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卫生监督员胜任特征模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对20名卫生监督员的行为事例访谈,建立了卫生监督员胜任特征模型。卫生监督员的胜任特征包括工作流程标准化、主动性、资讯收集、人际沟通与了解、冲击与影响、分析式思考、专业知识取得、自我控制和自信等9个胜任特征。与Spencer夫妇建立的人类服务工作者的一般模型比较,有7项胜任特征是一致的,而工作流程标准化和资讯收集是卫生监督员独有的胜任特征。  相似文献   

广西卫生监督员状况分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对广西2331名卫生监督员现状调查分析表明,广西卫生监督员人力不足,整体素质氏。提出了改革和完善卫生监督执法体制已迫在眉睫,建立卫生监督员考试、上岗的管理制度是风区卫生监督员整体素质的2。  相似文献   

通过对1995年北京市五大卫生监督员的现状初步分析,结果表明:北京市卫生监督员队伍在数量上基本符合《中国2000年预防保健战略目标制定研究》中制定的标准。但从学历、职称上看市卫生防疫站尚可,区卫生防疫站特别是远郊县卫生防疫站学历,职称偏低。提示我们为完善监督体制,更好地完成监督执法任务,要严格把关,杜绝“无学历、无职称”者涌入监督队伍。加强在岗监督员的继续教育,提高监督员队伍素质,做好卫生监督工作。  相似文献   

作者通过对无锡市卫生监督所卫生监督员的激励机制进行了研究。主要是针对激励机制的做法和实施过程中遇到的问题进行探讨,并提出了有针对性的对策及建议。  相似文献   

卫生监督作为医疗卫生工作的重要组成部分,在重大传染病暴发流行、饮用水和公共场所卫生事件发生时,必须及时做出响应并正确处置,而卫生监督队伍的应急能力直接关系到应急工作的成败。为了解南京市卫生监督员卫生应急能力情况,发现存在问题,于2012年9月在全市范围内开展了卫生监督应急比武。  相似文献   

农村派驻卫生监督员试点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王德厚 《职业与健康》2008,24(17):1838-1838
随着卫生监督体制改革的深入,城市的卫生监督工作稳步推进,执法监督力度逐年加强。而农村的卫生监督工作面广、量大,各单位比较分散,相对滞后,卫生安全问题日益突显,严重影响农民群众的身体健康和社会主义新农村建设。我们针对承德市的实际,2007年对全市在乡镇派驻卫生监督员,村派驻卫生监督协管员进行试点,现将工作开展情况报告如下。  相似文献   

解伟 《山东卫生》2004,(2):40-40
卫生监督体制改革以后,明确了卫生监督所作为法律执行机构的地位和性质,根据“监督与监测相分离”的原则,监测、检验等技术服务职能及有关人员划归疾病预防控制中心.其工作性质也限定在监督执法范畴,不再从事技术性服务;卫生监督员的身份也由半管理员中技术员转变为单纯的公共事  相似文献   

卫生监督员46名健康检查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着卫生监督体制改革的深入 ,卫生监督执法任务越来越繁重 ,对卫生监督员的素质要求也越来越高。卫生监督员不但应当具备优良的思想素质和业务素质 ,而且还必须具备良好的身体素质。为掌握卫生监督员的健康状况 ,我所于 2 0 0 2年 12月对本所 46名卫生监督员进行健康检查 ,结果报告如下。1 方法由所工会组织 ,我所 46名卫生监督员在指定的市级医院进行健康检查 ,检查项目有 :内、外、五官、眼科 ,血糖、血脂、肝功能检验 ,心电图检查 ,肝、胆、脾、肾B超检查 ,X光胸透 ,女性加查妇科。检查结束后 ,建立职工健康档案 ,并对检查结果进行统…  相似文献   

卫生监督员智能素质拓展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正> 在电子计算机行业中,人们将设备部分称为“硬件”,运筹部分称为“软件”。如果可以借用的话,把我国现行颁布实施的各项卫生法律、法规视为硬件,把具体从事卫生监督执法管理的“主体”行为人——卫生监督员的个人或群体智能素质视为软件,加  相似文献   

卫生监督的性质是国家监督,是国家意志的反映。但其执法者一卫生监督员毕竟是自然人,其知觉过程受社会因素所制约。因此,消除卫生监督员的各种社会知觉中的偏见,正确剖析影响社会知觉的因素,发展观察能力,防止产生知觉中的错觉,是公正执法的需要。  相似文献   

目前,卫生监督员卫生专业技术职称晋升考试重视卫生专业知识,忽视法律知识,且正规法律系毕业的大学生没有资格参加卫生专业技术职称考评,因此卫生专业技术职称级别在一定程度上无法准确反映卫生监督员的实际执法水平。但奖金分配仍主要参照卫生专业技术职称,因此存在着分配不公,极易造成部分卫生监督员工作消极。为此,我所在认真执行国家有关规定的基础上,对如何合理分配奖金,全面准确反映监督员工作数量、工作质量进行了有效探索,  相似文献   

In countless ways, the United States is looked at as a model by much of the world. In the new corporate environment, decision making must be fast and accurate, dictating in turn that accurate information must flow faster. Information systems can absorb the side effects of change and interactive process developed to assess, define, and agree to a new set of work relationships. The strategic use of information and information systems is a mindset to which all members of the organization need to acculturate themselves. It should be set in each of the work teams, the organization, and its managers as a way of thinking, not merely a job or a task at hand. Experimenting with alternative designs and various management techniques in the 1990s may lead to a prosperity in the next century. Futurism may help us get there.  相似文献   

Health care supervisors are being driven by the rapid changes in health care today. One demand is to complete their undergraduate degree or even a graduate degree. Few of us are able to devote the many hours required to attend on-campus classes full time. Now there is an alternative. Busy health care supervisors can now complete their undergraduate or graduate degrees from the comfort of their home--maintaining a job and family life.  相似文献   

Someone once described the difference between ethical and unethical behavior in these terms: After doing something ethical you feel good; after doing something unethical you feel bad. Not quite. Feelings have something to do with ethics but not everything. Feelings may legitimately play into the moral reasoning associated with senses of guilt and guiltlessness, but moral reasoning demands critical thinking if it is to be honest. The ability to think critically on moral issues, it is argued here, is a competence that must be exercised by all professionals.  相似文献   

This article explores strategic planning from the perspective of the health care supervisor. It analyzes the strategic environment of organizations, the planning process, how to evaluate the strategic plan, and the implementation phase. A strategic planning model is offered as well as a view of the future of strategic planning. The article articulates that strategic planning should emphasize flexibility. The plan needs to be custom designed for the particular organization. Strategic planning is a primary vehicle for health care supervisors to use work teams to further develop organizational effectiveness. Finally, strategic planning is linked to both research and systems theory.  相似文献   

The creation of necessary, efficient forms at the lowest possible cost is possible. However, it requires a willingness to diligently perform forms analysis, design, and control. Untrained forms designers may know what items they need on a form, but they do not necessarily know how to arrange items on a form or how to select the physical properties of the form. This article addresses the salient points of forms analysis, design, and control.  相似文献   

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