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BackgroundHealth care systems globally are facing challenges of meeting the growing demand for primary care services due to a shortage of primary care physicians. Policy makers and administrators are searching for solutions to increase the primary care capacity. The effective utilization of nurse practitioners (NPs) has been proposed as a solution. However, organizations utilize NPs in variable capacities. In some settings, NPs serve as primary care providers delivering ongoing continuous care to their patients, referred to as patient panels, whereas in other settings they deliver episodic care. Little is known about why organizations deploy NPs differently.ObjectivesInvestigate the NP role in care delivery—primary care providers with the own patient panels or delivering episodic care—within their organizations and understand how work environments affect their role.DesignA cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data from primary care NPs.SettingsThe study was conducted in one state in the United States (Massachusetts). Data from 163 primary care organizations was obtained, which employed between one to 12 NPs.Participants807 NPs recruited from the Massachusetts Provider Database received mail surveys; 314 completed and returned the survey, yielding a response rate of 40%.MethodsThe survey contained measures of NP role in care delivery and work environment. NP role was measured by an item asking NPs to report if they deliver ongoing continuous care to their patient panel or if they do not have patient panel. The work environment was measured with the Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Organizational Climate Questionnaire (NP-PCOCQ). The multilevel Cox regression models investigated the influence of organization-level work environment on NP role in care delivery.ResultsAbout 45% of NPs served as primary care providers with their own patient panel. Organization-level Independent Practice and Support subscale, an NP-PCOCQ subscale, had a significant positive effect on NP role (risk ratio = 2.33; 95% CI: 1.06-5.13); with a one unit increase on this subscale, the incidence of the NPs serving as primary care providers with their own patient panel doubled.ConclusionsNPs can help meet the increasing demand for primary care by taking responsibilities as primary care providers, and organizations can assign NPs their own patient panels. Supporting NP independent practice within organizations promotes NP role as primary care providers. Policy and organizational change focused on promoting NP work environments so NPs can practice as primary care providers can be an effective strategy to increase the primary care capacity.  相似文献   

Consumers of mental health services have an important role to play in the higher education of nursing students, by facilitating understanding of the experience of mental illness and instilling a culture of consumer participation. Yet the level of consumer participation in mental health nursing programmes in Australia is not known. The aim of the present study was to scope the level and nature of involvement of consumers in mental health nursing higher education in Australia. A cross‐sectional study was undertaken involving an internet survey of nurse academics who coordinate mental health nursing programmes in universities across Australia, representing 32 universities. Seventy‐eight percent of preregistration and 75% of post‐registration programmes report involving consumers. Programmes most commonly had one consumer (25%) and up to five. Face‐to‐face teaching, curriculum development, and membership‐to‐programme committees were the most regular types of involvement. The content was generally codeveloped by consumers and nurse academics (67.5%). The frequency of consumer involvement in the education of nursing students in Australia is surprisingly high. However, involvement is noticeably variable across types of activity (e.g. curriculum development, assessment), and tends to be minimal and ad hoc. Future research is required into the drivers of increased consumer involvement.  相似文献   

《Australian critical care》2022,35(6):623-629
BackgroundPerson-centred care has the potential to improve the patient experience in the intensive care unit (ICU). However, the relationship between person-centred care perceived by critically ill patients and their ICU experience has yet to be determined.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between person-centred care and the ICU experience of critically ill patients.MethodsThis study was a multicentre, cross-sectional survey involving 19 ICUs of four university hospitals in Busan, Korea. The survey was conducted from June 2019 to July 2020, and 787 patients who had been admitted to the ICU for more than 24 hours participated. We measured person-centred care using the Person-Centered Critical Care Nursing perceived by Patient Questionnaire. Participants' ICU experience was measured by the Korean version of the Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire that consists of four subscales. We analysed the relationship between person-centred care and each area of the ICU experience using multivariate linear regression.ResultsPerson-centred care was associated with ‘awareness of surroundings’ (β = 0.29, p < .001), ‘frightening experiences’ (β = ?0.31, p < .001), and ‘satisfaction with care’ (β = 0.54, p < .001). However, there was no significant association between person-centred care and ‘recall of experience’.ConclusionsWe observed that person-centred care was positively related to most of the ICU experiences of critically ill patients except for recall of experience. Further studies on developing person-centred nursing interventions are needed.  相似文献   



Given decreasing use of pulmonary artery (PA) catheterization, we sought to evaluate whether current pulmonary and critical care fellows have adequate opportunity to obtain proficiency in PA catheter placement and data interpretation.


All US pulmonary and critical care program directors were invited to participate in an anonymous online survey regarding current training opportunities in PA catheterization.


The response rate was 51% (69/136). Eighty-three percent reported that the number of PA catheterizations performed by fellows within their program has decreased in the past decade. Fifty-four percent estimated that their fellows currently participate in less than 10 supervised procedures during fellowship. The most frequently identified barriers to training were procedure volume and reluctance to place PA catheters in the medical intensive care unit. Forty-three percent of respondents agreed that training in PA catheter placement is currently adequate within their program, and 55% agreed that training in data interpretation is adequate. Only 39% of respondents believe that PA catheter placement should continue to be an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education training requirement.


Many current pulmonary and critical care fellows do not have the opportunity to gain proficiency in PA catheterization. Fellowship training programs should consider alternate means of training fellows in PA catheter data interpretation, such as simulation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨通过预防性评估,制定安全文化培训计划和结合针对性的护理质控安全督导,在提升执业护士对患者安全的认知,预防护理差错的发生中的作用。方法2010年10月-2011年10月采用PBL联合病例为引导(CBS)模式对护士进行安全知识培训,组织患者安全总结讨论会,针对护理安全隐患采取预防措施,护理质控办监控护理安全薄弱环节。比较干预前后护士安全态度、安全知识理论成绩及各科室护理缺陷事件发生情况。结果干预前后护士对护理安全管理满意度从(3.45±0.61)分提高到(4.20±0.79)分,安全相关理论成绩从(81.71±2.94)分提高到(86.88±3.90)分,每月护理缺陷事件由(8.50±1.15)起减少到(6.08±2.19)起,差异均有统计学意义( t 值分别为-14.161,-17.570,2.850;P<0.05)。结论通过安全文化培训、护理安全隐患分析以及无缝隙的安全督导,可以有效提高护理人员的安全意识,提升患者的安全性。  相似文献   

Goals of work The National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance (CanCORS) Consortium is conducting a population-based study of newly diagnosed patients with lung and colorectal cancer to describe the experience of persons living with cancer and to understand which barriers present the most significant obstacles to their receipt of appropriate care. The keystone to this effort is the baseline patient survey administered approximately 4 months after diagnosis.Patients and methods We developed a survey to obtain information from patients newly diagnosed with lung and colorectal cancer about their personal characteristics, decision making, experience of care, and outcomes. We conducted a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of a lengthy and clinically detailed interview in a convenience sample of patients within 8 months of diagnosis (n=71).Main results The median length of the interviews was 75 min for patients with lung cancer (range 43–130) and 82 min for patients with colorectal cancer (range 46–119). Most patients had received some form of treatment for their cancer: 66.1% had undergone surgery, 28.2% had received radiation therapy, and 54.9% were treated with chemotherapy. In addition, 26.7% reported their overall health was less than 70 on a 0–100 scale, demonstrating that patients with substantial health impairment were able to complete the survey.Conclusions A clinically detailed survey of newly diagnosed lung and colorectal cancer patients is feasible. A modified version of this survey is being fielded by the CanCORS Consortium and should provide much needed population-based data regarding patients’ experiences across the continuum of cancer care and their outcomes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to explore the nursing role in education and follow-up of patients who were taking oral chemotherapy (CT) and to identify the worldwide gap in patient education about oral CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer members were invited to participate in a survey on oral CT. Nurse coordinators collected data via a 16-item questionnaire. Respondents totaled 1115 oncology nurses from 15 countries. RESULTS: Findings showed that about half of subjects work in outpatient/ambulatory clinics and had given at least two or more oral CT drugs. Although 52% had some type of guidelines/protocols, 47% reported not having received any education about oral CT drugs. While 64% report being involved in patient education, 58% of subjects indicated lack of patient education materials that are specific for oral CT agents. Only 27% stated that they gave all necessary information such as when and how to take the drugs, drug safety and storage, side effects, and symptom management. Reasons for not being involved in oral CT education and follow-up included beliefs that the physician plans the oral CT and gives patients necessary instructions (34%), that nurses only see patients who receive intravenous chemotherapy (16%), that nurses have lack of knowledge about oral agents (15%), and belief that physicians are responsible for patient follow-up. The nurses suggested better education and follow-up of patients to include the written patient education materials (33%) and professional education for nurses (30%). CONCLUSIONS: Findings revealed the need for professional education for nurses to ensure comprehensive, consistent patient education and development of written materials for patients receiving oral CT treatment.  相似文献   



Studies have linked nurse staffing levels (number and skill mix) to several nurse-sensitive patient outcomes. However, evidence from European countries has been limited.


This study examines the association between nurse staffing levels (i.e. acuity-adjusted Nursing Hours per Patient Day, the proportion of registered nurses with a Bachelor's degree) and 10 different patient outcomes potentially sensitive to nursing care.


Cross-sectional analyses of linked data from the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset (general acute care and intensive care nursing units: n = 1403) and Belgian Hospital Discharge Dataset (general, orthopedic and vascular surgery patients: n = 260,923) of the year 2003 from all acute hospitals (n = 115).


Logistic regression analyses, estimated by using a Generalized Estimation Equation Model, were used to study the association between nurse staffing and patient outcomes.


The mean acuity-adjusted Nursing Hours per Patient Day in Belgian hospitals was 2.62 (S.D. = 0.29). The variability in patient outcome rates between hospitals is considerable. The inter-quartile ranges for the 10 patient outcomes go from 0.35 for Deep Venous Thrombosis to 3.77 for failure-to-rescue. No significant association was found between the acuity-adjusted Nursing Hours per Patient Day, proportion of registered nurses with a Bachelor's degree and the selected patient outcomes.


The absence of associations between hospital-level nurse staffing measures and patient outcomes should not be inferred as implying that nurse staffing does not have an impact on patient outcomes in Belgian hospitals. To better understand the dynamics of the nurse staffing and patient outcomes relationship in acute hospitals, further analyses (i.e. nursing unit level analyses) of these and other outcomes are recommended, in addition to inclusion of other study variables, including data about nursing practice environments in hospitals.  相似文献   



In March 2002 the Australian Industrial Relations Commission ordered the introduction of a new staffing method - nursing hours per patient day (NHPPD) - for implementation in Western Australia public hospitals. This method used a “bottom up” approach to classify each hospital ward into one of seven categories using characteristics such as patient complexity, intervention levels, the presence of high dependency beds, the emergency/elective patient mix and patient turnover. Once classified, NHPPD were allocated for each ward.


The objective of this study was to determine the impact of implementing the NHPPD staffing method on 14 nursing-sensitive outcomes: central nervous system complications, wound infections, pulmonary failure, urinary tract infection, pressure ulcer, pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis, ulcer/gastritis/upper gastrointestinal bleed, sepsis, physiologic/metabolic derangement, shock/cardiac arrest, mortality, failure to rescue and length of stay.

Design and setting

The research design was an interrupted time series using retrospective analysis of patient and staffing administrative data from three adult tertiary hospitals in metropolitan Perth over a 4-year period.


All patient records (N = 236,454) and nurse staffing records (N = 150,925) from NHPPD wards were included.


The study found significant decreases in the rates of nine nursing-sensitive outcomes when examining hospital-level data following implementation of NHPPD; mortality, central nervous system complications, pressure ulcers, deep vein thrombosis, sepsis, ulcer/gastritis/upper gastrointestinal bleed shock/cardiac arrest, pneumonia and average length of stay. At the ward level, significant decreases in the rates of five nursing-sensitive outcomes; mortality, shock/cardiac arrest, ulcer/gastritis/upper gastrointestinal bleed, length of stay and urinary tract infections occurred.


The findings provide evidence to support the continuation of the NHPPD staffing method. They also add to evidence about the importance of nurse staffing to patient safety; evidence that must influence policy. This study is one of the first to empirically review a specific nurse staffing method, based on an individual assessment of each ward to determine staffing requirements, rather than a “one-size-fits-all” approach.  相似文献   

立德树人是时代赋予高校的使命,专业课程是落实立德树人的重要环节.苏州卫生职业技术学院以高职《基础药学服务》课程为例,探讨从课程目标设定、教学内容设计、教学组织与实施、教学评价等环节融入课程思政教育,发挥专业课程的德育功能,为培养新时代有理想、有信念、有道德情怀的高素质药学人才进行一些有益探索.  相似文献   

Postoperative pain control can be unsatisfactory for a variety of reasons, including patients' attitudes towards pain treatment itself. To assess patients' expectations and their influence on postoperative analgesia, as well as the prevalence of pain following common gynaecological surgery, a prospective study was performed in 166 patients with either adbominal hysterectomy, mastectomy, laparoscopy or uterine curettage. After a first postoperative period with routine on-demand analgesia, a nurse specialised in pain treatment discussed the purposes and risks of pain treatment with the patients and cared for these patients in the second, subsequent study period. Following this discussion, 30 of 40 patients refusing analgesics in the first study period agreed to be given pain medication. In the groups with hysterectomy or mastectomy, pain control improved in the second postoperative period, even though the doses of analgesics administered were generally lower. Education of patients regarding the aims and risks of pain therapy is an essential part of pain control and can lead to an improvement of postoperative analgesia.  相似文献   

BackgroundCommunication errors have a negative impact on patient safety. It is therefore essential that healthcare professionals have the skills and confidence to speak up assertively when patient safety is at risk. Although the facilitators to and barriers of assertive communication have been the subject of previous reviews, evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions designed to enhance assertive communication is lacking. Thus, this paper reports the findings from a systematic review of the effectiveness of assertiveness communication training programs for healthcare professionals and students.ObjectiveThe objective of this review is to identify, appraise and synthesise the best available quantitative evidence in relation to the effectiveness of assertiveness communication training programs for healthcare professionals and students on levels of assertiveness, communication competence and impact on clinicians’ behaviours and patient safety.Data sourcesThe databases included: CINAHL, Cochrane library, EMBASE, Informit health collection, MEDLINE, ProQuest nursing and allied health, PsycINFO, Scopus and Web of Science. The search for unpublished studies included: MedNar, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I. Studies published in English from 2001 until 2016 inclusive were considered.Study eligibility criteriaThe review included original quantitative research that evaluated (a) any type of independent assertiveness communication training program; and (b) programs with assertiveness training included as a core component of team skills or communication training for healthcare professionals and students, regardless of healthcare setting and level of qualification of participants.Study appraisal and synthesis methodsStudies selected based on eligibility criteria were assessed for methodological quality and the data were extracted by two independent researchers using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal and data extraction tools.ResultsEleven papers were critically appraised using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal checklists. Eight papers from the USA, Australia, Ireland, and Taiwan were included in the review.ConclusionsInterventions to improve assertive communication were reported to be effective to some degree with all targeted groups except experienced anaesthesiologists. Face-to-face and multimethod programs, support from leaders, teamwork skills training and communication techniques adapted from the aviation industry were identified as appropriate approaches for optimising the effectiveness of assertiveness communication training programs. Behavioural change as the result of assertiveness interventions was evaluated by observer-based rating scales during simulation, whilst self-perceived knowledge and attitudes were evaluated using validated scales. Future research should consider evaluation of sustained effect on behaviour change and patient safety.  相似文献   

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