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本文分析了军医大学在编在岗正式工、人事代理合同工、劳务派遣雇佣工等用工现状,指出不同用工方式所产生的工作积极性不高、热情减退、归属感不强、人员流动大等问题,提出推动用工制度改革、注重人文关怀建设、加大员工培训力度、建立考核激励机制等对策。  相似文献   

劳务派遣用工形式是事业单位用工方式的一种补充,是事业单位人力资源管理的组成部分,有其用工的市场需求,且具有用工的灵活性,但在实际用工过程中一些问题日益凸显。劳务派遣人员在被派遣期间其合法权益如何得到保障,以补充用工的形式如何提高单位的工作业绩,在用工的过程中存在哪些法律风险,用工单位需要采取怎样的防范对策,亟需研究分析和考虑。  相似文献   

朱小平 《现代保健》2012,(31):153-154
本院是一所三级甲等的公立医院,随着医院规模的扩大,患者数的增加以及病患对医疗服务需求的提高,多年来,医院事业编制人员十分紧缺,难以满足工作需要。因此,从2004年开始,本院试行编外人员用工。目前,已逐步形成了以事业编制为主、租赁用工、编外聘用、合同制等多种用工并存的多元化形式。经过多年实践表明,实行多元化用工模式,在激活单位用人制度、降低人工成本、规避用人风险、提高人力资源管理效率等方面发挥了重要作用[1],是一种有  相似文献   

从南通市妇幼保健院编外用工现状着手,分析现有的两种主要的编外用工模式的区别,指出编外用工存在的问题, 探讨编外备案制管理的实施,以及对规范公立医院编外用工的影响。  相似文献   

<正> 1 前言 乡镇企业与国有大中型企业相比,其从业人员整体水平较低,生产条件与劳动环境较差。但是乡镇企业之所以能蓬勃发展,且立足于商品经济大市场,重要原因之一是有别于国有企业的灵活用工制度。1.1 用工形式复杂而多变,至今有关主管部门尚无确切的分类。但按一般企业用工形式大致可分为:1.1.1 管理层:其中既有农民,也有乡镇干部和外聘人员。1.1.2 技术人员层:主要为当地农民,也有从国有企业聘用  相似文献   

医院合同制工人是直接与医院签订劳动合同,建立劳动关系的工人,主要从事辅助性、临时性、替代性工作,保障临床一线的需求。随着医院合同制工人数量逐渐增加,医院承担的管理成本和用工风险也相应提高。因此,医院积极探索,通过外包、劳务派遣等方式,对合同制工人用工形式进行改革,做到既保障临床需求、提高合同制工人的积极性,又能实现合法、高效、低风险用工。  相似文献   

随着我国《事业单位人事管理条例》的实施及公立医院逐步“去编制化”的改革趋势,弹性用工模式必将在我国公立医院得以推广和规范应用。该文结合弹性用工的基本内涵和形式,分析了弹性用工模式在公立医院中的应用现状及存在的问题,提出了公立医院推广和规范应用弹性用工模式的对策建议。  相似文献   

我院实行劳务派遣用工制度的做法与体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用工制度改革是事业单位体制改革的核心内容之一。通过改革与创新,建立起一套既能适应转型期医院运转的需求,又能从根本上推动人事制度改革不断深入的新机制,是医院人事管理部门所面临的共性问题。在这种背景下,我院通过对用人制度的不断探索,尝试将现代人力资源管理的原则、规律和方法引入到医院人事管理中来。自2004年起,对硕士学历以下及原编制外的用工人员以劳务派遣的方式进行用工制度改革,取得了一定的效果,现简要介绍如下。  相似文献   

1 国有企业医院用工制度改革中遇到的问题1.1“主人公”与“主人空”的双重困惑 我们所要进行的用工制度改革正在打破过去的“铁饭碗”,在实行合同制用工、优化组合、裁减医院富余人员等一系列措施下,使一些在岗职工被裁减下来,由隐性失业变为显性失业。个别职工丢了“饭碗”,他们不免滋生了“主人空”的感觉。1.2“盼改革”与“怕改革”的心理矛盾 在改革开放以后,特别是在实行社会主义市场经济之后,原来的社会利益结构因社会经济结构的变化而发生了变异。特别是城市医院的经济结构、生产结构更加复杂,最明显的是  相似文献   

本文从一则典型职业卫生监督案例出发,分析和探讨劳动合同关系、劳务派遣、劳务外包等不同劳动用工关系下职业健康保障的责任主体认定,并对职业卫生行政处罚案件的调查与处理提出建议,以期为卫生行政执法实践提供参考.  相似文献   

医院招聘工作不仅是医院广纳贤才的过程,同时也是医院对外公关,促进医院良好形象建设的过程.本文针对当前招聘工作中存在的影响医院形象的问题,结合医院2011年招聘工作经验,提出促进医院形象建设的招聘对策建议.  相似文献   

Disabled people are amongst the most excluded in society, while people with learning disability have the lowest rates of employment. Supported employment promises to address the gaps, but it is a new approach, one whose development has been incremental. The present authors explore some of the features of agencies providing employment support to disabled people, together with their managers' views. This paper describes semistructured telephone interviews with the managers of 31 employment support agencies. The survey sought to understand the types of service provided, the staff and caseload numbers, the training offered, and the targets used. The authors also asked the managers what would help them in delivering employment opportunities to disabled people. The responses of the managers highlight gaps between current policy and practice. Particular attention is given to the use of targets, fragmented funding and what managers consider is required to improve employment opportunities for disabled people. Managers endorsed the vision expressed in current policy, and identified numerous obstacles to its implementation in employment support. Taken together, their views can be used to guide the development of supported employment.  相似文献   

Recent literature has shown consistent evidence of a positive relationship between maternal employment and children's overweight status. These studies largely use average weekly work hours over the child's life to measure employment. This paper specifically aims at exploring the importance of the timing of employment. Using various econometric techniques to control for observable and unobservable child and family characteristics, the results show that full-time maternal employment during mid-childhood positively affects the probability of being overweight at age 16. There is no evidence that part-time or full-time employment at earlier/later ages affects this probability.  相似文献   

目的:探讨更新家长观念对引导学生就业的作用。方法:以问卷调查形式,了解并分析家长在开展就业活动前后对专业认识、就业观念、实习选择等方面的变化。通过针对学生及家长开展一系列就业指导工作,更新家长的就业观念,引导学生扩大就业思路,到省外大城市去实习就业,到乡镇医院、社区医院去就业。结果:2007届、2008届学生家长在学生入学时、实习前后对专业认识、就业观念、实习选择等方面有了许多变化;家长的就业观念对中专学生的就业有一定的影响。结论:医学中专生顺利就业必须更新家长的就业观念。就业指导专业认识就业观念  相似文献   

Employment sustainability is one of the most pressing issues inflicting people living with HIV (PLHIV). A qualitative approach was used to elucidate the perceived challenges in sustaining their employment and the perceived barriers in re-entering the workforce for HIV patients. In-depth interviews were conducted with 16 patients from an acute hospital in Singapore. The main challenges raised in sustaining employment were: (1) ability to ensure secrecy of diagnosis from employers, (2) ability to secure financial resources for treatment and sustenance, (3) ability to ensure stable health to meet job requirements, (4) ability to cognitively sit with the concerns of uncertainty and limitations in career, and (5) ability to work through discriminatory workplace practices. The perceived barriers in gaining workforce re-entry were: (1) fear of pre-employment medical screening and potential discriminatory practices at workplace, (2) concerns over health (frequent hospital admissions, physical weakness, and existing medical co-morbidities), and (3) psychosocial challenges (unstable accommodation, older age, financial issues, and trade skills limitation). The overarching factor that influences the success of sustaining and securing an employment among HIV patients is secrecy of the diagnosis. The individuals' health status, financial status and access to healthcare, and other psychosocial challenges further compound the issue.  相似文献   

某三甲医院中层干部换届聘任实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中层干部队伍作为党的建设和干部队伍建设的重要组成部分,在医院管理工作中发挥着承上启下的重要作用。笔者所在医院在中层干部换届工作中,通过完善干部选拔聘用机制、严格干部选拔聘用标准、规范换届操作流程等,促使新一届中层干部队伍整体素质有效提升,为医院的改革发展提供组织保障。  相似文献   

Perceptions of young people with acquired brain injury (ABI) and their parents regarding transition from school to employment was explored using five focus groups comprising young people and parents. The focus groups addressed participants' perceptions of school integration, development of future goals, strategies needed to reach these goals, and hindrances experienced. Most of these young people appeared to have had a general lack of support from allied health and educational professionals throughout the continuum of hospital to school, and school to work transitions. All parents reported high levels of stress related to their child's schooling and future employment, and many young people also reported vast unmet needs related to both the present and the future.  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移就业,是统筹城乡经济发展,增加农民收入、脱贫致富的重要途径,是实现农村现代化的必然趋势,是全面建设小康社会的重要内容。西部民族地区随着西部大开发的实施农村就业结构发生了积极的变化,第一产业就业比重有所下降,第二、三产业就业比重明显提高。但总体来说,就业结构仍然不够合理,农牧区剩余劳动力转移就业困难。从四川省甘孜藏族自治州入手,分析目前西部民族地区劳动力转移就业的现状和制约因素,探索充分发挥西部民族地区优势,建立适合西部民族地区农村劳动力转移就业模式的途径,并结合各地先进经验提出有效的解决途径。  相似文献   

The Inpatient Clinico-Occupational Survey collected data from 3.76 million patients, showing that the average length of stay declined by 16.1 d in FY2008 and by 14.1 d in FY2015. In this study, we assessed the length of hospital stay and readmission, stratified by ICD-10 and employment status. A cross-sectional study was conducted on data from FY2008, including those from 65,806 first hospitalizations and 16,653 readmissions in FY2008, where 62,260 first admissions and 29,242 readmissions in FY 2015. The length of hospital stay was longest in those admitted due to external influences (24.8 d), followed by musculoskeletal disorders (22.5 d). This remained unchanged in FY2015, however, lengths of stay of those were reduced by 20.1 and 20.0 d, respectively. The length of hospital stay for most diseases was longer upon readmission than on first admission, and longer for those who were unemployed. It is necessary to give attention to patients who need to be discharged early due to work, or plan for frequent hospitalization in order to reduce the length of each hospital stay because of the expected increase in the number of elderly workers brought on by a declining birth rate and an aging population.  相似文献   

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