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目的:评价经桡动脉途径行冠状动脉介入治疗高危冠心病患者临床疗效及安全性。方法:经桡动脉途径对385例冠心病患者行冠状动脉介入治疗,观察其临床疗效及血管并发症。结果:对385例562支冠状动脉病变内置入1179枚支架,其中置入前降支664枚,右冠状动脉397枚,回旋支102枚,左主干16枚,置入支架直径为2.25mm~4.0mm,长度为8mm~36mm。置入后经冠状动脉造影证实狭窄消失,即刻效果良好,由术前狭窄(88.7±8.6)%减至术后残余狭窄(6.8±4.7)%,支架置入成功率97.9%。9例出现桡动脉闭塞,7例出现血肿,5例术后出现前臂疼痛,无神经损伤,死亡1例。结论:经桡动脉途径进行冠状动脉介入治疗高危冠心病患者损伤小,血管并发症少,对高危冠心病患者是一种安全、有效的介入治疗方法。  相似文献   

经桡动脉行冠状动脉介入治疗   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自从Gruentzig于1977年在苏黎世为一名37岁的男性患者施行了世界上首例经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术(PTCA)以来,冠心病介入治疗的相关技术得以迅速发展.尤其是近年来随着抗血小板治疗方案的改进及高压释放支架技术的应用,支架植入术已成为冠状动脉介入治疗的主要手段.  相似文献   

目的探讨经桡动脉与股动脉入径直接经皮冠状动脉介入(PCI)治疗急性心肌梗塞(AMI)的临床可行性、安全性及对其效果进行对比研究。方法将62例诊断明确的AMI患者并同意行PCI者分为经桡动脉PCI组(n=28)和经股动脉PCI组(n=34),对比两组的路径效果。结果经桡动脉PCI组插管成功27例,股动脉PCI组为32例,两组间比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。建立动脉通路时间和整个手术时间两组比较差异亦无显著性(P>0.05)。出血并发症经桡动脉PCI组为0,经股动脉PCI组为8.82%,两组间比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论对血流动力学稳定的AMI患者,两种入径的PCI治疗时程和效果相似,但桡动脉PCI组出血并发症少,有利于有效安全的抗凝治疗,可作为AMI可选择的血管途径之一。  相似文献   

目的总结经桡动脉途径行冠状动脉内支架置入术的安全性,疗效及手术体会,指导术前手术途径的选择。方法78例心绞痛患者在住院期间首选经桡动脉途径(桡动脉不成功者改其他途径)行冠状动脉介入治疗,置入支架共114枚,术后即刻血管造影评价手术成功率,并观察住院及近期临床事件,指导术前手术途径的选择。结果77例患者病变血管重建后达TIMI-3级,残余狭窄小于10%,局部并发症少,患者不适症状轻。结论经桡动脉途径行冠状动脉内支架安全有效,成功率高,并发症少,是治疗冠心病安全有效的方法。但应视病例特点选择手术途径。  相似文献   

我院2001年3月-2005年3月,开展经桡动脉途径冠状动脉腔内成形术及支架术共122例,现将临床效果及分析总结报告如下。  相似文献   

经桡动脉途径冠状动脉介入治疗冠心病的护理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
林丽萍 《微创医学》2007,2(5):503-503
近年来,随着经皮冠状动脉腔内成形(PTCA)和支架置人术治疗冠心病临床价值的肯定,这一技术在各大医院得以广泛开展^[1]。随着技术的成熟,设备的更新,各种导管工艺的不断改进,经桡动脉途径冠状动脉介入治疗以其安全、有效、并发症少、成功率高、术后勿需体位限制、不影响患者活动等优点而深受广大患者的欢迎。  相似文献   

经桡动脉冠状动脉介入治疗护理体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛星 《实用医技杂志》2007,14(20):2820-2820
总结经皮穿刺桡动脉进行冠状动脉介入治疗患者围手术期的护理方法,认为加强术前心理准备,对经桡动脉途径易出现的特有的并发症有针对性的加强观察与护理,可有效地减轻患者的痛苦和减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

冠心病介入治疗首选经股动脉途径,随着心导管器械的小型化,国内外开始采用经皮穿刺桡动脉的入径,其具有损伤小,恢复快,缩短住院时间,可减少周围血管并发症等优点.本院自2006年1月至2009年3月,选择桡动脉穿刺介入治疗,疗效满意.现将护理总结报道如下.  相似文献   

介入治疗己成为冠心病的主要治疗手段之一,介入途径目前主要分为经股动脉和桡动脉介人两种,研究发现[1,2],经桡动脉途径行冠状动脉造影和经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术(PCI)加支架术安全有效且并发症少.我科于2004年开始尝试经桡动脉穿刺行冠脉造影及冠脉支架置入术等介入治疗,患者术后即可下床活动,不适感轻,并发症少,现将其中1225例病人护理体会总结如下.  相似文献   

介入治疗己成为冠心病的主要治疗手段之一,介入途径目前主要分为经股动脉和桡动脉介入两种,研究发现,经桡动脉途径行冠状动脉造影和经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术(PCI)加支架术安全有效且并发症少。  相似文献   

Transradial approach for coronary angioplasty in Chinese elderly patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background The radial artery is currently regarded as a useful vascular access site for coronary procedures. This study was conducted to investigate the feasibility and safety of the percutaneous radial artery approach for angioplasty in the elderly.
Methods Two thousand and fifty-eight consecutive patients (762 elderly, age ≥65 years; and 1296 non-elderly, age 〈65 years, respectively) who underwent transradial coronary angioplasty were recruited in this study. Study endpoints included procedure success rate, procedure time, vascular complications at access site, and major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events during hospitalization.
Results Elderly patients were more likely to present with unstable angina and renal dysfunction. The incidence of radial and brachiocephalic trunk anatomical tortuosity was higher in elderly patients than that in non-elderly patients (11.5% vs 3.7%; 8.9% vs 2.6%, P 〈0.01, respectively). However, procedural success rate (94.7% vs 95.6%) and total mean procedure time ((67.9±27.3) minutes vs (58.6±38.5) minutes) for transradial coronary angioplasty were not significantly different between the two groups. Clinical course during the hospitalization was slightly worse in the elderly patients because of more adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events after the procedure. However, the incidence of vascular complications was not significantly different between the elderly and non-elderly patients.
Conclusion Although the incidence of radial and brachiocephalic trunk anatomical tortuosity is higher in elderly patients, transradial coronary intervention can be performed with similar safety and procedural success in these patients as compared with non-elderly patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the immediate and late clinical outcome of left anterior descending artery ostial lesions treated with percutaneous coronary intervention.Methods Seventeen patients (6 females and 11 males) treated with percutaneous coronary intervention for ostial left anterior descending artery stenoses have had clinical follow-ups over 12 months. Clinical events were defined as an occurrence of death, myocardial infarction, recurrent angina, and reguiring repeat revascularization (either by angioplasty or by surgery). A matched population treated with coronary bypass surgery was selected based on the similarities in age, left ventricular ejection fraction and the number of diseased vessels. Kaplan-Meier event-free survival curves were generated and the matched comparison was done using the Chi-square test (Mc Neimar method).Results In the catheter-based angioplasty group, the patients’ mean age was 63±8 years. One patient was treated with directional atherectomy plus balloon, 6 with rotational atherectomy plus balloon, 7 with stent and 3 with rotational atherectomy plus stent. Glycoprotein Ⅱb/Ⅲa antagonist was used in 4 cases. Initial procedural success without major complications was achieved in all cases. The mean reference diameter was 2.90±0.48 mm. The minimum lumen diameter increased from 1.05±0.30 mm to 2.40±0.45 mm, and the diameter stenosis decreased from 64%±7% to 8%±13%. During the follow-up period, adverse events reguiring repeat revascularization occurred in 8 patients. The event-free probability was 0.42±0.14 in a two-year period. In a matched population treated with bypass surgery (single mammary graft), only one event occurred, and the difference in event-free survival in two-year period between the two patient groups was significant.Conclusions Percutaneous coronary intervention for left coronary descending artery ostial lesion is technically feasible and safe, leading to an optimal early success rate, but has a higher risk of late restenosis and greater need for repeat revascularization than coronary bypass surgery.  相似文献   


Background  A comparison of efficacy and safety between transradial and transfemoral approach for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in bifurcations has not been done. This study evaluated feasibility of transradial PCI (TRI) and compared the immediate and followup results with transfemoral PCI (TFI) in bifurcations.
Methods  One hundred and thirty-four consecutive patients with bifurcations were treated with PCI in our hospital from April 2004 to October 2005. Of these, there were 60 patients (88 lesions) in TRI group and 74 patients (101 lesions) in TFI group. Bifurcations type was classified according to the Institut Cardiovasculaire Paris Sud Classification.
Results  TRI group had smaller stent diameter ((3.06±0.37) mm vs (3.18±0.35) mm, P=0.023) and postprocedural in-stent minimum lumen diameter ((2.62±0.37) mm vs (2.74±0.41) mm, P=0.029) than TFI, but there were not significant differences in in-stent subacute thrombosis rate (0% vs 1.0%, P=0.349),  target lesion revascularization (TLR) (0% vs 1.0%, P=0.349) following procedure and thrombosis (2.3% vs 1.0%, P=0.482), in-stent restenosis (12.5% vs  10.9%, P=0.731), in-segment restenosis (17.0% vs 14.9%, P=0.681), TLR (10.2% vs 13.9%, P=0.446) and TLR-free cumulative survival rate (89.8% vs 86.1%, P=0.787) at seven months followup. No death was reported in the two groups.
Conclusion  Transradial intervention is feasible and appears to be as effective and safe as transfemoral PCI in treatment of true bifurcational lesions.


目的讨论经皮桡动脉穿刺介入治疗冠心病的可行性和安全性。方法78例冠心病患者经皮桡动脉途径介入治疗。结果73例(94%)经桡动脉途径,5例(6.4%)桡动脉穿刺置管失败者改由同侧肱动脉穿刺置管,均一次成功。未发现桡动脉搏动消失、远端肢体坏死、手功能障碍等并发症。结论冠心病患者经桡动脉行冠状动脉血管成形术并发症少、安全性高、费用低。  相似文献   

Background Transradial approach, which is now widely used in coronary angiography and intervention, may be advantageous with respect to the femoral access due to the lower incidence of vascular complications. Transulnar approach has been proposed for elective procedures in patients not suitable for transradial approach. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the transulnar approach versus the transradial approach for coronary angiography and intervention. Methods Two hundred and forty patients undergoing coronary angiography, followed or not by intervention, were randomized to transulnar (TUA) or transradial approach (TRA). Doppler ultrasound assessments of the forearm vessels were scheduled for all patients before procedures, 1 day and 30 days after procedures. The primary end point was access site vascular complications during hospitalization and 30 days follow-up. Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) as secondary end point was recorded till 30 days follow-up. Results Successful puncture was achieved in 98.3% (118/120) of patients in the TUA group, and in 100% (120/120) of patients in the TRA group. Coronary angiographies were performed in 40 and 39 patients in TUA and TRA group. Intervention procedures were performed in 78 and 83 patients in TUA and TRA group, respectively. The incidence of artery stenosis 1 day and 30 days after procedures was 11.0% vs.12.3% and 5.1% vs. 6.6% in TUA and TRA group, respectively. Asymptomatic access site artery occlusion occurred in 5.1% vs.1.7% of patients 1 day and 30 days after transulnar angioplasty, and in 6.6% vs. 4.9% of patients 1 day and 30 days after transradial angioplasty. Minor bleeding was still observed at the moment of the ultrasound assessment in 5.9% and 5.7% of patients in TUA and TRA group, respectively (P=0.949). No big forearm hematoma, and A-V fistula were observed in both groups. Freedom from MACE at 30 days follow-up was observed in all patients. Conclusions The transulnar approach is as safe and effective as the transradial approach for coronary angiography and intervention. It is an attractive opinion for experienced operators who are skilled in this technique, particularly in cases of anatomic variations of the radial artery, radial artery small-caliber or thin radial pulse.  相似文献   

Background Transradial coronary intervention has been widely used because of its effects in lowering the incidence of complications in vascular access site and improving patient satisfaction compared to the femoral approach. This study aimed to investigate the safety and feasibility of transradial approach for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods A total of 103 consecutive elderly patients Cage 〉65 years) who were diagnosed as having AMI were indicated for PCI. Among them, 57 patients received primary PCI via the transradial approach (transradial intervention, TRI group), and 46 underwent primary PCI via the transfemoral approach (transfemoral intervention, TFI group). The success rate of puncture, puncture time, cannulation time, repeffusion time, the total time for PCI, the success rate of PCI, the use rates of temporary pacemaker and intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), and the total length of hospital stay of the patients in the two groups were compared. After the procedure, vascular access site complications and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in the two groups in one month were observed. Results The success rates of puncture (98.2% vs 100.0%) and PCI (96.5% vs 95.7%) for the patients in the TRI and TFI groups were not statistically significant (P〉0.05). The puncture time ((2.4±1.1) vs (2.0±0.9) minutes), cannulation time ((2.7±0.5) vs (2.6±0.5) minutes), reperfusion time ((16.2±4.5) vs (15.4±3.6) minutes), total time of the procedure ((44.1±6.8) vs (41.2±5.7) minutes), use rates of temporary pacemaker (1.8% vs 2.2%) and IABP (0 vs 2.2%) in the two groups were not statistically significant (P〉0.05), but the hospital stay of the TFI group was longer than that of the TRI group ((10.1±4.6) vs (7.2±2..6) days, P〈0.01). A radial occlusion was observed in the TRI group, but no ischemic syndrome in hand  相似文献   

Background Transradial approach (TRA) percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been wildly applied amongunselected patients. However, only very few small studies have compared the outcomes between TRA and transfemoralapproach (TFA) in elderly patients. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety between TRA and TFA in elderly patientsby a pooled analysis.  相似文献   

The transradial access has been used for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for more than 10 years. Many studies have confirmed several advantages of a radial route over the traditional transfemoral approach, some of which include a decreased incidence of access site complications, an earlier ambulation after the procedure which helps make patients more comfortable after the procedure.4-SHowever, the radial artery is easier to spasm as it is smaller than the femoral artery. This kind of phenomenon often happens when shifting from angiographic catheters to guiding catheters.  相似文献   

目的 探讨冠状动脉(冠脉)内心电图在经皮冠脉介入治疗术(PCI)中早期识别心肌损伤的价值.方法 入选86例术前肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)及肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)值正常、接受择期PCI治疗单支血管的冠心病患者,通过冠脉内导丝记录患者PCI术中冠脉远端心电图,依据其是否发现有意义的心电图ST段改变分为变化组和对照组.测定患者术后8 h、24 h的cTnT、CK-MB.比较两组患者问cTnT、CK-MB水平及患者术中、术后4周内心脏事件发生情况.结果 86例患者PCI治疗术中30例(35%)出现有意义的冠脉内心电图改变(变化组),其余56例(65%)未见有意义的冠脉内心电图变化及体表心电图改变(对照组).变化组患者术后cTnT和CK-MB明显较对照组患者升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).有意义的冠脉内心电图改变对预测心肌损伤的敏感性为77%,特异性为94%,其阳性预测值和阴性预测值分别为90%、86%.术后4周内变化组患者心脏事件发生率较对照组患者高(P<0.05).结论 冠脉内心电图ST段的改变有助于即刻识别PCI术中心肌损伤.  相似文献   

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