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Peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBD) are a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorders that affect multiple organ systems. Approximately 80% of PBD patients are classified in the Zellweger syndrome spectrum (PBD‐ZSS). Mutations in the PEX1, PEX6, PEX10, PEX12, or PEX26 genes are found in approximately 90% of PBD‐ZSS patients. Here, we sequenced the coding regions and splice junctions of these five genes in 58 PBD‐ZSS cases previously subjected to targeted sequencing of a limited number of PEX gene exons. In our cohort, 71 unique sequence variants were identified, including 18 novel mutations predicted to disrupt protein function and 2 novel silent variants. We identified 4 patients who had two deleterious mutations in one PEX gene and a third deleterious mutation in a second PEX gene. For two such patients, we conducted cell fusion complementation analyses to identify the defective gene responsible for aberrant peroxisome assembly. Overall, we provide empirical data to estimate the relative fraction of disease‐causing alleles that occur in the coding and splice junction sequences of these five PEX genes and the frequency of cases where mutations occur in multiple PEX genes. This information is beneficial for efforts aimed at establishing rapid and sensitive clinical diagnostics for PBD‐ZSS patients and interpreting the results from these genetic tests. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Diseases of the Zellweger spectrum represent a major subgroup of the peroxisome biogenesis disorders, a group of autosomal-recessive diseases that are characterized by widespread tissue pathology, including neurodegeneration. The Zellweger spectrum represents a clinical continuum, with Zellweger syndrome (ZS) having the most severe phenotype, and neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD) and infantile Refsum disease (IRD) having progressively milder phenotypes. Mutations in the PEX1 gene, which encodes a 143-kDa AAA ATPase protein required for peroxisome biogenesis, are the most common cause of the Zellweger spectrum diseases. The PEX1 mutations identified to date comprise insertions, deletions, nonsense, missense, and splice site mutations. Mutations that produce premature truncation codons (PTCs) are distributed throughout the PEX1 gene, whereas the majority of missense mutations segregate with the two essential AAA domains of the PEX1 protein. Severity at the two ends of the Zellweger spectrum correlates broadly with mutation type and impact (i.e., the severe ZS correlates with PTCs on both alleles, and the milder phenotypes correlate with missense mutations), but exceptions to these general correlations exist. This article provides an overview of the currently known PEX1 mutations, and includes, when necessary, revised mutation nomenclature and genotype-phenotype correlations that may be useful for clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

The peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are a group of neuronal migration/neurodegenerative disorders that arise from defects in PEX genes. A major subgroup of the PBDs includes Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD), and infantile Refsum disease (IRD). These three disorders represent a clinical continuum with Zellweger syndrome the most severe. Mutations in the PEX1 gene, which encodes a protein of the AAA ATPase family involved in peroxisome matrix protein import, account for the genetic defect in more than half of the patients in this PBD subgroup. We report here on the results of PEX1 mutation detection in an Australasian cohort of PEX1-deficient PBD patients. This screen has identified five novel mutations, including nonsense mutations in exons 14 and 19 and single nucleotide deletions in exons 5 and 18. Significantly, the allele carrying the exon 18 frameshift mutation is present at moderately high frequency (approx. 10%) in this patient cohort. The fifth mutation is a missense mutation (R798G) that attenuates, but does not abolish PEX1 function. We have evaluated the cellular impact of these novel mutations, along with that of the two most common PEX1 mutations (c.2097-2098insT and G843D), in PBD patients by determining the levels of PEX1 mRNA, PEX1 protein, and peroxisome protein import. The findings are consistent with a close correlation between cellular phenotype, disease severity, and PEX1 genotype.  相似文献   

Proteins destined for the peroxisomal matrix are targeted by virtue of a peroxisomal targeting sequence type 1 (PTS1) or type 2 (PTS2). In humans, targeting of either class of proteins relies on a cytosolic receptor protein encoded by the PEX5 gene. Alternative splicing of PEX5 results in two protein variants, PEX5S and PEX5L. PEX5S is exclusively involved in PTS1 protein import, whereas PEX5L mediates the import of both PTS1 and PTS2 proteins. Genetic complementation testing with over 500 different fibroblast cell lines from patients diagnosed with a peroxisome biogenesis disorder (PBD) identified 11 cell lines with a defect in PEX5. The aim of this study was to characterize these cell lines at a biochemical and genetic level. To this end, the cultured fibroblasts were analyzed for very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) concentrations, peroxisomal beta-and alpha-oxidation, dihydroxyacetone-phosphate acyltransferase (DHAPAT) activity, peroxisomal thiolase, and catalase immunofluorescence. Mutation analysis of the PEX5 gene revealed 11 different mutations, eight of which are novel. PTS1- and PTS2-protein import capacity was assessed by transfection of the cells with green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagged with either PTS1 or PTS2. Six cell lines showed a defect in both PTS1 and PTS2 protein import, whereas four cell lines only showed a defect in PTS1 protein import. The location of the different mutations within the PEX5 amino acid sequence correlates rather well with the peroxisomal protein import defect observed in the cell lines.  相似文献   

Human genetic peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (PBDs), such as Zellweger syndrome, comprise 13 different complementation groups (CGs). Eleven peroxin genes, termed PEXs, responsible for PBDs have been identified, whereas pathogenic genes for PBDs of 2 CGs, CG-A (the same CG as CG8 in the United States and Europe) and CG6, remained unidentified. We herein provide several lines of novel evidence indicating that PEX6, the pathogenic gene for CG4, is impaired in PBD of CG6. Expression of PEX6 restored peroxisome assembly in fibroblasts from a CG6 PBD patient. This patient was a compound heterozygote for PEX6 gene alleles. Accordingly, by merging CG6 with CG4, human PBDs are now classified into 12 CGs. Received: December 25, 2000 / Accepted: February 5, 2001  相似文献   

The autosomal recessive Zellweger syndrome spectrum (ZSS) disorders comprise a main subgroup of the peroxisome biogenesis disorders and can be caused by mutations in any of 12 different currently identified PEX genes resulting in severe multisystemic disorders. To get insight into the spectrum of PEX gene defects among ZSS disorders and to investigate if additional human PEX genes are required for functional peroxisome biogenesis, we assigned over 600 ZSS fibroblast cell lines to different genetic complementation groups. These fibroblast cell lines were subjected to a complementation assay involving fusion by means of polyethylene glycol or a PEX cDNA transfection assay specifically developed for this purpose. In a majority of the cell lines we subsequently determined the underlying mutations by sequence analysis of the implicated PEX genes. The PEX cDNA transfection assay allows for the rapid identification of PEX genes defective in ZSS patients. The assignment of over 600 fibroblast cell lines to different genetic complementation groups provides the most comprehensive and representative overview of the frequency distribution of the different PEX gene defects. We did not identify any novel genetic complementation group, suggesting that all PEX gene defects resulting in peroxisome deficiency are currently known.  相似文献   

The Zellweger spectrum of disease, encompassing Zellweger syndrome and the progressively milder phenotypes of neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy and infantile Refsum disease, is due to a failure to form functional peroxisomes. Cell fusion complementation studies demonstrated that these diseases are genetically heterogeneous, with two‐thirds of all patients lying within a single complementation group, CG1. Molecular genetic and cell biology studies have shown that PEX1 is deficient in many CG1 patients. However, previous studies have focused on mildly affected patients and there is still no report of two mutant PEX1 alleles in any Zellweger syndrome patient. Furthermore, mutations in the PMP70 gene have also been identified in two Zellweger syndrome patients from CG1, raising the possibility that CG1 patients may represent a mixture of PEX1‐deficient and PMP70‐deficient individuals. To address the molecular basis of disease in Zellweger syndrome patients from CG1, we examined all 24 PEX1 exons in four patients, including both patients that have mutations in PMP70. PEX1 mutations were detected in all four patients, including a 1‐bp insertion (c.2097insT) in exon 13 that was present in three of the four patients. Subsequent studies demonstrated that this mutation is present in one‐half of all CG1 patients and correlates with the Zellweger syndrome phenotype. As this mutation leads to a loss of protein function its frequency makes it the most common cause of Zellweger syndrome, helping to explain the high percentage of patients that belong to CG1. Hum Mutat 14:45–53, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The PEX6 (peroxisome assembly factor‐2, PAF‐2) gene encodes a member of the AAA protein (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) family and restores peroxisome assembly in fibroblasts from peroxisome biogenesis disorder patients belonging to complementation group C (group 4 in the United States). We have now clarified the genomic DNA structure of human PEX6 and identified mutations in patients from various ethnic groups. The human PEX6 gene consists of 17 exons and 16 introns, spanning about 14kb. The largest exon, exon 1, has at least 952 bp nucleotides. Eleven novel mutations (18 alleles) were identified by direct sequencing of the PEX6 cDNA from 10 patients. All these mutations have been confirmed in the corresponding genomic DNA. There was no common mutation, but an exon skip was identified in two unrelated Japanese patients. Most of the mutations led to premature termination or large deletions of the PEX6 protein and resulted in the most severe peroxisome biogenesis disorder phenotype of Zellweger syndrome. A patient with an atypical Zellweger syndrome had a missense mutation that was shown to disrupt the cell's ability to form peroxisomes. This mutation analysis will aid in understanding the functions of the PEX6 protein in peroxisomal biogenesis. Hum Mutat 13:487–496, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs), which comprise Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, and infantile Refsum disease (IRD), represent a spectrum of disease severity, with ZS being the most severe, and IRD the least severe disorder. The PBDs are caused by mutations in one of the at least 12 different PEX genes encoding proteins involved in the biogenesis of peroxisomes. We report the biochemical characteristics and molecular basis of a subset of atypical PBD patients. These patients were characterized by abnormal peroxisomal plasma metabolites, but otherwise normal to very mildly abnormal peroxisomal parameters in cultured skin fibroblasts, including a mosaic catalase immunofluorescence pattern in fibroblasts. Since this latter feature made standard complementation analysis impossible, we developed a novel complementation technique in which fibroblasts were cultured at 40 degrees C, which exacerbates the defect in peroxisome biogenesis. Using this method, we were able to assign eight patients to complementation group 3 (CG3), followed by the identification of a single homozygous c.959C>T (p.S320F) mutation in their PEX12 gene. We also investigated various peroxisomal biochemical parameters in fibroblasts at 30 degrees C, 37 degrees C, and 40 degrees C, and found that all parameters showed a temperature-dependent behavior. The principle of culturing cells at elevated temperatures to exacerbate the defect in peroxisome biogenesis, and thereby preventing certain mutations from being missed, may well have a much wider applicability for a range of different inborn errors of metabolism.  相似文献   

Peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBD) comprise three phenotypes including Zellweger syndrome (ZS) (the most severe), neonatal adrenoleucodystrophy, and infantile Refsum disease (IRD) (the most mild), and can be classified into at least 12 genetic complementation groups, which are not predictive of the phenotypes. Several pathogenic genes for PBD groups have been identified, but the relationship between the defective gene products and phenotypic heterogeneity has remained unclear. We identified a mutation in the PEX2 gene in an IRD patient with compound heterozygosity for a missense mutation and the known nonsense mutation detected in ZS patients. In transfection experiments using the peroxisome deficient CHO mutant, Z65 with a nonsense mutation in the PEX2 gene, we noted the E55K mutation had mosaic activities of peroxisomal protein import machinery and residual activities of peroxisomal functions, including dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase and beta oxidation of very long chain fatty acids. The nonsense mutation severely affects these peroxisomal functions as well as the protein import. These data suggest that allelic heterogeneity of the PEX gene affects the peroxisomal protein import and functions and regulates the clinical severity in PBD.  相似文献   

Peroxisome biogenesis disorders, including Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD) and infantile Refsum disease, are lethal hereditary diseases caused by abnormalities in peroxisomal assembly. To date, 12 genotypes have been identified. We now have evidence that the complete human cDNA encoding Pex13p, an SH3 protein of a docking factor for the peroxisome targeting signal 1 receptor (Pex5p), rescues peroxisomal matrix protein import and its assembly in fibroblasts from PBD patients of complementation group H. In addition, we detected mutations on the human PEX13 cDNA in two patients of group H. A severe phenotype of a ZS patient (H-02) was homozygous for a nonsense mutation, W234ter, which results in the loss of not only the SH3 domain but also the putative transmembrane domain of Pex13p. A more mildly affected NALD patient (H-01), whose fibroblasts showed the temperature-sensitive (TS) phenotype, was homozygous for a missense mutation in the SH3 domain of Pex13p, I326T. This mutant PEX13 cDNA expression in a PEX13-defective CHO mutant showed I326T to be a TS mutation and thus suggested that Pex13p with the I326T mutation in the SH3 domain is stable at 30 degrees C but is somewhat unstable at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

The clinical and cytogenetic data of the first patient proven to belong to the fifth Fanconi anemia complementation group are described. The Turkish boy presented with psychomotoric retardation, growth retardation, retarded bone age, brachycephaly, hypotelorism. epicanthus, syndactyly, brachydactyly, renal dystopia, and cryptorchism. In addition, an asymmetrical skeletal anomaly was seen with a double distal phalanx of the left thumb and hypoplasia of the right thumb. Typical hematological features of the disorder developed, at the age of 2.5 years, about 1 year after diagnosis. Cytogenetic studies confirmed the clinical diagnosis and revealed a spontaneous chromosomal instability and hypersensitivity to the cross-linking agents diepoxybutane and Trenimon. The findings in the patient, who is considered to be the standard for the fifth Fanconi anemia complementation group, are compared with data reported for other patients affected with Fanconi anemia.  相似文献   

A heterozygous deletion of exon 9 in the COL1A2 - mRNA of a patient with symptoms of both the Ehlers - Danlos - Syndrome and the Osteogenesis Imperfecta is described. In the genomic DNA of the patient, exon 9 is homozygously present. We identified a novel heterozygous point mutation in the splice donor site of intron 9, leading to a G→A substitution in position +5. This mutation leads to heterozygous skipping of exon 9 in the COL1A2 - mRNA of this patient. The deletion results in a shortened (by 18 amino acids) but in frame l2(1) chain, which probably leads to the formation of abberantly processed triple helices. Hum Mutat 12:138, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Optic atrophy (OA) and sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) are key abnormalities in several syndromes, including the recessively inherited Wolfram syndrome, caused by mutations in WFS1. In contrast, the association of autosomal dominant OA and SNHL without other phenotypic abnormalities is rare, and almost exclusively attributed to mutations in the Optic Atrophy-1 gene (OPA1), most commonly the p.R445H mutation. We present eight probands and their families from the US, Sweden, and UK with OA and SNHL, whom we analyzed for mutations in OPA1 and WFS1. Among these families, we found three heterozygous missense mutations in WFS1 segregating with OA and SNHL: p.A684V (six families), and two novel mutations, p.G780S and p.D797Y, all involving evolutionarily conserved amino acids and absent from 298 control chromosomes. Importantly, none of these families harbored the OPA1 p.R445H mutation. No mitochondrial DNA deletions were detected in muscle from one p.A684V patient analyzed. Finally, wolframin p.A684V mutant ectopically expressed in HEK cells showed reduced protein levels compared to wild-type wolframin, strongly indicating that the mutation is disease-causing. Our data support OA and SNHL as a phenotype caused by dominant mutations in WFS1 in these additional eight families. Importantly, our data provide the first evidence that a single, recurrent mutation in WFS1, p.A684V, may be a common cause of ADOA and SNHL, similar to the role played by the p.R445H mutation in OPA1. Our findings suggest that patients who are heterozygous for WFS1 missense mutations should be carefully clinically examined for OA and other manifestations of Wolfram syndrome.  相似文献   

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