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医疗急救工作是执行力很强的一项工作,其工作性质决定其有特定的职业素养要求.职工职业素养的高低,决定了急救工作质量好坏,关系人民群众的生命安危,因此,急救中心职工职业素养的建设是关系急救工作全局的大事.该文总结分析某市急救中心5年来职业素养建设实践经验:立足于职工职业素养的现状,从职业道德、职业思想(意识)、职业行为习惯、职业技能四个方面入手,逐步提升全体职工的职业素养,持之以恒的实践和探索,取得明显的成效.  相似文献   

托幼机构保教人员儿童急症救助知识调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】评估托幼机构保教人员儿童急救的知识和态度,为开展对保教人员急救知识与技能普及工作提供资料和依据。【方法】采取整群分层抽样的方法从上海市19区县抽取1 282名托幼机构保教人员进行儿童急救知识和态度的问卷调查。【结果】只有3.7%的老师能够及格,问卷得分范围为7~36分。对于每一特定知识题目的回答,其中对肿胀问题的正确回答率最高(90.2%),对于抽搐发作问题正确回答率最低(16.5%)。老师急救知识平均得分为20.98±4.59,其中在年龄≤35岁、是保健老师、较高学历、接受过急救培训的老师中问卷得分较高。【结论】保教人员对儿童常见伤害和疾病的处理知之较少,探讨适合托幼机构保教人员的经济有效的急救培训方法,普及保教人员儿童急症和常见伤害的基本救助知识和技能,显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

[目的]评估托幼机构保教人员培训后的儿童急救知识保持情况.[方法]采取随机整群抽样的方法抽取了1 282名保教人员统一接受儿童急救的专项培训,采取SPSS 15.0随机抽样的方法,对培训后6个月及9个月学员分别抽取240名、330名学员进行了急救知识保持情况的再评估.以问卷调查的方式对学员急救知识进行评估.[结果]对每一特定知识题目的正确回答率,培训后6个月及9个月的学员均有明显下降,与培训后立即评估的学员比较差异有显著性;培训前21.05±4.59、培训后立即32.2±3.12、培训后6个月28.5±4.35及培训9个月28.2±4.75,学员平均知识得分差异有显著性(F=1 387.791.P=0.000).培训后6个月(t=14.739,P=0.000)及培训后9个月学员(t=17.020,P=0.000)与培训后立即学员知识得分比较差异均有显著性;但培训后6个月与培训后9个月学员知识得分比较差异无显著性(t=0.687,P=0.492).多元线性回归结果显示培训6个月后在年轻的学员及公立托幼机构的学员知识保持水平较高,在培训9个月后年轻的学员、月收入高及为保健老师的学员知识保持得分较高.[结论]建议在培训后6个月左右时间对保教人员进行再培训.  相似文献   

沈爱华  伍刚 《现代保健》2011,(11):91-92
院前急救是急诊医学体系的前沿阵地,而院前急救护理贯穿院前急救的全过程,其质量是决定院前急救成败的关键之一.培养一支能力强综合素质高的院前急救护理队伍尤为重要.本文从护理队伍资质、心理素质、身体素质、急救技能、沟通能力、护理文件书写等方面阐述院前急救护士综合素质建设和培养.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Four years after the law concerning first aid in the workplace was passed in Italy (inter-ministerial decree 388/2003), which is a useful tool in improving safety at work, it is necessary to organize first aid courses specifically for those working in the road haulage sector which would also be effective in case of traffic accidents. In view of the characteristics of the working environment in this sector (the road) and of the working conditions (generally workers are isolated and far from the company's headquarters), it would be necessary to organize ad hoc first aid courses at the workplace for the category of professional drivers. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: The aim of this article is to discuss some possible organizational aspects of first aid in the road haulage sector, such as: number of workers responsible for first aid, how to train workers for specific risks of traffic accidents, the requirements for teachers responsible for first aid and course targets that must be achieved. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A good level of training, achieved during the first aid course at the workplace, might therefore be useful to improve road safety and increase the quality of basic and advanced first aid in road traffic injuries.  相似文献   

Literature points out that there are no socioeconomic differences for victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse in families. It also states that sexual abuse is a "silent disease" and epidemiological data has only recently been available, however, research also convincingly shows that sexual abuse leads to severe post-traumatic and long-term pathological social, psychological, emotional, mental, physical and educational problems for the victim in the school, family, relationship formation and community participation. Ignored in many cases, careful planning is essential to develop a training policy and workshops for teachers and health care workers to recognize the possibility and address the issue of sexual abuse and treatment.  相似文献   

This article employs quantitative analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the community health worker (CHW) training program used by the Ministry of Public Health in Ecuador. The study first assesses CHW knowledge in the areas of prevention, maternal-child health, first aid, and treatment of common illnesses. The analysis reveals that CHWs retained less than 50 percent of what they learned one year after graduation. Demographic factors accounted for some variance in performance. Higher levels of community organization were associated with improved CHW knowledge. The presence of a health committee was also an important factor. The second phase of the study was designed to assess the community impact of the program. Surprisingly, neither the demographic characteristics of the health worker nor his or her level of competence affected the impact of the program on the community, as measured by patient satisfaction, utilization indices, and adoption of preventive health behaviors. It was the characteristics of the beneficiaries themselves that accounted for the variance in community impact. These results yield some important implications for public health policy in Ecuador.  相似文献   

目的我国公众自救互救知识的认知水平较低,在急危病发生时能现场施救的措施较少,因此对非专业人员进行急救知识和技能的普及在倡导全民参与的院前急救中显得尤为关键。本研究了解商丘市社区居民院前急救现状,提高其自救互救能力,为构建合理的急救培训体系提供依据。方法选取2016-05-01-2017-05-01商丘市梁园区和睢阳区作为研究区域,每个区抽取2个社区做为研究场所。采用掷硬币法随机将2个社区分为干预组和对照组。采用自编调查问卷的形式对干预组和对照组进行调查,问卷包括一般资料问卷,院前急救知识、态度、行为以及急救知识学习需求问卷3部分。结果干预组和对照组居民性别(χ~2=0.177,P0.05)、年龄(χ~2=8.260,P0.05)、文化程度(χ~2=7.847,P0.05)、职业(χ~2=5.782,P0.05)等比较,差异无统计学意义。培训前,干预组与对照组社区居民急救知识、态度和行为得分差异无统计学意义,均P0.05;培训后,干预组社区居民院前急救知识得分为(14.23±1.58)分,高于对照组的(9.11±2.31)分,t=-17.66,P0.01;急救态度得分为(24.17±2.04)分,高于对照组的(19.11±3.10)分,t=-17.45,P0.01;急救行为得分为(30.41±2.24)分,高于对照组的(27.45±3.58)分,t=-10.21,P0.01。干预组居民知晓率随活动开展时间逐渐升高,差异有统计学意义,χ~2=9.12,P0.05。结论通过急救培训能提高社区居民的院前急救知识、态度和行为,院前急救培训的形式应多元化,适应社区居民的需求;社区居民对自救互救体系的知晓率有很大提高。  相似文献   

目的 了解驻杭部队官兵院前急救知识及技能获取途径、掌握现状及学习需求,探讨对其进行院前急救培训的意义及实施方法.方法 采用整群抽样方法,运用自编问卷对驻杭某部队1100名官兵进行调查.结果 官兵获取院前急救知识及技能的主要途径:书籍占24.40%、报纸杂志占19.70%、电视占28.50%、网络占12.10%、培训占6.30%;部队官兵院前急救知识及技能平均得分为(20.62±9.30)分(满分32分),士官高于士兵(P<0.05),步兵和炮兵都高于通信兵(P<0.05),参加过院前急救培训的高于没参加过的(P<0.05);92.60%的官兵认为有必要进行院前急救培训,7.40%的认为没有必要培训.结论 参加过院前急救培训的官兵人数较少,培训普及率较低,官兵获取院前急救知识及技能的途径较单一;院前急救知识及技能掌握情况一般,有待于进一步提高;学习需求较高,尽快在部队中普及院前急救知识及技能并加大对其培训的力度、深度及广度,培训中应注意因材施教.  相似文献   

This article explores whether professionals working with young people hold a negative view on adolescents in Hong Kong. Data were collected from 1112 participants from 23 workshops in a 3-day training program of the Project P.A.T.H.S. in Hong Kong. In the workshop, there was a group activity inviting the participants to describe the characteristics of contemporary young people in Hong Kong. The findings showed that positive comments about adolescents were only half of the negative comments. The common themes that emerged from the negative comments included: "problematic self-conceptions", "do not have long-term life goals", "irresponsible", "materialistic", and "calculative". The common themes that emerged from the positive comments included: "good at learning new things", "energetic", and "creative". The themes apparently reflected sociocultural characteristics of the contemporary Hong Kong Society.  相似文献   

目的 分析对洁净车间劳动者进行参与式培训的成效.方法 对深圳市某区8家企业246名洁净车间的劳动者进行参与式培训,并在培训前后分别进行问卷调查,比较培训前后的知信行情况.结果 参与式培训后,劳动者对6条职业病防治相关知识的知晓率均高于培训前(P<0.05).劳动者培训后对职业病可以预防、佩戴防护用品不舒服但应该坚持、正确佩戴防护用品可以预防职业病、应该配合企业开展职业病防治工作等四点持相信态度高于培训前(P<0.05).劳动者培训后主动了解职业病防治知识、主动佩戴防护用品、关注自己岗位职业病危害因素和出现手脚麻木要求进行职业病诊断的人数均高于培训前(P<0.05).结论 参与式培训能够提高劳动者对职业病防治知识的了解程度,增强劳动者职业病危害防护意识,使其更主动地采取职业病防治措施,降低职业中毒风险.  相似文献   

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