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发挥卫生员训练优势培养部队初级健康教育人才兰州军区卫后勤部卫生防疫队范勇,贺拴友,袁华近年来,我军健康教育工作取得了长足的进步。随着健康教育事业的不断发展,部队健康教育人材匾乏的矛盾日益突出。因此加速部队人材培养,是摆在我们面前的一个亟待解决的问题,...  相似文献   

决定医学工程的首要因素是医学工程技术人员的素质;提高医学工程技术水平,关键在于打牢基础。这几年来我们扎扎实实地从打基础入手,在落实上下功夫,促进了医学工程队伍的全面建设,提高了医学工程工作质量。与过去相比,在规范化管理、技术保障、人材培养、科研、论文、技术水平、服务质量等方面都有长足的进步和发展。下面是我们的一点做法,仅供同行参考。  相似文献   

中专卫校开设健康教育专业刍议山东省淄博市健康教育所解荣章建国以来,我国在健康教育人材培养方面做了大量工作。但是,真正将健康教育作为一门学科纳入医学教育领域,则只是始于80年代中期。1986年,河北职工医学院率先在我国高等医学院校创办健康教育专业,开创...  相似文献   

本文针对医院大型医疗设备引进逐年增多的实际,调查了设备管理、维修以及操作人员的学历、职称构成,并与美、加三所医院进行了对比,指出:国内目前的设备引进超前于人材的培养,这种情况如不引起足够的重视,势必影响到已引进设备的正常使用、管理和维修,使投资效益大为降低。  相似文献   

为了能使大学生健康而顺利地完成学业,同时为今后的青年咨询、教育、心理障碍及身心疾病的预防,诊断、治疗和人材的选拔和培养提供理论依据,我们于1986年10~12月对广东省7所大学进行性格调查,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济深人发展,卫生立法不断完善的新形势下,濉溪县卫生局为强化行政执法进一步理顺食品卫生监督体系,于1991年2月经县人大通过,县政府及编委批准建立了濉溪县卫生局食品卫生监督检验所(以下简称食监所)。5年来,食监所本着解放思想,实事求是,勇于探索,扎实工作的精神,大胆地进行了改革,通过狠抓科学管理,注意培养和尊重人材,调动了职工的积极性,依据《食品卫生法》及有关法规所赋予的职责,在全县范围内开展了卓有成效的食品卫生监督监测工作,在改善食品卫生状况,提高食品卫生合格率,控制食物中毒和食源性疾…  相似文献   

构建实习管理模式、提高教学质量的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了适应社会经济和卫生事业改革及发展的需要,根据教育部提出的“高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”要求,我们把转变教育思想和观念作为主导,同时狠抓了医学生的实践教学改革。因为实践是理论联系实际,培养新时代医学高素质人材的重要途径,是培养学生职业道德、逻辑思维、技能操作、科研能力、创新意识、提高人才质量的有力保证。本教研室为培养学生有较强发现、分析、解决问题的能力,熟练掌握临床技能,能独立、安全、有效地处理临床常见和多发传染病,遂进行了如下探索。  相似文献   

关于召开“中青年预防医学工作者学术交流会议”的征文通知各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市、预防医学会:为培养、造就跨世纪的预防医学人材,促进我国预防医学事业的发展,中华预防医学会学术会务部与中国公共卫生杂志社拟定于1994年第三季度联合召开“中青年预防...  相似文献   

关于召开“中青年预防医学工作者学术交流会议”的征文通知各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市、预防医学会:为培养、造就跨世纪的预防医学人材,促进我国预防医学事业的发展,中华预防医学会学术会务部与中国公共卫生杂志社拟定于1994年第三季度联合召开“中青年预防...  相似文献   

教师上课的技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过上课这一基本的教学方法,培养高素质的人材为社会服务.方法:扎实练好基本功,是一个教师的基本素养.做好课前准备、课堂讲授、课后总结,上好每一堂课.结果:经过教师的努力,培养出高素质的人材.结论:上课是教学工作的中心环节,是教师的思想水平、业务能力和教学技巧的集中反映,也是学生掌握系统知识,发展智力、能力和个性的基本学习方式.  相似文献   

目的:了解医生为患者进行诊疗时决策因素的实际变化,为引导合理医疗服务提供依据。方法:采用典型整群抽样方法开展问卷调查,描述性分析决策因素变化,并进行方差分析。结果:疾病情况(26.9%)、纠纷风险(22. 8%)、政策要求(19.4%)、便捷程度(18. 0%)、个人收入(12. 9%)五个因素对服务提供影响的权重依次下降;疾病情况权重随年龄增长由23.6%增长到33. 0%,同时在收入占家庭收入比重较高的医生中的差异具有显著性;纠纷风险权重更高的是男医生(23. 7±8.0);个人收入权重随医生年龄增大而减小(P0.01)。结论:现实中的医生并非"完全健康代理人";医生提供诊疗服务时仍以疾病情况为首要因素,但其他因素的影响不容忽视;医生的个人特征及家庭背景对服务决策存在影响。  相似文献   

Aim  To analyse the role of Germany in the context of the strong international migration of doctors. In doing so, the migration of German doctors abroad and foreign doctors to Germany is qualitatively and quantitatively presented. Subjects and methods  The annual statistical reports from the country's medical associations given to the Federal Medical Association were investigated on migratory movements. Furthermore, a survey on how many German doctors are working in these countries was done within relevant organisations in some European countries and the US. Results  Germany is affected by an international migration of doctors in two directions. German doctors are emigrating and as well foreign doctors are immigrating. The exchange is not balanced, Germany loses more doctors every year to foreign countries than it gains through immigration. Discussion and conclusions  The increasing emigration of German doctors reinforces the shortage of doctors in Germany. In addition, the functioning of the German health system increasingly depends on the immigration of foreign doctors.  相似文献   

农村卫生工作是我国卫生工作的重点,乡村医生在农村卫生工作中起着举足轻重的作用。随着医学模式的转变及初级卫生保健的日益深入,乡村医生的作用越发明显。对周口市乡村医生的现状及农村所需乡村医生类型作了调查分析,并探讨了乡村医生的培养途径,为调整乡村医生政策,促进乡村医生作用的充分发挥提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

Aim The status of salary and working hours is currently having an evidently negative impact on levels of satisfaction of German hospital doctors. This low level of job satisfaction among doctors aggravates the shortage of junior medics. For German clinic operators who want to assert themselves on the market, the development of solutions that improve their doctors’ job satisfaction will be a crucial factor for future success. To analyse and benchmark influencing factors of job satisfaction, the HELIOS Kliniken Group performed a survey on their employed doctors in comparison to the situation in Switzerland. Methods The standard questionnaire used in the survey is based on a questionnaire that is used to evaluate residents’ training programs in Switzerland. The survey was conducted on doctors who were still participating in medical training programmes at the time of the survey and doctors who had been working for the HELIOS Kliniken Group for at least 2 years. A total of 1,079 questionnaires were sent out to the relevant junior doctors for this purpose. Results The results of the survey show that the job satisfaction of junior doctors working at HELIOS is significantly lower than the job satisfaction of junior doctors working in Switzerland. The most significant problems were evident in the communication of evidence-based medicine and error culture. Overall, the respondents did not evaluate their work situation as satisfactory. The majority of junior doctors feel that their high administrative workload places restrictions on their work. The vast amount of non-medical work that doctors are required to perform is one of the main reasons why they decide to leave the medical profession. Conclusion Future work structuring requirements necessitate new approaches. The survey of the work and medical training situation of junior doctors is an important and exemplary step toward improving the work situation of junior doctors at the HELIOS clinics. It is the beginning of a learning process in which the first steps are the definition of weaknesses and the initiation of the necessary measures to improve the job satisfaction of the doctors.  相似文献   

刘红波  吕晓辉  李辉 《职业与健康》2007,23(12):984-986
目的了解住院医生生活质量和个人紧张反应以及二者关系。方法采用SF-6和OSI-R对218名住院医生进行调查。结果住院医生生活质量尚可,生理健康随年龄增长下降,男医生的生活质量优于女医生(P〈0.05);≤35岁组医生在业务、躯体两方面紧张反应较强烈(P〈0.05);女医生的个人紧张反应各方面得分均高于男医生;年轻医生的生理健康水平好于年老医生,而年老医生的心理健康水平好于年轻医生(P〈0.05),与心理健康的关系更密切。结论个体紧张反应与生活质量有相关关系,增进年老医生的身体健康、提高年轻医生的业务水平,降低个体紧张反应,有助于提高住院医生的生活质量。  相似文献   

我国乡村医生队伍素质现状分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
通过对我国现有文献的综述,指出目前我国乡村医生性别比例失调,年龄偏高,文化与专业素质偏低,服务能力不高,不能适应农村经济发展和群众医疗保健需要,与全面实现小康的目标还有相当大的差距,更难于承担起应对像非典这样严重的突发性公共卫生事件的重任。为尽快扭转目前乡村医生专业素质差的局面,应进一步加大对在职乡村医生的培训与专业能力认证力度,对达不到执业标准的要逐步分流。根据乡村医生的实际业务能力,严格规范其行医范围,特别是用药范围。同时,严格把好乡村医生队伍的准入关,坚持考试与考核相结合,公开竞聘合格乡村医生。  相似文献   

目的:分析乡村医生薪酬激励中存在的问题,完善江苏省乡村医生薪酬激励方式,提升农村基本医疗卫生服务供给水平.方法:通过查阅文献了解江苏省乡村医生总体发展现状以及待遇保障相关政策供给,结合实地调研分析苏南地区乡村医生薪酬激励存在问题.结果:地区差异明显,薪酬结构分布不合理;村镇管理分离,乡村医生发展受限;绩效考核未充分落实...  相似文献   

The doctor-nurse relationship has traditionally been a man-woman relationship. However, in recent years, the number of women studying medicine has increased in all West-European countries, and in 1997, 29% of active Norwegian doctors were women. The doctor-nurse relationship has often been described as a dominant-subservient relationship with a clear understanding that the doctor is a man and the nurse is a woman. This article examines what happens to the doctor-nurse relationship when both are women: how do female doctors experience their relationship to female nurses? It is based on two sets of data, qualitative interviews with 15 doctors and a nationwide survey of 3589 doctors. The results show that in the experience of many doctors, male and female, the doctor-nurse relationship is influenced by the doctor's gender. Female doctors often find that they are met with less respect and confidence and are given less help than their male colleagues. The doctors' own interpretation of this is partly that the nurses' wish to reduce status differences between the two groups affects female doctors more than male, and partly that there is an "erotic game" taking place between male doctors and female nurses. In order to tackle the experience of differential treatment, the strategies chosen by female doctors include doing as much as possible themselves and making friends with the nurses. The results are considered in light of structural changes both in society at large and within the health services, with emphasis on the recent convergence of status between the two occupational groups.  相似文献   

目的对参加甘肃中医药大学2017年乡村医生进修培训的乡村医生进行调查,了解甘肃省乡村医生的基本情况、在岗培训情况和对本次培训的满意度及建议,提出相关的对策和建议。方法从参加甘肃中医药大学2017年乡村医生进修培训的乡村医生中随机抽取629人进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷574份。调查内容包括乡村医生队伍的基本情况、在岗培训情况、本次培训在学时安排和授课等方面的满意度及建议等。调查结果采用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计分析。结果我省乡村医生队伍老龄化现象已有所改善,35~55岁占79.96%;学历结构偏低,本科及以上学历仅占0.17%;执业化程度较低,执业(助理)医师仅占9.93%,低于全国平均水平;工作量较大,日工作时间8 h及以上占57.14%,78.92%的村医既从事乡村医生工作又务农;收入较低,85.89%的村医月收入在2 000元以下,76.31%的村医无养老保险;在岗培训情况不理想,55.23%的人员未参加过培训;本次培训调查学员对培训的时间、地点和师资均比较满意,理论培训课程学时安排满意度平均得分(4.08±0.06)分,教师授课满意度平均得分(4.14±0.13)分。结论乡村医生队伍依然是我省医疗卫生服务体系的薄弱环节,应继续加强乡村医生队伍的建设;保障乡村医生的收入,完善乡村医生的养老制度;根据乡村医生的实际工作需求加强乡村医生在岗培训。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the changes in the Italian NHS by concentrating on patterns in the managerialisation of doctors. It addresses a series of shortcomings in studies on the response by doctors to managerialisation. The first is a shortcoming of theoretical and analytical nature. It is necessary to adopt a broader perspective whereby analysis considers not only the interaction between doctors and managers, but also the public control and regulation agencies that operate in that field. The second shortcoming is a methodological one. The literature on managerialisation is more theoretical than applied. It is necessary to adopt a strategy based on a plurality of methodologies and sources in order to focus attention on a national case (Italy in the present study), discussing the changes over time (from the beginning of managerialisation until today) and considering different groups within the medical profession. The outcome is a complex picture of the dynamics between doctors and managers which foregrounds the managerial co‐optation processes of a small group of national health service doctors, the transition from strategic adaptation to forms of resistance against managerialisation by the majority of Italian NHS doctors, and the emergence of restratification processes among self‐employed doctors working with the NHS.  相似文献   

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