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OBJECTIVE: This paper argues that adolescent psychiatry is best linked with child psychiatry and opposes separate youth mental health programmes for 12-25-year-olds. It reports on the current status of services and considers how adult mental health services (AMHS) can improve services for young adults (18-25-year-olds). METHOD: Factors in development, psychopathology, prevention, training and service systems are reviewed to suggest that current child and adolescent mental health service systems (CAMHS) are appropriate for 0-17-year-olds. Improvements in CAMHS are described from a Victorian perspective, including the model of specialist clinical programmes or teams for specific patient populations. Mechanisms are outlined for AMHS to better assist young adults from 18 to 25 years of age. RESULTS: The model of clinical projects or clinical programme teams, developed in partnership with primary health and others, is a suitable vehicle to help AMHS to improve clinical services to their young adult populations. These may be funded from a variety of sources, including re-engineering existing service resources. CONCLUSIONS: Such developments complement the work of specialist research units and build local competencies. More programme development and evaluation is needed, which will require the support of the College and State and Commonwealth Mental Health Branches.  相似文献   

Transition in mental health care is the process ensuring continuity of care of a young patient arriving at the CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) age boundary within mental health services. Transition refers to a transfer to an adult mental health service (AMHS), to private care or other mental health community services. A transition plan can also lead to a managed end of specialized care with involvement of a general practitioner or social services. For young people with a diagnosis of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), two disorders that persist into adulthood, an optimal transition would ensure continuity of care or facilitate access to specialized care in the case of a discharge. Transition typically occurs during adolescence, a known sensitive period when young people may experience major changes at several levels: physiological, psychological and social. Any barrier in the transition process resulting in discontinuity of care may worsen the symptoms of ADHD or ASD and can ultimately adversely affect the global mental health of young people with such neurodevelopmental disorders. The objectives of this narrative review are: 1/to identify the barriers in the transition process in mental health services often faced by young people with these two disorders; 2/to highlight specific recommendations for strengthening the CAMHS-AMHS interface that have been proposed by various countries in Europe.  相似文献   

Young people attempting to access mental health services in the United Kingdom often find traditional models of care outdated, rigid, inaccessible and unappealing. Policy recommendations, research and service user opinion suggest that reform is needed to reflect the changing needs of young people. There is significant motivation in the United Kingdom to transform mental health services for young people, and this paper aims to describe the rationale, development and implementation of a novel youth mental health service in the United Kingdom, the Norfolk Youth Service. The Norfolk Youth Service model is described as a service model case study. The service rationale, national and local drivers, principles, aims, model, research priorities and future directions are reported. The Norfolk Youth Service is an innovative example of mental health transformation in the United Kingdom, comprising a pragmatic, assertive and “youth‐friendly” service for young people aged 14 to 25 that transcends traditional service boundaries. The service was developed in collaboration with young people and partnership agencies and is based on an engaging and inclusive ethos. The service is a social‐recovery oriented, evidence‐based and aims to satisfy recent policy guidance. The redesign and transformation of youth mental health services in the United Kingdom is long overdue. The Norfolk Youth Service represents an example of reform that aims to meet the developmental and transitional needs of young people at the same time as remaining youth‐oriented.  相似文献   

Background There is evidence that the mental health needs of children with disabilities are inadequate. The aim of the present study was to determine the extent of specialist health service use during adolescence by a group of individuals with intellectual disability (ID) and mental health problems. Method The study population consisted of 80 young people with ID, who were examined in childhood and adolescence for psychiatric and behaviour disorder. These young people were interviewed again in early adult life for the presence of psychiatric and behaviour disorder. Evaluation questionnaires were used during the follow‐up study to assess service use from adolescence. Results The key finding was that the great majority (64%) of subjects with persistent challenging behaviour from childhood into adult life and those with an established childhood psychiatric disorder received no specialist mental health care. Conclusions The development of mental health services for this vulnerable group with complex psychiatric and behaviour disorders has been poor for a number of reasons, including lack of recognition at the primary care level and insufficient numbers of trained professionals within specialist services.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to describe and compare services for adults with intellectual disability (ID) and mental health needs in five European countries: Austria, England, Greece, Ireland and Spain. A framework and structure for collecting information about service provision was designed. This information was collected through a mixture of interviews with service providers, questionnaires and a review of the research literature within each country. Information was collected on historical context, policy, legislation, assessment, treatment and the structure of services for people with ID and mental health problems. Overall, the needs of those with additional mental health needs have not been specifically addressed at a national level with perhaps the exception of England and Ireland, although there are still gaps in services in these nations. Normalization has been adopted in each of the five countries, and there are moves toward deinstitutionalization, integration and inclusion. Families and self‐advocacy groups have grown. The pace of this change varies between and even within countries. The main findings of the study include: unclear policy, trends for legislative changes, increased prevalence of mental health problems, inadequate generic service provision, a need for specialist mental health services, a need for improved interconnections of services, and a need for training developments. Policy and legislation in the five European countries under consideration tend to separate the disability aspects of people with ID from their mental health needs. Consequently, the service needs of this group remain largely invisible. This might be a direct reflection of policy clarity and legislation, or could be the result of a failure to implement existing guidelines. This has a detrimental effect on the lives of people with ID, and their families and carers.  相似文献   

Irish mental health policy identifies that mental health services should be provided in local communities by community mental health teams where several health professionals play a key role. In Ireland, recent reports indicate that the number of fully staffed multidisciplinary teams is low with potential negative consequences for the breadth and quality of care provided to service users. Limited research has been conducted from the perspective of service users. This research sought to examine service users' experiences of receiving multidisciplinary care in the community. Ten community mental health services nationally were surveyed comprising a sample of 97 service users. The results indicated that participants did not have access to the multidisciplinarity advocated in European policy and there was overreliance on the medical model of treatment. Furthermore, the results indicated that participants had little involvement in making decisions about their treatment care.  相似文献   


Youth accessing mental health care often experience a disruption in care as they attempt to transition between child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS). Few studies have evaluated interventions seeking to improve the experience and outcomes of CAMHS–AMHS transitions, in part due to lack of consensus on what constitutes best practices in intervention success. As such, the aim of this study was to engage patients, caregivers, and clinicians to prioritize core components of successful CAMHS–AMHS transitions which can be used in the design or evaluation of transition interventions. As such, a Delphi study was conducted to determine core components of successful CAMHS–AMHS transitions. Guided by the principles of patient-oriented research, three balanced expert panels consisting of youth, caregivers, and clinicians ranked and provided feedback on the importance and feasibility of core components of CAMHS-AMHS transitions. Components endorsed as feasible or important with ≥ 70% agreement from any panel moved to the next round. As a result, a list of 26 core components of CAMHS–AMHS transitions has been refined which can be used in the design, implementation, or evaluation of interventions intended to improve transition experiences and outcomes for youth in mental health care. Youth and families were engaged in an expert advisory role throughout the research process, contributing their important perspectives to the design and implementation of this study, as well as interpretation of the findings.


Optimizing the transition between child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) is a priority for healthcare systems. The purpose of this systematic review is to: (1) identify and compare models of care that may be used to facilitate the transition from CAMHS to AMHS; and (2) discuss trends and implications to inform future research and practice. Results identified three models of care which move beyond healthcare services and incorporate a broader range of services that better meet the dynamic needs of transition-aged youth. Joint working among providers, coupled with individualized approaches, is essential to facilitating continuity of care.  相似文献   

Method:  A third of the children from the 1999 British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey were followed-up over 3 years. Parents provided summary information on service contacts in relation to mental health; selected subgroups provided more detailed information by telephone interview.
Results:  Common overlaps in service use were between health services, between teachers and educational specialists, and between the latter and CAMHS or social services. Services other than primary health care saw more children with externalising disorders, while children with anxiety disorders were less likely than children with other psychiatric disorders to be in contact with any service.
Conclusions:  Child mental health is everybody's business, and professionals need to be alert(ed) to the types of disorders that children using their service may have.  相似文献   


Children and young people in contact with forensic child and adolescent mental health services present with more complex needs than young people in the general population. Recent policy in child and adolescent mental health has led to the implementation of new workstreams and programmes to improve service provision. This research examines the characteristics of children and young people referred to recently commissioned Community Forensic Child and Adolescent Services (F:CAMHS) and service activity during the first 24 months of service. The study is a national cohort study to describe the population and investigate service provision and access across England. Secondary data on 1311 advice cases and 1406 referrals are included in analysis. Findings show that 71.9% of the sample had accessed mainstream CAMHS before their referral, 50.9% had experienced/witnessed multiple traumatic events and 58.4% of young people presented with multiple difficulties. The results of the study highlight the complexity of the cohort and a need for interagency trauma-informed working. This is the first study to describe the characteristics of children and young people referred to Community F:CAMHS and provides valuable information on pathways and needs to inform service policy and provision.




Innovative youth mental health services around the globe vigorously work on increasing highly needed mental health care accessibility but their service users and care effectiveness have rarely been studied. The Dutch youth walk-in centres of @ease opened in 2018, with currently 11 locations at which free anonymous peer-to-peer counselling is offered to young people aged 12–25. The aim of this protocol is to outline the to-be-conducted research at @ease.


Three studies are outlined: (1) an outcome evaluation of @ease visits using hierarchical mixed model analyses and change calculations, (2) a cost-of-illness study using calculations for costs of truancy and care usage among these help-seeking young people, with regression analyses for risk group identification, and (3) a follow-up evaluation at three, six and 12 months to assess long-term effects after ending @ease visits. Data provided by young people include demographics, parental mental illness, truancy, past treatment, psychological distress (CORE-10) and health-related quality of life (EQ-5D-5L). Social and occupational functioning (SOFAS), suicidal ideation and need for referral are rated by the counsellors. Questionnaires are filled out at the end of every visit and at follow-up via e-mail or text, provided permission is given.


Research regarding the visitors and effectiveness of the @ease services is fully original. It offers unique insights into the mental wellbeing and cost-of-illness of young people who may otherwise remain unseen while suffering from a high disease burden. The upcoming studies shed light on this unseen group, inform policy and practice and direct future research.  相似文献   


Domestic violence and abuse is a considerable international public health problem, which is associated with mental disorders in both women and men. Nevertheless, victimization and perpetration remain undetected by mental health services. This paper reviews the evidence on mental health service responses to domestic violence, including identifying, referring, and providing care for people experiencing or perpetrating violence. The review highlights the need for mental health services to improve rates of identification and responses to domestic violence and abuse, through the provision of specific training on domestic violence and abuse, the implementation of clear information sharing protocols and evidence-based interventions, and the establishment of care referral pathways. This review also highlights the need for further research into mental health service users who perpetrate domestic violence and abuse.  相似文献   

Method:  A third of the children from the 1999 British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey were followed up over 3 years. Parents provided summary information on service contacts for emotional, behavioural and concentration difficulties, with more detailed information being obtained by telephone interview for selected subgroups.
Results:  Having a psychiatric disorder predicted substantially increased contact with social services, special educational needs resources, the youth justice system and mental health services (district CAMHS and tier four, but not tier two). Of those children with psychiatric disorders, 58% had been in contact with at least one of these services for help with emotional, behavioural or concentration difficulties, including 23% who had been in contact with mental health services.
Conclusions:  British children attend a wide variety of services for help with emotional, behavioural and concentration difficulties. The proportion seeing specialist mental health services is higher than that generally reported in the research literature.  相似文献   

Background In the aftermath of apartheid, South Africa has inherited a fragmented, under-resourced and inequitable public sector mental health service. Attempts are being made to reform mental health services, in keeping with new health policy, which proposes the downscaling of psychiatric institutions and the development of community-based services. This study set out to develop a set of service norms for the care of people with severe psychiatric conditions (SPC) in South Africa, to assist the implementation of the new policy. Methods A national situation analysis of current public sector mental health services was conducted. A model was developed for estimating the mental health service resource needs of people with SPC. Following consultation with provincial stakeholders, a set of service norms were developed taking into account national indicators from the situation analysis (as a baseline level) and proposals of the model (as a target level). Results The study recommends an increase in the number of acute psychiatric beds in general hospitals; development of community-based residential care; redistribution of staff from hospital to community services, particularly in rural areas; and the development of information systems to monitor the transitions to community-based care. Conclusions The norms proposals presented in this study express mental health service needs in terms of quantifiable service resource and utilisation levels. In doing so, the study attempts to make explicit the assumptions and values on which planning is based.  相似文献   

This study investigated the intentions of community gatekeepers, youth workers and coaches to refer young people to mental health professionals, and examined the factors that influence the advice gatekeepers give to young people concerning helpseeking for mental health problems. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) was used as a framework, and gatekeepers’ attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were expected to predict referral intentions. These constructs were expected to mediate the effects on referral intentions of past referral behaviour, own help-seeking intentions, perceived helpfulness of mental health services and emotional competence. Youth workers (N = 92) and coaches (N = 47) completed a self-report questionnaire that measured intentions to refer young people to sources of help and factors that influence those intentions. Path analysis revealed that the TPB constructs did not effectively predict gatekeepers’ referral intentions. Rather, past referral behaviour, perceived helpfulness and own help-seeking intentions had direct influences on referral intentions, collectively accounting for 39% of the variance in gatekeepers’ intentions to refer. The results are discussed with regard to practical implications for helping young people seek the mental health support they need.  相似文献   



Supporting the education of children and young people with complex emotional mental health difficulties requires schools to have knowledge of their needs. Exchanging information about less visible mental health difficulties is, however, known to be complex. Exploring the perceptions of young people experiencing problems can explicate some of this complexity and identify solutions. Yet their views are rarely given credence in this context.


The findings were derived from a broader qualitative study exploring the school experiences of young people, aged 14–16 years, identified by CAMHS as having severe emotional difficulties. Their parents’ and teachers’ perceptions were also explored. Data were collected via semistructured interviews and analysed using thematic analysis.


Findings demonstrated that young people experiencing emotional difficulties need to feel safe about exchanging private information pertaining to their mental health. Teachers having a basic knowledge of mental health promoted their safety as this ensured confidentiality. Participants reported that CAMHS practitioners needed to be more proactive regarding the practicalities of exchanging information.


Arguably, teachers need to have basic knowledge of mental health and schools need clearer mental health confidentiality guidance. CAMHS also have responsibility in identifying more information exchange mechanisms and young service users and parents can play a part in this.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo estimate the prevalence of ADHD, and related comorbidities, mortality, and type of health service use among children and young adults, using different case definitions.MethodsWe conducted a population‐based retrospective cohort study between 2000 and 2018, using the Quebec Integrated Chronic Disease Surveillance System (QICDSS) database. All residents aged less than 25 years eligible for health insurance coverage were included. We compared outcomes of three indicators (morbidity, services use and mortality) according two different algorithms of ADHD definitions, to the general population.ResultsThe cumulative prevalence of ADHD has risen steadily over the past decade, reaching 12.6% in 2017–2018. People with ADHD have a higher prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities, make greater use of medical, mental health services, and are hospitalized more often. The comparison of prevalence between the two algorithms and the general population for the three indicators showed that the cohort having one claim was very close to that with two or more, and statistically significant higher to that of people without ADHD.ConclusionThis finding support that a single claim algorithm for ADHD can be used for case definition. More research is needed on the impact of potentially effective treatments in improving consequences of ADHD.  相似文献   

This study compares referrals for mental health services among high school students randomized to two means of referral to mental health services: referral via systematic identification through a brief mental health screening procedure (n = 365) or referral via the usual process of identification by school personnel, parents, or students themselves (n = 291). Screened students were significantly more likely than control students (AOR: 21.64 95%CI 6.66-70.36) to receive a referral for mental health services, whether it be to school-based services (AOR: 11.68 95%CI 3.52-8.73) or community-based services (AOR: 20.02 95%CI 2.66-150.41). Post-study, for those screened, 95.5% of school-based mental health services referrals, and 39.3% of community-based referrals were accessed. School based mental health screening identified a significantly greater proportion of youth to be in clinical need of mental health services than would have likely been identified without screening, and increased rates of referral resulted in greater access to mental health services.  相似文献   

Background:  Little is known about ongoing service use among young people with ADHD, but this information is important to the development of services to support these young people.
Methods:  A cohort of young people with ADHD or hyperkinetic disorder ( n  = 115) was followed up five to seven years after diagnosis. Details are presented of their use of public sector services over the 12 months preceding reassessment, compared to young people with ADHD from a large epidemiological study.
Results:  Most children remained in contact with CAMHS, with high rates of contact with schools, educational professionals and the criminal justice system. Nearly all had taken medication at some point, while many still were using it. There were low reported rates of psychological and group interventions within the last twelve months, but this does not rule out earlier access to such treatments.
Conclusions:  Children with ADHD utilise long-term support from public sector services, and cross agency strategies or clinics may help to optimise functioning.  相似文献   

Background:  Research suggests that the routine measurement of treatment outcomes is a neglected area of clinical practice within mental health care settings. Still it is not clear to what extent such findings apply to child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). A cross-sectional survey of UK CAMHS revealed that although quantitative clinical measures are commonly used within these services, there is little uniformity in the instruments utilised, and they rarely inform a system of routine outcome measurement. However, in general, respondents did not have a philosophical or scientific objection to the practice of routinely measuring outcomes, but rather felt that they lacked the necessary resources to facilitate such initiatives.  相似文献   

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