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Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R) modulates synaptic activity and is widely distributed in brain areas such as the hippocampus, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and striatum, among others. CB1R is involved in processes such as memory, learning, motor coordination, and mood. Genetic deletion of CB1R causes behavioral alterations. In this work, we evaluated neuronal morphology and synaptic structure in the hippocampus of adult male CB1R knockout mice (CB1R−/−). Morphological changes in the CB1R−/− hippocampus evidenced a decrease in the expression of cytoskeletal proteins neurofilaments 160 KDa, neurofilaments 200 KDa, and microtubule-associated protein 2. CA1 neurons showed decreased arborization and changes in synaptic structure such as lower thickness of postsynaptic density and a reduction in synaptophysin levels. Results obtained in the present work provide evidence of the participation of CB1R in the establishment of neuronal structure and networks that could have an important role in neuronal plasticity. In addition, these changes observed in CB1R−/− could be correlated with behavioral alterations reported.  相似文献   

EFA6D (guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ADP‐ribosylation factor 6 [Arf6]D) is also known as EFA6R, Psd3, and HCA67. It is the fourth member of the EFA6 family with guanine nucleotide exchange activity for Arf6, a small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) that regulates endosomal trafficking and actin cytoskeleton remodeling. We propose a classification and nomenclature of 10 EFA6D variants deposited in the GenBank database as EFA6D1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1s, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, and 2s based on the combination of N‐terminal and C‐terminal insertions. Polymerase chain reaction analysis showed the expression of all EFA6D variants except for variants a and d in the adult mouse brain. Immunoblotting analysis with novel variant‐specific antibodies showed the endogenous expression of EFA6D1b, EFA6D1c, and EFA6D1s at the protein level, with the highest expression being EFA6D1s, in the brain. Immunoblotting analysis of forebrain subcellular fractions showed the distinct subcellular distribution of EFA6D1b/c and EFA6D1s. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed distinct but overlapping immunoreactive patterns between EFA6D1b/c and EFA6D1s in the mouse brain. In immunoelectron microscopic analyses of the hippocampal CA3 region, EFA6D1b/c was present predominantly in the mossy fiber axons of dentate granule cells, whereas EFA6D1s was present abundantly in the cell bodies, dendritic shafts, and spines of hippocampal pyramidal cells. These results provide the first anatomical evidence suggesting the functional diversity of EFA6D variants, particularly EFA6D1b/c and EFA6D1s, in neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:2531–2552, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Movable tactile sensors in the form of whiskers are present in most mammals, but sensory coding in the cortical whisker representation has been studied almost exclusively in mice and rats. Many species that possess whiskers lack the modular “barrel” organization found in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of mice and rats, but it is unclear how whisker‐related input is represented in these species. We used single‐unit extracellular recording techniques to characterize receptive fields and response properties in S1 of Monodelphis domestica (short‐tailed opossum), a nocturnal, terrestrial marsupial that shared its last common ancestor with placental mammals over 160 million years ago. Short‐tailed opossums lack barrels and septa in S1 but show active whisking behavior similar to that of mice and rats. Most neurons in short‐tailed opossum S1 exhibited multiwhisker receptive fields, including a single best whisker (BW) and lower magnitude responses to the deflection of surrounding whiskers. Mean tuning width was similar to that reported for mice and rats. Both symmetrical and asymmetrical receptive fields were present. Neurons tuned to ventral whiskers tended to show broad tuning along the rostrocaudal axis. Thus, despite the absence of barrels, most receptive field properties were similar to those reported for mice and rats. However, unlike those species, S1 neuronal responses to BW and surround whisker deflection showed comparable latencies in short‐tailed opossums. This dissimilarity suggests that some aspects of barrel cortex function may not generalize to tactile processing across mammalian species and may be related to differences in the architecture of the whisker‐to‐cortex pathway. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:3587–3613, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sleep complaints are an early clinical symptom of neurodegenerative disorders. Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience sleep disruption (SD). The objective of this study was to determine if preexisting, chronic SD leads to a greater loss of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) within the striatum and the substantia nigra following chronic/progressive exposure with the neurotoxin, 1-methyl-2-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Male mice underwent chronic SD for 4 weeks, then injected with vehicle (VEH) or increasing doses of MPTP for 4 weeks. There was a significant decrease in the plasma corticosterone levels in the MPTP group, an increase in the SD group, and a return to the VEH levels in the SD+MPTP group. Protein expression levels for TH in the striatum (terminals) and substantia nigra pars compacta (dopamine [DA] cell counts) revealed up to a 78% and 38% decrease, respectively, in the MPTP and SD+MPTP groups compared to their relevant VEH and SD groups. DA transporter protein expression increased in the striatum in the MPTP versus VEH group and in the SN/midbrain between the SD+MPTP and the VEH group. There was a main effect of MPTP on various gait measures (e.g., braking) relative to the SD or VEH groups. In the SD+MPTP group, there were no differences compared to the VEH group. Thus, SD, prior to administration of MPTP, has effects on serum corticosterone and gait but more importantly does not potentiate greater loss of TH within the nigrostriatal pathway compared to the MPTP group, suggesting that in PD patients with SD, there is no exacerbation of the DA cell loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been demonstrated that the septal nucleus is involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Based on autopsies of schizophrenia patients, studies have shown a reduced number of septal nucleus neurons and gila. In addition, experimental rat models of schizophrenia have shown increased dopamine receptor D2 binding sites in the basal ganglia, septal nuclei, and substantia nigra. Previous studies have demonstrated that the septal nucleus modulates dopamine metabolic disorder and dopamine D2 receptor balance.OBJECTIVE: Dopamine D2 receptor expression in a rat model of schizophrenia, combined with antipsychotic drugs, was analyzed in the prefrontal lobe, striatum, and brainstem. In situ hybridization was used to observe the effects of stereotactic septal nucleus lesions on dopamine D2 receptor expression in the brains of methylamphetamine-treated rats. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: A randomized, controlled, animal experiment was performed in the Laboratory of General Institute of Psychosurgery, Third Hospital of Chinese PLA from November 2005 to June 2006. MATERIALS: A total of 120 healthy, adult Sprague Dawley rats, weighing approximately 200 g, were included. Methylamphetamine (Sigma, USA) and an in situ hybridization detection kit for dopamine D2 receptor (Boster, China) were also used for this study. METHODS: All rats were randomly allocated to the following 4 groups, with 30 rats in each group: normal control, simple administration, septal nucleus lesion, and sham-operated groups. In the normal control group, rats were not administered or lesioned. In the remaining 3 groups, rats were intraperitoneally administered 10 mg/kg methylamphetamine, once per day, for 15 successive days to establish a schizophrenia model. Following successful model establishment, rats from the septal nucleus lesion group were subjected to stereotactic septal nucleus lesions. The cranial bone was exposed in rats from the sham-operated group, and the septal nucleus was not lesioned. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: At 7 days post-surgery, dopamine D2 receptor expression in the prefrontal lobe, striatum, and brainstem were detected by in situ hybridization. RESULTS: Dopamine D2 receptor expression in the rat prefrontal lobe, striatum, and brainstem was significantly higher in the simple administration group and sham-operated group, compared with the normal control group (P<0.01). In the septal nucleus lesion group, dopamine D2 receptor expression was significantly less than the simple administration and sham-operated groups, (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in dopamine D2 receptor expression between the simple administration and sham-operated groups (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Septal nucleus lesions reduce dopamine D2 receptor expression in the prefrontal lobe, striatum, and brainstem in a rat model of schizophrenia, indicating that the septal nucleus modulates dopamine D2 receptor expression.  相似文献   

The etiology of schizophrenia remains unknown. However, using molecular biological techniques, some candidate genes have been identified that might be associated with the disease. One of these candidate genes, disrupted‐in‐schizophrenia 1 (DISC1), was found in a large Scottish family with multiple mental illnesses. The function of DISC1 is considered to be associated with axon elongation and neuron migration in the central nervous system, but the functional consequences of defects in this gene have not been fully clarified in brain neuronal systems. Dysfunction of the gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neuronal system is also considered to contribute to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Thus, to clarify the neuropathological changes associated with DISC1 dysfunction, we investigated the number and distribution of GABAergic neurons in the prefrontal cortex of DISC1 knockout mice. We immunohistochemically quantified the laminar density of GABAergic neurons using anti‐parvalbumin and anti‐calbindin D28k antibodies (markers of GABAergic neuronal subpopulations). We found that the densities of both parvalbumin‐ and calbindin‐immunoreactive neurons in the anterior cingulate, medial prefrontal, and orbitofrontal cortices were markedly lower in DISC1 knockout mice than in wild‐type mice. In addition, reductions in cell density were observed in layers II and III and the deep layers of the cortex. This reduction in GABAergic neuronal density was not associated with alterations in neuronal size. These findings suggest that disrupted GABAergic neuronal network formation due to a DISC1 deficit might be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition causing a range of social and communication impairments. Although the role of multiple genes and environmental factors has been reported, the effects of the interplay between genes and environment on the onset and progression of the disease remains elusive. We housed wild-type (Tsc2+/+) and tuberous sclerosis 2 deficient (Tsc2+/−) Eker rats (ASD model) in individually ventilated cages or enriched conditions and conducted a series of behavioural tests followed by the histochemical analysis of dendritic spines and plasticity in three age groups (days 45, 90 and 365). The elevated plus-maze test revealed a reduction of anxiety by enrichment, whereas the mobility of young and adult Eker rats in the open field was lower compared to the wild type. In the social interaction test, an enriched environment reduced social contact in the youngest group and increased anogenital exploration in 90- and 365-day-old rats. Self-grooming was increased by environmental enrichment in young and adult rats and decreased in aged Eker rats. Dendritic spine counts revealed an increased spine density in the cingulate gyrus in adult Ekers irrespective of housing conditions, whereas spine density in hippocampal pyramidal neurons was comparable across all genotypes and groups. Morphometric analysis of dendritic spines revealed age-related changes in spine morphology and density, which were responsive to animal genotype and environment. Taken together, our findings suggest that under TSC2 haploinsufficiency and mTORC1 hyperactivity, the expression of behavioural signs and neuroplasticity in Eker rats can be differentially influenced by the developmental stage and environment.  相似文献   

Summary. We investigated the effects of U-50,488H, a κ-opioid receptor agonist, on the learned helplessness model of depression in mice. Mice pre-exposed to inescapable electric footshock were treated with U-50,488H. Stimulation of the κ-opioid receptor by U-50,488H (10 mg/kg/day, i.p.) attenuated the escape failure induced by pre-exposure to shock. This attenuation by U-50,488H was blocked by MR2266 (10 mg/kg/day, s.c.), an opioid receptor antagonist. These results suggest that the κ-opioid system plays an important role in the learned helplessness depression in mice. Received December 28, 2001; accepted May 24, 2002 Published online July 26, 2002  相似文献   

Two lines of mice were bred for their opposite helpless behavior in the tail suspension test, i.e., helpless (HL) mice and non helpless (NHL) mice. The 5-HT(1A) receptor labeling was quantified by means of autoradiography with (3)H-8-OH-DPAT on brain sections from mice of these two lines. We observed a significantly higher level of (3)H-8-OH-DPAT binding sites density in HL mice comparatively to NHL mice, in the medial prefrontal, cingulate, motor and sensorial cortices, in several regions of the limbic system, such as CA3 field of hippocampus, dentate gyrus, medial and baso-medial amygdala, and in dorsal and median raphe nuclei. A chronic 21-day treatment with the antidepressant fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, i.p. daily) attenuated significantly the spontaneous helplessness in HL mice but did not alter the behavior of NHL mice. In the brain of HL mice chronically injected with fluoxetine, the elevated (3)H-8-OH-DPAT binding sites density was no longer observed after treatment in several regions, among which the raphe nuclei. Conversely, the antidepressant treatment did not modify the (3)H-8-OH-DPAT binding sites density in NHL mice. The variation of 5-HT(1A) receptors binding density in the HL mice in response to a chronic fluoxetine treatment parallels the attenuation of the spontaneous helplessness observed in the tail suspension test, and may underlie this behavior.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is the most common form of inherited mental retardation in humans. It originates from the loss of expression of the Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene, which results in the absence of the Fragile X mental retardation protein. However, the biochemical mechanisms involved in the pathological phenotype are mostly unknown. The availability of the FMR1-knockout mouse model offers an excellent model system in which to study the biochemical alterations related to brain abnormalities in the syndrome. We show for the first time that brains from Fmr1-knockout mice, a validated model for the syndrome, display higher levels of reactive oxygen species, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-oxidase activation, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation than brains from wild-type mice. Furthermore, the antioxidant system is deficient in Fmr1-knockout mice, as shown by altered levels of components of the glutathione system. FMR1-knockout mice lacking Fragile X mental retardation protein were compared with congenic FVB129 wild-type controls. Our results support the hypothesis that the lack of Fragile X mental retardation protein function leads to a moderate increase of the oxidative stress status in the brain that may contribute to the pathophysiology of the Fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   

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