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Two regression equations using chronological age and either IQ or the Fisher and Zeaman K score were developed to predict Developmental Record ratings of institutionalized mentally retarded children over a 2-year interval (N = 200), a 4-year interval (N = 165), and an 8-year interval (N = 95). Although the correlations between predicted and obtained scores for both equations were quite high even over an 8-year interval, analysis of mean differences revealed that the equation using IQ yielded more accurate predictions. If future studies support the use of such equations with other subjects in other settings, they should be useful in estimating later developmental attainments of mentally retarded children.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effects of repeated trials on the reliability of physical fitness performance scores of 36, 12- to 20-year-old institutionalized mentally retarded children. They were tested 2 days a week for 5 consecutive weeks on the physical fitness criterion tests. The statistical analysis indicated no significant differences between trial scores on any variable over the 5 weeks. This lack of significance on all the physical fitness criterion tests suggests that administering all the trials on each item on one occasion is appropriate.  相似文献   

Life-span development of adaptive behavior of 30,749 mentally retarded individuals residing in California and being served by the California Department of Developmental Services was studied. The estimated life-span trends differed somewhat from those reported in an earlier investigation (Eyman & Arndt, 1982.) We used a larger sample and a more appropriate model and found different growth curves in adaptive behavior over levels of retardation, contrary to the Eyman and Arndt findings. Moreover, when cross-sectional vs. semi-longitudinal growth curves were compared, the degree of similarity of the two types of curves was a function of level of retardation. Evidence on the need for large sample life-span studies based on at least 6 to 8 years follow-up was presented.  相似文献   

Abuse-provoking characteristics of institutionalized mentally retarded individuals were examined. A group of 80 abused retarded clients in a residential setting were compared to a group of 80 nonabused clients. The two groups were compared on IQs, social quotients, presence of physical disabilities, aggressive behavior, ability to communicate verbally, presence of self-injurious behavior, ability to ambulate, sex, and age. Six of these characteristics (social quotient, aggression, verbal ability, age, self-injurious behavior, and ambulation) were significant in differentiating the abused from nonabused retarded individuals. A discriminant function was developed to help identify those clients who may be at risk of being abused.  相似文献   

Five case reports are presented to illustrate primitive, atypical, and abnormal (or psychotic) behaviors, said to constitute the three most common types seen in institutionalized mentally retarded children and adolescents. Behavioral manifestations and specific approaches to management and treatment are related to the histories of 5 boys, ranging in age from 6 to 14 years and representing, respectively, primitive behavior amidst delayed development, atypical intra-familial communication patterns, atypical behavior response of the child from a closely knit family, childhood psychosis, and the rumination syndrome. Administrative implications and suggested guidelines for implementing specific diagnostic and treatment approaches to emotionally disturbed young patients are discussed within the context of redirected goals for appropriate institutions. It is suggested that such institutions should provide regional resource programs and facilities as back-up services for community-based programs for the mentally retarded.  相似文献   

A systematic examination of the decision process used when deinstitutionalizing mentally retarded persons was undertaken to determine what criteria, if any, institutional review teams employed when making placement recommendations. A multivariate analysis of variance and a discriminant analysis revealed that demographic and Adaptive Behavior Scale (ABS) measures varied significantly with placement recommendations for skill development homes, group homes, small intermediate facilities, and large intermediate facilities. In general, higher functioning residents were placed in less restrictive settings. Specific differences among residents placed in skill development homes and group homes were examined. Implications for preparing institutionalized residents for community placement were drawn and directions for future research outlined.  相似文献   

Institutionalized retarded children were randomly assigned to 11 sessions of directive play therapy (N = 5), nondirective play therapy (N = 5), or no treatment (N = 4). Student nurses were therapists. The Denver Developmental Screening Test was administered before and after treatment. For the Fine Motor and Personal-Social scales, a significant interaction effect (p smaller than .05) was found between treatment group and measurement period (pre vs. post). The interactions tended to support the hypothesis that play therapy was effective in increasing developmental level but not the hypothesis that directive therapy was more effective than nondirective therapy.  相似文献   

Evaluation of psychiatric treatment in institutions must be based not only on the numbers and types of drugs prescribed but also on diagnoses and other characteristics of the patients. We crosstabulated psychotherapeutic medication regimens against diagnoses for 242 institutionalized mentally retarded adolescents and adults selected for psychiatric treatment. The drugs had generally been prescribed by nonpsychiatrists, but diagnoses were determined by consensus of evaluation teams that included fully trained psychiatrists. According to widely accepted standards for psychopharmacologic treatment, 45.4% to 60.9% of the regimens were rated as appropriate and 39.1% to 54.6% were rated as inappropriate for the conditions diagnosed.  相似文献   

The prevalence of multiple classes of stereotypic behavior was assessed in a large sample of nonambulatory profoundly mentally retarded people. Implications for programming efforts were discussed.  相似文献   

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