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本文报告海南省1990~1992年采用溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐替代DDT室内滞留喷洒作为疟疾综合性防治措施中防制媒介的主要措施的防疟结果。在以微小按蚊为主要传疟媒介的4个市县,发病率、居民带虫率、发热病人原虫率分别下降了53.61%、85.95%和46.11%;在以大劣按蚊为主要传疟媒介的10个市县,上述指标分别下降了51.05%、39.14%和60.92%。微小按蚊和大劣按蚊密度分别下降了95.46%和74.46%。证明溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐灭蚊防疟效果显著。  相似文献   

为了评价溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制嗜人按蚊及其防疟效果的成本效益。通过对以往资料的分析表明,试验区与对照区比较,试验区嗜人按蚊密度下降85%~90%;浸帐后试验区疟疾发病率可减少64.7%~89.0%。按人均处理面积核算成本,溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐法(浸泡蚊帐10.19m2/人)的费用为0.244元/人;DDT室内滞留喷洒(30.97m2/人)的费用为0.708元/人;溴氰菊酯室内滞留喷洒(30.97m2/人)的费用为1.024元/人。三者成本比率为1∶2.9∶4.2。研究结果表明,使用溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制疟疾媒介,可控制疟疾传播和减少疟疾发病率;并且使用方法简易,群众易掌握;成本比滞留喷洒低,对人畜安全,对蚊帐无腐蚀损坏作用  相似文献   

DDT滞留喷洒防制雷氏按蚊嗜人亚种控制恶性疟的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1983年6~10月在安徽省舒城县芦镇公社进行DDT室内滞留喷洒,对雷氏按蚊嗜人亚种有良好的防制效果,叮人率下降99.5%,疟疾传播强度明显下降,以恶性疟为显著,其发病率等各项考核指标下降幅度均在85%以上。说明在以雷氏按蚊嗜人亚种为主要传疟媒介地区的疟疾防治,采用DDT室内滞留喷洒,结合现症病人治疗,即能有效地控制恶性疟的发病与传播。  相似文献   

顺式氯氰菊酯 (奋斗呐 )是一种高效、持久、低毒对环境污染小的杀虫剂。以往对氯氰菊酯的使用 ,大多推荐浸泡蚊帐方法 ,很少采用滞留喷洒灭蚊。而云南省的广大疟区 ,多为贫困地区 ,居民蚊帐覆盖率和使用率都很低 ,因此 ,用药液浸泡蚊帐控制疟疾媒介很难奏效 ,故滞留喷洒成为首选的方法。但在使用过程中 ,当地居民反映该杀虫剂效果不佳。为有效控制传疟媒介 ,作者对目前使用的顺式氯氰菊酯进行了模拟滞留喷洒效果观察 ,现将结果报告如下。1 材料和方法1.1 材料  5 %顺式氯氰菊酯 (奋斗呐 )可湿性粉剂 ,WP12 1 90巴斯夫 (中国 )有限公司上…  相似文献   

实验小屋试验已证明用溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制中华按蚊的毒效和持效均较用DDT作滞留喷洒为优。为评价大规模使用溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制媒介的传疟效果,于1985~1987年在中国广东省宝安县布吉区进行了此项现场试验。  相似文献   

顺式氯氰菊酯(奋斗呐)是一种高效、持久、低毒对环境污染小的杀虫剂。以往对氯氰菊酯的使用,大多推荐浸泡蚊帐方法,很少采用滞留喷洒灭蚊。而云南省的广大疟区,多为贫困地区,居民蚊帐覆盖率和使用率都很低,因此,用药液浸泡蚊帐控制疟疾媒介很难奏效,故滞留喷洒成为首选的方法。但在使用过程中,当地居民反映该杀虫剂效果不佳。为有效控制传疟媒介,作者对目前使用的顺式氯氰菊酯进行了模拟滞留喷洒效果观察,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

1986年在海南山区以大劣按蚊为主要媒介的疟疾病灶点,用溴氰菊酯浸泡居民蚊帐作为主要的防疟措施,每年一次剂量为20~25mg/m~2,连续实施三年。居民疟疾发病率由处理前1985年的1.17%,降至处理后1989年的0.42%;居民带疟原虫率和血清抗体阳性率同样相应下降,分别由处理前的0.40%和18.1%,降至处理后的0.18%和5.6%,防疟效果较著。灶点的传播强度和感染频率虽已明显减低,但对大劣按蚊种群密度和季节消长以及经产蚊比率,均未见有明显影响。与DDT室内滞留喷洒(2g/m~2)每年~次或两次对照比较,防疟效果无显著差别。浸帐一次对大劣按蚊的生物残效达300d以上,方法较为简便,成本费用较低,群众较易接受,可以替代常规的DDT滞留喷洒,作为疟疾综合防治中的一项主要措施加以推广。  相似文献   

福建省嗜人按蚊防制措施与效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经调查发现福建省嗜人按蚊主要分布于闽西北南平和三明地区及闽中永泰等 15县 (市、区 ) 6 1个乡 (镇 )2 5 9个村。南平和三明两地区 14县 (市、区 )嗜人按蚊分布区采取 DDT室内滞留喷洒和溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐的防制措施 ,有效地控制了嗜人按蚊。反复查灭是清除嗜人按蚊的主要措施 ,灭蚊后 95 .34%的分布点经复查均未再捕获嗜人按蚊 ,其中复查 2次以上的分布点占 5 8.4% ,最多复查次数达 12次 ,显示嗜人按蚊在闽西北地区已基本被清除 ,疟疾发病数从防制前 1980年的 12 92 1例降至 1998年的 8例 ,有效地控制了疟疾流行。 1996~ 1998年 ,未再发现当地疟疾继发感染者 ,基本阻断了闽西北地区疟疾的传播  相似文献   

70年代末 ,东莞市已达基本消灭疟疾的标准。80年代初 ,实行对外开放后 ,大量的外来人口进入本市 ,带入了传染源。由于本市山区、丘陵地区广泛存在中华按蚊和嗜人按蚊 ,因而在流动人口中引起暴发流行 ,并波及部分本地人口。为有效控制疟疾流行 ,1985年开始应用溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐替代 DDT室内滞留喷洒灭蚊防疟试点工作 ,1986年后全面推广使用 ,对控制疟疾流行取得了较好效果。1 基本情况本市本地人口 15 0 82 15人 ,外来人口 2 4 4 812 7人 ,面积2 4 6 5 km2 。主要疟疾流行区位于东莞市的东南部 ,南与深圳相连。此地区属亚热带季风气候 ,年…  相似文献   

目的评价灭蚊效果,监测和清除残存嗜人按蚊,巩固抗疟成果,防止疟疾重新暴发流行。方法对嗜人按蚊分布区实施以2g/m2DDT滞留喷洒和20mg/m2溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐灭蚊,开展复查评价防制效果。停止灭蚊后,继续开展媒介和疟疾的监测。以叮人率和人房捕获蚊数计算密度。结果闽北14个嗜人按蚊分布县(市、区)258个分布点已全部完成灭蚊后效果考核,平均每个分布点复查3.18次,浦城县部分点监测30年复查20余次。第一次复查发现,80.01%的分布点嗜人按蚊已被清除,残存嗜人按蚊从灭蚊前人房按蚊的34.1%降至4.02%。经继续实施灭蚊措施,1995年后未再捕及嗜人按蚊。1996停止灭蚊措施后,1996-2007年监测期间复查276村(次),捕获人房按蚊13408只,经鉴定全部为中华按蚊,证明福建省嗜人按蚊已被清除。嗜人按蚊媒介区灭蚊前1980年疟疾发病12921例,发病率44.90/万,发热病人血检疟原虫阳性率为23.00%。实施灭蚊措施后,疟疾流行得到有效控制,1992年发病率降至0.43/万,1990-2007年嗜人按蚊媒介区未再出现疟疾暴发流行,1998年以后未再发现当地感染病人。结论DDT滞留喷洒和溴氢菊酯浸泡蚊帐可有效防制嗜人按蚊,反复查灭清除嗜人按蚊是阻断疟疾流行,巩固抗疟成果,防止疟疾死灰复燃的根本措施。  相似文献   

目的 测定拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂浸泡蚊帐后媒介按蚊对其敏感度现状。 方法 在广西那坡县采用现场快速测定方法测定媒介按蚊对除敌、奋斗呐、杀飞克及拜虫杀的敏感度 ,分别按 2 0 mg ai/ m2的剂量来浸泡蚊帐纱布 ,捕捉野外吸血按蚊并暴露于药帐 3min,观察 2 4 h死亡率。 结果 浸帐区及对照区的按蚊触药后 2 4 h校正死亡率均 >95 % ,并且浸帐区与对照区死亡率无差异。 结论 广西那坡县应用拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂浸泡蚊帐后按蚊对 4种常用拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂仍敏感 ;选择性局部应用杀虫剂可以延缓媒介按蚊对杀虫剂产生抗药性。  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of deltamethrin impregnated mosquito nets on malaria incidence, mosquito density, any adverse side effect among users and collateral effects on bed bugs and houseflies. A field trial was carried out over a period of three years in two adjacent military stations at Allahabad (UP), keeping one as a trial and other as a control station. During first year, baseline data were collected and during next two years residual spray was replaced with use of deltamethrin impregnated mosquito nets in trial station. The use of deltamethrin-treated bed nets resulted in a significant decline in malaria incidence and annual parasite index (API). The average mosquito density of anopheline mosquitoes decreased by 67.8% and culicine by 49.7%. The insecticide was found safe for use amongst troops and had favourable collateral effects against bed bugs and flies. Use of deltamethrin impregnated bed nets has beneficial impact on integrated control of malaria.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of deltamethrin-impregnated mosquito nets on malaria incidence, mosquito density, any adverse side effect among users. A field trial was carried out over a period of three years in two adjacent military stations at Allahabad (UP), keeping one as a trial and other as a control station. During first year, baseline data were collected and during next two years residual spray was replaced with use of deltamethrin impregnated mosquito nets in trial station. The use of deltamethrin-impregnated mosquito nets/insecticide treated bed nets resulted in a significant decline in malaria incidence and Annual Parasite Index (API). The average mosquito density of Anopheline mosquitoes decreased by 67.8% and Culex by 49.7%. The insecticide was found safe for use amongst troops. Use of deltamethrin-impregnated mosquito nets has beneficial impact on integrated control of malaria.  相似文献   

The cost-effectiveness of lambdacyhalothrin-treated nets in comparison with conventional DDT spraying for malaria control among migrant populations was evaluated in a malaria hyperendemic area along the Thai-Myanmar border. Ten hamlets of 243 houses with 948 inhabitants were given only treated nets. Twelve hamlets of 294 houses and 1,315 population were in the DDT area, and another 6 hamlets with 171 houses and 695 inhabitants were in the non-DDT-treated area. The impregnated net program was most cost-effective (US$1.54 per 1 case of prevented malaria). Spraying with DDT was more cost-effective than malaria surveillance alone ($1.87 versus $2.50 per 1 case of prevented malaria). These data suggest that personal protection measures with insecticide-impregnated mosquito net are justified in their use to control malaria in highly malaria-endemic areas in western Thailand.  相似文献   

Children aged 1-10 in five villages were contacted fortnightly. Their axillary temperatures, reports of fevers and blood slides were taken. Following the introduction of permethrin impregnated nets into two estate villages the slide positivity for falciparum malaria declined markedly. In traditional villages the introduction of impregnated nets had less convincing effects than in the estate villages and DDT spraying had no perceptible effect on malaria. Over all villages there was a clear relationship between axillary temperature greater than 37.4 degrees C, reports of fever and high parasitaemia. We defined malaria fever in this way, and found in some cases significant reductions in occurrence of such fever following some time after introduction of permethrin impregnated nets. No such effects were found with lambdacyhalothrin nets or with DDT spraying.  相似文献   

Objective  To assess the effectiveness of impregnated mosquito nets, indoor residual spraying and larval control relative to the impacts of climate variability in the decline of malaria cases in Eritrea.
Methods  Monthly data on clinical malaria cases by subzoba (district) in three zoba s (zones) of Eritrea for 1998–2003 were used in Poisson regression models to determine whether there is statistical evidence for reduction in cases by DDT, malathion, impregnated nets and larval control used over the period, while analysing the effects of satellite-derived climate variables in the same geographic areas.
Results  Both indoor residual spraying (with DDT or malathion) and impregnated nets were independently and significantly negatively associated with reduction in cases, as was larval control in one zoba . Malaria cases were significantly positively related to differences in current and previous months' vegetation (NDVI) anomalies. The relationship to rainfall differences 2 and 3 months previously was also significant, but the direction of the effect varied by zoba . Standardized regression coefficients indicated a greater effect of climate in the zoba with less intense malaria transmission.
Conclusion  The results support the view that both indoor residual spraying and impregnated nets have been independently effective against malaria, and that larval control was also effective in one area. Thus climate, while significant, is not the only explanation for the recent decline in malaria cases in Eritrea. If appropriate statistical approaches are used, routine surveillance data from cases attending health facilities can be useful for assessing control programme success and providing estimates of the effectiveness of individual control measures. Effectiveness estimates suitable for use in cost-effectiveness analysis have been obtained.  相似文献   

In 1985-1987, a field trial of malaria control using deltamethrin impregnated mosquito nets was carried out with 4,450 people in the Buji district, Bao'an County, Guangdong Province, China. The vectors were exophilic Anopheles sinensis (80%) and the endophilic and anthropophilic An. anthropophagus (20%). The first impregnation of the nets was in June 1985 and the second in April 1986. About 87% of the population slept under treated nets. The indoor vector density decreased by 93% and remained at the same level during the second year. During the second year the average monthly malaria incidence was 1.3% for January-June, a decrease of 74.6% as compared with pretreatment data, and 0.85% from July to December, a decrease of 92.7%. In April 1986 and April 1987, the treatment was extended to the whole Buji District, which has a total population of approximately 40,000. The average monthly malaria incidence (April-December 1986 and 1987) was 0.54% and 0.17%, a decrease of 64.7% and 89% respectively as compared with the same period for the previous year.  相似文献   

The malaria vector population consisted mainly of Anopheles gambiae s.s. with a small contribution from An. funestus and An. rivulorum. The mosquitoes coming to bite in bedrooms were monitored with light traps set beside untreated bednets. When impregnated bednets were provided for all the other beds in a village the Anopheles populations declined but the Culex quinquefasciatus populations were unaffected. The survival of An. gambiae (as measured by the mean number of ovarian dilatations) and the sporozoite rate declined following introduction of the nets and the estimated sporozoite inoculation rates into people not under their nets declined by more than 90%. The net introductions caused sharp declines in the number of mosquitoes resting indoors, but the evidence was inconclusive regarding diversion to outdoor resting, animal biting, earlier biting or outdoor biting. DDT spraying greatly reduced the Anopheles populations.  相似文献   

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