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In the adult caput epididymidis, three specific prealbumin proteins (B2, B3, and B4) could be visualized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Castration caused the disappearance of B2 and B4, and B3 became faint. Androgen administration to castrated rat restored the protein pattern to normal. In the cauda epididymidis of the control rat, four prealbumin proteins (B1-B4) were seen of which only B3 was evident after castration. The dose of androgen administered was insufficient to restore the protein pattern of the cauda epididymidis. The caput epididymidis thus appears to have a lower androgen requirement than the cauda in regard to its protein pattern.  相似文献   

Sperm maturation in the epididymis may involve differences between mature and immature spermatozoa in their volume regulatory osmolyte response. Spermatozoa obtained from the rat caput and cauda epididymidis were examined for their ability to regulate volume after transfer from in situ epididymal osmolality (measured to be 343 ± 13 and 365 ± 19 mmol kg^-1, respectively) to that of the female tract in single- and multiple-step protocols. Cells withstood the single-step treatment better than the multistep protocol. Sperm volume estimates by flow cytometric measure- ments of forward scatter of cells with intact head membranes was more sensitive than those by assessing cell coiling microscopically. At osmolalites below 210 mmol kg l both caput and cauda cells ruptured, limiting the use of flow cytometry. Above this critical value, the use of quinine showed that both caput and cauda cells could regulate volume, but cauda cells were the more effective. Of several organic osmolytes studied, myo-inositol, glutamate and KCl caused only temporary and slight swelling of spermatozoa cells in hypotonic medium. Spermatozoa of both maturities seemed to use potassium as the preferred osmolyte for regulating volume.  相似文献   

beta-Hexosaminidase (Hex) catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal sugar residues from a number of substrates such as GM2 gangliosides, glycoproteins, glycolipids, and glycosaminoglycans. As an enzyme present in lysosomes of epithelial cells of the adult rat epididymis, it serves to degrade substances endocytosed from the epididymal lumen. In this way, it modifies and creates a luminal environment where sperm can undergo their maturational modifications. In this study, the postnatal developmental pattern of expression of Hex was examined in animals from days 7-56. In addition, the role of testicular factors on Hex expression in the different cell types and regions of the epididymis of adult rats was examined in orchidectomized and efferent duct-ligated rats. Both parameters were examined on Bouin-fixed epididymides in conjunction with light microscope immunocytochemistry. At postnatal day 7, the epithelium of the entire epididymis was unreactive for anti-Hex antibody. By day 21, narrow and clear cells of their respective regions became reactive, whereas basal cells became reactive only by day 29. Principal cells displayed only an occasional reactive lysosome at day 21, several by day 29, and numerous reactive lysosomes by day 39, comparable to the region-specific distribution noted for 90-day-old animals, and at an age when high androgen levels are attained. Thus, postnatal onset of Hex expression varies according to the different cell types of the epididymis, suggesting different regulatory factors. This finding was confirmed from studies employing adult orchidectomized and efferent duct-ligated adult rats. Indeed, in all experimental animals, Hex immunostaining in narrow, clear, and basal cells was intense and comparable to control animals. In contrast, there was a notable absence of lysosomal staining in principal cells at all time points after orchidectomy, which was restored, however, following testosterone replacement. No effect on Hex expression was observed in efferent duct-ligated animals. Taken together, the data suggest that Hex expression in lysosomes of principal cells is regulated by testosterone or one of its metabolites. However, the expression of Hex being independent of testicular factors in narrow, clear, and basal cells of adult animals, but occurring at different time points during postnatal development, suggests that different regulatory factors are responsible for onset of Hex expression in these cell types during development.  相似文献   

The multifunctional and androgen-regulated epididymis is known to provide a conducive microenvironment for the maturation and storage of mature spermatozoa. HOXB2 homeodomain-containing epididymis-specific sperm protein (HOXBES2), a molecule first reported by our group, exhibits cell- and region-specific expression. It was found in the cytoplasm of the principal epithelial cells with maximum in the distal segments of the rat epididymis. The present study was undertaken to determine whether HOXBES2 expression is regulated by androgens and postnatal epididymal development. Toward this, the epididymis was disallowed access to circulating androgens either by chemical or biologic castration. In bilaterally orchidectomized animals, the levels of immunoreactive HOXBES2 declined to <5 % of those seen in sham-operated animals. Exogenous dihydrotestosterone (DHT) supplementation (250 microg/kg body weight) for 7 days restored the expression levels to >or= 90 % of that observed in intact animals. Ethylene dimethane sulfonate (EDS) administration completely abolished HOXBES2 expression in the epididymis, and supplementation with DHT or DHT + estradiol for 10 days re-established HOXBES2 expression to near normalcy. However, in the estradiol alone-supplemented EDS-treated group, HOXBES2 remained undetected. The unaltered HOXBES2 expression following efferent duct ligation suggested that HOXBES2 is not critically dependent on testicular factors. During postnatal development, protein expression in the epididymis begins to appear from day 40 and 50 and increased from day 60 onward, coinciding with the mature levels of circulating androgens and the well-differentiated epididymis. Thus, the data obtained from this study suggests that HOXBES2 expression could be regulated by androgens, and its expression level is closely associated with the postnatal development of the epididymis.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis is the most common serious autosomal recessive condition in whites, and more than 95% of men with cystic fibrosis are infertile. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-regulated chloride channel, has been localized in the efferent ducts; however, to our knowledge, its expression and regulation in the epididymis by testicular factors have not been examined. In the present study, these parameters were examined immunocytochemically by the light microscope with an anti-CFTR antibody in Bouin-fixed, paraffin-embedded control adult rat epididymides and both orchidectomized adult rats with or without testosterone supplementation and efferent duct-ligated rats sacrificed at different time points. In control animals, a thick dense band of immunoperoxidase reaction product was visualized over the apical plasma membrane of the principal cells but not their microvilli. The apical band was prominent only in the corpus and cauda regions. While there was no CFTR expression in basal cells, clear cells of the corpus and cauda regions showed a weak-to-moderate band of apical plasma membrane staining. An examination of orchidectomized, orchidectomized and testosterone, and efferent duct-ligated rats revealed that CFTR was no longer expressed as an intense band on the apical plasma membrane of the principal cells of the corpus and cauda regions. However, under these conditions, an intense apical/supranuclear reaction was noted in the form of small vesicular structures. Clear cells were unaffected by the different experimental treatments. Together, these data indicate that CFTR is expressed in a cell- and region-specific manner and that, while its synthesis in principal cells is not under the control of testicular factors, targeting to the apical plasma membrane is regulated by a testicular luminal factor.  相似文献   

Androgenic regulation of novel genes in the epididymis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The epididymis is critically dependent on the presence of the testis. Although several hormones, such as retinoids and progestins, and factors secreted directly into the epididymal lumen, such as androgen binding protein and fibroblast growth factor, might play regulatory roles in epididymal function, testosterone (T) and its metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2), are accepted as the primary regulators of epididymal structure and functions, with the former playing the greater role. To ascertain the molecular action of androgens on the epididymis, three complementary approaches were pursued to monitor changes in gene expression in response to different hormonal milieux. The first was to establish changes in gene expression along the epididymis as androgenic support is withdrawn. The second was to determine the sequence of responses that occur in an androgen deprived tissue upon re-administration of the two metabolites of T, DHT and E2. The third was to study the effects of androgen withdrawal and re-administration on gene expression in immortalized murine caput epididymidal principal cells. Specific responses were observed under each of these conditions, with an expected major difference in the panoply of genes expressed upon hormone withdrawal and re-administration; however, some key common features were the common roles of genes in insulin like growth factor/epidermal growth factor and the relatively minor and specific effects of E2 as compared to DHT. Together, these results provide novel insights into the mechanisms of androgen regulation in epididymal principal cells. (Asian J Androl 2007 July; 9: 545-553)  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) belonging to pattern recognition receptors are involved in maintaining testicular and epididymal immune homeostasis. The purpose of the current study was to investigate TLR4 expression in rat testis and epididymis throughout postnatal development. Weak staining was detected in peritubular myoid cells and immature Sertoli cells while no staining was observed in gonocytes during prepubertal period. However, TLR4 expression began to appear in spermatocytes in pubertal period and gradually increased in spermatids. An intense staining was observed in steps 5–19 spermatids in post pubertal and mature periods. Similarly, TLR4 expression in the testes steadily increased from pubertal period to mature period. Puberty also caused a significant increase in TLR4 expression in epididymis. TLR4 expression in cauda epididymis was lower as compared to those of other epididymal segments. The majority of epididymal epithelial cells exhibited apical TLR4 expression, whereas basal cells showed intense intracytoplasmic immunoreaction. We detected an intense staining in epididymal smooth muscle cells. The expression levels of TLR4 showed dynamic changes in both spermatogenic cells, and entire testicular and epididymal tissues during postnatal development. These results suggest that TLR4 expression contributes not only to inflammation but also to the development of spermatogenic cells.  相似文献   

目的研究原癌基因c-mos在小鼠附睾的表达及c-Mos蛋白在小鼠附睾上皮细胞的定位。方法采用半定量RT-PCR和间接免疫荧光的方法分别检测c-mos mRNA和蛋白在附睾不同区域的表达,并通过免疫电镜对c-Mos蛋白在附睾上皮细胞内进行精确定位。结果c-mos mRNA表达量在小鼠附睾头部最高,体部最低;仅在附睾头部管腔面检测到c-Mos蛋白表达;电镜观察见c-Mos蛋白定位在附睾上皮细胞的顶部胞质内。结论c-mos原癌基因在小鼠附睾的区域特异性表达以及c-Mos蛋白在附睾上皮细胞的定位,提示c-mos基因可能在精子成熟过程中发挥调节功能。  相似文献   

Sperm maturation in the rat epididymis is dependent on the secretion of specific proteins by the epididymal epithelium and subsequent interaction of these proteins with spermatozoa. Evidence has shown that fertility and motility development of epididymal spermatozoa may be impaired by interfering the interaction of these proteins with spermatozoa. When the spermatozoa reach the cauda epididymidis, they are fully mature but their longevity is maintained by being stored in a quiescent state in the cauda. The unique ionic medium therein (low Na+, low Ca2+, high K+ and low pH) suppresses sperm motility and hence reserving energy for the vital processes of capacitation and fertilization. During ejaculation, when the spermatozoa are mixed with the copious secretion from the accessory glands they burst into vigorous motility. This results from an influx of sodium coupled to efflux of K+ and H+ across the mature sperm membrane. In the presence of a peptide secreted by the cauda epididymidis, these ionic events activate the already mature but otherwise inactive spermatozoa to full motility.  相似文献   

利用本实验室前期制备和鉴定了的抗人精子膜结合脱氨酶单克隆抗体和ABC组分技术,我们分析了正常性成熟和性未成熟大鼠睾丸及附睾中的该酶分布情况。实验结果显示:(1)ADA在正常性成熟和性未成熟大鼠睾丸和附睾中无分布;在性成熟大鼠中,ADA的分布从际睾头部开始出现;(2)ADA在正常性成熟大鼠附睾中的分布由附睾头部至尾部其密度未发现变化。  相似文献   

The short-term effect of a subcutaneous injection of 3 μmol of cadmium chloride/100 g body weight were examined 90 min later in male rats. The main target of cadmium, as shown by electron microscopy, was the endothelial lining of capillaries of the caput epididymidis. Intercellular junctions between endothelial cells were disorganized, ranging from slight separation between cytoplasmic leaflets to wide gaps which communicated freely with the pericapillary tissue. Disruption of platelets and intravascular clotting followed these early endothelial lesions, and clotting was found in venules as an extension of clotting from the capillaries. Pre-treatment with zinc (300 μmol zinc chloride/100 g body weight) prevented all of the lesions described above.  相似文献   

Cellular interactions in the testis and epididymis are an important prerequisite for spermatogenesis and sperm maturation, and involve a well-developed complex of intercellular junctions. Cadherins are cell surface proteins which mediate intercellular Ca2+ -dependent adhesion and are believed to be fundamentally important for maintaining multicellular structures. In the present study we report the expression of a 135 kDa N-cadherin polypeptide in the human seminiferous epithelium by immunoblotting. The presence of N-cadherin was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry on the surface of spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes, and possibly also around some early spermatids, whereas late spermatids were always negative. Endothelial cells also stained for N-cadherin, whereas peritubular cells and Leydig cells did not. No expression of E-cadherin could be demonstrated in the human testis. In the human epididymis E-cadherin, but not N-cadherin, was expressed and localized to the surface of the principal epithelial cells as shown by immunohistochemistry. These observations indicate that cadherins play an important role in the organization of the seminiferous and epididymal epithelium.  相似文献   

目的:研究人类附罩有机阳离子转运子2COCTN2)的mRNA表达特征及蛋白表达特征,为进一步探讨附睾肉碱转运机制提供理论依据。方法:采用RT-PCR方法检测人类附睾组织头部、体部及尾部OCTN2基因的表达;并用Westernblot方法检测该基因在附睾中的蛋白表达,计算其在蛋白水平的相对表达量。结果:OC-TN2mRNA在人附睾头、体、尾组织中均有OCTN2表达,表现为附睾头部表达较弱,而附睾体、尾部分表达丰富;OCTN2蛋白在人附睾头部表达较弱,表达量为(0.71±0.09),附睾体、尾部分表达较丰富,表达量分别为(0.95±0.22)与(0.99±0.15)。结论:两种方法均证实有机阳离子转运子2在人类附睾中有表达,且呈现附睾头部表达较弱,附睾体、尾部分表达卡富的特,止,为进一步研究附睾肉碱转运机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Oestrogen receptor alpha and beta in rat prostate and epididymis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sar M  Welsch F 《Andrologia》2000,32(4-5):295-301
The cellular localization of two oestrogen receptor (ER) subtypes, ER alpha and ER beta, was investigated in neonatal, postnatal, immature and adult male rats to determine whether these receptor subtypes are differentially expressed in prostate and epididymis. A monoclonal antibody against ER alpha and two polyclonal ER beta antibodies were used. Paraffin sections revealed a specific nuclear immunoreaction product in certain cells but not in others. In the epididymis, nuclear ER alpha immunoreactivity (IR) was detected in epithelial cells of efferent ductules and initial segments as well as in connective tissue surrounding the tubules in caput, corpus and cauda. No IR was observed in rete testis. Epithelial cells of the prostate lacked ER alpha IR, but connective tissue cells surrounding prostatic buds in the early neonatal period revealed IR. In prostate, ER beta IR was expressed in epithelial cells of the ventral and dorsolateral lobes, but the IR intensity was higher in the ventral lobe. In neonatal rats, ER beta was expressed in the epididymis but not in the prostate gland. Weak ER beta expression was found in the prostates of 5-day-old rats, and the reaction increased in intensity thereafter. In the epididymis, a similar developmental expression pattern of ER beta was observed. ER beta expression in prostate and epididymis was similar to expression of androgen receptors reported previously for these organs. The results support that both ER alpha and ER beta may be involved in oestrogen modulation of prostate and epididymal functions.  相似文献   

The estimation of alpha-glucosidase activity in semen is widely used as a marker of epididymal function. In the present studies, glucosidase activity was evaluated in the different segments of the rat epididymis under various physiological conditions. In addition, the effect of two known male antifertility agents, gossypol and alpha-chlorohydrin, on enzyme activity was evaluated. Enzyme activity was absent from the epidiymis of rats aged 10 and 20 days but became detectable at 30 days of age when the adult pattern of distribution (highest activity in the caput epididymis) was established. Enzyme activity was reduced significantly in all segments of the epididymis at 7 days after castration and a significant decrease in activity was also observed following the administration of either gossypol or alpha-chlorohydrin. These findings are consistent with a role for alpha-glucosidase in sperm maturation in the epididymis.  相似文献   

Using a combined microperfusion and high resolution gel electrophoresis technique, the origin of the epididymal fluid proteins of the rat has been investigated. Some proteins originate from the testis, others are secreted by the epididymis or are released by spermatozoa. Of particular interest is a 32 000 dalton protein found to be actively secreted by the caput epithelium in situ and concenrated in the lumen. The cauda epididymidis contained the highest concentration of this protein. Radioactive labelling of the sperm surface proteins revealed that this protein was present on the surface of the mature cauda but not on the immature caput or corpus sperm, suggesting its acquisition by the sperm surface during epididymal transit. Another sperm surface protein of interest (MW 40 000) is present only on the plasma membrane of the cauda but not on that of the caput or corpus sperm. Since this protein was not identified in the epididymal perfusates or luminal fluids, its presence may result from some modification events taking place in the sperm membrane during maturation.  相似文献   

低氧对大鼠附睾功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究低氧对大鼠附睾功能的影响。方法将成年雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为常氧和低氧5d、15d、30d4组。低氧各组置低压舱内模拟5,000m高原低氧。测定附睾尾精子数量、质量,生化法测定各组大鼠附睾液中果糖、肉毒碱的含量及α-葡萄糖苷酶的活性。结果低氧15d组、30d组大鼠附睾尾精子数显著低于常氧组。低氧各组精子活力、活率显著低于常氧组;尾部畸形精子数显著高于常氧组。低氧5d组、15d组大鼠附睾液果糖含量显著高于常氧组(P<0.01)。低氧5d、30d组,大鼠附睾液中性α-葡萄糖苷酶活性显著低于常氧组。结论低氧可抑制附睾尾精子数量和质量,并抑制附睾液中性α-葡萄糖苷酶活性,提示低氧可干扰附睾功能,并抑制精子的成熟。  相似文献   

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