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预防医疗环境中HIV病毒的传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于兴富  许锐 《护理研究》2003,17(4):242-242
目前人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)的流行越来越广泛 ,到 2 0 0 1年全球约有 60 0 0万人感染了HIV。我国自 1985年发现首例HIV感染者以来 ,经过散发期、局部流行 ,现已进入了快速增长期 ,据专家估计 ,到 2 0 0 1年全国实际艾滋病病毒感染者已超过60万[1] 。有资料表明 ,如果  相似文献   

HIV和HCV混合感染的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)和丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV)是分属于逆转录病毒科和黄病毒科的单股RNA病毒。HIV主要通过性传播和静脉药瘾者间共用不洁注射器传播 ;HCV主要经未经筛选的血制品或针刺伤口传播。由于两者均可经注射传播 ,因此同时感染HIV和HCV甚为常见。在全世界 ,有 2亿患者感染HCV ,其中 4 0 0万在美国 ,约占 2 % ;相比之下 ,全球感染HIV的患者合计 4 0 0 0万 ,美国占了2 .5 % ,约 10 0万。根据不同的人群调查 ,HCV和HIV导致的混合感染比例从 4 %到 5 0 %不等 ,在静脉药瘾者中甚至可以高达 98%。HI…  相似文献   

艾滋病流行的现状和未来   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20年前的 1981年 6月 5日美国疾病预防控制中心在发病率与死亡率周报 (MMWR)上首次报道了洛杉矶 5例由人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)所致的获得性人类免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病 ,AIDS) [1] 。截止 2 0 0 1年 12月 ,全球估计HIV/AIDS人数达 6 480万 ,其中还存活的HIV感染者达 40 0 0万 ,因艾滋病死亡的人数已达 2 480万 ,要比第一次和第二次世界大战死亡人数的总和还要高。因丧母或丧双亲而出现的全球“艾滋病孤儿”已达 132 0万 ,全球每日仍以新感染数 140 0 0例以上上升[2 ] 。一、历史回顾(一 )病因推理 尽管引起艾滋病的病…  相似文献   

艾滋病患者护理新进展   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
自 198 1年在美国发现首批艾滋病患者以来 ,目前全球感染人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)人数是 43 90万 ,且正以每天140 0 0人的速度递增 ,而每天死于HIV感染的人数为 85 0 0人。[1] HIV侵犯的靶细胞为CD+4 的T淋巴细胞 ,最终致免疫系统完全抑制并发多重感染而死亡。目前我国艾滋病正处于快速增长期 ,[2 ] 形势十分严峻 ,因此加强对艾滋病的防护势在必行。现将艾滋病患者护理进展综述如下。1 预 防1 .1 传播途径人群间传播主要是通过性接触、污染的血制品、重复使用注射器及母婴垂直传播。经静脉吸毒感染艾滋病是我国艾滋病传播的主…  相似文献   

艾滋病 (AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)感染引起的获得性免疫缺陷综合征 ,具有很强的传染性和高度的致命性 ,至今尚无有效疗法 ,也无有效的预防疫苗。我国已将其列入法定报告传染病 ,按乙类传染病管理。我县于 2 0 0 0年 6月发现首例HIV感染者。现将调查情况报告如下。HIV感染者余某 ,男性 ,33岁 ,已婚 ,汉族 ,小学文化 ,福建省安溪县人 ,职业农民。该男子自 2 0岁开始从事茶叶经营活动 ,往返于广东、四川、广西和本省的南安、晋江等地。余某于 1 999年 6月在广西经营茶叶时 ,认识广西籍女子蒙某 ( 1 999年 4月从戒毒所出来…  相似文献   

泰安市11例HIV感染者流行病学调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
泰安市是山东省最早发现HIV感染者的地区之一。 1 995年 6月 ,省卫生防疫站根据卫生部反馈的河北省廊坊地区的疫情信息 ,对东平县一对夫[收稿日期 ] 2 0 0 0 -0 8-12 ;[修定日期 ] 2 0 0 0 -10 -2 1[作者简介 ]侯佩强 ( 1967-) ,男 ,主管检验师 ,主要从事微生物的检验和研究工作。妇进行血样检测 ,发现其抗 -HIV阳性 ,这是泰安市首次确认HIV感染者。截止 1 999年底 ,又确认一名HIV感染者 ,这五年内泰安市共检出HIV感染者 1 1名 ,占全省 56名感染者的五分之一。现将这 1 1例HIV感染者的流行病学调查情况分析如下。资料和方…  相似文献   

HIV阳性患者手术的护理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾滋病即获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodefi-ciencysyndrome,AIDS),是感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(humanimmunodeficiencyvirus,HIV)的结果,目前尚无有效治疗方法。自1981年首次在美国报道以来,罹患者数成倍增长。在我国,HIV阳性的患者亦与年递增。血液是HIV传播常见感染途径,做好自身防护,切断传播途径,是避免医源性感染的重要措施。作者在1997~2001年手术室工作期间,遇到3例手术患者为HIV阳性感染者,通过严密的防护措施,取得了满意效果。  相似文献   

获得性免疫缺陷综合征 (AIDS)日益为临床医学重视 ,临床观察显示大约一半以上的人免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV )感染者具有口腔和鼻咽喉表现 ,本文仅就HIV感染的口腔和鼻咽喉表现作简要介绍。1 口腔和咽喉表现  实际上 ,HIV感染者均可发生任何口腔疾病。1.1 念珠菌病  相似文献   

龚震宇 《疾病监测》2002,17(10):400-402
1994年 ,美国公共卫生部 (PHS)发出了采用Zidovudine(ZDV)的通知 ,作为降低母婴产期传播人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的指南。该指南推荐母亲在怀孕第 2、3个月期间、阵痛和分娩期 (L和D)均可采用ZDV ,并在新生儿出生后第 6周给予ZDV以防止感染。 2 0 0 1年 ,美国公共卫生部对 1995年的艾滋病防制指南进行了常规复查 ,并对志愿孕妇进行了检测。密执安公共卫生局 (MDCH)要求报告产期接触了HIV病毒的所有儿童 ,对他们的感染情况进行随访并报告感染儿童的人口资料、临床表现和实验室特征。随访产期接触HIV的情…  相似文献   

海洛因滥用者艾滋病知识、态度及行为调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前全球艾滋病感染者已有 30 0 0万 ,我国艾滋病感染者己达 85万。其中有 6 9.4%的HIV感染者是吸毒者。[1] 随着海洛因滥用者的增多 ,艾滋病人数已进入快速增长时期。[2 ] 1999年 1~ 3月北京地区HIV感染率为 1.3 % ,[3] 2 0 0 0年北京市安康医院戒毒所HIV感染者占戒毒人员总数的 1.2 % ,2 0 0 1年HIV感染率猛增到 3 .2 % ,并以静脉吸毒为主。海洛因滥用者为潜在的艾滋病高危人群 ,但他们又缺少艾滋病知识。为控制HIV的感染和传播 ,现将我所吸毒者对艾滋病知识、态度及行为调查情况报告如下。1 对象与方法1.1 对象北京市…  相似文献   

HIV and HIV dementia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection has expanded tremendously in the last few years. This trend is mainly a result of new assays, genetic advances and recombinant DNA technologies providing new insights into HIV virology, pathology and resistance mechanisms. Since 1995, the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) as a combination of substances directed against various steps in the viral life cycle, has led to significant decreases in the morbidity and mortality associated with HIV infections. The ability to quantify viral load and to perform sequence analyses represent valuable tools both for understanding the pathogenic actions of the virus and for clinical drug monitoring of HIV-infected patients. Laboratory tests have been developed and validated to help predict which antiviral substances may be more effective to control viral replication in a given patient. Genotypic and phenotypic assays have been developed to assess HIV antiviral resistance. The ability to predict drug response from a certain genotypic or phenotypic setting with respect to drug absorption, drug metabolism and drug elimination is continually evolving. This may lead to significant changes in drug plasma concentrations and may affect the efficacy and toxicity of antivirals. More recently, drug/drug interactions and mutation/drug correlations have been discovered. However, the optimal usage of pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic tools in the clinic still remains to be defined. This review summarizes mechanisms of drug bioavailability with respect to pharmacogenomics and discusses the impact and clinical benefit of 'personalized' HIV therapy.  相似文献   

《Annals of medicine》2013,45(6):625-633
The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of mental and physical symptoms arising in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The symptoms disappear after the onset of menstruation. During the rest of the follicular phase the patient is free from symptoms. The cyclical nature of the symptom variations is characteristic of the syndrome. The lack of a commonly accepted definition and a way to diagnose PMS has led to contradictory results in the search for its aetiology and treatment. The diagnosis of PMS should be based on prospective daily ratings of symptoms and defined criteria of subgroups. In our studies three subgroups can be identified. The “Pure PMS” group with significant cyclical symptoms being worse during the luteal phase and no symptoms during the follicular phase. A “Premenstrual aggravation” group with symptoms always present but with an aggravation premenstrually. A “Non-PMS” group of women who do not suffer from menstrual cycle related symptoms. These three groups show significant differences in the number of patients with an earlier psychiatric history and are different in the extent of neurosis on a personality test. The Pure PMS group had less neurosis and a lower frequency of patients with an earlier psychiatric history. In anovulatory cycles, whether induced or spontaneous, the cyclical nature of symptoms disappeared. This shows the important role that the corpus luteum has in precipitating symptoms in PMS. GnRH-agonists can be used to induce anovulation and this will stop the cyclical changes. Postmenopausal women receiving oestradiol/progestagen sequential treatment develop PMS-like symptoms when progestagen is added to the treatment. Symptoms seem to be dose dependent related to the oestradiol during the luteal but not the folicular phase. The intracerebral effects that cause the symptoms are still unknown. Progesterone metabolites have, however, been shown to interact with the GABA-A receptor in a similar manner to benzodiazepins and barbiturates, and they also have anxiolytic effects. Progesterone metabolites may occur which have the opposite effect on the GABA-A receptor, producing anxiogenic effects.  相似文献   

HIV infection     
HIV infection can cause the destruction of cellular immunity. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has strong effects to HIV-1 and usually consists of three to four anti-HIV-1 drugs. HAART has caused dramatic change of prognoses in HIV-1 patients. But HAART has several problems to be overcome. IFN-alpha/beta also has anti-HIV-1 effects and single usage of IFN can cause reduction of plasma HIV RNA viral load with about 1 log10 copies/ml after two to eight weeks. IFN can function as an additional anti-HIV-1 drug experimentally, especially to primary or early phase patients and patients with multiple drug resistances.  相似文献   

HIV disaster     
Every day in Ukraine 46 young people are infected with HIV, but stigma is hampering prevention strategies.  相似文献   

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