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l.Cubltalin。elsynd。e:antenort。p兀ltlon。capholunatelute。s。usllpent:ahi。hhcalstudyasalOgicalappro。htocOInp,iene。edecomp。sion尺附骨间韧带自体移植重建舟月骨间韧带的生物力学神经前移术是治疗肘管综合征的一种理想方法。分析。2.C讪ltaltu。elsynd。加s——Ietlllfret。。-12.Quantl—Ive。sess。ntdthe。dc叫沏shiftpositionOf*thetri*一ulnarnerve治疗肘管综合征无须行尺test腕骨间活动试验的定量分析。神经前移术。13.Scaphoidhturedisp。。ntwithfore删o-3.H。dt。splantatlon:pertinentdataandfuturetatlonIn…  相似文献   

一、对象:内蒙古赤峰地区1149例已婚正常男性。拟法,阴茎长度用量尺测量,阴茎周径于冠状沟上1.Ocm处用软尺测量。二、测量工具:皋丸体积用皋丸模型比:、结果:组别例数阴茎自然长度cm阴茎自然周长cm阴茎长度勃起L】‘1阴茎勃起周长cln左攀丸容积Inl右辜丸容积ml20~30~40~664319 27X9。369。309。56S1。011。161。25X8。298。298。22SO。7生0。77O。6么X12。7012。5712。81 S1。271。511。44X 5 X 5 XS10.900。97 20。38 4.23即。654。0810。873一91 20。145。犯20。664。6710。700。90 21。07 5.14 21。37 4.82汉族蒙族回族满族1010 96…  相似文献   

患者女性,37岁。于6年前出现左上腹隐痛不适。伴有低热、乏力。无盗汁。曾多次在外院诊断为“脾肿瘤”。既往无结核病史。查体:体温37.5℃。呈轻度贫血貌。全身浅表淋巴结不肿大。肝肋缘下未  相似文献   

目的 介绍应用颈外静脉移植修复重建股动脉的临床效果。方法 2002年6月~2006年4月。对22例因注射毒品所致的假性股动脉瘤手术切除后致股动脉缺损患者。应用颈外静脉移植修复晕建。其中男20例。女2例;年龄25~46岁,平均31.2岁。股动脉缺损5~9cm。平均6.8cm。左侧14例。右侧8例。结果 术后伤口Ⅰ期愈合10例,Ⅱ期愈合4例。余8例伤口裂开并溃疡形成。二次手术行局部皮瓣移位修复,创面愈合。除1例因吻合口破裂出血而最终结扎股动脉外。其余均成功重建股动脉缺损。足背动脉均可扪及搏动。18例获1~30个月随访。动脉瘤无复发。12例复查彩色多普勒显示移植的颈外静脉已动脉化,并替代原缺损股动脉。结论 颈外静脉解剖恒定且表浅。切取容易。口径接近于股动脉,可作为自体静脉移植材料修复重建股动脉。手术操作简便。疗效确切。有一定的临床府用价值。  相似文献   

病例1女,足月顺产。出生时有窒息。出生后第3天出现腹胀。呕吐胃内容物,无咖啡样物,第4天转入我院。查体:T36.7℃。P110次/分,R50次/分。体重3.5kg。腹胀明显。肠鸣弱。其余(-)。B超检查示中等量腹水,腹部X线平片示腹腔积气。以“腹腔脏器穿孔并急性弥漫性腹膜炎”及“新生儿窒息”在全麻插管下行急诊剖腹探查术。术中见胃窦后壁有一直径为0.4cm的穿孔。行局部修补、腹腔引流。术后送ICU病房。治愈出院。术后诊断:应激性溃疡穿孔并急性弥漫性腹膜炎。  相似文献   

回l、。厂-回工——、、叫。 TAT彼动免疫后发生破伤风2例报告。陶逸弊等 。Igs辽,”a:t,d7了;。;、。上。。、。 创伤骨折并发眼脂肪翰塞6锨疽..例报告、)琢耿 ;1988;3。86、-1一。L。,-。-。一。 犬股骨骨折局部和血浆纤维结合素变化的实验研 一 般 问 题 究.孙庆斌等1986;,1t39-.骨汤国定的基本原则、屠开元1986;1.丑 猪骨形态形成蛋白《BMp).的实验研究.金大地,。、。—。;——。;;。。。。。、;。___。、;.、。。。区伯平!987;2:二og。努力加赐创伤骨科临床与基础研究 陆裕朴1987,—*—一川。H一—。 2。4”.釉骨蛋白(SBMR)诱导…  相似文献   

九月。正是肌肤换季时。每每此刻总会有各种肌肤问题接踵而来。让我们误以为是娇嫩的皮肤禁不住季节的变换而发出了反抗的信号。可是。专家却告诉我们。事实并非如此。当肌肤中的毒素累积过多时。就容易在季节交替时显现出来。而夏末秋初正是我们排除体内毒素的最佳时机!  相似文献   

一、对象:22~33岁健康成人1000名。二、测量工具:辽宁省医疗器械研究所z卜产的皮褶计,测定翠丸长、宽、厚径。三、结果X士SD(em)攀丸侧别长径a宽径b厚径c4。2547士0。37254。0498士0。33792。G591上0.2另282。4396士0 .20362。133选士0。18882。0213士0。1707右左采用皮褶计对睾丸的测量@张义华$武汉市青山区妇幼保健所~~  相似文献   

林勇  庄淑萍  郝军 《腹部外科》2008,21(2):95-95
病人:男性,24岁。因上腹部疼痛不适3个月而入院。病人既往有糖尿病病史3年,服用盐酸二甲双胍片降糖。入院体检:BP120/80mmHg。消瘦貌,巩膜无黄染。心、肺无异常。腹平坦,中上腹部压痛,无反跳痛。肝、脾、肾(-)。彩色超声检查示:主胰管近端结石并重度扩张。血糖值14.9mmol/L。入  相似文献   

《多媒体电子病历系统》是用数据库语言VISUALFOXPRO 6 .0中文版做成的。它主要分为两部分。一是,多媒体处理部分。二是病历表格处理部分。  一、多媒体处理部分:它包括1.浏览图片部分。用VFP作的“表单”。它的功能类假于ACDESS等图片浏览器。2 .音频和视频部分。它也是用VFP作的“表单”。它的功能类似于超级解霸等播放器。  二、病历表格处理部分:此部分由三大块组成。1.病历单。它是用VFP作的“数据表”。它是诊疗过程中的各种数据的详实记录。例如挂号单,门诊费用,急诊治疗单,检验报告单,手术记录单,病案资料单等。2 .…  相似文献   

了解可切削生物活性玻璃陶瓷 (MBGC)的潜在致突变性。方法 采用微核试验。按照有关规定制备MBGC材料浸提液 ,将浸提液和阴性、阳性对照液分别注入各实验组小白鼠的静脉内 ,于第 2次注射后 6h取其骨髓涂片 ,双盲法观察骨髓嗜多染红细胞内的微核发生率。结果 MBGC浸提液的微核率分别为 (2 .4 1.7)‰和 (2 .2 1.3)‰ ,与阴性对照组生理盐水 (2 .6 0 .9)‰无显著性差异。结论 该材料未见潜在致突变性。  相似文献   

将可切削生物活性玻璃陶瓷(MBGC)应用于颌面畸形患者36例,获得满意效果。就该材料的特性和临床应用体会进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of prophylaxis of thromboembolism either by acetyl-salicylic-acid (ASA) 0.5g+dihydroergotamin (DHE) 2.5 mg three times a day or by Heparin 5000 IU+0.5 mg DHE (HDHE) three times a day was compared in 404 patients, elder than 55 years, with fractures close by the hip joint. Effectiveness was proved daily clinical controls, perfusion scintigraphy on the day after admission, the fourth postoperative day and the day before discharge and by autopsy of the died patients. Clinical manifest thrombosis were seen on the operated legs in the HDHE-group in 7.6% of the patients in ASA-DHE-group in 15.6%, on the not operated leg under prophylaxis by HDHE in 3.8%, by ASA-DHE in 4.1% of the patients. Increased postoperative bleeding could be found under HDHE in 16.1% of the patients, under ASA-DHE in 9.3% of the patients, wound haematoma in 9.5% under HDHE and in 5.7% of the patients of the ASA-DHE-group. Superficial wound infections occurred under HDHE in 8.1%, under ASA-DHE in 5.7% of the patients, deep infections under HDHE in 0.5% and under ASA-DHE in 1.6% of the patients. Gastrointestinal bleeding under HDHE in 0.5% of the cases and under ASA-DHE in 3.1% of the cases Prophylaxis had to be discharged in 7.6% of the patients of the HDHE-group and of 19.7% of the ASA-DHE-group. Pathologic perfusion scars sould be found in 54.0% of the patients of the HDHE-group and in 54.9% of the ASA-DHE-group. Pulmonal perfusion became worse despite of prophylaxis by HDHE in 15.6% of the cases and despite prophylaxis with ASA-DHE in 17.6%. Pulmonal perfusion became better under HDHE in 11.9% and under ASA-DHE in 12.4% of the cases. The mortality was 9.7%. Fatal thromboembolism occurred under HDHE in three patients (1.4%) and under ASA-DHE in three patients too 6.25% of the patients without any significant difference between the two groups of prophylaxis. Fatal gastrointestinal  相似文献   

In the 8 cases here reported (Table II), the average age was thirty-two years; youngest twenty years, oldest forty-six years. The nodular type was present in 7, the sclerosing type in one. The left breast was involved in 4, the right in 4. The upper outer quadrant alone was the seat of disease in 2, the inner lower quadrant alone in one, the outer lower quadrant alone in 2, the inner lower quadrant in one, and the outer lower and outer upper quadrants together in 2. The tuberculous mass was fixed in all 8 cases. The overlying skin was attached to the mass in 7 cases and not attached in one case. Pig-skin appearance was present in 6, including the mixed case (II) of carcinoma and tuberculosis, and not present in 2. Retraction of the nipple was present in 5 and not in 3. No case gave a history of discharge from the nipple. The breast was fixed to the chest wall in 5 cases and not so in 3 cases. A sinus was present in 4 cases and absent in 4. Axillary nodes were palpable in 7 cases. Clinical evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere in the body was present in only one case of the 8. The initial symptom was a lump in 6 cases, painful in 2 and not painful in 4 cases of the 6. An acute abscess was the initial symptom in 2 of the 8 cases. Only one case gave a positive past history of tuberculosis and possibly one other (V) who reported adenitis of neck nine years previously. Family history was negative in all cases. Only one case gave a history (VIII) of previous acute inflammation of breast. Five of the 8 cases gave a history of lactation, 6 of the 8 of pregnancy and 2 had never been pregnant. The shortest time from onset to admission to hospital was four weeks: the longest time one and onehalf years. The Wassermann reaction was positive in 3 cases, negative in 4, not recorded in one. The clinical diagnosis was tuberculosis in 2, carcinoma in 6. Tubercle bacilli were demonstrated in none. The diagnosis of tuberculosis of the breast was made by microscopic study of the tissues in all 8 cases. Six of the 8 patients were reported living and well; 1 eight years, 1 four years, 1 two years, and 3 one year each, after the operation. One patient died of shock within twenty-four hours after operation and one (II) died of metastatic cancer fifteen months after operation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of Barrett's esophagus (BE) and Barrett's associated adenocarcinoma (BAA) in the rat after experimental inducement of esophageal reflux of gastric, bile, and pancreatic juice has been reported by others. The purpose of this study was to determine whether similar results could be demonstrated in the mouse model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred eight Swiss-Webster mice were used in this study and were divided into three groups: Group I, 37 mice with esophagojejunostomy; Group II, 39 mice with esophagojejunostomy and the carcinogen N-methyl-N-benzylnitrosamine (MBN); and Group III, 32 mice with MBN alone. The animals were sacrificed after 19 weeks. Macroscopic and histopathologic examinations were performed. RESULTS: One hundred mice survived and were available for pathologic study. Macroscopic evidence suggested esophagitis in 60.6% of mice in Group I, 62.8% of mice in Group II, and 9% of mice in Group III and suggested tumor in 3% of mice in Group I, 51.4% of mice in Group II, and 53.1% of mice in Group III. Histopathologic analysis disclosed BE in 42.4% of mice in Group I, 20% of mice in Group II, and 12.5% of mice in Group III. Cancer was present in 12.2% of mice in Group I, 54.3% of mice in Group II, and 46.9% of mice in Group III. Adenocarcinoma with or without squamous cell carcinoma was present in 6.1% of mice in Group I, 37.1% of mice in Group II, and 12.5% of mice in Group III. CONCLUSIONS: Esophagojejunostomy plus MBN in the mouse results in BE, BAA, or both in 57.1% of animals, consistent with findings in the rat model after similar interventions.  相似文献   

Early manifestation of nephropathy in rats with arterial calcinosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In vascular smooth muscle, calcium overload is a highly pathogenic event, which increases with advancing age. An increase in the calcium content of arterial wall may be produced in rats by treatment with vitamin D3. The aim of this study was to evaluate the renal clearance of sulfanilamide (a model organic anion, preferentially eliminated by the kidneys) and other parameters of global renal function in rats with arterial calcinosis. Arterial calcinosis was produced in adult rats by means of a single dose of vitamin D3 (300,000 UI/kg bw, i.m.) 5 days before the experiment. Treated rats showed a large increase in calcium content of aortic tissue and an increase in systolic arterial pressure. No modifications were observed in plasma calcium levels and in plasma lipid profiles. Statistically significant decrements were observed in renal clearance of sulfanilamide, in renal blood flow, in fractional excretion of sodium and potassium. A slight decrease, not statistically different, was observed in the glomerular filtration rate. Rats with arterial calcinosis also showed an increment of total calcium levels in renal tissue, in fractional excretion of calcium and in the expression of organic anion transporter 1 (OAT1). Histological studies revealed tubular alterations. In summary, modifications in hemodynamics and tubular parameters are early manifestations of nephropathy in rats with arterial calcinosis, some of which may account for the changes observed in organic anions renal depuration. It is important to mention that the decrease in clearance of organic anions were seen in spite of the increase in expression of OAT1.  相似文献   

尿路复合性恶性肿瘤(附21例报告)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报告21例尿路复合性恶性肿瘤,位于肾盂2例,膀胱19例。主要临床表现为血尿,绝大多数病人伴有尿路刺激症状。低分化的移行细胞癌(TCC)与继发性复合肿瘤有密切关系。21例中1例为TCC复合肉瘤,11例为TCC复合鳞癌,7例为TCC复合腺癌,2例为腺癌复合鳞癌。本组2例肾盂肿瘤分别行肾输尿管全长加膀胱袖口状切除术和肾部分切除术,术后存活6个月和1年;膀胱肿瘤14例行膀胱部分切除术,已生存3年4例,1年2例,未满1年2例,3例1~2年内死亡,失访3例;2例根治性膀胱全切术已生存5年和3年以上;3例行TURBt,已生存3年1例,15年1例,未满1年1例。对尿路复合性恶性肿瘤的组织学、临床和病理特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The results of surgery in 74 cases of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder are reported. The procedures used were Eden-Hybbinette (E-H) in 48 cases and Putti-Platt (P-P) in 26 cases.

The recurrence rate in the 62 shoulder joints re-examined some 4 years postoperatively was 3/41 in E-H cases and 3/21 in P-P cases. The clinical results were excellent in 46 cases, satisfactory in 11, unsatisfactory in four and poor in one case without notable difference between the methods. A restriction of the outward rotation of more than 10 degrees could be observed in half the cases regardless of method.

Radiographically, the Bankart lesion of the glenoid rim could be observed in two-thirds of the cases and osteoarthrosis of the glenohumeral joint was evident in one tenth. The transplanted bone block used in the E-H reconstruction was still in position in the majority but some degree of resorption could usually be observed. These observations did not correlate with the clinical results.  相似文献   

An artificial air-chamber was produced in White Leghorn chick embryos on the eighth day of incubation. On day twenty, the concentration of calcium in blood and in yolk was found to be lower in the treated embryos than in controls but concentration in bone was similar in both groups. The histological and microradiographic aspect of bone was also similar in both experimental and control embryos. The decrease in the concentration of calcium in blood and in yolk indicates that the experimental procedure succeeded in producing a decrease in calcium intake by the embryo. The fact that bones remained unaffected tends to support the idea that in case of deficient supply of shell calcium, bones can withdraw the calcium they need from the yolk deposit.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The progression of normal prostatic epithelium to androgen-dependent cancer and, eventually, hormone-refractory prostate cancer is a complex process involving many different growth regulatory signals. Activation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been implicated in prostate cancer cell growth. METHODS: This study was undertaken to investigate both amplification of EGFR gene by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and over-expression of EGFR by immunohistochemical staining in prostate tissue from 71 patients treated by hormonal therapy. RESULTS: EGFR gene amplification was present in 1 of 71 tumors, and polysomy of chromosome 7 was present in 24 of 71 tumors. Immunohistochemically, EGFR expression was demonstrable in 57 of 71 tumors. Membranous immunostaining for EGFR was observed in >75% of tumor cells in 11% of cases, in 51-75% of tumor cells in 20% of cases, in 26-50% of tumor cells in 21% of cases, in 11-25% of tumor cells in 21% of cases, and in 1-10% of tumor cells in 7% of cases. No immunostaining for EGFR was seen in 20% of cases. There was no correlation between EGFR protein expression and gene amplification. There was also no correlation between EGFR expression and clinicopathological characteristics or clinical outcome. CONCLUSIONS: We found that EGFR gene expression was detectable in 35% of this large series of hormone-treated prostate cancer, and that EGFR protein is frequently expressed in tissue from these patients. EGFR over-expression may serve as a reasonable target for therapeutic intervention in this otherwise difficult to treat subset of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

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