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目的 探讨如何降低地震灾害后伤员伤口感染率及伤肢截肢率. 方法 分析汶川地震后前方、后方医院收治伤员592例的伤口感染情况及治疗效果. 结果 伤后8 h以内送达前方医院的伤员,开放性伤口感染率为30.7%.伤后8 h以后送达前方医院者,开放性伤口感染率为79.9%.其中因气性坏疽截肢1例(0.17%),其他严重感染截肢5例(1.2%).闭合性损伤行择期手术后伤口感染率为7.1%.送达后方医院的伤员,开放性伤口均已在现场急救时或前方医院早期行清创、抗感染等治疗,其伤口感染率为50.8%,无截肢或在前方医院已经截肢.闭合性损伤者,行择期手术后伤口感染率为0.前、后方医院伤口感染主要细菌种类为粪肠球菌、大肠埃希菌等常见细菌.混合感染者多于单细菌感染,G-菌感染者多于G+菌感染.大部分感染伤口经敏感抗生素治疗后,感染得到有效控制. 结论 地震后开放性损伤伤员的伤口感染率高,因严重感染导致的截肢率高,在不同救治时期,均应该尽快彻底清创、早期抗感染后行外固定治疗,减少内固定.闭合性损伤伤员在前方医院择期手术后感染率明显高于后方医院.因此,在生命征平稳时应尽量送到后方医院治疗,可降低伤口感染率.  相似文献   

汶川大地震中伤员阶梯救治原则探讨   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:7  
目的 探讨阶梯救治原则在地震灾害紧急医疗救援中的应用价值和方法改进.方法 对参加四川汶川大地震的现场医疗急救、前方医院和后方医院的医疗工作进行总结分析.结果 现场救治伤员4 689例次,处置危重伤员413例,完成清创术等各类手术197例,3例重伤员死亡,开放伤口感染率近80%;前方医院收治伤员1 400多例次,完成手术200台次,抢救危重伤员110例次,截肢率3.0%,伤口感染率66.8%;后方医院为125例伤员开展了1-5次/部位的确定性手术治疗,术后无医院感染,无死亡,无截肢.结论 阶梯救治原则是重大自然灾害批量伤员救治的基本原则,急救人员应尽早开展现场急救;后送力量是保障救治成功率的重要因素,完善伤票制度能显著提高救治效率;前方医院主要开展生命支持、创面处理和简单骨折的救治工作;确定性专科治疗应在后方医院进行.  相似文献   

92例汶川地震后送伤员的救治体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨汶川地震中转送至我院的伤员的伤情特点,总结地震伤后送伤员的救治经验. 方法 间顾性分析我院收治的92例汶川地震伤员的一般资料、伤情、治疗措施及治疗效果. 结果 全部伤员无院内感染,无再次截肢,无骨折相关并发症. 结论 地震后送伤员在短期内集中大量到达,后方医院有效的组织工作、接诊医师全而评估病情、制定详尽有效的救治计划、注意内科合并疾病的处理,能取得良好的疗效.  相似文献   

目的探讨后方医院诊治地震伤员时应掌握的要点。方法对2008年5月由灾区前线医院转送重庆急救中心救治的61例汶川地震伤员的病例资料进行回顾性分析。结果 26例(42.6%)早期漏诊颅脑、胸和腹部损伤,在转入1小时~4天内补充诊断;2例延迟性血气胸和2例腹内脏器延迟性破裂及时发现和处理。11例下肢严重挤压伤和挤压综合征避免了截肢;6例伤口采样培养有梭状芽胞杆菌生长但未发生气性坏疽。除2例遗留截瘫外,其余全部治愈。结论地震伤员的后方医院处理,重点为对初期抢救中的漏诊和治疗不足及时发现和补救;警惕胸腹脏器损伤的延迟性破裂;肢体挤压伤注意防治挤压综合征和气性坏疽,彻底切除坏死肌肉组织可最大限度地避免截肢。  相似文献   

目的 总结震区驻军医院在雅安芦山“4·20”地震伤员早期救治经验. 方法 启动应急预案,建立帐蓬医院,依据《战伤救治规则》基本原则,针对本次地震伤员特点对伤员展开急救拣伤分类、紧急救治、分流、专科处理和后送等. 结果 地震后医院迅速启动重大灾害紧急救援预案,20min后向震心重灾区派出了装备齐全的应急医疗队;在医院展开了帐篷医院.2周内共收治地震伤员181例,现场直接转入伤员68例(37.6%),从经初步救治处理后转入(包括其他医院转院)伤员113例(62.4%);实施手术49台次,其中急诊手术30台次;34例(含14例重度伤员)在生命体征平稳后转送至上级医院.所有伤员无一例死亡,手术伤口无一例感染. 结论 军队医院平时完善的应急预案和物资储备、统一有序的指挥、规范的分级救治体系和训练,保证了对地震伤员的高效、高质量规范救治.但在精确的伤势(情)判断方法与标准、完善设备条件、伤员后送标准等方面还需要进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

目的 探讨和评价损伤肢体严重程度评分(mangled extremity severity score, MESS)系统在GustiloⅢ型下肢开放性骨折患者保肢决策中的重要性。方法 回顾性分析2015年1月—2020年12月山东第一医科大学附属省立医院收治的75例单侧下肢GustiloⅢ型开放性骨折且MESS≥7分的患者资料,男性54例,女性21例;年龄15~74岁,平均44.3岁;道路交通伤51例,高处坠落伤3例,机器挤压伤11例,重物压砸伤10例。根据Ⅰ期治疗选择,将患者分为保肢组(44例)和截肢组(31例),分别统计其性别、年龄、住院天数、手术次数、休克指数、既往史、MESS及MESS四个亚组评分(致伤暴力评分、伤肢缺血评分、休克评分、年龄评分)、GustiloⅢ分型亚型;并统计保肢组Ⅱ期截肢患者的MESS及MESS四个亚组评分等信息,分析各个变量因素对保肢成功的影响。结果 75例患者MESS7~14分,平均8.5分,Ⅰ期截肢率41.3%(31/75),保肢组保肢成功率75.0%(33/44)。两组患者性别、年龄、致伤因素、GustiloⅢ分型亚型等基本资料比较差异无统计学意义...  相似文献   

目的总结分析汶川地震后送伤员的伤情特点和救治情况,探讨后方医院的医疗配置和伤员救治方法。方法回顾性分析2008年5月14日~2008年6月13日我院抗震救灾病房收治的100例汶川地震伤员,总结分析其伤情特点和院内救治情况。结果100例伤员中主要以四肢骨折、软组织伤为多见,占78.O%,伤员中合并伤口、创面感染的病例占33.0%。全部伤员中有56例进行了86次手术,占56.0%,手术以软组织清创、修复手术以及四肢骨折固定为主,占全部手术的91.5%。治愈92例,好转8例,全部伤口、创面均愈合。结论地震灾区后送伤员的治疗以骨折固定、软组织伤清创修复、感染创面处理及康复理疗、功能锻炼为主,医疗配置应以创伤科、骨科、康复科为主。后方医院良好有效的治疗措施可以提高伤员的治愈率,降低伤员的死亡率、伤残率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨外固定架联合负压封闭引流(vacuum sealing drainage,VSD)在地震伤员胫骨远端开放性骨折早期治疗的临床价值. 方法 早期采用外固定架联合VSD负压吸引术治疗芦山地震中的严重胫骨远端开放性骨折伴软组织缺损伤员22例,其中男9例,女13例;年龄25 ~ 85岁,平均42.6岁.致伤原因:重物砸伤19例,高处坠落伤3例.按照Gustilo分型,Ⅱ型4例,ⅢA型6例,ⅢB型10例,ⅢC型2例. 结果 9例行局部植皮术,11例行皮瓣转移术,2例行截肢手术;17例外固定架固定3周内转化为内固定治疗. 结论 采用外固定架联合VSD治疗伴软组织缺损的胫骨远端开放性骨折,在迅速稳定骨折、保护局部软组织的同时,通过持续VSD负压吸引装置可以封闭创腔,降低局部感染,刺激创面产生大量新鲜肉芽组织覆盖骨面,为创面植皮或局部皮瓣转移争取时机,为最终外固定转换为内固定治疗、促进伤员肢体功能恢复提供了有利条件.  相似文献   

目前对越作战中地雷、炮弹伤占首位,故截肢伤员较多。现就我师救护所某年某月~某月底收治21例截肢报告如下: 临床资料 本组21例均属男性青年战士,有地雷伤14例、炮弹伤4例、手榴弹伤3例,负伤部位为上肢3例、下肢18例,均为损毁性离断伤,1例因气性坏疽再次行高位截肢。  相似文献   

目的 评估肢体挤压伤严重程度评分(mangled extremity severity score,MESS)系统对地震中下肢压砸伤保肢与截肢的参考价值. 方法 汶川地震中下肢压砸伤122例,MESS≥8分的34例,5~7分的19例,<5分的69例.≥8分I期截肢;5~7分先保肢治疗(后改为截肢的2例),I期截肢后因感染骨外露再次截肢7例;<5分给予保肢治疗,保肢方法为清创后合用外同定架、石膏和创面负压引流技术. 结果 按MESS法救治122例伤员无一例死亡,截肢率29.5%.结论 MESS系统在严重地震压砸伤的保肢与截肢评估中起重要的参考作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨临时性血管分流术(TIVS)后行清创、骨折复位固定在GustiloⅢC型开放性骨折中的疗效。方法笔者选取60例GustiloⅢC型四肢开放性骨折患者,分为两组,各30例,均合并血管损伤。分别在术中采用传统方法和TIVS处理损伤血管,比较两组血运重建时间与伤肢伤口愈合时间、骨折愈合时间,肢体运动及感觉功能的恢复情况、截肢率、治疗周期及住院时间,医疗费用。结果观察组血运重建时间、伤口愈合时间、骨折愈合时间、平均住院费用分别为(134.2±14.8)h,(11.4±1.7)d,(3.06±0.36)个月,(10.2±1.3)d,(2.31±0.37)万元,均低于对照组,组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组FuglMeyer总评分、运动功能和感觉功能评分分别为(89.2±11.2)、(42.9±5.7)和(46.3±6.2),均高于对照组,组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05);观察组截肢率低于对照组,组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论TIVS在GustiloⅢC型开放性骨折患者的治疗中,可在最短时间内恢复肢体血运,减轻术后功能障碍,降低肢体截肢率和医疗负担。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用锁定加压钢板治疗GustiloⅠ、Ⅱ型尺桡骨开放性骨折的临床疗效。方法本组11例,男8例,女3例,年龄31~58岁,平均39岁。受伤原因:车祸伤7例,摔伤2例,重物砸伤2例。开放伤按Gustilo分型,Ⅰ型3例、Ⅱ型8例。均采用锁定加压钢板进行内固定治疗。结果本组病例获9~23个月,平均15个月随访。全部病例获得骨性愈合,愈合时间2.5~3.5个月,平均3个月。未发生深部感染、骨不连等并发症。结论对GustiloⅠ、Ⅱ型开放性尺桡骨骨折进行急诊彻底清创、AO锁定加压钢板内固定、一期闭合伤口,早期应用抗感染治疗,可以获得满意的疗效。  相似文献   

Amputation of a limb may have a negative impact on the psychological and physical well-being, mobility and social life of individuals with limb amputations. Participation in sports and/or regular physical activity has a positive effect on the above mentioned areas in able-bodied individuals. Data concerning participation in sports or regular physical activity together with its benefits and risks for individuals with limb amputations are scarce. No systematic review exists that addresses a wide range of outcomes such as biomechanics, cardiopulmonary function, psychology, sport participation and sport injuries. Therefore, the aim of this article is to systematically review the literature about individuals with limb amputations and sport participation. MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, CINAHL? and SportDiscus? were searched without time or language restrictions using free text words and MeSH terms. The last search date was 31 March 2010. Books, internet sites and references of included papers were checked for papers relevant to the topic under review. Papers were included if the research topic concerned sports and a minimum of ten individuals with limb amputations were part of the study population. Papers were excluded if they included individuals with amputations of body parts other than upper or lower limbs or more distal than the wrist or ankle, or if they consisted of case reports, narrative reviews, books, notes or letters to the editor. Title, abstract and full-text assessments were performed by two independent observers following a list of preset criteria. Of the 3689 papers originally identified, 47 were included in the review. Most of the included studies were older than 10 years and had cross-sectional designs. Study participants were generally younger and often had more traumatic amputations than the general population of individuals with limb amputations. Heterogeneity in population characteristics, intervention types and main outcomes made data pooling impossible. In general, sports were associated with a beneficial effect on the cardiopulmonary system, psychological well-being, social reintegration and physical functioning. Younger individuals with unilateral transtibial amputations achieve better athletic performance and encounter fewer problems when participating in sports compared with older individuals with bilateral transfemoral amputations. Regardless of their amputation level, individuals with limb amputations participate in a wide range of recreational activities. The majority of them were not aware of the sport facilities in their area and were not informed about available recreational activities. Sport prosthetic devices were used mostly by competitive athletes. For football, the injury rate and pattern of the players with an amputation were similar to those of able-bodied players. Individuals with limb amputations appear to benefit both physically and psychologically from participation in sports and/or regular physical activity. Therefore, sports should be included in rehabilitation programmes, and individuals with limb amputations should be encouraged to pursue a physically active life following hospital discharge.  相似文献   

目的 分析汶川地震开放性损伤伴感染转运伤员的临床特点,总结其治疗经验.方法对我科2008年5月13日-2008年6月10日收治的54例汶川地震开放性损伤伴感染转运伤员进行分析、总结.治疗方法包括:在全身支持治疗的基础上对创口行反复彻底清创,在细菌培养和药敏试验基础上抗感染治疗,并行高压氧辅助治疗,对开放性骨折患者行外固定支架固定.结果所有地震开放伤均有感染,且多为混合感染,以G+球菌和G-杆菌为主,大部分患者合并厌氧菌感染.54例患者中无一例死亡,1例院外截肢患者因残端感染严重而行多次行残端清创、修整.除2例患者外,其余患者伤口均愈合.骨折患者骨折复位好,外固定牢靠,目前正处于康复中.结论在积极抗感染的基础上反复、彻底地清创和正确及时地闭合创口是降低死亡率和致残率的关键,根据感染特点予以恰当的辅助治疗可明显提高疗效.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective review of all patients with orthopedic injuries evacuated to a single medical center to evaluate the treatment and outcome of these injuries in three recent U.S. military conflicts: Operation Urgent Fury (Grenada), Operation Desert Shield/Storm (southwest Asia), and Operation Restore Hope (Somalia). Sixteen orthopedic casualties were originally treated at the medical detachment in Grenada before evacuation to the medical center. Most of these injuries were gunshot wounds to the extremities (11), with three known open fractures. Two patients (three extremities) sustained traumatic amputation (19% amputation rate). One hundred eighty-one patients with orthopedic injuries were medically evacuated from southeast Asia to the medical center for definitive treatment. Of these injuries, there were 143 fractures in 69 patients. One hundred of these fractures were open fractures, and 60% of these injuries were blast injuries. Furthermore, there were 26 amputations (14%). Twenty-two patients with orthopedic injuries were treated in Somalia and evacuated to the medical center. Thirteen of the 22 patients (59%) sustained gunshot wounds, and 2 (9%) sustained blast injuries. There were eight open fractures (36%) and three amputations in two patients (14%). Three of the 22 patients underwent successful limb salvage when ablation was the only other surgical alternative. It appears that a large percentage of medical center evacuations from military conflicts are for orthopedic injuries. Many of these injuries are the result of high-velocity weapons or blast injuries. Regardless of the size and/or purpose of the intervention, similar injury patterns and severity can be expected, because 51% of orthopedic patients had open fractures. Similarly, the rate of amputation associated with extremity trauma has not varied significantly since the Vietnam War.  相似文献   

The results of below-knee amputations in 36 war wounded (mean age 35.42) were reviewed. The majority of the patients was wounded by land mines (94.4%). Most of them were between 25 and 35 years old. Bilateral amputation was done in 2.8% of cases. The amputation was performed on the day of wounding (primary below-knee amputation) in 30 (83.3%) amputees. Secondary amputation after the attempt to save the severely injured lower-limb was performed in 6 patients (16.7%) average 4.61 +/- 11.67 days after wounding. Reamputation was necessary in 6 cases (16.7%). Time period from the beginning of rehabilitation to the fitting of prosthesis, was 36.25 +/- 14.97 days for primary amputations, 32 +/- 17.8 days for secondary amputations and 68.66 +/- 33.52 days for reamputations. There was no significant correlation between the duration of rehabilitation to prosthetic management and the period between wounding and amputation (r = -0.102). The attempt to save the limb after severe below-knee injuries and the secondary amputation afterwards, did not significantly influence the ensuing rehabilitation and prosthetic works.  相似文献   

目的 总结重症缺血性糖尿病足感染创面的一站式治疗经验.方法 回顾性分析2015年6月至2016年4月收治的15例重症缺血性糖尿病足坏疽患者(15条患肢)临床资料.对所有患者采用腔内修复术(EVR)开通闭塞段血管、手术清创及创面封闭负压引流(NPWT)、抗菌保湿伤口敷料进行一站式序贯治疗,评价感染创面愈合率及患肢保肢率.结果 15例患者中下肢动脉造影显示下肢多节段病变13例,单纯小腿病变2例;泛大西洋学会联盟(TASC)Ⅱ分级D级小腿动脉病变13条,C级病变2条.EVR术后,14条患肢至少开通1支小腿流出道;足底动脉环路(PPL)呈完整弓6例,半弓7例,无弓2例;清创后应用带自制冲洗设备NPWT,创面感染控制时间为(7.85±2.84)d.出院后每3~4日随访,并以抗菌保湿的磺胺嘧啶银脂质水胶伤口敷料换药,结果显示创面愈合12例,平均愈合时间(3.70±0.87)个月,3例未愈合,其中2例小腿截肢(13.3%,足部均为PPL无弓),1例死于心血管事件;创面愈合组PPL病变情况与未愈合组比较,差异有显著统计学意义(P=0.006 7).结论 重症缺血性糖尿病足感染治疗较复杂.EVR、带自制冲洗设备NPWT及抗菌保湿创面敷料一站式联合治疗,可作为首选方法有效增加患肢血供,缩短感染控制时间,降低截肢率.  相似文献   

A modified 123I-antipyrine cutaneous washout technique for the selection of amputation levels is described. The modifications imply a reduction of time needed for the examination by simultaneous recordings on different levels, and a better patient acceptance by reducing inconvenience. Furthermore, both skin perfusion pressure (SPP) and skin blood flow (SBF) are determined from each clearance curve. In a prospective study among 26 diabetic patients presenting with ulcers or gangrene of the foot, both SPP and SBF were determined preoperatively on the selected level of surgery and on adjacent amputation sites. These 26 patients underwent 12 minor foot amputations and 17 major lower limb amputations. Two of these amputations failed to heal. SBF values appeared indicative for the degree of peripheral vascular disease, as low SBF values were found with low SPP values. SPP determinations revealed good predictive values: all surgical procedures healed when SPP>20mmmHg, but 2 out of 3 failed when SPP < 20 mmHg. If SPP values would have been decisive, the amputation would have been converted to a lower level in 6 out of 17 cases. This modified scintigrafic technique provides accurate objective information for amputation level selection.  相似文献   

A modified 123I-antipyrine cutaneous washout technique for the selection of amputation levels is described. The modifications imply a reduction of time needed for the examination by simultaneous recordings on different levels, and a better patient acceptance by reducing inconvenience. Furthermore, both skin perfusion pressure (SPP) and skin blood flow (SBF) are determined from each clearance curve. In a prospective study among 26 diabetic patients presenting with ulcers or gangrene of the foot, both SPP and SBF were determined preoperatively on the selected level of surgery and on adjacent amputation sites. These 26 patients underwent 12 minor foot amputations and 17 major lower limb amputations. Two of these amputations failed to heal. SBF values appeared indicative for the degree of peripheral vascular disease, as low SBF values were found with low SPP values. SPP determinations revealed good predictive values: all surgical procedures healed when SPP greater than 20 mmHg, but 2 out of 3 failed when SPP less than 20 mmHg. If SPP values would have been decisive, the amputation would have been converted to a lower level in 6 out of 17 cases. This modified scintigraphic technique provides accurate objective information for amputation level selection.  相似文献   

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