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目的:研制新型野战简易撮片装置,解决野战X线机三脚架功能受限的问题。方法:连接直径分别为4cm和5cm圆形镀铬无缝钢管,构成C型臂、T型底座结构。结果:新型野战简易撮片装置,可对野战及平时各种体位患者进行投照;焦片距完全符合一般撮片要求;操作灵活自如;选材高档,坚固耐用;结构合理,稳固可靠。结论:新型野战简易撮片装置符合野战及平时需要。  相似文献   

提高野战手术灯的性能及其存储效益   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李传军  谢迅雷  滕越 《医疗卫生装备》2010,31(8):108-108,114
分析了WYD2000型野战手术灯的使用现状,提出了灯柱电路的故障与解决方法,对如何使用蓄电池、改进手术灯电路进行了简单的介绍,提高了野战手术灯的质量和存储效益,降低了故障率。  相似文献   

目的:观察WCY-2002-2/40型野战手术车在海拔4 400 m高原地区的使用情况 方法:通过在海拔4 400 m高原地区训练和实际使用,观察记录野战手术车的连续行程、爬坡能力、涉水能力、平均油耗、最大车速以及车内设备的使用情况结果:该车整体性能良好,机动能力好,便于在高寒山地地区展开与撤收.结论:WCY-2002-2/40型野战手术能够满足海拔4 400 m高原高寒地区野战或应急卫勤保障需要.  相似文献   

胡海宏  石冬  刘志 《医疗卫生装备》2011,32(12):150-150
XCY2002-1/200型野战X线诊断车适用于野战医疗所进行野外常规X线摄影和透视检查,但其传统的屏-片成像方式制约了数字化野战医疗所的建设.为适应野战医疗所数字化建设,我院将野战X线诊断车的屏-片摄影系统改造成DR,实现了野战X线检查的数字化.1改造方法1 1探测器的选用及固定方法经过考查论证,我们选择抗振性能好、对环境温度要求不高的NAOMI公司生产的多重CCD数字X线照相NAOMI-1002;制作一个探测器固定架,其一端与CCD探测器背面固定,另一端与X线机U臂固定,U臂的固定方式与原有影像增强器固定方式一样,采用锁扣式固定.  相似文献   

浅谈野战医疗所卫生装备平战结合使用管理   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的:探讨野战医疗所的卫生装备平战结合使用管理。方法:将野战医疗所的卫生装备下发到科室,专人管理、专人负责。结果:野战医疗所卫生装备通过平战结合使用管理,提高了野战医疗所人员对装备的使用、保养和维护能力:结论:这种管理方法能够提高野战医疗所的救治能力,适用于野战医疗所卫生装备管理使用?  相似文献   

XCY2002-1/200野战X线诊断车是我军近几年为应急保障分队配发的多功能野战X线诊断系统.该车配备S2001型西门子车载高频X线机,WYS2002-96/22型野战洗片机,S2001-WZ6.0型车载X线影像信息处理系统[1],供野战分队训练、考核、体检、驻训及战时使用.  相似文献   

介绍了方舱型野战医疗队重伤急救病房单元内部配置现状及管理存在的不足,阐述了将“5S”管理模式应用于重伤急救病房单元内部管理的具体实施方法,指出了将“5S”管理模式应用于方舱型野战医疗队重伤急救病房单元内部管理可以改进病房单元内部分区布局、优化救治工作流程、节约救治时间、提升医护人员素养,从而提高战创伤救治质量和卫勤保障效能。  相似文献   

军队医院野战医疗所的建设过程头绪繁多,任务艰巨。本文运用系统论方法重点阐述了野战医疗所具备的系统属性,并具体分析了野战医疗所的整体性、联系与制约性、有序性和目的性、动态性、最优化等特点,并根据其系统属性和特点,阐明了将系统论方法应用于野战医疗所建设的意义。  相似文献   

目的:不断提高野战条件下输血救治的工作效率和安全服务质量。方法:采用低密度聚乙烯或玻璃钢材料,选择聚氨酯泡沫塑料为保温层,选择微孔双通路输血管路U型加热方式,采用低温生物化学等方法。结果:多功能野战血液加温装置,不需要电源,体积小、易携带、机动性强。冷热水注入方式进行温度调节。结论:多功能野战血液加温装置的功能先进,使用方便,具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:确定野战卫勤作业平台的功能结构与战技指标。方法:运用系统分析方法对野战卫勤作业平台从战时卫勤作业信息、功能、环境和结构等4方面进行系统分析。结果:提出了野战卫勤作业平台的功能与结构形式,以及主要战技指标。结论:野战卫勤作业平台需求分析为研制野战卫勤作业平台提供了依据,它的研制成功将大大提高军队野战条件下的信息化作业能力。  相似文献   

通过对全国主要医用汽车改装企业生产、专业标准制定情况和急救单位(全国省市120急救中心)救护车配置状况的调查分析,并结合西方国家救护车配置标准,从国内医疗机构数量、救护车的配置概况、救护车厂家品牌种类型号总量、国外救护车的前沿技术性能及应用等方面,论述了国内救护车产业的发展、医疗机构对救护车的需求、影响国内救护车产业发展因素与存在的问题,同时提出了若干建议与对策。  相似文献   

目的探讨高压蒸汽灭菌物品对不同包装材料和不同存放条件的有效期。方法对医院供应室无菌物品存放间和全院临床科治疗室、换药室、护理柜、急救车内存放的压力蒸汽灭菌物品,采用A、B、C、D法进行无菌试验观察。结果夏季在供应室无菌物品存放间以A、B法存放14 d,C法存放7个月,D法存放8个月无细菌生长,全院临床科治疗室、换药室、护理柜、急救车内压力蒸汽汽灭菌物品以A、B法存放11 d,C法存放6个月,D法存放7个月无细菌生长。结论通过对压力蒸汽灭菌物品的有效期的质控管理,保证了无菌物品安全有效期的合理使用,达到了控制医院感染。  相似文献   

BackgroundAmbulance accidents are an unfortunate indirect result of ambulance emergency calls, which create hazardous environments for personnel, patients, and bystanders. However, in European German-speaking countries, factors contributing to ambulance accidents have not been optimally researched and analyzed.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to extract, analyze, and compare data from online newspaper articles on ambulance accidents for Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. We hope to highlight future strategies to offset the deficit in research data and official registers for prevention of ambulance and emergency vehicle accidents.MethodsAmbulance accident data were collected from Austrian, German, and Swiss free web-based daily newspapers, as listed in Wikipedia, for the period between January 2014 and January 2019. All included newspapers were searched for articles reporting ambulance accidents using German terms representing “ambulance” and “ambulance accident.” Characteristics of the accidents were compiled and analyzed. Only ground ambulance accidents were covered.ResultsIn Germany, a total of 597 ambulance accidents were recorded, corresponding to 0.719 (95% CI 0.663-0.779) per 100,000 inhabitants; 453 of these accidents left 1170 people injured, corresponding to 1.409 (95% CI 1.330-1.492) per 100,000 inhabitants, and 28 of these accidents caused 31 fatalities, corresponding to 0.037 (95% CI 0.025-0.053) per 100,000 inhabitants. In Austria, a total of 62 ambulance accidents were recorded, corresponding to 0.698 (95% CI 0.535-0.894) per 100,000 inhabitants; 47 of these accidents left 115 people injured, corresponding to 1.294 (95% CI 1.068-1.553) per 100,000 inhabitants, and 6 of these accidents caused 7 fatalities, corresponding to 0.079 (95% CI 0.032-0.162) per 100,000 inhabitants. In Switzerland, a total of 25 ambulance accidents were recorded, corresponding to 0.293 (95% CI 0.189-0.432) per 100,000 inhabitants; 11 of these accidents left 18 people injured, corresponding to 0.211(95% CI 0.113-0.308) per 100,000 inhabitants. There were no fatalities. In each of the three countries, the majority of the accidents involved another car (77%-81%). In Germany and Switzerland, most accidents occurred at an intersection. In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, 38.7%, 26%, and 4%, respectively, of ambulance accidents occurred at intersections for which the ambulance had a red light (P<.001). In all three countries, most of the casualties were staff and not uncommonly a third party. Most accidents took place on weekdays and during the daytime. Ambulance accidents were evenly distributed across the four seasons. The direction of travel was reported in 28%-37% of the accidents and the patient was in the ambulance approximately 50% of the time in all countries. The cause of the ambulance accidents was reported to be the ambulance itself in 125 (48.1% of accidents where the cause was reported), 22 (42%), and 8 (40%) accidents in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, respectively (P=.02), and another vehicle in 118 (45.4%), 29 (56%), and 9 (45%) accidents, respectively (P<.001). A total of 292 accidents occurred while blue lights and sirens were used, which caused 3 deaths and 577 injuries.ConclusionsThis study draws attention to much needed auxiliary sources of data that may allow for creation of a contemporary registry of all ambulance accidents in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. To improve risk management and set European standards, it should be mandatory to collect standardized goal-directed and representative information using various sources (including the wide range presented by the press and social media), which should then be made available for audit, analysis, and research.  相似文献   

The emergency vehicle location problem to determine the number of ambulance vehicles and their locations satisfying a required reliability level is investigated in this study. This is a complex nonlinear issue involving critical decision making that has inherent stochastic characteristics. This paper studies an iterative optimization algorithm with parameter estimation to solve the emergency vehicle location problem. In the suggested algorithm, a linear model determines the locations of ambulances, while a hypercube simulation is used to estimate and provide parameters regarding ambulance locations. First, we suggest an iterative hypercube optimization algorithm in which interaction parameters and rules for the hypercube and optimization are identified. The interaction rules employed in this study enable our algorithm to always find the locations of ambulances satisfying the reliability requirement. We also propose an iterative simulation optimization algorithm in which the hypercube method is replaced by a simulation, to achieve computational efficiency. The computational experiments show that the iterative simulation optimization algorithm performs equivalently to the iterative hypercube optimization. The suggested algorithms are found to outperform existing algorithms suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

介绍了院前急救系统设计开发及应用的背景和重要性,阐述了系统的建设目标和应用功能,并结合医院应用实例分析了实际效果。认为急救系统是医院信息化、数字化建设中不可缺少的重要环节。  相似文献   

We developed a mobile teleconsultation system based on third-generation mobile phone links. The system comprised a laptop computer and a digital camcorder. It was installed inside an ambulance to allow video-conferencing between the moving vehicle and a doctor at a base station. In addition to video and voice, high-quality still images could also be transmitted. A series of 17 trial runs with real ambulance patients was conducted in the city of Athens. In general, the videoconferencing sessions produced relatively clear video. The bandwidth was high enough for a satisfactory video of 10-15 frames/s. During a total testing period of 23 h and in an area of about 180 km2, there were nine instances of signal loss, amounting to a total of 17 min. The general opinion formed by the doctors was that the system produced good results. All initial diagnoses made using the system agreed with the final diagnoses of the patients. The study showed that the mobile system could reduce the time before an ambulance patient is seen by a doctor.  相似文献   

野战心理咨询治疗车的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:通过对民用客车的改装,研制能够在野战条件下为我军飞行员提供心理卫勤保障的心理咨询治疗车。方法:对28座MQ6798型金龙客车内部结构进行改造,安装相关心理干预设备,制订心理干预预案,广泛参与军事演习、部队的心理卫生宣教和突发灾难事件的实战.针对验证结果修正野战心理咨询治疗车的内设和心理干预预案。结果:野战心理咨询治疗车主要包括前舱、后舱、储藏室和心理检测及心理干预设备,构成了战时心理障碍救治和信息交换平台,平时官兵心理卫生知识普及和军事医学心理研究平台.以及灾难性事件、反恐怖、制乱平暴心理危机干预平台。结论:野战心理咨询治疗车适合未来战争环境下开展飞行员心理危机干预工作的需要。  相似文献   

It has been widely demonstrated that it is possible to teach ambulance staffs to carry out the extended trained skills of endotracheal intubation, intravenous infusion and ventricular defilbrillation. So far in England only a few health authorities have been able to develop courses i advanced ambulance aid. Data on the costs of this training in six authorities presently operating such courses were collected, together with the costs of operating vehicles crewed by extended trained staff. Training and operating costs vary according to the different organisation of the training schemes and the way in which the extended trained staff are deployed on operational duties. Total costs vary between 235 pounds and 878 pounds per trained person per year. The experience of different health authorities in the U.K. and in the U.S.A. operating ambulance services with extended trained staff is then examined to try to identify the benefits of reduced mortality and morbidity which accrued from the introduction of the improved service. Most of this experience is concerned with reduced mortality from the treatment of out-of-hospital cardio-pulmonary arrest, and the estimates of the life-saving potential of the service varied from one area to another. The most conservative estimate was that one fully equipped, permanently available vehicle staffed by extended trained personnel would save 3-4 lives per year. Although there is very little evidence available of reduced mortality and morbidity from trauma and other sudden serious illness, some experience indicated a further 1 or 2 lives could be saved per vehicle per year.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:研制一种用于重症伤员或患者在现场救治、转运途中生命支持、院内救治无缝对接的达到ICU病房洁净度的高级重症监护型救护车。方法:根据重症监护型救护车的功能定位要求,研制具有自主知识产权的救护车专用底盘,研发、优选急救设备设施及制氧、净化设备,严格按急救医护流程布局配置3G网络、北斗和卫星通信系统。结果:车辆最高时速125 km/h,可同时满足1名卧姿伤员和3名坐姿伤员的转运、现场救治,图像、数据可适时查询、传输,具有全天候、全覆盖的语音通话,可实现不间断连续供氧,空气洁净程度达10万级。结论:整车性能优良、功能完备,实现了重症伤病员现场救治、转运途中生命支持和院内救治的无缝对接,显著提高了急救医疗装备的水平。  相似文献   

分析了复杂电磁环境所释放的高密度、高强度、多频谱电磁波致使现代数字医疗设备损毁的因素与机理,提出对运载现代数字医疗设备的医疗方舱、医疗船、装甲救护车、卫生列车等运载车船"机房"环境进行电磁防护与屏蔽改造;以国家医用电气设备电磁兼容(EMC)要求和试验标准为最低基本限度值,对国内外现用数字医疗设备的EMC能力进行评估选型,经复杂电磁环境实战测试,形成适宜在复杂电磁环境下的现代数字医疗设备电磁兼容要求和试验的军用标准;指出应把EMC作为技术模块引入数字医疗设备全程全寿命周期进行监管。  相似文献   

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