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The T1 of soft tissues increases with magnetic field strength. Some tissue contrast may be diminished on high-field-strength magnetic resonance (MR) images when conventional TRs are used, because of altered T1 effects on the MR signals. This necessitates longer TRs in techniques that use long TRs, which prolongs the examination excessively. Behavior of macroscopic magnetization is governed by the Bloch equations. Therefore, T1 contributions to the MR signal can be modulated by means of both timing intervals and radio-frequency pulses. The analytic solution to the Block equations allowed calculation of white matter/gray matter and gray matter/cerebrospinal fluid contrast in both spin-echo and inversion-recovery (IR) imaging. Rabbit brains (normal and tumor-containing) were then imaged in vivo at 1.5 and 4.7 T. In addition, MR images of a human head were obtained at 4.0 T. Experimental results supported the theoretical predictions that brain contrast on long TR spin-echo or IR images increases with field strength. However, varying the excitation flip angle allowed optimization of the T1 contribution to the MR signals, improving image contrast and/or reducing examination time. Thus, the dependence of T1 on field strength determines the optimum choice of imaging techniques and parameters in a predictable fashion.  相似文献   

A custom-built small-animal transceiver was used for in vivo imaging of normal rat brain at 0.35 T, with the objective of identifying anatomic components by comparison of images with corresponding histologic sections. The cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, ventricles, hippocampus, and subarachnoid space were identified and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was differentiated from gray matter and white matter on coronal and transaxial magnetic resonance (MR) images. These images compare favorably with those obtained by others at higher field strengths in regard to delineating major neuroanatomic structures. It is concluded that this technique will be useful for investigating small-animal models of human neurologic disease involving morphologic and morphometric changes in gray matter, white matter, and CSF-filled spaces.  相似文献   

Echo-planar imaging (EPI) on the authors' 1-T prototype imager provides high-quality 100-msec images of the central nervous system. Contrast parameters can be chosen freely. Three-dimensional EPI sequences provide isotropically resolved data sets with 1-mm resolution. Brain perfusion and blood-brain barrier disruption can be assessed in time-course studies with gadopentetate dimeglumine. The current state of development of the authors' midfield research EPI system is discussed and its image quality illustrated through selected patient studies.  相似文献   

Dynamic FLASH (fast low-angle shot) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used to monitor changes in brain oxygenation in the human visual cortex during photic stimulation. The approach exploits the sensitivity of the gradient-echo signal to susceptibility changes induced by varying concentrations of paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin in the cerebral blood pool. After the onset of binocular photic stimulation (10 Hz, red light, checker-board), there was a distinct increase in the MR signal in the calcarine cortex within 6-9 seconds, indicating a decrease in the total deoxyhemoglobin concentration. After the stimulation was switched off, the MR signal returned to a basal value within a similar period of time. Assuming enhanced blood flow and only a minor increase in oxygen consumption (production of deoxyhemoglobin) during physiologic activation, the results reflect an enhanced supply of diamagnetic oxyhemoglobin and an increase in the partial oxygen pressure in the capillary and venous blood pools. In addition, a decrease in the basal MR signal in the calcarine cortex was observed during the first 60-90 seconds of persistent activation, which may be understood as an autoregulatory adaptation to increased overall brain activity associated with information processing due to continuous perception of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

A novel three-dimensional (3D) RARE (rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement) sequence was implemented on a clinical imager. In this technique, multiple slabs are excited in the same way as in the multisection spin-echo sequence, and each slab is further phase encoded into eight sections along the section-slab direction. With a 16-echo RARE sequence, 128 excitations cover the 256 X 256 X 8 3D k space. With a TR of 2,500 msec, 10 slabs can be excited sequentially at each TR, yielding 80 sections in 5 minutes. Slabs were overlapped to give contiguous sections after discarding of the aliased sections at slab edges. This relatively fast sequence makes contiguous thin-section T2-weighted imaging possible, an impractical achievement with the much longer spin-echo method. Compared with 3D Fourier transform gradient-echo imaging, the sensitivity of 3D RARE sequences to magnetic susceptibility is reduced. The clinical potential of T2-weighted 3D imaging is illustrated with high-resolution brain, spine, and temporomandibular joint images.  相似文献   

The application of three-dimensional (3D) magnetization-prepared rapid-gradient-echo (MP-RAGE) imaging to the acquisition of T2-weighted 3D data sets has been investigated, with a 90 degrees x-180 degrees y-90 degrees-x pulse set (driven equilibrium) for the T2 contrast preparation. A theoretical model was used to study the contrast behavior of brain tissue. The effects of radio-frequency and static-field inhomogeneities and eddy currents on the T2 contrast preparation and the effects of eddy currents on the gradient-echo acquisition resulted in blurring and intensity banding artifacts. With a multistep gradient preparation, these artifacts could be suppressed. With further development, this technique may yield a clinically practical method for obtaining T2-weighted 3D data sets of relatively large volumes (eg, the whole head) suitable for multiplanar reformatting.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) MP-RAGE (magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo) imaging was evaluated as a high-resolution 3D T1-weighted brain imaging technique for patients with suspected neurologic disease. Fourteen patients were studied. In five, 3D MP-RAGE images were compared with 3D FLASH (fast low-angle shot) images. Signal difference--to-noise ratios and T1 contrast were not statistically different for 3D MP-RAGE images as opposed to 3D FLASH images. Advantages intrinsic to the application of 3D MP-RAGE sequences include decreased imaging time and decreased motion artifact. With this technique, it is possible to perform a relatively motion-insensitive, T1-weighted screening brain study with voxel resolution of 1.0 x 1.4 x 2.0 mm or smaller, in an imaging time of 5.9 minutes or less--permitting offline (poststudy) reconstruction of high-resolution images in any desired plane.  相似文献   

Rapid three-dimensional T1-weighted MR imaging with the MP-RAGE sequence.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors investigated the application of three-dimensional (3D) magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MP-RAGE) imaging to the acquisition of small (32 x 128 x 256) T1-weighted 3D data sets with imaging times of approximately 1 minute. A theoretical model was used to study the contrast behavior of brain tissue. On the basis of these theoretical results, 3D MP-RAGE sequences were implemented on a 1.5-T whole-body imager. Thirty-two-section 3D data sets demonstrating good signal-to-noise ratios and resolution and strong T1-weighted contrast were obtained in 1 minute. Compared with standard short TR/TE spin-echo sequences with the same imaging times and comparable sequence parameters, the 3D MP-RAGE sequence delivered increases of more than 50% in the white matter/gray matter signal difference-to-noise and white matter signal-to-noise ratios, and provided almost twice as many sections. These sequences may find a clinical role in 3D scout imaging and screening and in patients with claustrophobia or trauma.  相似文献   

A computerized system for processing spin-echo magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data was implemented to estimate whole brain (gray and white matter) and cerebrospinal fluid volumes and to display three-dimensional surface reconstructions of specified tissue classes. The techniques were evaluated by assessing the radiometric variability of MR volume data and by comparing automated and manual procedures for measuring tissue volumes. Results showed (a) the homogeneity of the MR data and (b) that automated techniques were consistently superior to manual techniques. Both techniques, however, were affected by the complexity of the structure, with simpler structures (eg, the intracranial cavity) showing less variability and better spatial correlation of segmentation results between raters. Moreover, the automated techniques were completed for whole brain in a fraction of the time required to complete the equivalent segmentation manually. Additional evaluations included interrater reliability and an evaluation that included longitudinal measurement, in which one subject was imaged sequentially 24 times, with reliability computed from data collected by three raters over 1 year. Results showed good reliability for the automated segmentation procedures.  相似文献   

The T2 of brain tissue is known to be field dependent, decreasing as B0 increases. Previous studies have attributed reduced T2 in the structures of the extrapyramidal motor system (EPMS) to high iron concentrations. The present study was designed to manipulate physiologic iron concentrations and study the effects on T2 and on the field dependence of T2 at 7.0 T in whole formalin-fixed brains. A rat model was devised in which iron concentrations in the structures of interest were altered by diet manipulation. Cerebral structures with different iron content were imaged and T2 measured with MR microscopy at both 2.0 and 7.0 T. T2 of all tissues was shorter by 40%-60% at 7.0 T. Although some dependence of T2 on iron concentration was evident, it was less than expected. The strongest correlation was in the substantia nigra. The highest-resolution studies, at 30 x 30 x 50 microns, show the myelin bundles in many of the EPMS structures but not in the substantia nigra. From these data, it appears that T2 at greater field strengths depends more on susceptibility-induced spin dephasing imposed by diffusion through the tissue microstructure than on the presence of iron.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic images of the brain have great potential in disease diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Unfortunately, interfering lipid signals from subcutaneous fat and poor water suppression due to magnetic field inhomogeneities can make such images difficult to obtain. A pulse sequence that uses inversion recovery for lipid suppression and a spectral-spatial refocusing pulse for water suppression is introduced. In contrast to methods that eliminate fat signal by restricting the excited volume to lie completely within the brain, inversion-recovery techniques allow imaging of an entire section without such restrictions. In addition, the spectral-spatial pulse was designed to provide water suppression insensitive to a reasonable range of B0 and B1 inhomogeneities. Several data processing algorithms have also been developed and used in conjunction with the new pulse sequence to produce metabolite maps covering large volumes of the human brain. Images from single- and multisection studies demonstrate the performance of these techniques.  相似文献   

Brain function can be mapped with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging sensitized to regional changes in blood oxygenation due to cortical activation. Several MR imaging methods, including conventional imaging and echo-planar imaging, have been successfully used for this purpose. The authors investigated spiral k-space MR imaging, implemented with an unmodified 1.5-T clinical imager, for imaging of cortical activation. A gradient-echo, spiral k-space imaging method was used to measure activation in the primary visual cortex (number sequence task), primary motor cortex (fist-clenching task), and prefrontal cortex (verbal fluency task). Comparison of conventional and spiral k-space imaging in the visual and motor cortex, in which signal-to-noise ratio, voxel size, and imaging time were matched, showed that artifacts were reduced with the spiral k-space method, while the area and degree of activation were similar. The number of sections that could be imaged in a fixed time interval was increased by a factor of four with this implementation of spiral k-space imaging compared with conventional imaging.  相似文献   

In vivo sodium-23 and hydrogen-1 magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy of the rat brain during infusion of the shift reagent thulium DOTP5- (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetra[methylene phosphonate] was performed to assign the various peaks observed during infusion and to evaluate the shift reagent in discriminating tissue compartments. Na-23 spectra collected during the infusion showed two shifted peaks that were assigned to intravascular Na+ and extracellular muscle Na+, respectively, and one unshifted peak assigned to intra- and extracellular brain Na+ and cerebrospinal fluid Na+. These assignments were validated with H-1 and Na-23 MR imaging and Na-23 chemical shift imaging (CSI). The H-1 and Na-23 images showed that a surface coil placed on a rat head can detect a substantial amount of signal from muscle surrounding the skull. Na-23 CSI spectra from successive 1-mm-thick coronal sections indicated that the shift reagent did not cross the blood-brain barrier. The study also showed that bulk susceptibility shifts are quite small with Tm-DOTP5-. This reagent may be useful in determining compartmental Na+ concentrations and blood flow kinetics in brain and in examining the integrity of the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Three rapid T1-weighted gradient-echo techniques for imaging of the liver were compared: fast low-angle shot (FLASH) and section-selective (SSTF) and non-section-selective (NSTF) inversion-recovery TurboFLASH. Ten healthy volunteers were imaged at 1.5 T, with breath-hold images acquired in the transaxial and coronal planes and non-breath-hold images in the transaxial plane. Breath-hold images were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively, and non–breath-hold images were evaluated qualitatively. FLASH images had significantly higher (P <.001) spleenliver signal difference–to-noise ratios (SD/Ns) than NSTF and SSTF images. Liver signal-to-noise ratios (S/Ns) were significantly higher (P <.001) on FLASH images than on NSTF and SSTF images. With breath hold. FLASH images were rated as having the highest quality in the axial plane, followed by NSTF and SSTF images. In the coronal plane, NSTF images were rated as having the highest quality. For images acquired during patient respiration, NSTF images had the highest quality and showed the least degradation. The results suggest that FLASH images have the highest SD/N and S/N for liver imaging and have the highest quality in the axial plane. In patients who cannot suspend respiration, NSTF images may be least affected by breathing artifact and provide reasonable image quality.  相似文献   

A group of 70 professional divers and 47 healthy control subjects who had never dived were examined with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to determine the prevalence of focal white matter changes in the brain. Spots of high signal intensity in white matter on proton density- and/or T2-weighted spin-echo images were detected in 42% of the control subjects and in 34% of the divers. In the control subjects, the prevalence of more than three changes was related to smoking, use of alcohol, head trauma, age of more than 35 years, and a combination of several cerebrovascular risk factors. This relationship was not present in the divers. The prevalence of changes in divers was inversely related to diving depth, amount of diving, participation in "unsafe diving," and decompression sickness. The reasons for these results could not be ascertained. The results are compared with those of MR imaging studies of white matter changes recently presented by other research groups.  相似文献   

"Single shot" magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion imaging was used to study the details of signal decay curves in experimental perturbations of cerebral perfusion induced by hypercapnia or death. Despite large perfusion increases observed with dynamic susceptibility-contrast MR imaging, no correlation with these changes was seen in either the diffusion coefficient or any other intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model parameters in dog gray matter as arterial carbon dioxide pressure increased. Non-monoexponential signal decay in cat gray matter was seen both before and after death. In addition, cat gray matter demonstrated a steady decrease in the diffusion coefficient after death. These data are strong evidence that the fast component of the non-monoexponential diffusion-related signal decay is not due solely to perfusion. The authors believe that a second compartment of nonexchanging spins, most likely cerebrospinal fluid, accounts for the non-monoexponential decay.  相似文献   

High-dose gadoteridol in MR imaging of intracranial neoplasms.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Twelve patients with a high suspicion of brain metastases by previous clinical or radiologic examinations were studied in a phase III investigation with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 1.5 T after a bolus intravenous injection of 0.1 mmol/kg gadoteridol followed at 30 minutes by a second bolus injection of 0.2 mmol/kg gadoteridol. All lesions were best demonstrated (showed greatest enhancement) at the 0.3-mmol/kg (cumulative) dose, with image analysis confirming signal intensity enhancement in the majority of cases after the second gadoteridol injection. More lesions were detected with the 0.3-mmol/kg dose than with the 0.1-mmol/kg dose, and more lesions were detected with the 0.1-mmol/kg dose than on precontrast images. In this limited clinical trial, high-dose gadoteridol injection (0.3-mmol/kg cumulative dose) provided improved lesion detection on MR images specifically in intracranial metastatic disease.  相似文献   

Gradient-refocused echo-planar magnetic resonance (MR) images (TE = 18 msec) were acquired in rats during bolus injection of iron oxide particles, and the first pass of the contrast agent through the brain was monitored. In control rats, contrast agent (0.1 mmol/kg iron) produced significant signal-intensity (SI) reduction over the right hemisphere and similar declines over the left. SI loss occurred first in the cortex and basal ganglia and later in the periventricular regions, along the midline, and in the thalamic zone. Sequential volume-localized proton spectra acquired during transit of 0.02 mmol/kg iron showed substantial reduction in SI, slight asymmetric broadening, and no change in chemical shift of the water resonance. In rats with unilateral occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, peak reduction in ischemic brain SI was to 70% +/- 9% of control, while normal brain SI was reduced to 18% +/- 2% (P less than .01), allowing distinction of the ischemic regions. The presence and location of injury were confirmed with diffusion-weighted imaging and postmortem vital staining. These results demonstrate abnormal transit profiles in a rat model of regional brain ischemia. Evaluation of dynamic contrast delivery patterns may provide unique information in early brain ischemia.  相似文献   

Considerable interest has been shown in developing a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging technique with quantitative capability in the evaluation of tissue microcirculation ("perfusion"). In the present study, the flow-dephased/flow-compensated (FD/FC) technique is evaluated for measuring rat cerebral blood flow (CBF) under nearly optimal laboratory conditions. Imaging was performed on a 2.0-T system equipped with shielded gradient coils. Rat CBF was varied by manipulating arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2). In parallel experiments, optimized MR imaging studies (seven rats) were compared with laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) studies (nine rats). LDF values showed a high degree of correlation between CBF and PaCO2, agreeing with results in the literature. MR imaging values, while correlating with PaCO2, showed considerable scatter. The most likely explanation is unavoidable rat motion during the requisite long imaging times. Because of this motion sensitivity, the FD/FC technique cannot provide a quantitative measure of CBF. It can, however, provide a qualitative picture.  相似文献   

Short TR, short TE, high resolution, 3D gradient-recalled echo (GRE) imaging was evaluated for lesion detection in the brain. High resolution 3D GRE data acquisition was used to reduce partial volume effects and flow artifacts, to better visualize smaller structures, to minimize signal losses caused by field inhomogeneities, and to allow better image reformatting. Spin-echo (SE) and 3D GRE approaches were compared for lesion detection after the administration of an MR contrast agent, gadopentetate dimeglumine. Preliminary clinical studies demonstrated that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in each slice of the GRE scan was worse than that of the SE scan because of the much thicker slices acquired with the SE technique. However, by averaging two adjacent 3D slices, the SNR of the two methods was essentially equivalent. In the averaged GRE slices, large lesions were seen just as well as in the SE images. More importantly, small lesions were better visualized in the thin 3D GRE images than in the thick SE images for the lesions studied in this work and the protocols used. These observations were confirmed by theoretical simulations.  相似文献   

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