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背景:躁动在精神分裂症治疗中是一个重大挑战。电休克疗法(ECT)对各种精神疾病是一种快速、有效、和安全的治疗,但ECT对精神分裂症的躁动治疗的相关meta分析还尚未报道。目标:系统地评估单一使用ECT或ECT合并使用其他抗精神病药物(APs)的对精神分裂症的躁动治疗的有效性和安全性。方法:进行随机对照试验(RCT)的系统文献搜索。两名独立评估者筛选研究、提取结果数据与现有数据的安全性、进行质量评估和数据合成。采用建议、评估、开发、和评价的工作组等级(GRADE)来判断主要成果的证据的总体水平。结果:一共确定了中国有七个RCTs,包括ECT单一使用(4个RCTs有5个治疗组,n=240)和ECT-APs合并使用(3个RCTs,n=240)。研究对象平均年龄34.3(4.5)岁,平均治疗时间为4.3(3.1)周。所有7个RCTs非盲法,并且根据Jadad量表7项RCTs均被评为低质量。样本的Meta分析发现与APs单一治疗相比,单一使用ECT或ECT-APs合并使用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)的躁动子因子评分改善均无显著性差异(ECT单一使用:weighted mean difference(WMD)=-0.90,95%confidence interval(CI):(-2.91,1.11),p=0.38;ECT-APs合并使用:WMD=-1.34,(95%CI:-4.07,1.39),p=0.33)。然而,PANSS总分(WMD=-7.13,I~2=0%,p=0.004)和兴奋子因子评分(WMD=-1.97,p0.0001)、ECT治疗14天后的PANSS总分(WMD=-7.13,I~2=0%,p=0.004)和第7天和第14天的兴奋子因子评分(WMD=-1.97to-1.92,p=0.002 to 0.0001)均显示单一使用ECT优于APs单一治疗。ECT-APs合并治疗结束时(WMD=-10.40,p=0.03)和治疗后7天(WMD=-5.01,p=0.02)的PANSS总分显示均优于APs单药治疗。头痛(p=0.0001,number-needed-to-harm(NNH)=3,95%CI=2-4)是唯一的ECT单一治疗后不良反应,并且ECT单一治疗组比APs单药治疗发生的更频繁。根据GRADE方法,主要结果的证据水平被评为"非常低"(37.5%)和"低"(50%)。结论:基于中国7个RCTs合并的数据发现ECT单一治疗或ECT-APs合并治疗在精神分裂症患者的躁动治疗中并没有优势。然而,ECT单一治疗或ECT-APs合并治疗均与PANSS总分减低显著有关。需要高质量的RCTs验证目前的解释。  相似文献   

电休克治疗对精神分裂症的疗效存在着争议,本文观察300例在抗精神病药物治疗中合并电休克治疗是否对控制本病急性症状有所差别。结果提示:合并治疗较有效地在指定时期中控制兴奋、拒食、木僵或幻觉。故有针对地应用ECT仍有助益。  相似文献   

单侧电休克治疗精神分裂症的对照研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较双侧与单侧ECT的优点及局限性,方法在心、脑电图持续监护下,采用双 与单侧有抽搐ECT对60例住院精神分裂症2进行治疗对照研究。结果 不同电极放置的ECT临床疗效无明显差异,而对记忆的损害以双侧组为重,其他副作用和脑电图改变却以双侧组较轻,结论 两咱电极放置ECT的适应证不尽相同。  相似文献   

现代电休克治疗精神分裂症的疗效比较结果   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
目的 探讨现代电休克对精神分裂症的疗效及副作用。方法 将入组病例随机分为两组,并分别实施现代电休克与传统电休克治疗。采用临床疗效、简明精神病评定量表(BPRS)及韦氏记忆量表(WMS)为评定工具,以分别评定两组疗效及副作用。结果 现代电休克与传统电休克的疗效相当,但前者副作用较小,对记忆无明显影响,后者对记忆影响持续2周以上。结论 由于现代电休克疗效较好,副作用较小,患者易于接受,作者认为可替代传统电休克治疗。  相似文献   

无抽搐电休克治疗精神分裂症的疗效观察   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
为观察无抽搐电休克治疗 (MECT)在治疗精神分裂症中次数与疗效的关系 ,进行本研究。1 对象和方法将 1999年 6月 1日~ 2 0 0 1年 5月 10日接受MECT的10 0例精神分裂症住院患者随机分成两组 ,A组治疗次数≥ 6次 ,B组治疗次数 <6次 ,各 5 0例。均符合国际疾病分类第10版和中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第 2版修订本诊断标准 ,排除电休克 (ECT)禁忌证。简明精神病评定量表(BPRS)评分≥ 35分。A组 5 0例 ,其中男 2 4例 ,女 2 6例 ;年龄 15~ 6 0岁 ,平均(2 6 4± 9 0 )岁 ;病程 0 1~ 2 8 0年 ,平均 (5 4± 7 1)年 ;偏…  相似文献   

电休克治疗对儿童精神分裂症的疗效和安全性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了在四川大学华西医院精神科对儿童精神分裂症使用ECT的情况 ,并与使用药物治疗儿童精神分裂症的疗效和副反应等进行对照分析 ,现报道于后。1 对象和方法对象为四川大学华西医院精神科 1995年 6月~ 2 0 0 0年 6月住院的所有符合ICD - 10精神分裂症诊断标准、年龄≤ 15岁的病人 5 6例 ,并分成ECT治疗组 (17例 )和药物治疗组 (39例 )。分别观察两组有关的一般临床资料、临床核心症状、疗效和副反应等。有关数据采用SPSS8 0统计软件包在微机上进行统计分析。2 结  果2 1 一般临床资料比较 ECT组年龄 12~ 15岁 ,平均为(14 …  相似文献   

目的:探讨无痉挛电休克治疗(MECT)对精神分裂症患者多巴胺(DA)代谢产物高香草酸(HVA)的影响。方法:33例精神分裂症住院患者纳入研究,电休克治疗次数6~12次。应用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)评定疗效,以高效液相紫外分光检测法测定患者治疗前后的血浆高香草酸(HVA)的含量。结果:患者治疗前、中、后HVA的含量差异有统计学意义(F=18.17,P=0.000),HVA含量与PANSS阴性症状和阳性症状评分均存在相关关系(r=0.560,0.373,P<0.05)。结论:电休克治疗前后HVA水平的变化与疗效相关,电休克治疗的机制之一是通过改变患者DA代谢发挥作用。  相似文献   

无抽搐电休克治疗难治性精神分裂症临床观察   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:了解无抽搐电休克治疗(MECT)对难治性精神分裂症的疗效与不良反应。方法:对39例难治性精神分裂症患者在原服用抗精神病药基础上合并MECT治疗,分别于合并治疗前后采用阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)及副反应量表(TESS),韦氏记忆量表(WMS)评定疗效及不良反应。结果:合并MECT后PANSS评分明显降低(P<0.01),WMS评分在治疗结束后1d明显降低,1周及2周时恢复。结论:MECT对难治性精神分裂症有效,不良反应少。  相似文献   

目的 了解无抽搐电休克治疗(MECT)对难治性精神分裂症(TRS)的疗效与不良反应。方法 对78例TRS患者在原服用抗精神病药物基础上合并MECT治疗,分别于合并治疗前后采用阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)、副反应量表(TESS)、韦氏记忆量表(WMS)评定疗效及不良反应。结果 合并MECT后省PANSS评分明显降低(P〈0.01)WMS评分在治疗结束后1d明显降低,1周及2周时恢复。结论 MECT对TRS有效,不良反应少。  相似文献   

BackgroundElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) remains one of the most effective tools in the psychiatric treatment armamentarium, particularly for refractory depression. Yet, there remains a subset of patients who do not respond to ECT or for whom clinically adequate seizures cannot be elicited, for whom ketamine has emerged as a putative augmentation agent.MethodsWe searched EMBASE, PsycINFO, CENTRAL, and MEDLINE from 1962 to April 2014 to identify randomized controlled trials evaluating ketamine in ECT (PROSPERO #CRD42014009035). Clinical remission, response, and change in depressive symptom scores were extracted by two independent raters. Adverse events were recorded. Drop-outs were assessed as a proxy for acceptability. Meta-analyses employed a random effects model.ResultsData were synthesized from 5 RCTs, representing a total of 182 patients with major depressive episodes (n = 165 Major Depressive Disorder, n = 17 Bipolar Disorder). ECT with ketamine augmentation was not associated with higher rates of clinical remission (Risk Difference (RD) = 0.00; 95%CI = −0.08 to 0.10), response (RD = −0.01; 95%CI = −0.11 to 0.08), or improvements in depressive symptoms (SMD = 0.38; 95%CI = −0.41 to 1.17). Ketamine augmentation was associated with higher rates of confusion/disorientation/prolonged delirium (OR = 6.59, 95%CI: 1.28–33.82, NNH = 3), but not agitation, hypertension or affective switches.ConclusionOur meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of ketamine augmentation in the ECT setting suggests a lack of clinical efficacy, and an increased likelihood of confusion. Individuals for whom adequate seizures or therapeutic response cannot be obtained have not been studied using randomized controlled designs. Additional research is required to address the role of ketamine in this population.  相似文献   



In this study, the aim was to evaluate the clinical characteristics of patients that received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) during pregnancy due to psychiatric disorders, evaluate the safety and efficacy of ECT in pregnant women, and evaluate the overall status of mothers and babies during the postpartum period.


The study included 33 patients who were admitted as inpatients with the indication of ECT due to pregnancy and concurrent psychiatric disorders.


Upon ECT administration, a complete response to treatment was seen in 84.21% of patients with major depression (n= 16), a partial response to treatment in 15.78% of patients (n= 3), a complete response to treatment in 91.66% of patients with bipolar disorder (n= 11), a partial response to treatment in 8.33% of the patients(n= 1), and a full response to treatment in 50% of patients with schizophrenia (n= 1) and a partial response to treatment in 50% of patients with schizophrenia (n= 1) were obtained. We had after birth information of 27 infants from total 33. It was learned that two of them had disease, one was stillbirth and 24 of them did not have any health problems.


ECT administration during pregnancy to treat psychiatric disorders was found to be an effective treatment method. No risk of preterm birth in mothers treated with ECT during pregnancy was detected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of constraint-induced movement therapy in acute and sub-acute stroke.DATA SOURCES: The key words were stroke, cerebrovascular accident, constraint-induced therapy, forced use, and randomized controlled trial. The databases, including China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wan Fang, Weipu Information Resources System, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, Pub Med, Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, were searched for studies on randomized controlled trials for treating acute or sub-acute stroke published before March 2016. DATA SELECTION: We retrieved relevant randomized controlled trials that compared constraint-induced movement therapy in treatment of acute or sub-acute stroke with traditional rehabilitation therapy(traditional occupational therapy). Patients were older than 18 years, had disease courses less than 6 months, and were evaluated with at least one upper extremity function scale. Study quality was evaluated, and data that met the criteria were extracted. Stata 11.0 software was used for the meta-analysis. OUTCOME MEASURES: Fugl-Meyer motor assessment of the arm, the action research-arm test, a motor activity log for amount of use and quality of movement, the Wolf motor function test, and a modified Barthel index.RESULTS: A total of 16 prospective randomized controlled trials(379 patients in the constraint-induced movement-therapy group and 359 in the control group) met inclusion criteria. Analysis showed significant mean differences in favor of constraint-induced movement therapy for the Fugl–Meyer motor assessment of the arm(weighted mean difference(WMD) = 10.822; 95% confidence intervals(95% CI): 7.419–14.226), the action research-arm test(WMD = 10.718; 95% CI: 5.704–15.733), the motor activity log for amount of use and quality of movement(WMD = 0.812; 95% CI: 0.331–1.293) and the modified Barthel index(WMD = 10.706; 95% CI: 4.417–16.966). CONCLUSION: Constraint-induced movement therapy may be more beneficial than traditional rehabilitation therapy for improving upper limb function after acute or sub-acute stroke.  相似文献   

Objective This open label study describes the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as adjunctive treatment in clozapine nonresponders suffering from schizophrenia. Method The results of clozapine and ECT treatment in 11 clozapine nonresponders suffering from schizophrenia are reported in terms of remission and relapse. Results Eight patients had a remission with this combination treatment. After remission of symptoms five patients had a relapse. Three of the five patients who relapsed had a second successful ECT course and remained well with maintenance ECT and clozapine. No evidence for adverse effects was found. Conclusion Adjunctive ECT can be efficacious in clozapine nonresponders suffering from schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Objectives. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an effective and safe option in the treatment of affective disorders and schizophrenia. One parameter known to influence ECT treatment efficacy is the choice of narcotic, and ketamine has emerged as an interesting alternative to conventional anaesthetics like barbiturates since it does not negatively influence seizure threshold. However, due to the potential to provoke dissociative symptoms, ketamine anaesthesia is rather hesitantly used in schizophrenia patients for fear of causing disease exacerbation. Methods. We retrospectively investigated clinical outcome and safety in patients treated with ECT for schizophrenia and receiving ketamine anaesthesia, either exclusively or as switch from another narcotic and compared seizure parameters to a group of ECT-treated schizophrenia patients with thiopental anaesthesia. Results. In none of the six patients undergoing ECT with ketamine did we observe disease exacerbation, and except for one patient, all patients responded or remitted under ECT. A preliminary analysis of seizure parameters shows an association with longer seizures in patients exclusively receiving ketamine. Conclusions. While the small sample size and retrospective character are limitations of our study, our preliminary results nonetheless challenge wide-spread preconceptions about the use of ketamine in schizophrenia patients and encourage further research into the option of using ketamine anaesthesia for ECT.  相似文献   

目的:比较利培酮口服液合并氯硝西泮片与氟哌啶醇肌内注射治疗精神分裂症急性激越症状的疗效及不良反应。方法:60例精神分裂症急性激越症状患者,按1:1比例随机分入利培酮口服液(2~6mg/d)合并氯硝西泮片(2~8mg/d)组(利培酮组)或氟哌啶醇肌注(5~20mg/d)组(氟哌啶醇组)治疗,疗程7d。采用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)、阳性和阴性症状量表兴奋因子(PANSS-EC)、病人合作程度评定表、修改版外显攻击行为量表(MOAS)、临床疗效总体评定量表(CGI)评定疗效,采用治疗中出现的症状量表(TESS)、静坐不能评定量表(BAS)、锥体外系副反应量表(SAS),不良事件和实验室检查评定安全性。结果:在治疗7d后,利培酮组和氟哌啶醇组PANSS-EC评分分别为(11.1,3.6)分和(12.9,5.2)分,较治疗前均明显进步(P<0.01),两组间PANSS-EC和PANSS总分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);利培酮组在阳性因子分、MOAS、合作程度改善方面均优于氟哌啶醇组(P<0.05);肌强直、静坐不能的发生率显著低于氟哌啶醇肌注组(P<0.01)。结论:利培酮口服液合并氯硝西泮片治疗精神分裂症急性激越症状与氟哌啶醇肌内注射疗效相当,在某些方面优于氟哌啶醇肌内注射。  相似文献   

We performed an updated meta-analysis of fluvoxamine add-on therapy in patients with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotics based on two previous meta-analyses (Sepehry et al., in J Clin Psychiatry 68:604–610, 2007 and Singh et al., in Br J Psychiatry J Mental Sci 197:174–179, 2010). We searched PubMed, the Cochrane Library database, and PsycINFO up to January 2013. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized controlled trials comparing fluvoxamine add-on therapy with placebo. The risk ratio (RR), 95 % confidence intervals (CI), and standardized mean difference (SMD) were calculated. Seven studies (total n = 272) were identified. These included two clozapine studies, one olanzapine study, one second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) monotherapy study, and three first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs) monotherapy studies. There were significant effect of fluvoxamine add-on therapy on overall (SMD = ?0.46, CI = ?0.75 to ?0.16, p = 0.003, I 2 = 0 %, 5 studies, n = 180) and negative symptoms (SMD = ?0.44, CI = ?0.74 to ?0.14, p = 0.004, I 2 = 0 %, 5 studies, n = 180). However, fluvoxamine add-on therapy showed no significant effects on positive symptoms, depressive symptoms, and discontinuations from any cause or adverse events. Fluvoxamine add-on therapy in patients primarily treated with SGAs improved overall (p = 0.02) but not negative symptoms (p = 0.31). On the other hand, fluvoxamine add-on therapy in patients primarily treated with FGAs improved both overall (p = 0.04) and negative symptoms (p = 0.004) compared with control groups. Our results suggest that fluvoxamine add-on therapy is more beneficial on the psychopathology (especially negative symptoms) than controls in patients with schizophrenia who are primarily treated with FGAs. Given that a small number of studies were included in this meta-analysis, the results should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to discuss the ethical issues regarding the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in adolescents. Ethical implications of ECT in adolescents are analyzed in the light of general medical ethics, which include five prominent principles with respect to autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, and cautiousness. As adults, adolescents with acute psychotic impairment raise an inherent conflict between the respect for the patient's autonomy, on the one side, and the principle of beneficence on the other. However, this age group presents particular dilemmas: (i) As any adolescent suffering from a psychiatric illness is a highly vulnerable subject, society asks for particular attention. The consequence of potential overprotection is that the adolescent may remain untreated because of unrealistic fears regarding ECT. (ii) Some of these fears are linked to the cognitive secondary effects of ECT. Although preliminary data are reassuring, more empirical research on this population should be encouraged. (iii) Cautiousness recommends the use of ECT in limited indications catatonia, mood disorders, and intractable acute psychotic disorders. We conclude that there is no ethical reason to ban the use of ECT in adolescents. Ethical options in clinical practice must be evaluated empirically with respect to the consequences for the patient. Dogmatic views should be set aside. Accepted: 7 July 1999  相似文献   

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