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Background: The ability of physicians to critically reflect on their professional practice has been increasingly valued. Previous research brought to light the multidimensional structure of reflective practice in medicine. It comprises at least five sets of behaviours in response to complex medical problems encountered in professional practice. Factors associated to reflective practice among physicians have, as far as we know, not yet been explored by empirical study. Purpose: To study factors correlated to reflective practice among physicians. Methods: A questionnaire exploring characteristics of professional practice and educational experiences was administered to primary health care physicians. Measurements were related to scores on a reflective practice measuring instrument developed previously. Associations between variables were examined by statistical analysis with tests of correlation and analysis of variance. Results: Reflective practice is negatively correlated to physician’s age and number of years of clinical practice. Working mainly in hospitals and attendance to medical residency programmes in some specialties apparently have a positive effect on reflective practice. Conclusion: Reflective practice tends to decrease with experience. Findings are consistent with the literature on medical expertise that shows a decline of analytical reasoning in proportion to the increase in experience. Some specialty programmes seems to enhance concerns with the scientific basis to professional practice, thereby favouring reflective approaches. Local features of primary health care settings probably explain their negative effect on reflective practice. Strategies to develop reflective practice among physicians should be explored by further research.  相似文献   

BackgroundTrue evidence-informed decision-making in public health relies on incorporating evidence from a number of sources in addition to traditional scientific evidence. Lack of access to these types of data as well as ease of use and interpretability of scientific evidence contribute to limited uptake of evidence-informed decision-making in practice. An electronic evidence system that includes multiple sources of evidence and potentially novel computational processing approaches or artificial intelligence holds promise as a solution to overcoming barriers to evidence-informed decision-making in public health.ObjectiveThis study aims to understand the needs and preferences for an electronic evidence system among public health professionals in Canada.MethodsAn invitation to participate in an anonymous web-based survey was distributed via listservs of 2 Canadian public health organizations in February 2019. Eligible participants were English- or French-speaking individuals currently working in public health. The survey contained both multiple-choice and open-ended questions about the needs and preferences relevant to an electronic evidence system. Quantitative responses were analyzed to explore differences by public health role. Inductive and deductive analysis methods were used to code and interpret the qualitative data. Ethics review was not required by the host institution.ResultsRespondents (N=371) were heterogeneous, spanning organizations, positions, and areas of practice within public health. Nearly all (364/371, 98.1%) respondents indicated that an electronic evidence system would support their work. Respondents had high preferences for local contextual data, research and intervention evidence, and information about human and financial resources. Qualitative analyses identified several concerns, needs, and suggestions for the development of such a system. Concerns ranged from the personal use of such a system to the ability of their organization to use such a system. Recognized needs spanned the different sources of evidence, including local context, research and intervention evidence, and resources and tools. Additional suggestions were identified to improve system usability.ConclusionsCanadian public health professionals have positive perceptions toward an electronic evidence system that would bring together evidence from the local context, scientific research, and resources. Elements were also identified to increase the usability of an electronic evidence system.  相似文献   

Clinical and public health research, education, and medical practice are vulnerable to influence by corporate interests driven by the for-profit motive. Developments over the last 10 years have shown that transparency and self-reporting of corporate ties do not always mitigate bias. In this article, we provide examples of how sound scientific reasoning and evidence-gathering are undermined through compromised scientific enquiry resulting in misleading science, decision-making, and policy intervention. Various medical disciplines provide reference literature essential for informing public, environmental, and occupational health policy. Published literature impacts clinical and laboratory methods, the validity of respective clinical guidelines, and the development and implementation of public health regulations. Said literature is also used in expert testimony related to resolving tort actions on work-related illnesses and environmental risks. We call for increased sensitivity, full transparency, and the implementation of effective ethical and professional praxis rules at all relevant regulatory levels to rout out inappropriate corporate influence in science. This is needed because influencing the integrity of scientists who engage in such activities cannot be depended upon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Concern with ethics is central to professionalism. It is only recently, however, that epidemiologists have begun to address ethics formally akin to other professions. METHODS: The bearing of ethics theories on the control of environmentally determined diseases is explored. RESULTS: The rationale behind promoting environmental change depends not only on demonstrated evidence from research, but also on the potential for the change to be both effective for improving health and cost-efficient. These dependencies are shown to be value-laden, especially in terms of distributive justice, and to vary across cultures and over time. The epidemiologist is concerned with the scientific ethic which is duty-based, related to deontology or to rule utilitarian theories of ethics. In addition, public health professionals are concerned with doing the greatest good for the greatest number; it is upon this basis that much of public health decision-making rests. The value of doing good according to prevailing social mores is a consideration from virtue-based theory. Under any ethical theory, however, consideration of harmful and beneficial consequences is often involved. The duty to act in the public interest strongly influences professional conduct. Decisions for disease control thus are drawn variously from both the established ethical theories and shared ethical principles. CONCLUSIONS: By recognizing the ethical basis for decisions, recommendations and conduct are better able to be morally justified. Furthermore, understanding the ethical framework for decisions about disease control provides an evaluative base for assessing both scientific and cultural advances. Environment, epidemiology, culture and ethics are closely intertwined.  相似文献   


Clinical and public health research, education, and medical practice are vulnerable to influence by corporate interests driven by the for-profit motive. Developments over the last 10 years have shown that transparency and self-reporting of corporate ties do not always mitigate bias. In this article, we provide examples of how sound scientific reasoning and evidence-gathering are undermined through compromised scientific enquiry resulting in misleading science, decision-making, and policy intervention. Various medical disciplines provide reference literature essential for informing public, environmental, and occupational health policy. Published literature impacts clinical and laboratory methods, the validity of respective clinical guidelines, and the development and implementation of public health regulations. Said literature is also used in expert testimony related to resolving tort actions on work-related illnesses and environmental risks. We call for increased sensitivity, full transparency, and the implementation of effective ethical and professional praxis rules at all relevant regulatory levels to rout out inappropriate corporate influence in science. This is needed because influencing the integrity of scientists who engage in such activities cannot be depended upon.  相似文献   

Knowledge translation articulates how new scientific insights can be implemented efficiently into clinical practice to reap maximal health benefits. Modern information and communication technologies can be effective tools to help in the collection, processing, and targeted distribution of information from which clinicians, researchers, administrators, policy makers in health, and the public can benefit. Effective implementation of knowledge translation through the use of information and communication technologies, or technology-enabled knowledge translation (TEKT), would benefit both the individual health professional and the health system. Successful TEKT in health requires cultivation and acceptance in the following key domains: Perceiving types of knowledge and ways in which clinicians acquire and apply knowledge in practice. Understanding the conceptual and contextual frameworks of information and communication technologies applied to health systems, particularly the push, pull, and exchange communication models. Comprehending essential issues in implementation of information and communication technologies and strategies to take advantage of emerging opportunities and overcome existing barriers. Establishing a common and widely acceptable evaluation framework in order that researchers can compare various methodologies in their rightful contexts in TEKT research and adoption. Achieving harmony and common understanding in these areas will go a long way in fostering a fertile and innovative environment to encourage research and advance understanding in this exciting domain of TEKT.  相似文献   

Health services research consistently demonstrates a gap between research-based best clinical practice and what doctors actually do. Traditionally, the profession of medicine has behaved as if dissemination of research findings in peer-reviewed journals will eliminate this gap, even though professionals typically have less than 1 hour per week to read. This problem is complicated by the fact that physicians have not been trained generally to appraise published research, which is of variable quality in any event. Physicians interested in changing their practices also encounter organizational, peer group, and individual barriers at the same time as they face information overload and patient expectations. In a word, physicians' abilities to manage information is overwhelmed. This article both summarizes initiatives to improve physicians' information management through efforts to synthesize available evidence and describes the current evidence base of effectiveness and efficiency of dissemination and implementation strategies. We conclude that there is an imperfect evidence base to support decisions regarding strategies that are likely to be appropriate and effective under varying circumstances. Since this problem is compounded by the lack of a theoretical base for conceptualizing physician behavior change, we suggest exploring the applicability of behavioral theories to the understanding of professional behavior change. We also suggest exploring the use of theory-based process evaluations alongside randomized trials of dissemination and implementation strategies to further test theories and to explore causal mechanisms. Further research is required to explore determinants of provider behavior to better identify modifiable and non-modifiable effect modifiers, to develop methods of identifying barriers and facilitators to change, and to estimate the efficiency of dissemination and implementation strategies in the presence of different barriers and effect modifiers.  相似文献   

Genomics research findings on asthma are reported with increasing frequency. As these findings are incorporated into existing knowledge of disease etiology and pathogenesis, the implications for public health practice need to be considered. In 2003, the University of Washington Center for Genomics and Public Health initiated a project to synthesize information about asthma genomics, to examine its relevance to public health research and practice, and to communicate findings to a public health practice audience. This goal was achieved through review of the scientific literature, formation of a working group, and consultations with professionals and community organizations. This paper describes the methods used to conduct these professional and community consultations, referred to as the asthma consultative process, and discusses the lessons learned from this activity.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted the adoption of digital health technologies such as teleconsultation. This research aimed to assess and compare barriers and facilitators for teleconsultation uptake for primary care practitioners in Hong Kong and the Netherlands and evaluate the role of their different healthcare funding models in this adoption process within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.A qualitative research following a social constructivist paradigm was performed. The study employed a conceptual framework from Lau and colleagues that identifies four levels of factors influencing change in primary care: (1) external contextual factors; (2) organization-related factors; (3) professional factors; and (4) characteristics of the intervention. The four levels were studied through semi-structured, open-ended interviews with primary care physicians. External factors were additionally assessed by means of a literature review.Hong Kong and the Netherlands showed different penetration rates of teleconsultation. Most stakeholders in both settings shared similar barriers and facilitators in the organizational, professional, and intervention levels. However, external contextual factors (i.e., current teleconsultation legislation, available incentives, and level of public awareness) played an important and differing role in teleconsultation uptake and had a direct effect on the organization, the professionals involved, and the type of technology used. Political and organizational actions are required to develop a comprehensive legal framework for the sustainable development of teleconsultation in both settings.  相似文献   

This article explores the supposition that the efficacy and impact of public health interventions targeting behavioral and lifestyle factors can be improved by developing interventions that combine scientific advances in behavior change theory with advances in information technology. It is noted that programs of the public health revolution which began during the late 19th century have been based on biomedical theories to guide health promotion efforts for the purpose of increased public health impact. However, developments in behavior change research suggest that it is possible to incorporate behavior change theory into traditional large-scale public health intervention programs. It has been indicated that there is a need to align the field of health promotion and disease prevention with the science of behavior change for the development of theory-based intervention strategies for lifestyle change. The combination of advances in behavioral science and progress in information technologies provides a unique opportunity to enhance the efficacy, reach, and impact of the health promotion programs of the second public health revolution.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: A significant gap exists between science and clinical practice guidelines, on the one hand, and actual clinical practice, on the other. An in-depth understanding of the barriers and incentives contributing to the gap can lead to interventions that effect change toward optimal practice and thus to better care. METHODS: A systematic review of English language studies involving human subjects and published from January 1998 to March 2007 yielded 256 articles that fulfilled established criteria. The analysis was guided by two research questions: How are barriers are assessed? and What types of barriers are identified? The studies abstracted were coded according to 33 emerging themes; placed into seven categories that typified the barriers; grouped as to whether they involved the health care professional, the guideline, the scientific evidence, the patient, or the health system; and organized according to relationship pattern between barriers. RESULTS: The results expand our understanding of how multiple factors pose barriers to optimal clinical practice. The review reveals increasing numbers of behavioral and system barriers. Quantitative survey type assessments continue to dominate barrier research; however, an increasing number of qualitative and mixed-method study designs have emerged recently. DISCUSSION: The findings establish the evolution of research methodologies and emerging barriers to the translation of knowing to doing. While many studies are methodologically weak, there are indications that designs are becoming more aligned with the complexity of the health care environment. The review provides support for the need to examine multiple factors within the knowledge-to-action process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evidence-informed health promotion and public health is an emerging and ever-changing theme in research and practice. A collaborative approach to gathering and applying evidence is crucial to implementing effective multi-sectoral health promotion and public health interventions for improved population outcomes. This paper presents an argument for the development of multi-sector evidence and discusses both facilitators and challenges to this process. METHODS: Sector-specific contacts familiar with decision-making processes were selected from referrals gained through academic, government and non-government networks and interviewed (in-person or via telephone) as part of a small scale study to scope the use of evidence within non-health sectors where decisions are likely to impact on public health. RESULTS: The views gathered are preliminary, and this analysis would benefit from more extensive consultation. Nonetheless, information gathered from the interviews and literature search provide valuable insights into evidence-related decision-making paradigms which demonstrate similarities with, and differences from, those found in the health sector. CONCLUSIONS: Decisions in health promotion and public may benefit from consideration of the ways in which disciplines and sectors can work together to inform policy and practice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health care organizations are increasingly aware of the need to apply quality assurance principles to serve their mission and there is an increasing pressure on health professionals to ensure that the practice is based on evidence of appropriateness. Medical specialists of different disciplines, including occupational health, are presently required to shift from habitual practices to evidence-based practices, and have began to use an approach based on the paradigm of Evidence-Based Medicine and of Evidence-Based Occupational Health (EBOH). OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: The study was carried out to analyse how the paradigm of the EBOH could be implemented in the search, analysis and synthesis of the best available evidence to apply in the decision-making process in occupational health practice. Out of 464 medical examinations consecutively performed by 4 occupational health physicians, 6 cases were selected on the basis of their complexity and the need for further investigation. Each case was submitted to each of the 4 physicians, who were asked to make a decision according to the EBOH paradigm: i.e., (i) identification of the problem according to the PICO model, (ii) solution of the problem according to his/her internal evidence or experience (iii) search for scientific external evidence, (iv) critical appraisal of such evidence, (v) application of the evidence in the decision-making process, (vi) comparison between internal evidence and external evidence. Outcome measurements, including satisfaction of the physicians, were collected. RESULTS: No differences were found between the decisions based on external evidence or on internal evidence in about 50% of the cases (13/24). In about 1/3 of the cases (7/24) no agreement was observed between the decisions taken on the basis of internal and external evidence. In some cases (5/24) no useful information was added for the purposes of decision-making. In about 50% of the cases the professionals were satisfied with the information found in databases, due to its usefulness both in increasing their knowledge and in improving their practice. CONCLUSIONS: Due to their involvement in a corporate system, the participants were aware of the need to practice according to quality assurance principles and to relinquish ineffective and obsolete practices. They agreed with the need to search for the best available evidence with the aim of guaranteeing efficacious interventions. In spite of a number of obstacles to the application of the EBOH paradigm to occupational health practice, the study demonstrated that such approach can be successfully applied in this field and that it can be proposed for the search of appropriate solutions to the problems usually encountered in professional practice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Continuing medical education (CME) is undertaken with the intention that it will affect the practice of medicine at the level of choices made by individual physicians. Inherent in this effort is the assumption that CME is sufficient to effect a change in physician behavior. METHODS: To further examine the relationship between a CME activity and physician behavior, we conducted a study of behavior and barriers to change associated with a CME lecture and workshop on breast cancer risk assessment and treatment. Using the assessment of learning outcomes model of the International Association of Continuing Education and Training, we developed an instrument for assessing physician behavior and barriers to change. RESULTS: Throughout the United States and Canada, the instrument was administered on-site immediately after a CME activity implemented at 79 hospitals and cancer centers. It was administered again 6 months after the CME activity. There were 1,244 responses collected from 4,537 participants. This study reports the survey findings of 176 physician-paired responses to both the first and second waves of surveys. Some physicians changed their behavior with regard to performing risk assessments on all of their eligible patients. Ninety-two of the 176 physicians indicated that they had changed their practice regarding the use of tamoxifen therapy. Twenty-one physicians indicated that they were already using tamoxifen in their practice setting. Three influential barriers to change were identified: a lack of consensus among colleagues and peers, lack of time for assessment and patient counseling, and lack of reimbursement by the patient's insurance companies. FINDINGS: The CME activity was effective in changing the self-reported behavior of some physicians. Others attended the CME activity to obtain more information or to become more skilled about a procedure they had already implemented. Because of formidable barriers, it is unlikely that a single educational intervention will be sufficient to effect a change in the clinical practices of all physicians who participate in a CME activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This research describes tobacco attitudes and practices of health care providers in the Upper Midwest. A baseline measure of preventive practices by providers was needed to plan effective tobacco intervention education programs. METHODS: Health care providers in a 16-county region received a mailed survey regarding tobacco assessment practices, intervention practices, attitudes, skills/knowledge, barriers, and desire for tobacco education. The survey was sent to all chiropractors, dentists, nurse practitioners/physician assistants, physicians (primary care and specialist), and public health nurses in the region. A total of 51.9% (n = 614) of all providers returned usable surveys. RESULTS: Significant differences were found between provider groups on all measured concepts. Primary care physicians, nurse practitioners/physician assistants, and public health nurses were more likely than specialist physicians, dentists, and chiropractors to assess, intervene, be supportive of tobacco cessation, have skills/knowledge about cessation, perceive fewer barriers, and want further education. CONCLUSIONS: In this region, provider groups differed in tobacco use assessment and treatment. All provider groups desired education regarding tobacco intervention. Region-wide tobacco cessation educational initiatives need to take into account differences between provider groups.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Questions have arisen regarding the competency levels of the various professions within the public health sector, including those of physicians. Protection of the nation's health requires that physicians on the public health team be competent practitioners of both medicine and public health. Physicians practicing in this arena are required to possess a vast array of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be effective contributors in the field. METHODS: Using focus groups of key informants in public health, the context of practice, inventory of required competencies, current competencies, and identified gaps in these competencies, measures to address the situation were identified and discussed. RESULTS: Recommendations from the focus groups include: use of distance-based learning, development of educational materials and programs, use of the American College of Preventive Medicine as a facilitator, improved remuneration, changes to the certification process, utilization of mentoring programs, introduction of new marketing strategies, use of professional publications, and increased governmental/agency support. Contributors to this endeavor are identified. CONCLUSIONS: While we strive to improve the physician workforce entering the field, creative strategies for continued lifelong learning are urgently needed to facilitate ongoing development of physicians in the current public health workforce. This situation presents a major research agenda for public health practice. Identification of the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes for public health physicians is the first step toward narrowing gaps in required competencies.  相似文献   

Improved population health depends on changing behaviour: of those who are healthy (e.g. stopping smoking), those who are ill (e.g. adhering to health advice) and those delivering health care. To design more effective behaviour change interventions, we need more investment in developing the scientific methods for studying behaviour change. Behavioural science is relevant to all phases of the process of implementing evidence-based health care: developing evidence through primary studies, synthesizing the findings in systematic reviews, translating evidence into guidelines and practice recommendations, and implementing these in practice. 'Behaviour change: Implementation and Health', the last research programme to be funded within the MRC HSRC, aimed to develop innovative ways of applying theories and techniques of behaviour change to understand and improve the implementation of evidence-based practice, as a key step to improving health. It focused on four areas of study that apply behaviour change theory:defining and developing a taxonomy of behaviour change techniques to allow replication of studies and the possibility of accumulating evidence; conducting systematic reviews, by categorizing and synthesizing interventions on the basis of behaviour change theory; investigating the process by which evidence is translated into guideline recommendations for practice; developing a theoretical framework to apply to understanding implementation problems and designing interventions. This work will contribute to advancing the science of behaviour change by providing tools for conceptualizing and defining intervention content, and linking techniques of behaviour change to their theoretical base.  相似文献   

The implementation of public health knowledge is a complex process; researchers focus on organizational barriers but generally give little attention to the format and validity of relevant information. Primary and secondary papers and practice guidelines should represent valid and relevant sources of knowledge for clinicians and others involved in public health. However, this information is usually targeted at researchers rather than practitioners; it is often not completely intelligible, does not explain what it really adds to existing knowledge or which clinical/organizational context to place it in, and often lacks 'appeal' for those who are less informed. Moreover, this information is sometimes founded on biased research, shaped by sponsors to give scientific plausibility to market-driven messages. A "social marketing" approach can help public health researchers make evidence-based information clear and appealing. The validity and relevance of this information can be explained to target readers in light of their own knowledge levels and in terms of how this information could help their practice. In this paper we analyse the barriers to knowledge transfer that are often inherent in the format of the information, and propose a more user-friendly, enriched and non-research-article format.  相似文献   

When responding to a novel infectious disease outbreak, policies are set under time constraints and uncertainty which can limit the ability to control the outbreak and result in unintended consequences including lack of public confidence. The H1N1 pandemic highlighted challenges in public health decision-making during a public health emergency. Understanding this process to identify barriers and modifiable influences is important to improve the response to future emergencies. The purpose of this study is to examine the H1N1 pandemic decision-making process in Canada with an emphasis on the use of evidence for public health decisions. Using semi-structured key informant interviews conducted after the pandemic (July–November 2010) and a document analysis, we examined four highly debated pandemic policies: use of adjuvanted vaccine by pregnant women, vaccine priority groups and sequencing, school closures and personal protective equipment. Data were analysed for thematic content guided by Lomas' policy decision-making framework as well as indicative coding using iterative methods. We interviewed 40 public health officials and scientific advisors across Canada and reviewed 76 pandemic policy documents. Our analysis revealed that pandemic pre-planning resulted in strong beliefs, which defined the decision-making process. Existing ideological perspectives of evidence strongly influenced how information was used such that the same evidentiary sources were interpreted differently according to the ideological perspective. Participants recognized that current models for public health decision-making failed to make explicit the roles of scientific evidence in relation to contextual factors. Conflict avoidance theory explained policy decisions that went against the prevailing evidence. Clarification of roles and responsibilities within the public health system would reduce duplication and maintain credibility. A more transparent and iterative approach to incorporating evidence into public health decision-making that reflects the realities of the external pressures present during a public health emergency is needed.  相似文献   



Policy is frequently identified in the behavioural nutrition and physical activity research literature as a necessary component of effective research and practice. The purpose of this commentary is to promote a dialogue to contribute towards the further development of conceptual understandings and theories of the relationship between policy practice and behavioural research and how these two activities might work synergistically to improve public health outcomes.


Drawing on policy and public health literature, this commentary presents a a conceptual model of the interaction and mediation between nutrition and physical activity-relevant policy and behavioural nutrition and physical activity research, environments, behaviours and public health implications. The selling of food in school canteens in several Australian states is discussed to illustrate components of the relationship and the interactions among its components.


The model depicts a relationship that is interdependent and cyclic. Policy contributes to the relationship through its role in shaping environmental and personal-cognitive determinants of behaviours and through these determinants it can induce behaviour change. Behavioural research describes behaviours, identifies determinants of behaviour change and therefore helps inform policy development and monitor and evaluate its impact.


The model has implications for guiding behavioural research and policy practice priorities to promote public health outcomes. In particular, we propose that policy practice and behavioural research activities can be strengthened by applying to each other the theories from the scientific disciplines informing these respective activities. Behavioural science theories can be applied to help understand policy-making and assist with disseminating research into policy and practice. In turn, policy science theories can be applied to support the 'institutionalisation' of commitments to ongoing behavioural research.  相似文献   

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