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Hernandez LG Forkert PG 《International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer》2007,120(7):1426-1433
Vinyl carbamate (VC) is a metabolite of ethyl carbamate (EC), a chemical found in alcoholic beverages and fermented foods. We undertook this study to: (i) evaluate the ability of both EC and VC to induce gene mutations in lung and various extrapulmonary tissues, and (ii) identify the type of mutations induced by the two compounds in various tissues. F1 (Big Blue x A/J) transgenic mice harboring the lambda cII transgene were used for identification and quantitation of mutations in vivo. Time-course studies in lung showed a plateau in mutant frequency (MF) 4 weeks after VC treatment, at which time mutations were fixed and were about 4-fold higher than in controls. Dose-dependent increases in MF were detected in the lung and small intestine (SI) after treatment with 15-75 mg/kg, i.p., of VC. VC was mutagenic in the lung and SI at doses of 45, 60 and 75 mg/kg. Sequencing of the cII gene in lung and SI showed that VC induced mainly A:T-->G:C transitions and A:T-->T:A transversions. EC was also mutagenic in the lung at 500 and 1,000 mg/kg and elicited mainly G:C-->A:T transitions. A VC dose of 60 mg/kg elicited a similar level of MF as an EC dose of 1,000 mg/kg. At 4 weeks after treatment, neither VC nor EC elicited mutations in the colon, bone marrow or kidney. These results demonstrated that VC and EC are mutagenic in vivo and affirm that VC is a more potent mutagen than EC. 相似文献
Chen T Gamboa da Costa G Marques MM Shelton SD Beland FA Manjanatha MG 《Carcinogenesis》2002,23(10):1751-1757
The antiestrogen tamoxifen is widely used for the treatment of breast cancer and more recently for the prevention of breast cancer. A concern over the use of tamoxifen as a chemopreventive agent is its carcinogenicity in rat liver, through a genotoxic mechanism involving alpha-hydroxylation, esterification, and DNA adduct formation, primarily by reaction with dG. In a recent study [Gamboa da Costa et al., Cancer Lett., 176, 37-45 (2002)], we demonstrated a significant increase in the mutant frequency in the lacI gene of Big Blue rats treated with tamoxifen, and a further increase in rats administered alpha-hydroxytamoxifen. In the present study, we have assessed mutation induction by tamoxifen and alpha-hydroxytamoxifen in the liver cII gene of Big Blue rats and have characterized the types of mutations induced by alpha-hydroxytamoxifen in the liver lacI and cII genes. The mutant frequencies in the liver cII gene were 80 +/- 13 x 10(-6) in the control, 112 +/- 13 x 10(-6) in the tamoxifen-treated group (P < 0.01 vs. control), and 942 +/- 114 x 10(-6) in the alpha-hydroxytamoxifen-treated animals (P < 0.001 vs. control; P < 0.001 vs. tamoxifen). Molecular analysis of the mutants indicated that the alpha-hydroxytamoxifen-induced mutational spectrum differed significantly from the control spectrum, but was very similar to the spectrum induced by tamoxifen for both the lacI and cII genes [Davies et al., ENVIRON: Mol. Mutagen., 28, 430-433 (1996); Davies et al., Carcinogenesis, 20, 1351-1356 (1999)]. G:C --> T:A transversion was the major type of mutation induced by alpha-hydroxytamoxifen and tamoxifen, while G:C --> A:T transition was the main type of mutation in the control. These results support the hypothesis that alpha-hydroxytamoxifen is a major proximate tamoxifen metabolite causing the initiation of tumors in the liver of rats treated with tamoxifen. 相似文献
Vinyl carbamate (VC) is a metabolite of ethyl carbamate (EC), a naturally occurring compound found in fermented foods and alcoholic beverages. CYP2E1 mediates the sequential oxidation of EC to VC and subsequently to the vinyl carbamate epoxide, which is believed to be the ultimate carcinogenic species. Here, we have tested the hypothesis that bioactivation of VC by CYP2E1 plays a central role in the development of its mutagenicity and clastogenicity, and further that inhibition of CYP2E1 by diallyl sulfone (DASO(2)) leads to diminution in their incidences. DASO(2) is a garlic constituent that is oxidized by CYP2E1, leading to inactivation of this P450. F(1) (Big Blue x A/J) transgenic mice harboring the lambda cII gene were used for in vivo identification and quantitation of mutations in the lung and small intestine. Mice were pre-treated with DASO(2) (12.5-200 mg/kg, p.o.), treated 2 h later with VC (60 mg/kg, i.p.) and were killed 4 weeks later. Our results showed that pre-treatment of mice with DASO(2) at doses of 50-200 mg/kg significantly decreased the VC-induced mutant frequencies (MFs) by 50-70%. In the small intestine, pre-treatment with 200 mg/kg of DASO(2) decreased the MF by approximately 40%. Clastogenicity, as assessed by the frequency of micronucleated reticulocytes, was significantly decreased (33-44%) by pre-treatment with DASO(2) (50-200 mg/kg). These results demonstrated that bioactivation of VC by CYP2E1 plays a valid role in the development of mutagenicity and clastogenicity, and further that inhibition of this pathway by DASO(2) produces a protective effect. 相似文献
The mutation spectrum of the lacI gene from the liver of C57Bl6 Big Blue transgenic mice treated with benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) has been compared with the spectrum of spontaneous mutations observed in the liver of untreated Big Blue mice. Mice were treated with B[a]P for 3 days followed by a partial hepatectomy one day after the last injection. Liver tissue was removed for analysis at hepatectomy and, again, 3 days later at the time of sacrifice. Earlier, we reported that the lacI mutant frequency in these B[a]P-treated mice was elevated in the liver both at the time of hepatectomy and at sacrifice; however, a statistically significant increase in the mutant frequency was observed only at sacrifice. In this study, the DNA sequence spectra of lacI mutations observed in the liver of B[a]P-treated Big Blue mice at hepatectomy and at time of sacrifice were compared with each other and with the spectrum of spontaneous liver mutations. No differences were observed between the two B[a]P-treatment spectra. However, mutation frequencies of both GC-->TA and GC-->CG at the time of hepatectomy and at sacrifice were significantly elevated compared with the spontaneous frequency of these same transversions. Also, the frequency of AT-->TA transversions was significantly higher than the spontaneous frequency at the time of hepatectomy but not at sacrifice. The frequency of all other classes of mutations scored was not significantly different from the frequency of these same events in the spontaneous spectra. These data support the view that B[a]P treatment results in the induction of GC-->TA and GC-->CG transversions within 1 day of the last injection and they provide insights regarding the relative roles of benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9, 10-epoxide and radical cations of B[a]P in B[a]P-induced mutagenesis in vivo. Finally, these data provide evidence for B[a]P-induced mutagenesis under conditions where no statistical increase in mutant frequency could be shown. 相似文献
The steroid hormone, estradiol, is essential for both the growth of normal breast and induction of mammary carcinomas. The growth promoting effects of estrogen are presumed to be mediated by growth factors, in particular, epidermal growth factor, which mediates its effects through erbB receptors, erbB1 and erbB2/C-neu. C-neu is amplified and over-expressed in a large number of human cancers and transgenic mice over-expressing C-neu also develop mammary tumors. However, as yet, the impact of C-neu over-expression on estrogen action during normal mammary development and hence, its precise role in carcinogenesis, remains unclear. In the present studies, we demonstrate that estradiol-dependent mammary ductal growth accompanying puberty is impaired in transgenic mice expressing wild type Cneu, and is intrinsic to the tissue. The impairment is not due to an overall impairment in estrogen action, since progesterone receptor expression is unaffected in C-neu mice. It is also not due to an intrinsic inability of the epithelial cells to proliferate, since impeded ductal growth co-exists with alveolar growth during pregnancy. Therefore, we propose that, depending on the physiological state, C-neu may either promote or inhibit the growth of mammary epithelial cells, and discuss its potential significance to carcinogenesis. 相似文献
The LMO2 gene is involved in T-cell acute leukaemia (T-ALL) in children with chromosomal translocations t(11;14)(p13;q11) or (7;11)(q35;p13). Transgenic expression of Lmo2 in T cells results in clonal tumours with long latency indicating that mutations in other genes are required for the development of overt tumours. RAG V-D-J recombinase can mediate genetic transposition and thus might create the secondary mutations necessary for T-ALL. Tumour development was compared in Lmo2 transgenic mice in the presence or absence of the Rag1 gene. No difference was observed in the rate of tumour formation nor in tumour histology in Lmo2-transgenic mice with or without Rag1. We conclude that, in this model, RAG recombinase is not a major mediator of mutations needed for T cell tumorigenesis and that antigen binding to alpha-beta or to gamma-delta T cell receptor does not play a role in tumorigenesis. The driving force behind the mutational process involved in this transgenic model remains obscure. 相似文献
Xiaolin Lin Junshuang Jia Yujuan Qin Xia Lin Wei Li Gaofang Xiao Yanqing Li Raoying Xie Hailu Huang Lin Zhong Qinghong Wu Wanshan Wang Wenhua Huang Kaitai Yao Dong Xiao Yan Sun 《Oncotarget》2015,6(36):39073-39087
Setting up breeding programs for transgenic mouse strains require to distinguish homozygous from the heterozygous transgenic animals. The combinational use of the fluorescence reporter transgene and small animal in-vivo imaging system might allow us to rapidly and visually determine the transgenic mice homozygous for transgene(s) by the in vivo fluorescence imaging. RLG, RCLG or Rm17LG transgenic mice ubiquitously express red fluorescent protein (RFP). To identify homozygous RLG transgenic mice, whole-body fluorescence imaging for all of newborn F2-generation littermates produced by mating of RFP-positive heterozygous transgenic mice (F1-generation) derived from the same transgenic founder was performed. Subsequently, the immediate data analysis of the in vivo fluorescence imaging was carried out, which greatly facilitated us to rapidly and readily distinguish RLG transgenic individual(s) with strong fluorescence from the rest of F2-generation littermates, followed by further determining this/these RLG individual(s) showing strong fluorescence to be homozygous, as strongly confirmed by mouse mating. Additionally, homozygous RCLG or Rm17LG transgenic mice were also rapidly and precisely distinguished by the above-mentioned optical approach. This approach allowed us within the shortest time period to obtain 10, 8 and 2 transgenic mice homozygous for RLG, RCLG and Rm17LG transgene, respectively, as verified by mouse mating, indicating the practicality and reliability of this optical method. Taken together, our findings fully demonstrate that the in vivo fluorescence imaging offers a visual, rapid and reliable alternative method to the traditional approaches (i.e., mouse mating and real-time quantitative PCR) in identifying homozygous transgenic mice harboring fluorescence reporter transgene under the control of a ubiquitous promoter in the situation mentioned in this study. 相似文献
M Broome Powell P R Gause P Hyman J Gregus M Lluria-Prevatt R Nagle G T Bowden 《Carcinogenesis》1999,20(9):1747-1753
In order to study the oncogenesis of melanocytes, transgenic mouse lines were established that express a mutated human Ha-ras (TPras) gene in pigment producing cells. The ras transgenic mice exhibit an altered phenotype, including melanocytic hyperplasia and a muted agouti coat, indicative of hyperproliferative melanocytes. These mice and their wild-type littermates have been subjected to a variety of carcinogenesis protocols, including 7, 12-dimethylbenz-[a]anthracene (DMBA), 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and UV radiation exposure. Topical DMBA treatment of TPras mice resulted in a high incidence of melanomas. Metastatic lesions were observed in skin, lungs and lymph nodes. TPA treatment of TPras mice induced a small number of papillomas but no nevi or melanomas. UV light exposures induced papillomas in negative littermate and melanomas in some albino TPras mice. These results show that melanocytes expressing an activated Ha-ras in the TPras transgenic mice are susceptible to induction of melanoma by DMBA. 相似文献
L A Heath M P Rosenberg P Thorogood P Speight F Propst 《International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer》1992,51(2):310-314
Transgenic mice carrying the mouse mos proto-oncogene linked to a retroviral LTR develop hyperplasia of the Harderian glands. Enlargement of the glands is evident as early as 18 weeks after birth, with glands reaching up to 10 times their normal weight. Approximately 65% of the cases of hyperplasia occur bilaterally, and the majority of mice affected are male (66%). Elevated levels of mos expression are found in all Harderian glands of mice from the affected transgenic line, but not in glands of normal mice or a non-affected transgenic line, indicating that hyperplasia is dependent on mos expression. Histological examination of the tissue reveals a general involvement of the entire gland epithelium in hyperplastic growth, with no evidence of focal or malignant tumours. These observations show that in addition to neu, myc, ras and ret transgenes, mos, a member of the protein-serine/threonine kinase family of oncogenes, can induce Harderian gland hyperplasia, thus revealing an unusual response by this organ to various classes of oncogenes. Analysis of fos, jun, myc and ets oncogene RNA in mos-induced hyperplastic Harderian glands shows that there are no consistent changes in the level of expression of these oncogenes, suggesting that mos acts via a mechanism other than by increasing the expression of these genes. 相似文献
Gon?alo Gamboa da Costa Mugimane G Manjanatha M Matilde Marques Frederick A Beland 《Cancer letters》2002,176(1):37-45
The antiestrogen tamoxifen is carcinogenic in the liver and uterus of rats. Liver tumors appear to result from sequential hydroxylation and esterification of the alpha-carbon of tamoxifen followed by DNA adduct formation. The mechanism for the induction of uterine tumors is not known. Big Blue rats were treated by intraperitoneal injection with 21 daily doses of 54 micromol/kg tamoxifen or its proximate carcinogenic metabolite alpha-hydroxytamoxifen. One month after the last treatment, the mutant frequency in the lacI transgene was determined in the liver and uterus. For comparison, the mutant frequency in the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (Hprt) gene of spleen lymphocytes was also measured. In the liver, tamoxifen (32+/-18 mutants/10(6) plaques; mean+/-SD) and alpha-hydroxytamoxifen (770+/-270 mutants/10(6) plaques) caused a significant increase in the mutant frequency of the lacI gene compared to solvent treated controls (10+/-10 mutants/10(6) plaques). 32P-Postlabeling analyses of liver DNA indicated three DNA adducts, one each from tamoxifen, N-desmethyltamoxifen, and N,N-didesmethyltamoxifen. Neither tamoxifen nor alpha-hydroxytamoxifen caused an increase in the mutant frequency in the lacI gene of the uterus or in the Hprt gene of spleen lymphocytes. These results suggest that induction of endometrial tumors in rats is not due to the genotoxicity of tamoxifen. 相似文献
T A Dragani B Peissel N Zanesi A Aloisi Y Dai M Kato H Suzuki I Nakashima 《Japanese journal of cancer research》2000,91(11):1142-1147
Transgenic mice carrying the RET oncogene under the control of the metallothionein promoter exhibit severe pigmentation of the whole skin and melanocytic tumors. The genetic background influences melanoma development in RET mice; founder mice crossed with BALB/c mice show decreased incidence and increased latency of melanocytic tumors, whereas progeny of C57BL/6 mice show the opposite effect. Using partially congenic RET mice on a C57BL/6 genetic background (N3/RET mice), we studied genetic linkage in (N3/RETxBALB/c)xN3/RET backcross mice. We mapped three melanoma modifier loci, on chromosome 1 (Melm1 and Melm2) and chromosome 11 (Melm3), that are linked with early melanoma incidence and latency. Mapping of Melm loci and of five additional regions on chromosomes 6, 8, 9, 12, and 13 indicated allelic imbalance in N3/RET mice, with a significant excess of BALB/c alleles, suggesting the presence of additional putative melanoma modifier loci on these chromosomes. 相似文献
Scott Ackler Shakeel Ahmad Christopher Tobias Michael D Johnson Robert I Glazer 《Oncogene》2002,21(2):198-206
AKT1/protein kinase Balpha is a protein-serine/threonine kinase that regulates multiple targets involved in cell survival and cell cycle progression in a variety of cell types including breast cancer cells. To explore the role of Akt1 in mammary gland function and tumorigenesis, transgenic mice were generated that express human AKT1 under the control of the MMTV promoter. Virgin transgenic mice did not exhibit a dominant phenotype, but upon cessation of lactation, a notable delay in involution occurred compared to age-matched non-transgenic mice. The delay in involution coincided with increased hyperplasia as evidenced by an increased number of binucleated epithelial cells and a marked elevation in cyclin D1 expression in mammary epithelium. The delayed involution phenotype corresponded to increased phosphorylation of Thr308 in AKT1 and Ser136 in BAD, but not phosphorylation of Ser21 in GSK-3alpha. There was no evidence of mammary dysplasia or neoplasia during the lifespan of multiparous transgenic mice. These data suggest that AKT1 is involved in cell survival in the lactating and involuting mammary gland, but that overexpression of AKT1 alone is insufficient to induce transformation. 相似文献
The conversion of a normal cell into a metastatic tumor is thought to occur in a stepwise progression of genetic changes that affect both growth control and interactions with the extracellular environment. The development of invasiveness allows tumor cells to escape from their primary site. We have investigated transgenic mice that develop both invasive intestinal neuroendocrine tumors and noninvasive tumors of the pancreatic beta-cells. Visual inspection and gene expression studies indicate that the beta-cell tumors rarely metastasize. In contrast, intestinal tumors that first appear in submucosal areas metastasize with high frequency to the lymph nodes and liver. No evidence of preneoplastic mucosal lesions was seen in the intestine, indicating that invasiveness is acquired early in the tumorigenic progression of these cells. Comparison of intestinal and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in transgenic mice suggests that an early requirement for invasiveness may contribute to metastatic potential. 相似文献
N Anzai T Taniyama N Nakandakari C Sugiyama T Negishi H Hayatsu K Negishi 《Japanese journal of cancer research》2001,92(8):848-853
We have studied the inhibitory effect of chlorophyllin-chitosan (Chl-Chi) complex, an insoluble form of chlorophyllin, on the DNA adduct formation and mutagenesis by a heterocyclic food mutagen-carcinogen, 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2), in mice carrying the E. coli rpsL gene as a mutagenesis reporter. Upon administration of a diet containing 0.002% or 0.01% Trp-P-2, DNA adducts were formed in various tissues in a dose-dependent manner, with the maximum level observed in the liver. Addition of 3% Chl-Chi to the diet reduced the Trp-P-2 adduct by up to 90%. The rpsL mutant frequencies increased significantly in both the liver and spleen upon administration of a 0.01% Trp-P-2 diet. Addition of Chl-Chi to the diet decreased these induced mutant frequencies to the background level. No harmful effect of Chl-Chi was detected during these experiments. The results show that Chl-Chi may be a candidate chemopreventive agent against the genotoxic action of Trp-P-2, and possibly also other aromatic carcinogens in the diet. 相似文献
Mammary tumor development in MMTV-c-myc/MMTV-v-Ha-ras transgenic mice is unaffected by osteopontin deficiency 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Kahán Z Varga JL Schally AV Rékási Z Armatis P Chatzistamou L Czömpöly T Halmos G 《Breast cancer research and treatment》2000,62(1):71-79
Transgenic mice expressing c-myc and v-Ha-ras specifically in the mammary gland under the control of the mammary specific promoter MMTV develop unifocal mammary tumors with a half time of about 46 days, and these tumors express high levels of osteopontin mRNA and protein. In order to evaluate the requirement for osteopontin expression by these tumors, we have crossed transgenic mice expressing these two oncogenes with mice with a targeted disruption of the osteopontin gene. Littermates expressing both myc and ras, and with either wild-type or disrupted OPN alleles were evaluated for tumor incidence and growth rate. Both of these parameters were found to be unaffected by a lack of osteopontin in the whole animal. Ras and myc expression level, measured at the level of mRNA, was not different in tumors of the two genotypes. Macrophage accumulation, while extremely variable among different tumors, did not correlate with the OPN status of the animals. Expression of the related gene BSP was not detected in any of the tumors, and was similar in bones of wildtype and OPN –/– mice. Similarly, the vitronectin gene was expressed at very low levels in tumors of either genotype. These results indicate that despite its high level of expression, OPN is either not required for mammary primary tumor formation and growth in this system, or can be replaced by molecules other than BSP and vitronectin in mice that totally lack osteopontin. 相似文献
Oncogene-induced liver neoplasia in transgenic mice 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
Models of hepatocarcinogenesis were generated by directing the expression of SV40 T-antigens, an oncogenic mutant of c-H-ras, or c-myc to the liver of transgenic mice using the albumin enhancer/promoter. The majority of mice carrying the ras transgene (group A) were born with enlarged livers and atypical hepatic architecture, and these all died within several days of birth. The remaining ras transgenic mice (group B) had lower levels of hepatic ras expression, exhibited mild hepatic dysplasia but no liver enlargement, and all ultimately died from development of lung tumors. In contrast, the livers of mice expressing T-antigens were relatively normal at birth, by one month displayed marked dysplasia, and by three to seven months developed multiple nodular adenomas and carcinomas. Myc expression caused mild to severe hepatic dysplasia in young mice, and focal hepatic adenomas in some mice over fifteen months of age. Lines of mice expressing ras (group B), T-antigen, or myc were established and crossed with each other to generate dual transgenic mice expressing oncogene pairs. Each combination resulted in accelerated tumor development, suggesting that these oncoproteins can cooperate with one another during multistep hepatic transformation. 相似文献
Evidence for in vivo non-mutagenicity of the carcinogen hydrazine sulfate in target tissues of lacZ transgenic mice 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Transgenic mouse models permit the confirmation of in vitromutagenicity in vivo without the constraints in the selectionof tissues imposed by other in vivo assays. This feature isof particular importance in the determination of mutagenicityin the target tissues of carcinogens, especially those thatare in vitro mutagens. Such information is critical in the determinationof whether a chemical is carcinogenic via a genotoxic or non-genotoxicmechanism. Hydrazine sulfate is an in vitro mutagen that induceslung and liver tumours in mice. Transgenic mice from strain40.6 (MutaTMmouse) were administered single oral doses up toa toxic concentration (400 mg/kg). No dose induced any lacZmutations in lung, liver or bone marrow. Since the highest singledose used is higher than the cumulative dose that induced tumoursin previous studies, it may be that either hydrazine sulfateis genotoxic in target tissues in vivo only when given in multipledoses or that it is a nongenotoxic carcinogen. 相似文献
Colitis-associated colon tumorigenesis is suppressed in transgenic mice rich in endogenous n-3 fatty acids 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Nowak J Weylandt KH Habbel P Wang J Dignass A Glickman JN Kang JX 《Carcinogenesis》2007,28(9):1991-1995
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in USA. Anti-inflammatory drugs were shown to be effective in the prevention of CRC, supporting a link between inflammation and tumorigenesis in the colon. However, due to their side effects, long-term administration of these drugs for CRC prevention is not feasible. An increased tissue content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) can dampen colon inflammation in animals as well as in humans. Whether increasing colon tissue n-3 PUFA alone is effective in preventing colon tumorigenesis remains to be investigated. Here we show that endogenously increased tissue levels of n-3 PUFA in the fat-1 transgenic mouse model lower incidence and growth rate of colon tumors induced by inflammation (dextrane sodium sulfate) plus treatment with carcinogen (azoxymethane). This was accompanied by lower activity of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB), higher expression of transforming growth factor beta in the colons and lower expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in the tumors of fat-1 animals. Our data provide new insight into the mechanism by which n-3 PUFA suppresses tumorigenesis through dampening of inflammation and NF-kappaB activity. These results support a protective role of n-3 PUFA supplementation in the prevention of CRC. 相似文献
The major constituents of isoflavones, daidzein (DZ) and genistein (GE) are known to interact with the alpha and beta estrogen receptors (ERalpha/beta) in several tissues including mammary. In this study, we used ovariectomy (OVX) to model menopause and determined the effects of DZ, GE or 17beta-estradiol (E2) exposures on chemically induced mutagenesis and carcinogenesis in the mammary glands of female Big Blue (BB) transgenic rats. The rats were fed control diet containing the isoflavones and E2 and treated with a single oral dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) at PND 50. Animals were sacrificed at 16 or 20 weeks post-carcinogen treatment to assess mutant frequencies (MFs) and histopathological parameters, respectively. The isoflavones or E2 supplementation alone resulted in modest increases in the lacI MF that were not significantly different from the MFs measured in rats fed the control diet alone. DMBA exposure, however, induced significant increases in the lacI MFs in the mammary of both OVX and ovary intact (INT) rats and Hprt MFs in spleen lymphocytes (P相似文献