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Background: With a lack of evidence base for individual topical PUVA protocols, treatment is presently based on the consensus of current practice. This audit was designed to investigate the effectiveness of topical PUVA for palmoplantar dermatoses. Methods: Phototherapy notes were reviewed on all patients who received hand and/or foot PUVA 2002–2007 in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT), Northern Ireland. Results: Thirty patients met the inclusion criteria for the study. The mean number of treatments, maximum single UVA dose, and cumulative dose, were 18.4, 4.2 J/cm2, and 48.3 J/cm2, respectively. A positive response to treatment occurred in 51.3% of patients, which fell short of the 70% standard set. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, number of treatments (P=0.04) and maximum single UVA dose (P=0.03) were the only variables associated with positive treatment outcome. The response was not influenced significantly by skin type, concurrent topical treatments, or cumulative UVA dose. Limitations to the study: Small patient numbers may have prevented the statistical significance of individual variables. Conclusions: UV dose increments should be clearly defined to avoid excess caution at the expense of an adequate patient response, and a minimum of 20 treatments administered to all patients, if tolerated.  相似文献   

Background: Numerous studies have confirmed the short‐term effectiveness of 8‐methoxypsoralen bath PUVA therapy in patients with chronic palmoplantar dermatoses; however, little is known about long‐term results. Patients and methods: In this retrospective study we examined the long‐term results in 79 patients (mean age: 48 years) with chronic palmoplantar dermatoses who were treated with bath PUVA three times a week over an 8‐year period. A good clinical response (a reduction of more than 50% of the skin lesions) occurred after a mean of 23 treatments and a mean cumulative UVA dose of 39 J/cm2 in 51 patients (65%). In 2007 a questionnaire was sent to these 51 patients to assess the long‐term outcome. Results: With bath PUVA treatment, the best results were found in patients with hyperkeratotic eczema (17/22; 77% good clinical response) followed by patients with palmoplantar psoriasis (26/41; 63%) and patients with dyshidrotic eczema (8/16; 50%). Thirty‐four patients (67%) answered the questionnaire after a mean follow‐up interval of 4.3 years (10–87 months). Among these patients, 36% reported an improved course of disease after PUVA therapy with reduced frequency and/or intensity of the skin rash, and 29% of patients reported continued complete clearance. 79% of our patients reported a long‐term reduction in the use of topical corticosteroids during the follow‐up period (mean: 4.3 years). In addition, 67% of patients reported a lasting improvement in quality of life. Conclusions: These data show that bath PUVA may have a long‐term, beneficial influence on the course of disease in a majority of patients with recalcitrant chronic palmoplantar dermatoses.  相似文献   

Sixty-two and 38 psoriatic patients were treated with topical PUVA and combined etretinate and topical PUVA (Re-PUVA), respectively. In both groups, 50% of the patients showed initial recovery after 6 weeks and over 90% after 14 weeks. Re-PUVA was more effective than PUVA alone in obtaining complete clearance (p<0.05). To clear psoriasis in 50% of the patients, PUVA and Re-PUVA required 63 and 26 weeks, respectively. Furthermore, the integrated clearance rates after 70 weeks were 50% in PUVA and 63% in Re-PUVA. Each therapy showed a similar remission period; psoriasis recurred in 50% of the patients after 4 months. In addition, 17 patients were treated with oral etretinate, and Re-PUVA was found to be more effective than etretinate monotherapy. Another aim was to determine whether etretinate would inhibit the development of PUVA side effects. Adding etretinate failed to inhibit the production of PUVA lentigines but clearly suppressed antinuclear antibody (ANA) expression. Six of 56 patients treated with PUVA alone developed ANA during the treatment. In marked contrast (p=0.05), ANA was detected in none of 34 patients treated with Re-PUVA.  相似文献   

Background: Ultraviolet (UV)A protective properties of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) have been used as a topical UV‐resisting barrier to optimize psoralens and UVA (turbo‐PUVA). Starting doses and increments were based on the DHA diffuse reflectance spectroscopy‐derived protection factor. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of turbo‐PUVA in psoriatic patients using a simpler method for determining starting doses and increments, in comparison to the conventional American‐style PUVA photochemotherapy. Methods: Thirty psoriasis patients (15 on American‐style PUVA and 15 on turbo‐PUVA) were evaluated, each receiving PUVA twice weekly. Starting UVA dose was determined according to skin phototype for the American‐style PUVA group and according to the patient's skin phototype × DHA SPF 3 in turbo‐PUVA group. UVA increments used were 0.5–1.5 J/cm2 per treatment in American‐style PUVA and 25% of the previous dose in turbo‐PUVA. Results: Turbo‐PUVA group showed a significantly lower mean cumulative dose, a significantly higher psoriasis area and severity index score reduction, lesser mean number of treatment sessions, and less duration of treatment till remission (188.44±106.2 J/cm2, 92.164±1.975%, 11.2±3.52 session, and 1.4±0.44 months, respectively) than conventional American‐style PUVA group (255.13±18.304 J/cm2, 74.725±10.976%, 30±0.00 sessions, and 3.75±0.00 months, respectively). Conclusion: Turbo‐PUVA is more effective and time convenient for the treatment of psoriasis with less cumulative dose than the conventional American‐style PUVA.  相似文献   

RePUVA is the combination of an oral aromatic retinoid, etretinate, with oral photochemotherapy, PUVA. This combination therapy has the advantage of faster clearance with fewer side effects. In Middle Road Hospital, we treated 29 patients with extensive psoriasis (more than 30% involvement) with a total 32 RePUVA treatments. There was complete clearance in 69% of patients with an average of 19 irradiations and an average total ultraviolet A (UVA) dose of 183 J/cm2. This compared well with standard PUVA which needed 25 radiations and a total UVA dose of 346 J/cm2. The main side effects were cheilitis, exfoliation of skin and pruritus. Biochemically, 41% of the patients showed elevations of serum triglyceride.  相似文献   

目的:观察补骨脂素长波紫外线(PUVA)和窄谱中波紫外线(NB-UVB)治疗寻常性银屑病的临床疗效及其影响因素。方法:分别采用PUVA和311nmNB-UVB照射治疗146例寻常性银屑病患者,并以银屑病面积和严重度指数(PASI)评价疗效,分析照射剂量等对疗效和复发的影响。结果:NB-UVB治疗寻常性银屑病的疗效与PUVA相当,NB-UVB组患者的治疗时间明显短于PUVA组,NB-UVB组患者1年内复发率高于PUVA组。结论:NB-UVB治疗寻常性银屑病与PUVA相比,不良反应较少,起效较快。  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that psoriasis patients have higher rates of comorbidities. We sought to determine the prevalence of comorbidities and co-medications in our psoriasis patients. We conducted case-control study in 1835 patients with psoriasis vulgaris and age- and gender-matched cohort without psoriasis. Patients were examined for clinical characteristics of psoriasis, PASI scores, and data of age, sex, body mass index (BMI), smoking status, comorbidities, and co-medications were analysed for both patients and controls. We identified 1661 (92.8%) patients with mild to moderate psoriasis (PASI < 10) and 129 patient's (7.03%) with severe psoriasis (PASI > 10). Patients with psoriasis were more likely to be current smokers (51.34% vs 32.51% controls). Respective prevalence rates of risk factors in those with mild–moderate psoriasis, severe psoriasis, and controls were as follows: inflammatory arthritis (20%, 31% and 10.68%); coronary heart disease (4.1%, 8.35% and 1.42%); obesity (BM1) (32.5%, 41% and 17%); diabetes mellitus type II (37.4%, 41% and 16%); hypertension (32%, 40.3% and 11.55%); dyslipidemia (14.1%, 22.48% and 4.96%); metabolic syndrome (16%, 26.35% and 6.76%); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (5.36%, 6.98% and 4.03%); cancer (0.3%, 1.55% and 0.16%). They had a higher odds of inflammatory arthritis, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus II, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome. They were receiving significantly wider varieties of drugs. Which most commonly included antidiabetic drugs, antihypertensives, and hypolipidemic drugs.  相似文献   

Twenty patients with palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) were treated with topical PUVA, oral etretinate (Re), or combined PUVA and etretinate (Re-PUVA). Re and Re-PUVA treated sites improved and/or cleared more rapidly than PUVA treated sites. Complete clearance was observed in six of ten sites treated with Re-PUVA, two of ten with Re, and one of ten sites with PUVA within 12 weeks. UVA-control sites failed to be cleared within 12 weeks. Remission periods after stopping the treatment were 1.5 +/- 0.5 weeks (n = 2) with Re, 10.5 +/- 11.4 weeks (n = 6) with Re-PUVA, and one year (n = 1) with PUVA. These results overall suggested that Re-PUVA is the most effective treatment for PPP. Tonsillar focal infection (TFI) and dental focal infection (DFI) were found in 6/20 and 17/20 patients, respectively. However, the presence of focal infection (FI), TFI and/or DFI, did not appear to interfere with the therapeutic activities of Re and/or PUVA, because the complete clearance rates and remission periods in FI(+) patients were comparable with those in FI(-) patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vitiligo is a common pigmentary disorder with great cosmetic and psychological morbidity. No treatment available is a definitive cure. Systemic psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA) has been the mainstay of treatment. Narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) has been recently introduced. Although retrospective comparative study of systemic PUVA and NB-UVB has been published from our centre, no prospective study has been reported to date. AIMS: To investigate the position of NB-UVB vis-à-vis PUVA in terms of efficacy, time to repigment and adverse effects and to help decide if one therapy has an advantage over another in the treatment of vitiligo. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: It was a randomized, open, prospective study of 50 patients divided equally in TMP PUVA and NB-UVB groups. The study period was from January 2004 to June 2005. RESULTS: The mean degree of repigmentation attained in the NB-UVB group was 52.24% over a mean treatment period of 6.3 months, whereas in the PUVA group it was 44.7% in a mean period of 5.6 months (P=0.144). After excluding the results of therapy-resistant sites, that is, hands and feet, the mean degree of repigmentation in the NB-UVB group was 67.57%, whereas in the PUVA group it was 54.2% (P=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: NB-UVB performed better in comparison to TMP PUVA in terms of mean total repigmentation when traditionally considered therapy-resistant sites were excluded.  相似文献   

UVA1 phototherapy was found to induce marked improvement in skin lesions of patients with stages IA and IB mycosis fungoides (MF). Broad band UVA (BB‐UVA) is composed of 80.1% UVA1, with similar mechanisms of action. Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of BB‐UVA in the treatment of early‐stage MF. Thirty patients with early stage MF were included. They were divided into two equal groups receiving either BB‐UVA at 20 J/cm2/ session or PUVA three times/week for 40 sessions. Clinical and histopathological evaluations were performed before and after therapy in addition to immunohistochemical measurement of CD4+ cells and Bcl‐2. Patients were followed up for an average duration of 36 months. Comparable clinical and histopathological improvement was noted in MF patients in both groups. Clinical improvement graded ‘Excellent’ was achieved in 33% of patients in the BB‐UVA versus 13.3% in the psoralen and UVA (PUVA) group. Long‐term follow‐up indicated superiority of BB‐UVA over PUVA. BB‐UVA group showed a more rapid clearance rate, shorter time to achieve complete clearance, a longer disease‐free interval and lower relapse rate. The use of BB‐UVA in the treatment of early‐stage MF is comparable or even superior to PUVA regarding efficacy and remission periods.  相似文献   

Background The combination of PUVA with variable doses of systemically administered interferon α2b (IFN‐α2b) reduces the number of PUVA treatments and the dose of IFN‐α2b required to produce remission in all mycosis fungoides (MF) stages. Objectives To evaluate the efficacy of the combination of PUVA and IFN‐α2b in patients with late stage or refractory to treatment early stage MF. Methods The combination of PUVA three times weekly and IFN‐α2b 2–5 MU three times weekly was retrospectively reviewed in 22 patients. Kaplan–Meyer method and log‐rank test was used for statistical analysis. Results Twenty‐two patients were analysed, seven with refractory to PUVA early stage MF, seven with tumour stage, five with erythrodermic MF and three with Sézary syndrome (SS). The overall response rate (complete or partial response) was 68%, including 10 complete responses (CR) (45%) and five partial responses (PR) (23%). Significantly, more patients of the early stage group achieved CR compared with the advanced stage group (86% vs. 27%, P = 0.03). Within the advanced stage group, CR rates were 14% vs. 37% in stage IIB and III/SS patients respectively, but the difference was not statistically significant. Patients with early stage disease had a 2‐year PFS of 100% vs. 27% for the advanced stage group (P < 0.001). Sustained remissions (>2 years) were achieved in five out of six complete responders in the early stage group of patients. Conclusion This combination of IFN‐α2b and PUVA is an effective and safe treatment for refractory to treatment early stage MF patients as well as treatment‐naïve advanced stage patients. Its efficacy is more pronounced in the former patient group.  相似文献   

Background Prurigo nodularis (PN) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with nodular itching lesions. UV therapy – both PUVA and NUVB – are known to clear up PN temporarily due to the antipruritic effect of UV light. However, relapse after treatment is common in PN, which means that either long‐term therapy is necessary or the treatment protocols have to be optimized to minimize side‐effects. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect that combining bath PUVA and targeted UVB 308 nm excimer radiation has on recalcitrant nodular prurigo. Methods In a prospective trial, 22 patients with PN were treated with either PUVA alone or with a combination of PUVA and excimer UVB. The end point was complete or almost complete remission of PN. Results Adding a 308‐nm excimer UVB to the treatment of the pruritic nodules sped up the healing process; 30% less PUVA radiation was needed. Conclusion The combination of PUVA and excimer UVB in PN appears to be very efficacious. Reducing psoralen UVA doses by 30% offered long‐term benefits in phototherapy of chronic recalcitrant diseases like PN.  相似文献   

Background  Hand eczema is a long-lasting disease with a high prevalence in the background population. The disease has severe, negative effects on quality of life and sometimes on social status. Epidemiological studies have identified risk factors for onset and prognosis, but treatment of the disease is rarely evidence based, and a classification system for different subdiagnoses of hand eczema is not agreed upon. Randomized controlled trials investigating the treatment of hand eczema are called for. For this, as well as for clinical purposes, a generally accepted classification system for hand eczema is needed.
Objectives  The present study attempts to characterize subdiagnoses of hand eczema with respect to basic demographics, medical history and morphology.
Methods  Clinical data from 416 patients with hand eczema from 10 European patch test clinics were assessed.
Results  A classification system for hand eczema is proposed.
Conclusions  It is suggested that this classification be used in clinical work and in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Summary Following oral administration of 14C labelled 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) in man the plasma level course, the metabolite-patterns and the elimination of the parent compound and its metabolites have been investigated. Additionally the results discovered have been compared with the data of pharmacokinetics on dog and rat. In man and rat the plasma protein binding of 8-MOP has been determined.Maximal levels of the total radioactivity in the plasma were achieved 2 h after dosing. At this time 8-MOP represents 50% of the radioactivity in the plasma.The plasma protein binding in vitro of 14C 8-MOP valued from 88% to 91% in man, and between 75% and 83% in the rat.Urinary elimination of the total radioactivity as a measure of the extent of absorption varies greatly and depends on the therapeutic formulation being employed. Following the administration of the solution 74% is recovered within 48 h. Faecal elimination of the total radioactivity reached 14% within 3 days.The metabolite-pattern does not show the unchanged 14C 8-MOP. Several polar metabolites occur in the urine among which biochemical conjugates have been recognized. Only polar metabolites are observable in the faeces from which the radioactivity is incompletely extractable. From a comparison of the metabolite profiles, the rat as well as the dog seem to be a useful animal species for experimental investigations with 8-MOP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Psoralen ultraviolet A (PUVA) is a widely used first-line therapy for treatment of early cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Narrow band UVB (UVB-NB) (311 nm) has been recently introduced as another effective line of treatment. It is postulated that the efficacy of UVB-NB could be enhanced by addition of psoralen. AIM: The aim of the present work was to compare the clinical and histopathologic efficacy of PUVA and UVB-NB in the treatment of early-stage MF (stages IA, IB and IIA), and to evaluate whether psoralen adds to the efficacy of UVB-NB or not. Patients and Methods: Twenty patients (stage IA, IB or IIA) were divided into two equal groups: group I received UVB-NB on the right body half vs. PUVA on the left side of the body for 48 sessions, and group II received PUVB-NB on the right side of the body vs. PUVA on the left side for 36 sessions. The sessions were administered three times weekly. RESULTS: In group I, almost equal results were obtained on both sides, i.e., UVB-NB and PUVA were equally effective in the treatment of early stages of MF, both clinically and histopathologically. In group II, PUVB-NB was found to be as effective as conventional PUVA in the treatment of early-stage mycosis fungoides, also on both clinical and histopathological grounds. CONCLUSION: UVB-NB phototherapy should be included among the initial therapeutic options of mycosis fungoides in view of its efficacy, convenience, and likelihood of fewer long-term adverse effects. Addition of psoralen does not seem to enhance its therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

Background. Occupational hand eczema is common in hairdressers, owing to wet work and hairdressing chemicals. Objectives. To estimate the prevalence of hand eczema and its career consequences among hairdressers in Denmark. Methods. A register‐based study was conducted, comprising all graduates from hairdressing vocational schools from 1985 to 2007 (n = 7840). The participants received a self‐administered postal questionnaire including questions on hand eczema, atopic dermatitis, and career change. A response rate of 67.9% (n = 5324) was obtained. Results. Of the respondents, 44.3% no longer worked as hairdressers and had worked for an average of 8.4 years in the profession before leaving it. Hand eczema was more common among ex‐hairdressers (48.4%) than among current hairdressers (37.6%) (p < 0.0001), and significantly more ex‐hairdressers (26.8%) than current hairdressers (15.7%) had chronic hand eczema (p < 0.0001). Of the respondents with hand eczema, 75% were aged 15–24 years at onset, and 45.5% gave hand eczema as a reason for career change. In this group, logistic regression analysis showed that chronic hand eczema contributed the most to the decision to change career (odds ratio 50.12; 95% confidence interval 18.3–137). Conclusions. Hairdressers work an average of 8.4 years in the profession before leaving it, and hand eczema contributes significantly to this career change.  相似文献   

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