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目的探讨经胸小切口房间隔缺损封堵术治疗房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect,ASD)的疗效。方法右侧胸骨旁第4肋间切口长3~4cm,于膈神经上方切开心包并悬吊,于右心房壁缝双荷包线,并切开,将输送导管(国产)插入右心房内,通过房间隔缺损口入左心房,在经左胸壁或食道超声监视下,释放出房间隔封堵伞,调整左右侧伞盘夹紧封堵ASD,用保险绳做反复牵拉试验,确认封堵伞位置合适,再做一针贯穿右房壁和伞边缘的褥式缝合固定。结果67例成功封堵,手术时间38~95min,平均46min;术后住院3~8d。术后2~24个月复查,心脏彩超检查封堵伞无移位,无残余分流。2例封堵不成功术中转开胸体外循环下完成手术。结论在经胸壁超声监视下房间隔缺损封堵术是一种微创、安全、简便,值得推广的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨房间隔缺损微创外科封堵术的治疗措施。方法:对3例房间隔缺损病人实施经右胸前外侧第四肋间小切口,在食道超声的引导下,经右心房置入外科封堵器闭合房间隔缺损。结果:本组3例病人明显缩短了手术时间,恢复顺利,术后3天~5天出院,术后未发生闭合器脱落及移位。结论:房间隔缺损外科封堵术在房间隔缺损的治疗上是一种适用范围更广的微创手术方式。  相似文献   

目的:研究经食管超声在成人房间隔缺损封堵术治疗中的应用价值。方法:将45例房间隔缺损患者做为研究对象,所有对象均接受房间隔缺损封堵术治疗,在术中经食道超声检查房间隔,观察房间隔缺损情况及其与上下腔静脉之间的关系,之后再经食道超声引导进行封堵处理,观察患者的手术效果(包括房缺封堵成功率、术后不良事件的发生率等)。结果:患者的平均房间隔缺损直径为(16.21±1.32)mm,除2例封堵失败而行体外循环下手术外,其余43例患者均成功完成房缺封堵术,手术的成功率高达95.56%。术后不良事件的发生率为6.67%。术3个月后患者的肺动脉收缩压和三尖瓣返流压低于手术前,P0.05。结论:在房间隔缺损封堵术中,经食道超声可准确反映患者房间隔的缺损情况,可提升手术的成功率,对患者的创伤较小,且患者术后不良事件发生较少,有利于改善患者心功能,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨食道超声引导下经胸小切口房间隔缺损封堵的手术护理效果。方法:我院收治房间隔缺损患者50例,对患者实施食道超声引导下经胸小切口治疗。同时对患者实施围术期护理,回顾分析患者的护理效果。结果:本次调查的50例患者均顺利完成手术治疗,患者术后获得了良好的预后。对其进行复查,未见明显残余分流,也无其他并发症发生。结论:食道超声引导下经胸小切口房间隔缺损封堵术治疗效果显著,辅以围术期护理可有效改善患者预后。  相似文献   

目的评价经胸非体外循环下房缺微创封堵术的疗效。方法15例患者,男7例,女8例,平均年龄5.5岁,平均体重20.8kg。经胸心脏超声显示Ⅱ度孔房间隔缺损,均为中央型。缺损直径8~26mm,平均14.5mm。气管插管全身麻醉后,经胸骨旁右第四肋间切口,长2~3em。在食道超声的引导下,经右房壁置人腰部直径12~32mm的国产房缺封堵器。结果15例患者均成功封堵,无中转体外循环病例。2例患者术后新发右束支传导阻滞。无Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞发生。患者术后住院时间3~8d,平均4.6d。随诊3~6个月,1例术后大量胸腔积液,经胸腔闭式引流后痊愈。余患者均恢复良好,无Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞,无残余分流,无封堵器晚期移位,无瓣膜关闭不全加重。结论经胸非体外循环下房缺微创封堵术创伤小、安全性高、近期疗效满意。远期疗效仍须进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的 探讨使用国产封堵器治疗边缘不足(<5 mm)的继发孔型房间隔缺损(ASD)的可行性及近期疗效.方法 27例边缘不足的继发孔型ASD患者术前经胸或经食管超声心动图测得缺损最大直径平均为(22.89±8.08)mm,根据ASD边缘不足分为前缘(主动脉缘)不足型、后缘(主动脉对侧缘)不足型、下缘(下腔静脉缘)不足型及复合不足型,分别制定封堵策略,用国产封堵器经导管或经右胸小切口进行封堵治疗.分别于术前、术后48~72h及3个月时经胸超声心动图观察封堵器位置及有无分流,同时测量右心大小以观察疗效.结果 本组中前缘不足型20例(0~4 mm),下缘不足型3例(1~4 mm),后缘不足型1例(2 mm),复合不足型3例(前缘、下缘均<5 mm).27例ASD患者中成功封堵26例,1例术后1 h发现封堵器脱落改行直视修补术,成功率96.3%(26/27).26例患者封堵后右房及右室内径较封堵前明显缩小(P<0.01),无介入操作相关并发症发生.结论 前缘、后缘或下缘<5 mm的继发孔型ASD可用国产封堵器封堵治疗,且安全、有效、并发症少、费用低.  相似文献   

目的观察先天性房间隔缺损(ASD)经导管介入封堵术的疗效,探讨手术并发症的处理。方法回顾性分析2006年12月~2008年12月,符合ASD介入治疗入选标准,行经导管介入封堵术的患者23例。结果 23例ASD患者手术成功率为87.0%(20/23),其中19例1次封堵成功;出现并发症4例,包括股静脉穿刺处局部血肿1例、血管假性动脉瘤1例,室上性心动过速1例,心房扑动1例,经对症处理后均好转;平均住院5.6±3.5d;术后患者均接受了1~6个月随访,未见分流。结论经导管介入封堵术的成功率高,创伤性小,术后恢复快,平均住院日缩短,并发症少,经及时处理效果好。  相似文献   

最近,我接诊了一位67岁的女性患者,患有先天性房间隔缺损。起初,她在内科就诊,内科医生发现她的房间隔缺损较大且位置不佳,不适合做介入治疗,便建议她来外科看。经检查,我发现她不仅有心间隔缺损,还伴有肺动脉高压和房颤,身体很虚弱,无法承受开胸手术。经仔细研究,我为其实施了“经胸微创小切口封堵”手术。该手术的创伤较小,只需在患者的胸壁上做一个3厘米的小切口,进入胸腔,切开心包,在食管超声引导下,直接将封堵器放置在缺损部位即可。手术进行得很顺利,患者于术后第4天出院。  相似文献   

评价小儿继发孔型房间隔缺损(ASD)应用国产的房间隔缺损封堵器介入关闭小儿继发性中央型ASD的临床疗效。应用深圳市先健科技生产的房间隔缺损封堵器关闭继发孔中央型ASD12例,经胸心脏彩超及导管球囊测量均适合封堵闭。患者经临床、X线平片及经胸超声检查诊断为ASD。术前所有患儿胸骨左缘第2—3肋间均可闻及Ⅱ~Ⅲ级收缩期喷射性杂音.经胸心脏超声显示房间隔缺损直径7~32(平均15.2)min,根据球囊最大伸展直径选择≥1~2mm型号的ASD封堵器,在X线透视及床边超声心动图监视下关闭ASD,记录术中、术后各相关检查指标,术后1d、1个月、3个月随访。结果表明国产房间隔缺损封堵器封堵小儿继发孔ASD是安全、有效的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经右腋下小切口治疗常见先天性心脏病的方法.方法 2006年3月至2009年6月,施行经右腋下小切口房室间隔缺损修补手术38例,其中室间隔缺损(VSD)22例,房间隔缺损(ASD)14例,VSD合并ASD 2例.结果 全组无手术死亡病例.术后再次开胸止血1例, 发生右下肺不张2例,无其他并发症发生.术后随访32例,随访时间1~18个月,除1例VSD患者术后发生残余漏外,其余患者均恢复良好.结论 经右腋下小切口治疗房室间隔缺损手术具有创伤小、恢复快、简便、美容效果好等优点,值得在临床中推广应用.  相似文献   

In 2010, we investigated anthrax outbreak in Bhutan. A total of 43 domestic animals died, and cutaneous anthrax developed in 9 persons, and 1 died. All affected persons had contact with the carcasses of infected animals. Comprehensive preparedness and response guidelines are needed to increase public awareness of anthrax in Bhutan.  相似文献   

Data collected by the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network for 1,415 ill travelers returning from Indian Ocean islands during 1997–2010 were analyzed. Malaria (from Comoros and Madagascar), acute nonparasitic diarrhea, and parasitoses were the most frequently diagnosed infectious diseases. An increase in arboviral diseases reflected the 2005 outbreak of chikungunya fever.  相似文献   

Legionnaires’ disease is underreported in Europe; notification rates differ substantially among countries. Approximately 20% of reported cases are travel-associated. To assess the risk for travel-associated Legionnaires’ disease (TALD) associated with travel patterns in European countries, we retrieved TALD surveillance data for 2009 from the European Surveillance System, and tourism denominator data from the Statistical Office of the European Union. Risk (number cases reported/number nights spent) was calculated by travel country. In 2009, the network reported 607 cases among European travelers, possibly associated with 825 accommodation sites in European Union countries. The overall risk associated with travel abroad was 0.3 cases/million nights. We observed an increasing trend in risk from northwestern to southeastern Europe; Greece had the highest risk (1.7). Our findings underscore the need for countries with high TALD risks to improve prevention and control of legionellosis; and for countries with high TALD risks, but low notification rates of Legionnaires’ disease to improve diagnostics and reporting.  相似文献   

BackgroundActual long-term survival rates for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) are rarely reported.ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess the role of histological subtypes in predicting the prognosis among long-term survivors (≥5 years) of advanced EOC.MethodsWe performed a retrospective analysis of data among patients with stage III-IV EOC diagnosed from 2000 to 2014 using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results cancer data of the United States. We used the chi-square test, Kaplan–Meier analysis, and multivariate Cox proportional hazards model for the analyses.ResultsWe included 8050 patients in this study, including 6929 (86.1%), 743 (9.2%), 237 (2.9%), and 141 (1.8%) patients with serous, endometrioid, clear cell, and mucinous tumors, respectively. With a median follow-up of 91 months, the most common cause of death was primary ovarian cancer (80.3%), followed by other cancers (8.1%), other causes of death (7.3%), cardiac-related death (3.2%), and nonmalignant pulmonary disease (3.2%). Patients with the serous subtype were more likely to die from primary ovarian cancer, and patients with the mucinous subtype were more likely to die from other cancers and cardiac-related disease. Multivariate Cox analysis showed that patients with endometrioid (hazard ratio [HR] 0.534, P<.001), mucinous (HR 0.454, P<.001), and clear cell (HR 0.563, P<.001) subtypes showed better ovarian cancer-specific survival than those with the serous subtype. Similar results were found regarding overall survival. However, ovarian cancer–specific survival and overall survival were comparable among those with endometrioid, clear cell, and mucinous tumors.ConclusionsOvarian cancer remains the primary cause of death in long-term ovarian cancer survivors. Moreover, the probability of death was significantly different among those with different histological subtypes. It is important for clinicians to individualize the surveillance program for long-term ovarian cancer survivors.  相似文献   

During a survey of yaws prevalence in the Solomon Islands, we collected samples from skin ulcers of 41 children. Using PCR, we identified Haemophilus ducreyi infection in 13 (32%) children. PCR-positive and PCR-negative ulcers were phenotypically indistinguishable. Emergence of H. ducreyi as a cause of nongenital ulcers may affect the World Health Organization’s yaws eradication program.  相似文献   

近年来,在肿瘤和卵巢相关疾病发生率逐年增加、不少大龄单身女性渴望为自己购买一份“生殖保险”等社会及个人因素催化下,人类对于生育力保存的需求急剧增加,满足这一需求正在或将成为重大挑战。对于寻求进行生育力保存的大龄单身女性来说,在合适的年龄应用玻璃化冷冻技术将其卵母细胞冻存是目前可采用的最佳生育力保存手段。而单身女性卵子冷冻将面临来自伦理道德、社会乃至法律的巨大挑战。本文概述国内外大龄单身女性卵子冷冻的现状,并对其可能涉及的相关伦理问题及解决途径进行综述,以促进理性正视单身女性卵子冷冻问题。  相似文献   

Three days after donation of peripheral blood stem cells to a recipient with acute myeloblastic leukemia, dengue virus was detected in the donor, who had recently traveled to Sri Lanka. Transmission to the recipient, who died 9 days after transplant, was confirmed.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) remains a major cause of illness and death in HIV-infected persons. Sulfa drugs, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) and dapsone are mainstays of PCP treatment and prophylaxis. While prophylaxis has reduced the incidence of PCP, its use has raised concerns about development of resistant organisms. The inability to culture human Pneumocystis, Pneumocystis jirovecii, in a standardized culture system prevents routine susceptibility testing and detection of drug resistance. In other microorganisms, sulfa drug resistance has resulted from specific point mutations in the dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) gene. Similar mutations have been observed in P. jirovecii. Studies have consistently demonstrated a significant association between the use of sulfa drugs for PCP prophylaxis and DHPS gene mutations. Whether these mutations confer resistance to TMP-SMX or dapsone plus trimethoprim for PCP treatment remains unclear. We review studies of DHPS mutations in P. jirovecii and summarize the evidence for resistance to sulfamethoxazole and dapsone.  相似文献   

We analyzed sera from diverse mammals of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, for evidence of Francisella tularensis exposure. Skunks and raccoons were frequently seroreactive, whereas white-footed mice, cottontail rabbits, deer, rats, and dogs were not. Tularemia surveillance may be facilitated by focusing on skunks and raccoons.  相似文献   

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