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Patients with lung cancer who undergo chemotherapy (CTX) experience multiple symptoms. Evaluation of how these symptoms cluster together and how these symptom clusters change over time are salient questions in symptom clusters research.


The purposes of this analysis, in a sample of patients with lung cancer (n = 145) who were receiving CTX, were to 1) evaluate for differences in the number and types of symptom clusters at three time points (i.e., before their next cycle of CTX, the week after CTX, and two weeks after CTX) using ratings of symptom occurrence and severity and 2) evaluate for changes in these symptom clusters over time.


At each assessment, a modified version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale was used to assess the occurrence and severity of 38 symptoms. Exploratory factor analyses were used to extract the symptom clusters.


Across the two symptom dimensions (i.e., occurrence and severity) and the three assessments, six distinct symptom clusters were identified; however, only three of these clusters (i.e., lung cancer specific, psychological, nutritional) were relatively stable across both dimensions and across time. Two additional clusters varied by time but not by symptom dimension (i.e., epithelial/gastrointestinal and epithelial). A sickness behavior cluster was identified at each assessment with the exception of the week before CTX using only the severity dimension.


Findings provide insights into the most common symptom clusters in patients with lung cancer undergoing CTX. Most common symptoms within each cluster appear to be relatively stable across the two dimensions, as well as across time.  相似文献   

ContextWomen with breast cancer treated with aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy experience multiple concurrent symptoms or symptom clusters. Understanding of the symptom experience and identifying symptom clusters before and during AI therapy are important for the development of interventions to improve clinical outcomes.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to identify symptom clusters experienced by women with breast cancer treated with AI therapy from pre–adjuvant therapy up to 18 months of adjuvant therapy using a broad scope of symptoms assessment.MethodsForty-seven symptoms were evaluated in postmenopausal women with breast cancer (N = 354) who received AI therapy or chemotherapy followed by AI therapy. Symptoms were assessed at four semiannual time points with the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial Symptom Checklist, Patient's Assessment of Own Functioning Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory-II, and Profile of Mood States Tension/Anxiety and Fatigue/Inertia subscales. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted at each time point to identify symptom clusters.ResultsFour stable symptom clusters (i.e., musculoskeletal, vasomotor, urinary, sexual) and three relatively stable symptom clusters (i.e., psychological, neurocognitive, weight) were identified across the 18-month follow-up period. The gastrointestinal symptom cluster only appeared at after six months of adjuvant therapy (postchemotherapy).ConclusionThis study helps us to better understand the most common symptom clusters over the first 18 months of adjuvant therapy among postmenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer. It is critical for health care providers to know the symptom clusters commonly experienced by women receiving AI therapy with or without chemotherapy and manage them properly over time.  相似文献   



An unresolved issue in symptom cluster (SC) research is that the numbers and types of SCs vary based on the multiple dimensions of the experienced symptoms that are used for SC identification.


This study aimed to identify SCs using the ratings of occurrence, severity, and distress in newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients at three stages of their induction therapy (i.e., T1, T2, and T3). Then, we evaluated the consensus among the numbers and types of symptoms in each SC identified by multiple dimensions over time.


The Chinese version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale was used to evaluate the occurrence, severity, and distress ratings of 32 symptoms in patients newly diagnosed with AML during their induction therapy. Exploratory factor analysis was used for SCs identification.


Using the three dimensions in the AML patients (n = 126), four SCs were identified at T1 and T3 and three SCs were identified at T2. The number of symptoms in individual SCs varied over time, whereas the specific symptoms in SCs remained similar over time. The severity ratings fit the data better than did the ratings of occurrence and distress.


These findings provided insights into the most common SCs in AML patients undergoing induction therapy by multidimensional evaluation and could lay the foundation for future targeted symptom interventions. Further studies are needed to explore the mechanisms of SCs in AML patients undergoing the chemotherapy.  相似文献   

目的:调查乳腺癌患者化疗期的膳食摄入状况.方法按照方便抽样法选择2012年6-12月于上海市某三级综合性医院确诊的乳腺癌患者135例为研究对象,采用一般资料调查表及食物频率问卷(food frequency questionnaire,FFQ)调查其化疗期间的膳食摄入状况.结果与中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量相比,乳腺癌患者化疗前能量、膳食纤维、部分维生素及矿物质摄入量不足,蛋白质摄入量过多(均P<0.05),54.1%的患者为脂肪供能比超标状态(≥30%);化疗后除蛋白质、膳食纤维、部分维生素及矿物质无明显增加外(P>0.05),其余均有所增加,与中国居民平衡膳食宝塔图相比,乳腺癌患者化疗前膳食结构中存在大豆坚果类、奶及奶制品类、鱼虾类的摄入量不足(均P<0.05),禽肉类及油类摄入量呈超标状态(P<0.05);化疗后除奶类及奶制品的摄入量降低外(P<0.01),禽肉类摄入量增加不明显,其余均呈上升趋势且高于化疗前(P<0.05).结论乳腺癌患者化疗期膳食营养素的摄入量及膳食结构不够合理,有必要对患者进行膳食营养相关的健康教育.  相似文献   

目的了解癌症患者疾病发展和治疗过程中的相关症状,探讨其症状群种类和数量.方法使用中文版安德森症状评估量表对155例住院癌症患者进行调查,采用探索性因子分析法统计症状群.结果癌症患者发生率高的症状依次是疲乏、口干、睡眠不安.严重程度症状依次为食欲下降、呕吐、疲乏和睡眠不安.Spearman相关分析显示,除气短与食欲下降、呕吐之间相关性无统计学意义(P>0.05)之外,其余各症状之间相关性均具有统计学意义且均存在正相关关系(P<0.05).探索性因子分析得出3个症状群,分别为疾病行为症状群、上消化道症状群、心理症状群.各症状群的Cronbach’sα系数分别为0.69、0.83、0.75.结论癌症患者存在多种症状群,对癌症患者应探索以症状群为基础的干预模式,以求能够产生更好的临床效果,提高癌症患者的生存质量.  相似文献   

ContextAlthough there has been a growing interest in cancer symptom clusters, less is known about symptom burden clusters.ObjectivesTo explore clusters of burdensome symptoms over time, the impact on health status and quality of life, and coping capacity in patients with breast cancer.MethodsIn this longitudinal study, a sample of 206 patients completed the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire, and the Sense of Coherence scale, at diagnosis of primary or recurrent breast cancer, and at one-, three-, and six-month follow-ups.ResultsThree clusters of burdensome symptoms were identified: emotional symptom burden, gastrointestinal symptom burden, and unwellness symptom burden. Most burdensome were emotional symptoms, with worrying, feeling sad, and feeling nervous as the core or defining symptoms. Over time, additional symptoms escalated the emotional symptom burden. The gastrointestinal symptom burden, with “change in the way food tastes” as a core symptom, was more often associated with chemotherapy. Less stable over time, the unwellness symptom burden could be interpreted as short- and long-term side effects of hormonal therapy. Of these clusters, only the emotional symptom burden cluster significantly diminished health status and quality of life. Patients reporting lower coping capacity experienced higher levels of symptom burden.ConclusionThis study provides insights into symptom burden clusters over time. A challenging approach toward symptom management in clinical oncology is to target the burden of a symptom cluster and to recognize the need for individually designed interventions to ameliorate symptom burden in cancer patients.  相似文献   

目的深入了解与探讨口服化疗乳腺癌患者对于灵性需求和照护的真实体验。方法 2014年1-7月,采用目的抽样法选取在上海市某三级甲等医院住院的9名乳腺癌患者为研究对象,采用现象学研究方法,对其进行半结构式访谈,现场录音,借助NVivo 8.0软件,根据Colaizzi的7步分析法对资料进行分析,提炼主题。结果口服化疗乳腺癌患者的灵性需求可归纳为4个主题:精神寄托的需求,提升希望的需求,面对死亡的需求和自我实现的需求;灵性照护可归纳为3个主题:尊重宗教信仰,提升希望及死亡教育。结论口服化疗乳腺癌患者的居家支持性护理应该满足患者的灵性需求,给予灵性照护。  相似文献   

ContextThe existence of stable symptom clusters with variations or changes in cluster membership and the merging of symptom clusters over time urge us to investigate how symptom relationships change over time.ObjectivesTo identify stable symptom clusters and understand networks among symptoms using longitudinal data.MethodsSecondary data analysis was conducted using data from a nonblinded randomized clinical trial, which evaluated the effect and feasibility of the developed cancer symptom management system. For the present study, data from all participants of the original trial were analyzed (N = 249). The severity of 20 symptoms was measured before the start of chemotherapy (CTx) and during the initial four cycles of CTx. Symptom clusters were identified using principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses, and network analysis was used to explore the relationships among symptoms.ResultsThree common symptom clusters were identified. The first cluster consisted of anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, pain, and dyspnea. Fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and drowsiness formed a second stable cluster throughout the CTx cycles. The third cluster comprised loss of appetite, taste change, nausea, and vomiting. In terms of the symptom networks, close relationships were recognized, irrespective of symptom severity level, between anxiety and depression, fatigue and drowsiness, and loss of appetite and taste change. Fatigue was the most central symptom with the highest strength. Edge thickening after starting CTx demonstrated evolving symptom networks in relation to CTx cycles.ConclusionStable symptom clusters and evolving networks were identified. The most central symptom was fatigue; however, the paucity of studies that investigated symptom networks and central symptoms calls for further investigations on these phenomena. Identification of central symptoms and underlying mechanisms will guide efficient symptom management. Future studies will need to focus on developing comprehensive interventions for managing symptom clusters or targeting central symptoms.  相似文献   

目的:探讨新辅助化疗在老年乳腺癌患者治疗中的意义。方法:35例老年乳腺癌患者术前用CTF方案化疗1疗程,化疗后1周手术。结果:无完全缓解病例,部分缓解4例(占11.43%),轻度缓解20例(占57.14%),无变化11例(占31.43%),无临床进展病例。病理组织学观察20例镜下见肿瘤细胞有小点片状坏死。1例因白细胞降低推迟手术,其余患者按计划手术。全组随访1~6年,在随访期间发现5例局部复发,2例骨转移,2例有肺和脑转移。6例在随访期间因本病死亡,3例因其它合并症死亡,余均健在。结论:新辅助化疗对老年乳腺癌可缩小肿瘤,增加手术机会,提高治疗效果,并可能减少术中血行转移。  相似文献   

ObjectivesBreast cancer patients undergoing endocrine therapy experience various symptoms that have long-term effects on their quality of life. However, which symptom clusters are expressed and affect patients’ quality of life remain significantly controversial. Therefore, we aimed to explore symptom clusters among breast cancer patients receiving endocrine therapy and identify the impact of these clusters on their quality of life.Data SourcesThis secondary analysis of data from a cross-sectional study aimed to explore the symptom experiences and quality of life of breast cancer patients receiving endocrine therapy. The participants were invited to complete the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Breast (FACT-B) and Endocrine Subscale (ES). Principal component analysis, Spearman correlation analyses, and multiple linear regression were used to explore symptom clusters and identify their influence on quality of life.ConclusionData from 613 participants were obtained, and 19 symptoms were included in the principal component analysis, which identified five symptom clusters: the systemic, pain and emotional, sexual, vaginal, and vasomotor symptom clusters. Adjustment for covariates revealed that the systemic and pain and emotional symptom clusters were negative predictors of quality of life. The fitted model explained approximately 38.1% of the variance.Implications for Nursing PracticeThis study demonstrated that breast cancer patients receiving endocrine therapy experienced symptoms that tended to occur in five clusters (i.e., systemic, pain and emotional, sexual, vaginal, and vasomotor symptoms). Developing interventions for the systemic and pain and emotional symptom clusters may effectively improve patients’ quality of life.  相似文献   

ContextPatients with venous leg ulcers experience multiple symptoms, including pain, depression, and discomfort from lower leg inflammation and wound exudate. Some of these symptoms impair wound healing and decrease quality of life (QOL). The presence of co-occurring symptoms may have a negative effect on these outcomes. The identification of symptom clusters could potentially lead to improvements in symptom management and QOL.ObjectivesTo identify the prevalence and severity of common symptoms and the occurrence of symptom clusters in patients with venous leg ulcers.MethodsFor this secondary analysis, data on sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, venous history, ulcer and lower limb clinical characteristics, symptoms, treatments, healing, and QOL were analyzed from a sample of 318 patients with venous leg ulcers who were recruited from hospital outpatient and community nursing clinics for leg ulcers. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify symptom clusters.ResultsAlmost two-thirds (64%) of the patients experienced four or more concurrent symptoms. The most frequent symptoms were sleep disturbance (80%), pain (74%), and lower limb swelling (67%). Sixty percent of patients reported three or more symptoms at a moderate-to-severe level of intensity (e.g., 78% reported disturbed sleep frequently or always; the mean pain severity score was 49 of 100, SD 26.5). Exploratory factor analysis identified two symptom clusters: pain, depression, sleep disturbance, and fatigue; and swelling, inflammation, exudate, and fatigue.ConclusionTwo symptom clusters were identified in this sample of patients with venous leg ulcers. Further research is needed to verify these symptom clusters and to evaluate their effect on patient outcomes.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性淋巴细胞白血病患儿维持化疗阶段症状群及各症状群的前哨症状。方法 采用便利抽样法,选取2020年6月—2021年8月在苏州大学附属儿童医院血液科病房收治的处于维持化疗阶段的急性淋巴细胞白血病患儿作为研究对象,采用记忆症状评估量表儿童版对其进行调查。采用探索性因子分析并结合Spearman秩相关分析确定症状群;基于Apriori算法关联分析确定各症状群的前哨症状。结果 急性淋巴细胞白血病患儿在维持化疗阶段存在5类症状群,即情绪心理症状群、胃肠道症状群、躯体症状群、神经系统症状群、自我形象受损症状群,其Cronbach α系数分别为0.943、0.906、0.874、0.891、0.900;睡眠困难、呕吐、咳嗽、头痛、脱发依次为上述症状群的前哨症状。结论 急性淋巴细胞白血病患儿在维持化疗阶段经历多种症状群困扰。症状群及其前哨症状的确定有利于简化症状的评估和管理,提高症状管理效率,减轻患儿及家庭的疾病负担。  相似文献   

乳积方联合化疗治疗乳腺癌患者41例疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察自拟方乳积方对化疗治疗乳腺癌患者的增效减毒作用。方法:41例乳腺癌患者均给予至少一周期化学治疗,在化疗期间配合以乳积方为基础方的中药治疗,通过自身前后对照,观察治疗前和治疗两周后血液学、肿瘤标志物和细胞免疫等指标的变化。结果:治疗前后各血液学指标都基本正常,未出现明显骨髓抑制,治疗后CD3^+/HLA-DR^+较治疗前升高,有显著性差异(P〈0.05),CA153治疗后较治疗前降低,有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论:乳积方联合化疗可以减轻乳腺癌患者化疗的毒副作用,改善免疫功能,提高疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺癌术后患者的症状困扰及其与生活质量的相关性,为进行有针对性的症状管理提供依据。方法于2010年1月至2011年1月以便利抽样法选取哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院行乳腺癌手术的患者126例,采用症状困扰量表(the symptom distress scale,SDS)、欧洲癌症研究与治疗组织生活质量问卷( European Organization for Researchand Treatment of Cancer quality of life questionnaire, EORTC QLQ-C30)调查乳腺癌患者术后l周内的症状困扰和生活质量,进行多元逐步回归分析和Pearson相关分析。结果乳腺癌术后1周内患者普遍存在症状困扰(97.6%),困扰程度最高的症状依次为外表的改变、对前景的担忧、手臂活动受限、胸壁紧张感、疼痛频率;年龄、疾病阶段、手术方式是症状困扰的影响因素;症状困扰与生活质量之间呈负相关(r=-0.31,P〈0.01)。结论护理过程中应重视疾病和治疗带给患者的症状困扰,对年轻、中晚期和乳房全切患者应给予更多关注,加强症状管理,进而提高乳腺癌术后患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的描述肺癌患者化疗期间的症状体验特点,探讨其影响因素.方法运用安德森症状评估量表,便利抽取西安市3家三级甲等医院的123例肺癌化疗患者,调查分析其化疗期间的症状体验及相关因素.结果本组的主要症状依次为:疲乏(6.26±1.62)分、苦恼(4.25±1.88)分、胃口差(4.96±2.07)分、睡眠不安(4.48±2.01)分,发生率均在90%以上;给患者的工作、一般活动、生活乐趣带来较大的困扰,其得分分别是(7.03±1.85)分、(5.42±1.69)分、(4.64±1.60)分.症状体验受在职与否、家庭人均月收入、性别、疾病临床分期4个因素的影响(P<0.05).结论肺癌患者化疗期间症状发生频率均高于50%,处于轻中度水平,受疾病的临床分期、性别等的影响,给患者带来较大的症状困扰.提示临床护士应对肺癌化疗患者进行症状评估,并给予管理和控制.  相似文献   

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