadone maintenance, but waiver programs employing comprehensive health plans were more likely to provide coverage for methadone maintenance.  相似文献   

In the first phase of a two-part treatment development study, families with a treatment-resistant drug-abusing adolescent (n = 42) were offered 12 sessions of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). This parent-focused intervention was designed to help parents facilitate their adolescents' entry into treatment, to support adolescents' subsequent behavior change, and to improve parent and family functioning. In the second phase, successfully engaged adolescents (n = 30) were offered 12 sessions of a multicomponent individual cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) targeting substance use and related problem behaviors. For parents and adolescents, measures were collected on pretreatment and posttreatment, with an additional follow-up assessment for parents at 3 months after treatment. Parents on CRAFT intervention experienced a significant reduction in negative symptoms, and 71% of parents were successful in engaging their resistant youths in treatment. The CBT intervention for engaged youths was associated with a statistically significant, but not clinically significant, reduction in marijuana use.  相似文献   



The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) requires commercial group health plans offering coverage for mental health and substance abuse services to offer those services at a level that is no more restrictive than for medical-surgical services. The MHPAEA is notable in restricting the extent to which health plans can use managed care tools on the behavioral health benefit. The only precedent for this approach is Oregon's 2007 state parity law. This study aims to provide evidence on the effect of comprehensive parity on utilization and expenditures for substance abuse treatment services.


A difference-in-difference analysis compared individuals in five Oregon commercial plans (n = 103,820) from 2005 to 2008 to comparison groups exempt from parity in Oregon (n = 19,633) and Washington (n = 39,447). The primary outcome measures were annual use and total expenditures.


Spending for alcohol treatment services demonstrated statistically significant increase in comparison to the Oregon and Washington comparison groups. Spending on other drug abuse treatment services was not associated with statistically significant spending increases, and the effect of parity on overall spending (alcohol plus other drug abuse treatment services) was positive but not statistically significant from zero.


Oregon's experience suggests that behavioral health insurance parity that places restrictions on how plans manage the benefit may lead to increases in expenditures for alcohol treatment services but is unlikely to lead to increases in spending for other drug abuse treatment services.  相似文献   

Outcomes are presented from opioid-dependent outpatients (N = 81) participating in a new community-based initiative designed to improve access to enhanced substance abuse and psychiatric services in a publicly supported methadone maintenance treatment network in Baltimore, MD. The initiative, entitled Community Access to Specialized Treatment (CAST), is located at the Addiction Treatment Services, a program within this network. Network programs referred patients engaged in unremitting drug use who are at risk for discharge to CAST, where they received methadone substitution, individual and group counseling within an adaptive platform, behavioral contingencies to reinforce adherence, and on-site psychiatric evaluation and care. Patients returned to their referring program after producing at least two consecutive weeks of drug-negative urine samples and full counseling adherence. CAST was well utilized by the community. Patients had high rates of adherence to scheduled individual and group counseling services (93% and 73%, respectively); 43% of referrals successfully completed the program in an average of 101 days. This community-wide service delivery approach is a novel alternative to integrating intensive substance abuse and psychiatric care at each program within a treatment network.  相似文献   

Little is known about the assessment and treatment of self-stigma in substance abusing populations. This article describes the development of an acceptance based treatment (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy–ACT) for self-stigma in individuals in treatment for substance use disorder. We report initial outcomes from a study with 88 participants in a residential treatment program. The treatment involves 6 h of a group workshop focused on mindfulness, acceptance, and values work in relation to self-stigma. Preliminary outcomes showed medium to large effects across a number of variables at post-treatment. Results were as expected with one potential process of change, experiential avoidance, but results with other potential mediators were mixed.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(14):1587-1599
A postal questionnaire was used to survey the attitudes of practising physicians in the Swiss Canton of Vaud (population 570,000) toward intravenous drug (IVD) users and to study the possibility of recruiting more such physicians for treatment of these patients. The study population included all general practitioners, internal medicine specialists, and psychiatrists in private practice in the canton (n = 776). The response rate was 50%. Results indicate that it would be possible to significantly increase (40 to 100%) the number of practising physicians now treating IVD users.  相似文献   

This study assessed intrinsic and extrinsic motivation toward treatment among American Indian adolescents 13-18 years old admitted to a residential substance abuse treatment program and the relationship of these measures to treatment completion. Participants completed a questionnaire regarding motivation towards treatment and a diagnostic interview. Participant treatment records were also reviewed. Being an older adolescent (16-18 years old), having higher scores on a scale measuring treatment readiness and endorsing a single question regarding concern about legal problems were all associated with treatment completion. The relationship of an additional scale measuring desire for help with substance use problems was mediated by the measure of treatment readiness. This pilot study is the first to assess the relationship of motivation toward substance abuse treatment completion among American Indian adolescents and provides preliminary evidence of the applicability of these concepts to this treatment population. These concepts and their related therapeutic approaches warrant further study in this population.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature examining characteristics associated with treatment outcome in women with substance use disorders. A search of the English language literature from 1975 to 2005 using Medline and PsycInfo databases found 280 relevant articles. Ninety percent of the studies investigating gender differences in substance abuse treatment outcomes were published since 1990, and of those, over 40% were published since the year 2000. Only 11.8% of these studies were randomized clinical trials. A convergence of evidence suggests that women with substance use disorders are less likely, over the lifetime, to enter treatment compared to their male counterparts. Once in treatment, however, gender is not a significant predictor of treatment retention, completion, or outcome. Gender-specific predictors of outcome do exist, however, and individual characteristics and treatment approaches can differentially affect outcomes by gender. While women-only treatment is not necessarily more effective than mixed-gender treatment, some greater effectiveness has been demonstrated by treatments that address problems more common to substance-abusing women or that are designed for specific subgroups of this population. There is a need to develop and test effective treatments for specific subgroups such as older women with substance use disorders, as well as those with co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders such as eating disorders. Future research on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of gender-specific versus standard treatments, as well as identification of the characteristics of women and men who can benefit from mixed-gender versus single-gender treatments, would advance the field.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and determinants of cigarette smoking cessation treatment in U.S. outpatient substance abuse treatment (OSAT) units. METHODS: Program directors and clinical supervisors from a national sample of 550 OSAT units in the United States were surveyed in 2004-2005. Supervisors reported the availability of cigarette smoking assessment, and individual or group counseling and pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation. This analysis examines whether institutional and resource factors influence the delivery of these services. RESULTS: Of OSAT programs in the United States, 41% offer smoking cessation counseling or pharmacotherapy, 38% offer individual/group counseling, and 17% provide quit-smoking medication. In multivariate models, hospital affiliation, service breadth, the priority given to physical health, the availability of medication to treat addictive problems, assessment of cigarette smoking, and a greater perception of the proportion of patients who smoke were associated with the delivery of smoking cessation services. Program size and medical staffing also influenced the availability of quit-smoking medication. CONCLUSIONS: Of U.S. OSAT programs, two in five offer behavioral treatment for smoking cessation, but fewer than one in five provide access to pharmacotherapy. Substance abuse treatment programs that are medically oriented, provide more comprehensive services, and recognize the burden of tobacco smoking among their patients are more likely to deliver evidence-based smoking cessation services.  相似文献   

We examined the association of substance abuse treatment with access to liver specialty care among 231 persons coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) with a history of alcohol problems who were recruited and followed up in the HIV-Longitudinal Interrelationships of Viruses and Ethanol cohort study from 2001 to 2004. Variables regarding demographics, substance use, health service use, clinical variables, and substance abuse treatment were from a standardized research questionnaire administered biannually. We defined substance abuse treatment services as any of the following in the previous 6 months: 12 weeks in a halfway house or residential facility, 12 visits to a substance abuse counselor or mental health professional, day treatment for at least 30 days, or any participation in a methadone maintenance program. Liver specialty care was defined as a visit to a liver doctor, a hepatologist, or a specialist in treating hepatitis C in the past 6 months. At study entry, most of the 231 subjects (89%, n = 205) had seen a primary care physician, 50% had been exposed to substance abuse treatment, and 50 subjects (22%) had received liver specialty care. An additional 33 subjects (14%) reported receiving liver specialty care during the follow-up period. In the multivariable model, we observed a clinically important although not statistically significant association between having been in substance abuse treatment and receiving liver specialty care (adjusted odds ratio = 1.38; 95% confidence interval = 0.9–2.11). Substance abuse treatment systems should give attention to the need of patients to receive care for prevalent treatable diseases such as HIV/HCV coinfection and facilitate its medical care to improve the quality of care for individuals with substance use disorders. The data illustrate the need for clinical care models that give explicit attention to the coordination of primary health care with addiction and hepatitis C specialty care while providing ongoing support to engage and retain these patients with complex health needs.  相似文献   

Substance use disorders are common conditions among repeat criminal offenders. Without addressing these underlying substance use behaviors, parolees are significantly more likely to recidivate within 1 year of release. New Jersey is one of the first states to actively pursue substance abuse treatment options for inmates who are in the final stages of their sentences. Given the fiscal realities of taxpayer-supported programs, such initiatives must clearly demonstrate economic benefits for sustainability and growth. This article conducted one of the few comprehensive economic evaluations of prerelease substance abuse treatment to determine whether Community Education Centers' programs in New Jersey generated desirable outcomes, significant economic benefits, and positive net benefits. Relative to a matched comparison group of offenders who did not receive treatment, the intervention group returned an average economic benefit of $4,307 to $6,209 over the 1-year postrelease period. These economic benefits are underscored by the fact that the treatment program is housed in a separate facility, with a lower average per diem from that of the general inmate population. These results provide quantitative economic evidence that prerelease substance abuse treatment programs have the potential to reduce recidivism and save taxpayer dollars without adding to existing prison resources.  相似文献   

Background: Medication treatment (MT) with methadone and buprenorphine are effective treatments for opioid use disorders, but little information is available regarding the extent to which buprenorphine's approval resulted in more individuals receiving MT nor to what extent receipt of such treatment was equitable across communities. Methods: To examine changes in MT utilization and the association between MT utilization and county-level indicators of poverty, race/ethnicity, and urbanicity, we used Medicaid claims of non-dually eligible Medicaid enrollees aged 18–64 from 14 states for 2002–2009. We generated county-level aggregate counts of MT (methadone, buprenorphine, and any MT) by year (N = 7760 county-years). We estimated count data models to identify associations between MT and county characteristics, including levels of poverty and racial/ethnic concentration. Results: The number of Medicaid enrollees receiving MT increased 62% from 2002 to 2009. The number of enrollees receiving methadone increased 20%, with the remaining increase resulting from buprenorphine. Urban county residents were significantly more likely to receive MT in both 2002 and 2009 than rural county residents. However, buprenorphine substantially increased MT in rural counties from 2002 to 2009. Receipt of MT increased at a much higher rate for residents of counties with lower poverty rates and lower concentrations of black and Hispanic individuals than for residents of counties without those characteristics. Conclusions: The increase in Medicaid enrollees receiving MT in the years following buprenorphine's approval is encouraging. However, it is concerning that MT trends varied so dramatically by characteristics of the county population and that increases in utilization were substantially lower in counties with populations that historically have been disadvantaged with respect to health care access and quality. Concerted efforts are needed to ensure that MT benefits are equitably distributed across society and reach disadvantaged individuals who may be at higher risk of experiencing opioid use disorders.  相似文献   

Changes in personal network composition, support and structure over 12 months were examined in 377 women from residential (n = 119) and intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment (n = 258) through face-to-face interviews utilizing computer based data collection. Personal networks of women who entered residential treatment had more substance users, more people with whom they had used alcohol and/or drugs, and fewer people from treatment programs or self- help groups than personal networks of women who entered intensive outpatient treatment. By 12 months post treatment intake, network composition improved for women in residential treatment; however, concrete support was still lower and substance users are still more prevalent in their networks. Network composition of women in outpatient treatment remained largely the same over time. Both groups increased cohesiveness within the network over 12 months. Targeting interventions that support positive changes in personal networks may heighten positive long term outcomes for women entering treatment.  相似文献   



Prior studies find no effect of baseline income on response to contingency management (CM) interventions. However, income among substance disordered patients is variable, particularly at treatment entry. This study investigated the impact of during-treatment income, a more proximal estimate of economic resources at the time that CM is in effect, on response to standard treatment or the standard treatment plus CM.


These secondary analyses included 418 cocaine dependent participants initiating community intensive outpatient treatment. We examined whether differences were present in pretreatment and during-treatment overall income, as well as specific income sources. We then conducted a series of regression models to investigate the impact of during-treatment income on treatment outcome.


Participants’ during-treatment income was significantly lower compared to pretreatment income, and this difference was largely attributable to decreases in earned income, illegal income, and support from friends and family. Neither the main effect of income, nor the interaction of income and treatment condition, was significantly associated with treatment outcome. CM, however, was a significant predictor of improved treatment outcome relative to standard treatment. Income sources and some demographic characteristics were also significant predictors of outcomes; public assistance income was associated with improved outcomes and illegal income was associated with poorer outcomes.


These results suggest that substance abusers benefit from CM regardless of their income level, and these data add to the growing literature supporting the generalizability of CM across a variety of patient characteristics.  相似文献   

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